The meaning of Victory. (Male...

By Xhira956

46.1K 1.5K 1.4K

Humanity has taken heavy loses against the Raptures, mechanical creatures that came out of nowhere and claime... More

Chapter 0. The exam.
Chapter 1. Harsh reality.
Chapter 2. Firepower
Chapter 3. The Outpost.
Chapter 4. Scavengers.
Chapter 5. A battle of words.
Chapter 6. Missilis' CEO.
Chapter 7. Chatterbox.
Chapter 8. Surprise, surprise.
Chapter 9. Back to work.
Chapter 10. Rabbity!
Chapter 11. Snow White.
Chapter 12. An old friend.
Chapter 13. Out of comission.
Chapter 14. A wolf in sheep clothing.
Chapter 16. She was made to rule the seas.
Chapter 17. Traitor.
Chapter 18. Consequencies.
Chapter 19. The Killer Wife.

Chapter 15. Assassination failed.

1.7K 65 56
By Xhira956


Today has been fairly calm. My Nikkes were around the Outpost doing various tasks. Sin, 2B and Neon were mounting guard with the outpost defenders. Rapi is on my room, taking care of paperwork. Anis is below watching T.V. Mihara and Yuni were sent to the surface on a deploy mission with some MPN'S. Nothing too fancy, someone or something has been trying to get inside the Outpost and I've sent them to see what was going on. Guilty was besides me, grabbing my hand while she casually chats with me. As for me, I'm watching the unofficial news that only Commanders has access to in the Elysion's website on my computer.

Guilty:"It seems you caused quite the commotion in the Ark, Counselor. Everyone's talking about your mission with the Pilgrims."

Y/N:*Sigh* "I don't wanted this attention. Now everyone's either gonna want me to work for them..."

Guilty:"...or take you out of the equation to get said jobs."


Rapi:"The likelyhood of such a thing is pretty low Commander, no need to be stressed about it. You're under protection of the Central Government. Like it or not, you are an essential asset considering the efficiency of our squad."

Y/N:"I know. We also became one of the squads with the highest quantity of Nikkes, not counting the Outpost and how it has improved. I'm aware they rather keep me alive than dead, but other Commanders may not see it that way."

Guilty:"Let them come. I've been wanting to get some action. Ah, the thought of getting some rogue Nikkes to attack us... just imagine, being at the comfort of your own home while still able to massacre our enemies."

Y/N:"It will be pretty annoying to clean that later."

Guilty:"True. That's what the MPN's are for."

Y/N:"They are not serveants, they-"

Suddenly, an alarm started to sound around the Outpost making everyone startled. Y/N looked out of his window to see the projection on the sky change.


Y/N:"What the- raptures?!"

Rapi:"Unlikely. We would hear gunshots."

Y/N:"Shit. Guilty, get your weapon. Rapi, go downstairs and reunite with Anis. Check the surrounding area."

Rapi:"Yes Commander. Y/N... I..."

Y/N:"Guilty will keep me safe. Go!"

Rapi nodded and went downstairs in a hurry to get ready to defend the Command Center. Guilty had her restrains removed and was wielding an enormous LMG. Her face had an serious expression. Maybe she was joking about how nice it would be to kill someone in the Outpost but now that is really happening, she's not happy about it.

Y/N:"I'm gonna in contact with Mihara and Yuni. Make sure whoever's here doesn't get a shot on me."

Guilty:"They won't."

I sat on my computer and tried to contact either Mihara or Yuni by calling them. After a while, Mihara answered. They seem to be okay and confused at all the noise being made at the Outpost.

Mihara:"Commander! Is everything okay? What's going on?"

Y/N:"Someone broke in. You guys saw nothing?"

Mihara:"Negative. Everything's clear up here. We are going down now to support you."

Y/N:"Very well. You're a hunter, track the intruder down."


I closed the call, calling Centi and Litter instead. They were on their workshop, weapons ready.

Y/N:"Centi, Litter. Are you two combat ready?"

Litter:"What type of question is that? We're Nikkes, remember? Of course we are!"

Y/N:"Good. Litter, go to the Apartment Complex. Many of the MPN's there are unnarmed. Make sure the intruder does not get to them. Centi, go to the Toy Store and get Belorta and Mica. Once you reagroup with them, patrol the area."

Litter:"Copy that boss!"

Centi:"Yes sir!"

Before I could end the call and leave my computer, someone else called me. Rapi.

Rapi:"Y/N, 2B has abandoned her post and is making her way towards you."

Y/N:"Let her. What about Sin and Neon?"

