|| Work Alone || Tommy Shelby...

By FanFictionWrite_r

2.8K 71 3

A woman of business. She left London looking for where she could stay low for some time and luckily she had f... More

Chapter 1 Season 1
Chapter 2 Season 1
Chapter 3 Season 1
Chapter 4 Season 1
Chapter 5 Season 1
Chapter 6 Season 1
Chapter 1 Season 2
Chapter 2 Season 2
Chapter 3 Season 2
Chapter 4 Season 2
Chapter 5 Season 2
Chapter 6 Season 2
Chapter 2 Season 3
Chapter 3 Season 3

Chapter 1 Season 3

103 2 1
By FanFictionWrite_r

Two Years Later.

You're sat in a carriage next to a man who is in red uniform that is controlling the carriage. Your hair was done up nicely, half up and half down with curls in. A beautiful long purple dress with a purple, flowery vail covering your face that had light make-up on it. You carry a bouquet of flowers, white and purple.

The carriage parks in front of a church and the man in smart uniform offers you his hand and helps you out the carriage. Once done, he passes you on to another man with grey hair and same uniform who leads you into the church building and walks you down the isle. Thomas doesn't take his eyes off you as he lets a small smile take over his face. Finally you reach him and stand in front of him. Him towering over you as you look more at his neck then his eyes. The choir singing at your entrance.

The choir stops once everyone has taken their seats. Arthur being Thomas's best man. Thomas smiles as he lifts up your vail revealing your face. He smiles widely as do you. You both turn to the priest also known as Jeremiah.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join together in holy matrimony, Thomas Michael Shelby and Y/n M/n L/n. Do you Thomas Michael Shelby, take Y/n M/n L/n to be your lawful wedded wife?" Jeremiah starts the ceremony

"I do." Thomas accepts

"Do you, Y/n M/n L/n, solemnly swear to love, honour, and obey till death do you part?" Jeremiah turns to you

"I do." You accept

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." He announces as Thomas turns to you wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you towards him. You both smile, connecting your lips as the crowd watching cheers. Pulling away shortly. You both just stare at each other chuckling. You turn to everyone, hand in his. As Thomas cheers with his brother John.

You're all outside of the church waiting for a picture to be taken. Girls fighting over the bouquet you threw. Arthur having to break it up and push them to the side. Thomas holds his arm out as you wrap your hands around it. Arthur gets back into his position as Thomas passes you a cigarette as he already has one in his mouth. You roll your eyes and hold the cigarette between your fingers

"Go on, take the photograph!" Arthur yells. Your eyes clock onto a man giving something a woman. You try to continue to look at what's going on but Thomas has his hands on your shoulders slightly pushing you towards the carriage as you keep turning your head to the man that was doing something you found odd and suspicious.

Thomas slightly lifts you into the carriage as he whispers something to Arthur before getting in it himself. He takes the reins and starts to control the carriage as Arthur yells for everyone to get inside the house. As you make it to the house, on the other side everyone is coming down. Thomas pecks your lips once more before helping you off the carriage. John shaking your shoulder as Arthur pats Thomas's back. You and Thomas walk into the house leading the group. You and Thomas split as you go into the officers of the house by yourself. You sit on the chair smoking a cigarette.

You hear ballroom music and put out the cigarette before leaving the office and swerving through people, a stoke expression playing as everyone congratulated you and patted your back as you ignored them and ran into Pol who squeals and hugs you tightly with a large smile. You gently push her off you as she looks at you still with a large smile.

"Alright, Pol. Tell the Lee girls I've counted all the paintings. And, Pol, some people here are not on the list." You warn walking off as Pol's smile falls. You make your way to the kitchen to see all the boys you called in for arrive.

"Where are they?" You question John

"I don't know, Y/n." John answers truthfully as Thomas comes down the stairs and takes off his blazer. He furrows his brows confused on why you're so agitated. You spot Thomas and indicate for him to join your side which he does.