Rapi:"They stood there to take care of the raptures drawn by the alarm along with the rest of the defenders."

Y/N:"Good. How's the situation out there?"

Rapi:"Everyone's running around trying to find the intruder, but so far we see nothing. It's impossible that a rapture made their way in. We would've spotted it already. That means..."

Y/N:"A Nikke. Could it be Noise? You gave her authorisation right?"

Rapi:"Yes. In fact, I was notified of Noise entering the elevator. She should be going up as we speak. It's not her."

Suddenly, Guilty aimed her LMG upwards, hearing somehting.

Y/N:"I see. Send Anis to escort Noise to a safe place. She may not be armed either."

Rapi:"Copy that Commander."

Guilty:"Commander, watch out!"

Guilty grabbed my shirt's neck and threw me towards the kitchen, saving me from a barrage of bullets coming from the ventilation raft. She then aimed her LMG and fired, her bullets going through it and destroying it. The ducts fell to my room and a Nikke rolled out of them, aiming at Guilty.

She made a sweep kick and made Guilty fall to the ground. The assassin quickly grabbed an axe and threw it at me. I had to dive out of the way, but due to the injures I have that are still healing, it hurted a little.

The Nikke made her way towards me extremely fast. I wasn't able to react. She kicked me on the side to make me face her and aimed her SMG right at my face. Before she could fire, Guilty grabbed her torso and made a suplex, throwing her to the ground. The other Nikke grabbed a knife and stabbed Guilty on the shoulder, forcing her to release the assassin.

The knife did almost no damage and Guilty was still walking towards the now released assassin. Seeing she cannot kill me with Guilty around, she jumped out of the window to try and escape.

Y/N:"Guilty, your weapon! We have to capture her! Contact 2B and Rapi, now!"

Guilty:"Yes sir!" *Presses finger on her ear* "The intruder is a Nikke! That bitch has jumped out of the Command Center! Find her and bring her to the Commander, now!"

Guilty grabbed her LMG with just one hand. She approached me and gave me her free hand, smiling. I smiled back and took it, getting on my feet with her help. She almost lifted me like a kid with just one hand... sheesh.

Guilty:"I told you you would be safe with me."

Y/N:"You're wounded."

Guilty:"Huh?" *Looks at her shoulder, smiles* "This is nothing Commander. Remember, I'm a Nikke not a human."

Y/N:"Still, let's get that patched up okay? I recieved a PNTK yesterday."

Guilty:"A what now?"

Y/N:"A Personal Nikke Treatment Kit."

I walked towards my desk and opened one of the drawers, getting a blue medkit from it. After opening it, I grabbed a small spray. MediGel. It helps close the wounds. On my free hand I had replacements for wiring and a blowtorch. Guilty sat on my couch and I left all the items besides her. First, I want to check the severity of the wound.

I removed the knife and watched the wound. It's nothing too serious, her inner armor hasn't been penetrated. Only a couple of wires were severed. Most likely nothing that could compromise her, but better to repair it. I started to fix her the best I could.

Guilty:"How did you learn to do this?"

Y/N:"Well, father had to do repairs to his Nikkes many times before. They tend to get damage when they're all rookies. As time went by and they got more experience in the battlefield, less repairs were necessary but still, you don't forget how to do so. He taught me how to do them."

Guilty:"I see."

Once I was finished, I used the blowtorch to make sure everything is properly welded. When I was over, I used the MediGel, spraying it on the wound. After a while the wound close.

Guilty:"Remind me why we cannot use that on you?"

Y/N:"The MediGel? For many reasons. One, it's toxic. High amounts of it can kill you. It can only be used on small wounds like a knife wound for example. Two, we are supposed to use it on Nikkes not Humans. Lastly, our stock of MediGel is low."

Guilty:"Yet you used it on this?"

Y/N:"I used it for a wound I could heal. Now, back on your feet. Let's get this assassin's ass. I want to question her."

Walking back to my desk to put everything there, I grabbed the Commander's handgun just in case I need to defend myself. Guilty was on her feet with her gun ready, waiting for me to give her the call. I nodded and we both walked downstairs and left the Command Center.

I can see some MPN'S taking cover, aiming at the elevator that takes you to The Ark. She's trying to flee.

Guilty and I walk towards them, weapons ready. Everything was safe. She wasn't here. The elevator, just like Rapi said, its going up. Suddenly, I recieved a call on my phone from said Nikke.

Rapi:"Commander we lost her."

Y/N:"Where are you?"

Rapi:"Apartment Complex. She went this way and suddenly dissappeared."

Guilty:"That means she could be around."

Y/N:"Stay vigilant."

Guilty nodded and took aim with her LMG at every possible corner she could be hiding on.

Y/N:"Return to the elevator. I'm waiting for Noise to come up. Anis is not here."

Rapi:"She's with me. She saw the assassin and went to pursue with me."

Y/N:"I see. Then I want both of you to return."

Rapi:"Roger that. On our way."

Before I could say anything else, a grenade was thrown our way. Guilty grabbed me and threw me towards the elevator once again to keep me safe. The grenade exploded, doing no damage to Guilty but launching her away from me. The Nikke came from the explosion and sat on top of me, axe ready.

Assassin:"You will pay for your sins."

Y/N:"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Before her axe could meet my face, a sword blocked it. The Assassin looked at her right to be met by a punch to the face. 2B managed to catch us on time and save the day.

The Assassin fell to the ground. When she opened her eyes, she could see the point of a sword being so close to her face, it almost pierced an optic.

2B:"Move and you will never see again."

Guilty stood up, grabbed her LMG and aimed at the assassin for further control of her. I stood up and cleaned my clothes of dirt. Suddenly, the elevator doors opened revealing a Nikke there who upon seeing the way we "welcomed" her, got slightly scared.

Noise:"Is... this... a bad moment? If so, I can come back tomorrow..."

Y/N:"No, no. It's okay. Stay here, a Nikke will come by and escort you to your new place. I'm afraid I won't be able to have a conversation until tomorrow. We are indeed a little... busy."

Noise:"It's okay. I'll rather let you finish whatever you're doing and have a chat another day."

Y/N:"Good. 2B, restrain her. Take her to the Command Center for questioning."

2B nodded. She looked at Guilty who from one of her pockets gave her some handcuffs made for Nikkes. Guilty likes them for some reason... anyways, 2B forced her to turn around on the floor and grabbed her arms, putting them together in her back. She then cuffed her, made her stand up and walked with our now detained criminal towards the Command Center. Rapi and Anis finally appeared, seeing the assassin detained. Both of them lowered their guns and started walking towards me.

Y/N:"Anis, please, take care of Miss Noise over here. Rapi, come with me. We have some questions that need to be answered."

Rapi:"Yes, Commander."

Timeskip brought to us by Anis dragging Noise around, not letting her take a breather.

Back at the Command Center we used my kitchen as an interrogation room. After everything calm down and the alarm was deactivated, Centi and Litter started repairing my room. Sin and Neon came back from destroying the nearby raptures and sat on my couch, enjoying some coffee. Mihara and Yuni were the ones taking care of the interrogation. The rest were all around my room, looking at the kitchen with their weapons ready.

After some minutes, Mihara came out of the kitchen, confused.

Y/N:"All good?"

Mihara:"Well... surprisingly yes. She's... cooperative. Very cooperative."


Mihara:"It would be better if you question her Commander. For some reason she has no will to fight you nor harm you anymore."

I nodded and walked towards the kitchen, Rapi immediately taking my side to make sure it's not a trick of hers. Upon going in, I can see the assassin sitting on a chair still cuffed. She was calm. Yuni was standing next to her, aiming her rocket launcher at her.

Y/N:"Don't you think it's a little overkill Yuni?"

Yuni:"Perhaps but it would be fun~"

Assassin:"I cannot see how it would be fun to kill yourself with your own-"


Y/N:"Thanks for your work Yuni. Let us handle this."

Yuni:"Yes Commander."

Yuni left the room and closed the door. Rapi walked behind the assassin, weapons ready in case she does something funny. I grabbed a stool and sat in front of her.


D:"Name's D."



Y/N:"What squad do you belong to?"


Y/N:"The only confidential thing will be the details of your death if you do not start talking. Here I thought you were cooperating."

D:*Sighs* "Very well. I'll tell you the truth. I belong to no squad."

Rapi:"She's lying."

Y/N:"I know. What the hell are you playing D?"

D:"Is the truth. Clause Nº102. If an assassin were to fail on their mission or get captured by the enemy they will immediately will be removed of the squadron."

Y/N:"Okay. What can you tell us about your ex-squadron?"

D:"We work for Elysium. We are a Black Ops squad who's targets are designated by the Judges. Sometimes we do take jobs from other clients, all of which are of the same nature. Assassinations."

Y/N:"Why was I a target."

D:"You are charged of terrorism, theft, money laundering and smuggling."

Y/N:"Those accusations are false. I've never done any of those things. You can check every file of info I have on my computer if you wish."

Rapi:"What? What are you doing Commander?"