"Arthur, John, where are they?" You question one of the boys

"I don't know." He answers honestly

"I'm telling you now, we got lost. You really need to do a map. Y/n." Arthur complains as they all line up while you light yourself a cigarette

"Right, boys, you're all here. Today, this is our fucking wedding day." You announce as you point to Thomas and you.

"Yeah, and he promised there'd be no bloody uniforms." John points towards Thomas

"Nevertheless...Nevertheless. John...despite the bad blood, I'll have none of it on our carpet. Now for my sake and Thomas's, nothing will go wrong. And those bastards out there are Grace's and Max's family. And if you fuckers do anything to embarrass them, your kin, your cousins, your horses, your fucking kids, you do anything..." You start to warn everyone as Thomas finally understands why you're stressed. You and Thomas both agreed on inviting Grace and Max and their family as they have been good to you despite their family. They wanted to bring their family along and you both allowed it. Thomas sighs as he knows you can become a quite angered person if an important event goes wrong so he allows you to continue.

"Y/n." John interrupts

"To...what?" You shout

"What about snow?" John's friend questions as you stare at them breathing heavily

"Yeah, their women are sports, I'll say that..." John laughs

"No. No. No. No cocaine. No cocaine. No sport. No telling fortunes. No racing. No fucking sucking petrol out of their fucking cars. And, you, Charlie, stop spinning yarns about me, eh?" You tell off everyone as you grab Finn's jaw knowing he was the one sucking petrol out of Max's and Grace's families cars. He only chuckles and slightly looks down

"I'm just trying to sell you to them, Y/n." Charlie hums

"But the main thing is, you bunch of fuckers, despite the provocation from the cavalry, no fighting." Thomas steps in as you look at John's friend who has his head down. You walk over to him smacking his jaw up

"Oi! No fighting. No fucking fighting. No fighting. No fucking fighting!" You yell as you point to John, Arthur then Michael. Arthur puts his hands up in the air as he won't do it.

"Good." Thomas mutters as you stand beside Arthur looking through your coat. A butler trying to get past you but bumps into you

"Get the fuck off me!" You spit out pushing him onto the ground with force as Arthur throws a bottle on his head. Thomas lets out a slight chuckle from your anger. You all walk out to the table to see everyone seated apart from two people who seats were empty.

"Fuck." Thomas murmurs as you rub your face.

"I'll get Max." You spit out a bit agitated

"And I'll get Grace." Thomas grumbles as you go separate ways. You enter a room to see Max in the mirror sorting out his tie.

"You're needed downstairs. Max, you're needed downstairs. People are hungry." You push as Max ignores you the first time.

"How does it feel to know your husband has had a child with another woman?" Max questions as he continues to sort his uniform out

"Don't care. Happened two years ago. You're needed downstairs." You answer the question quickly and honestly. You don't really mind that Thomas has had this baby with Grace. You understood that he was inlove with Grace at the time but at the end, he has chosen you to stay with. Grace wasn't happy but accepted it as Thomas will still happily look after the child they have called Charles and Max went completely stone-cold. Which you're not sure why as he said he had lost feelings towards you.

"I'll come down, but not with you like this." Max simply states as he starts to pat down his hair.

"Alright, fine." You shrug off as you start walking to the door and opening it.

"Y/n! I thought today was the reason for the way you've been acting lately. I know there's business on your mind. And I now there always will be." Max stops you as you slam the door closed again as you turn to him.

"Yep." You simply reply

"Look, I am sorry that they wore their uniforms." Max apologises

"Yeah, they fucking did, eh. They fucking did." You blurt out pointing to Max as you walk into another room with no door so you can still hear Max. You walk into the bathroom and light yourself a cigarette

"But I can tell it's more than that. You've been like this for weeks. I need you to tell me that it's business making you like this. And not regret over Thomas. Say it out loud and I'll know if it's true." Max orders as he walks in front of you while you sit on the bathtub. You look up to him clicking your tongue while blowing smoke from your lips

"It's business, Max. And bad, bad business it is, all round. And I'm scared, Max. I'm scared for Thomas. I'm scared for his child. And this is how I am when I'm scared. It is unfamiliar to you and Thomas, but not to me. I can...I can fucking be scared and carry on. And it's not pleasant to look at and no joy to be around. Alright? I'm sorry." You blurt out unaware that you are expressing so much of yourself. Max leans on the wall with his hands in his pockets. You put your tongue in your cheek as you look at the wall and squint your eyes regretting what you've said.

"You two just had made vows to share and everything. Tell me what it is you're afraid of." Max demands as you just look down to the ground not saying anything. Max leaves as you hear the door slam shut. For about five minutes you are left alone with your thoughts until you hear the door open once again. Thomas jogging into the bathroom and puts each hand on your arm and pulls you up onto your feet.

"Stand up. Stand up. Stand up." Thomas demands

"Don't." You grumble. You look away as he puts his hands on your face, cupping it and pushing it to look at him as you give in and look directly into his eyes.

"What are you scared of?" Thomas questions as you sigh knowing Max has told him everything you've talked about.

"Arthur's speech. I'm scared of fucking Arthur's speech. Alright?" You mumble out making Thomas chuckle slightly

"Me too." Thomas murmurs as you look towards the mirror. Thomas going behind you and wrapping his hands around your waist and slightly leans on you making you bend slightly

"Tommy, what are you doing? Tommy. There's half the British Army waiting for us downstairs." You chuckle as you try to escape his hold but he turns you round and leans you on the sink. Your back touching the mirror.

"They're King Irish. We waited two weeks in the mud for them." Thomas mutters to you as you chuckle. He spins you round and catches your lips as you start stepping backwards, him not letting go of you as you laugh. Thomas walking forwards with you.

"Tommy. There are things, that if I take them off, I won't be able to put back on..." You try to warn as you fall back on the bed, lying down. Thomas falling on top of you, caging you between his arms and legs. His hand going up your dress and pushing it up

"That's good." Thomas murmurs as you chuckle more. Thomas catches your lips once more as you wrap your arms around his neck and put your legs on each side of him.

"Tommy." You murmur quietly as he smiles and continues to catch your lips. You couldn't help but let a smile take over your face as you pull him closer to you.

"Hello, Mrs. Shelby." Thomas greets as you chuckle

"I'm sorry for being busy in my head." You apologise as Thomas chuckles

"Now let's complete the ceremony." Thomas informs as he continues the heated moment.

A while later you are putting on your clothes once more as you hear footsteps heading towards the door. You hurry up with dressing as Thomas only grins as he watches you. You roll your eyes as you sit on the vanity and sort out your hair while you hear the door open

"Tommy? Oh. Didn't see a thing. Did not see a thing. Sorry, brother. I need you downstairs." Arthur informs as he covers his eyes making you let out a laugh as Thomas walks over to the door.

"It's alright. We're done. You good?" Thomas questions as Arthur refuses to look at him

"Yeah. Never been better." Arthur answers quickly

"Yeah? You drunk?" Thomas questions

"Huh? No." Arthur denies

"No? Here." Thomas offers him a drink from his flask

"Alright, it's just one drink, then." Arthur mumbles

"Linda's a good woman, Arthur." Thomas starts up

"Good whiskey." Arthur murmurs as he passes the flask back to Thomas

"A good man needs to hold out sometimes, eh?" Thomas hums

"So, uh, do I mention this in my speech, then, eh?" Arthur says loudly purposely wanting you to hear as Thomas laughs

"I'll cut you, Arthur!" You threaten as Thomas laughs a tad bit more from your response

"Sorry, sister." Arthur apologises

"Right. Look. Tell the maids to break out the champagne. We'll be down in a minute." Thomas orders

"Champagne, yeah. Okay. I got it right here. I'm ready." Arthur complies as he pats his chest

"Good. Good." Thomas murmurs as he closes the door and looks at your unimpressed face. Thomas chuckling as he walks over and pecks your cheek before helping you sort your hair out and making it more neat.