D:"If what you say is true, it would mean I was about to kill an innocent which goes against the rules of my squadron. Please, let me check."

Y/N:"A moment please."

I told Rapi to come towards me. She walked to me and stood next to me, listening to my whispers while she checks on D.

Y/N:*Whispers* "Shifty is constantly monitoring my computer in case a hacker tries to get in. If a file were to be downloaded or uploaded she will immediately notice. We're safe."

Rapi:*Sigh* "Very well. I'll give her access."

Rapi looked at D and tried to connect with her system. D granted her access and the assassin started to look through every file in my computer to check what I was telling. When she realised I was telling the truth, she sighed.

D:"Well, this blows..."


D:"As I mentioned earlier, we are forbbiden to kill or harm an innocent. The only humans we can kill are those who have committed any crimes and are our targets. Not only are you innocent but I failed to kill you. Therefore, I may be a target myself."

Y/N:"Who contracted you? Who's your client?"

D:"The client's information is private. I do not know."

Suddenly, Shifty's voice was heard through Rapi's radio.

Shifty:"Many Commanders make deals with shady business in the Outer Rim to avoid being linked with whatever crime they want to do. They pay the rogue Nikkes or the gang members a lot of money and they take care of the rest. I wouldn't be surprised if her 'clients' came from the Outer Rim."

Y/N:"I see. Can you track them?"

Shifty:"If your friend were to give me access to her data, yes."

D:"On one condition."

Y/N:"I'm all ears."

D:"They used me. I want payback. Let me tag along and I'll give you all I have."

Y/N:"Actually, I want something else. I'm looking for more members for our squad. Your skills are remarkable. Let's make a deal. You can stay in the Outpost, consider it safehaven for you. In exchange, you'll work for me."


Y/N:"Well, you said you're no longer a member of your squadron, right? Then you have 2 choices. Go back and either get executed or dismantled or be assimilated into another squad."

D:"You're right. Yet the codes and rules I followed back on my squad still applies to yours. If you were to do something that goes against the law..."

Y/N:"I'll accept any punishment you wish to inflict on me. Do we have a deal?"

D:"We do."

Y/N:"Rapi, release her. D, give Shifty access to the data she needs."

Shifty:"I promise I will only look for what I need, nothing more."


Shifty singed a little tune while she explores D's data, making her raise an eyebrow in confusion. I shook my head to dismiss my operator's behaviour.

Shifty:"Okay... as expected I cannot track who the real 'client' is but I could find where the job sent to D. A metal factory in the Outer Rim."

Y/N:"Send me the coordinates. We'll pay them a visit."

Shifty:"I'm 100% sure the people in the factory are not workers. They may be armed."

Y/N:"I know. I have a plan." *Looks at D.* "You comin'?"

D:"Yeah. Should I assume blood will be shed?"

Y/N:"Sadly, yes. The people in the Outer Rim only know one language. Violence."

I left the kitchen with D and Rapi following close. Seeing D without restrains made everyone uneasy, but they didn't so anything harsh.

Y/N:"Listen up everyone. D is now a member of our squad. We also have a mission. Find the people that convinced D to kill me and give them a piece of our mind. Sin, Guilty, you two are coming. You have experience in that place."

Guilty:"Sadly I do."

Sin:*Sighs* "Home sweet home..."

Y/N:"Mihara, Centim you two are also coming."

Mihara nodded. As for Centi, who was putting the ducts on their place, she fell from her portable stairs and looked at me with stars on her eyes.

Centi:"Really?! You're taking me to a mission?!"

Y/N:"Yes. We're going to siege a hideout. I expect turrets and mines. I need someone that can deactivate them."

Centi:"Look no further, I'm your Nikke!"

Y/N:"Rapi, I want you, Neon and Anis to go to Missilis. Wait for our signal and contact Syuen once we sent you the data you need to convince the brat to detain that man."

Rapi:"I'll rather go with you..."

Y/N:"Nothing wrong is going to happen. Don't worry."

Rapi reluctantly nodded. She was going to follow my orders even though I perfectly know she doesn't want to. Let's find these bastards...

Timeskip brought to us by D walking with Y/N, giving the Commander the creep due to her stare.

We reached the Outer Rim. A placed filled with houses that can barely be called that. It's like one of those favelas you would see in Brasil but with less houses, more shit and the presence of armed gangs and Nikkes everywhere.

My team and I were waiting on an alleyway, looking at the entrance of the factory. Two armed man were there, guarding the door.

D:"I see an opening. I can climb to the roof and get inside, but someone has to disreact the guards. If possible, I'd like to remain unseen."

Sin:"I can do this."

Sin undid her pontail and rubbed her hair until it looked like it's been days since she tried to comb her hair. The girl removed her jacket and tossed it to me.

Sin:"Counselor. For this to work I need to remove my mask."

Y/N:"We can find another alternative."

Sin:"This is much easier Counselor. Please, Y/N, believe in me..."

Y/N:"Very well. Do it."

I walked towards her and she turned around. On her nape, the mask has a small pad where I can introduce a code to remove the mask. I did so and Sin was freed of the mask. She removed it and took a took a huge breaths. I can see a Big genuine smile on her face.

Sin:"Thank you. Now let me handle them... I'll show you how easy it is to seduce someone when I'm at my fullest~"

She walked towards the two guards leaving her weapon behind. I know she activated her powers because even I was getting drawn towards her, but I contained myself. Sin got close to the guards, the two males smirking to one another. She whispered something in their eyes and suddenly, their face showed no emotion. Almost as if... they were robots.

Sin looked at us and signaled us to come with her. We went out of our hiding spot a little unnerved by the two guards seeing US and yet having no reaction.

Mihara:"They are..."

Sin:"Under control. The effects will expire on a day, I didn't had time to properly use my powers. This is what I can do in a couple of seconds, imagine if you give me time to control a victim."

Mihara:"Scary thoughts. Now, what's the plan?"

Y/N:"Sin can get inside and use her 'friends' as a cover to freely walk around the place. She will guide D towards the one Who runs this place. Meanwhile, Cent, Guilty you and I will clear the area and get ready for a fight."

D:"Sounds good."

Y/N:"Okay, let's do this."

Sin:"You heard that boys, open the gates for us~"

The guards Sin manipulated nodded and opened the gates for us to enter. D was no longer present, e has already climbed to the rooftop. She's fast...

Sin was able to run around the place as if she owns it Thanks to her acting like a "company lady" for the two guards. The rest of us were speaking around, hiding behind container and crates. They contain drugs and stolen goods from Elysium, Tetra and Missilis.

This place is guarded with gang members around the place heavily armed. Turrets and mines are also around, as expected.

There was various platforms around the foundey that leads to other rooms, offices mainly. Through the Windows I managed to catch a glympse of D making her way to one of them.

Through radio, we could hear her voice.

D:"I can see what looks like a high up. Someone too well dressed for the Outer Rim."

Shifty:"That's Commander Alexei!"

D:"Target confirmed. I'm going in."

Sin walked up the stairs leading to the office this Alexei is. She noticed something and his behind a wall.

Sin:"Wait. He's speaking with someone. Looks like... a Nikke?"

D:"A threat?"

Sin:"If we were to start a fight I doubt she would stay to help."

Y/N:"How are you so sure about that?"

Sin:"Because I wouldn't."

Y/N:"Okay, here's the plan. Centi and Guilty, spread and look for good positions to initiate a fight. Centi, focus on those turrets. Re-program them for us. Mihara, stay with me. D, Sin, go in and capture our target."

D:"Got it."

Sin:"Yes boss."

Guilty:"Right away."

Centi:"Let's do this."

We all spread out to prepare an ambush. I see D and Sin on different sides of the office, preparing themselves to breach in.

Centi managed to reach one of the turrets, charging it alligance to us. She slowly did the same for the other turrets. Whenever there was a gang member around Guilty was there to take them down. Eventually, we has the entire zone under control even if the gangsters didn't realise it.

D and Sin broke inside the room to capture the Commander. In the meantime, Centi activated the turrets that immediately open fire on the gangsters. Guilty joined in the attack, using her LMG to tear through the remaining gangsters with ease. Mihara took care of those who got too close for comfort, her focus being protecting me.

As soon as the action died down we reagrouped in mid of the foundry, waiting for Sin and D to bring the Commander to us.

Sin:"Sir we... have good and bad news."

Y/N:"The goods first."

Sin:"We have enough evidence here to prove your innocence and Commander's Alexei connections with a terrorist group."

Y/N:"And the bad ones?"

Sin:"The other Nikke... she escaped. Not before executing the Commander. Alexei is dead."

Y/N:"What? Who was she?"

Sin:"No idea. I'll try to make a drawing of her later. She has a distinctive lack of clothes..."

D:"She also has short black hair. I have never seen her either. No matter, we have what we need. Let's leave."

Y/N:"Agreed. Sin, send the evidence to Rapi and reagroup with us, we're leaving."

A Nikke executing a Commander. More importantly, she saw D and Sin. That could be problematic...

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