You get down to the table as everyone cheers to see that you both have finally arrived. You and Thomas sit together at the front of the table. Thomas pours you and himself a glass of champagne as he grabs his drink and stands up as you remain seated. Him having his hand on your shoulder

"To the bride." Thomas toasts as everyone excluding you stands up

"The bride." They all toast as everyone starts to sit back down again while Thomas starts speaking

"And now, according to tradition, my best man will say a few words." Thomas announces as he sits down next to you. He puts his hand in yours and holds it tightly to reassure you. You smile quickly before looking down at the table.

"Go on! Here he goes! Go on, Arthur!" John cheers as Arthur stands up straightly and nervously. You look towards Arthur.

"Right, um...I'm not one for speeches." Arthur starts off

"Sing, then!" John interrupts as you bite your tongue to hold back a laugh

"I will later, John. But, uh, I do, uh...I do have some words written down here on this piece of paper. This doesn't include everything that I want to say." Arthur informs as you lean your head over Thomas's back putting your chin on him as he slightly bends down so Arthur can hear you.

"Arthur, just, uh...just read what we wrote down, eh?" You whisper to him as you sit up straight again, as does Thomas as you display a fake smile to your...brother? Your eyes go slightly wide as your brother smiles mischievously at you. You freeze, your blood going stone-cold as your brother nods his head to Arthur snapping you out of your thoughts and looking towards Arthur. Your mind running widely and heart-rate going 100mph by second. You bite your cheek to contain your worries

"I will, I will." Arthur assures

"Mm-hmm." You hum quietly as Thomas looks over to you to see something clearly bothering you. He puts a hand on your thigh and his other hand in yours squeezing it to assure you're ok. Arthur puts the paper down which makes you furrow your brows

"But...First...first, uh, a few words from...from the heart. Um...this man here, my brother Tommy, helped me survive through some of the worst times. So did Y/n, in all honesty." Arthur starts speaking from the heart as Thomas coughs loudly

"It's a wedding, Arthur, tell a joke." Michael interrupts

"Yeah, tell a joke." John pushes

"What I'm trying to say is that...my brother and the love of a good woman pulled me through that time. Now Tommy also has the love of a good woman. Her name's Y/n. And even though, in the past they met two people and the circumstances of their reunion was tragic..." Arthur pushes indicating to Grace and Max. You stand up immediately.

"Alright. Let's, uh...Arthur. Let's raise a toast, eh? To uh...To love, to peace, to marriage." You stop him as everyone stands and grabs there glass

"And to marriage." Arthur repeats

"To marriage." You yell. You pat Arthur's arm and sit down after everyone has toasted

"Well done, Arthur. Beautiful speech. Very nice." John compliments as Arthur grabs his coat

"Really, really nice." Arthur repeats walking off . Linda following. You hear a chair scratch across the ground and look up to see your brother standing with a smirk.

"Who invited him?" You whisper to Thomas

"Me, hes family to you. And the only one I could find." Thomas whispers quietly as he knows your sister has gone up and went to get another foster family.

"I'd like to say, Y/n L/n. My sister, was absolutely an angel. Thats before this new life and the switch up. And I think all of you can agree the business life she has taken up...she's known to be quite the devil. And I agree with it." Your brother starts off

"Y/n Shelby, Aidan. It's Y/n Shelby." Thomas corrects as your jaw clenches tighter each second

"Right, Y/n Shelby. She was tossed out of her family when she started this business life. Seen as a disappointment, if I'm completely honest. I will say, it shocked us the amount of success she has done and the money she earns. Although, I will never be on her side. I think she was a mistake. And..." He starts to spit out

"Enough!" Thomas orders loudly. You slam your fist down on the table before exiting the room in complete silence to find Arthur. You find Arthur and Linda in the front door.

"Can I have a word with my brother-in-law please, Linda?" You request.

"What he was going to say was beautiful." Linda defends

"Mm-hmm. Alone. Please. Alright. Come here. Come here. We talked about this, Arthur. That's why we wrote it all down. Most of Grace's side don't even know her husband killed himself. Same with Max's side. They think it was an accident." You inform as you lead Arthur out the house and Linda goes back to the dining room.

"Oh, I know." Arthur murmurs

"You know?" You question

"Yeah." Arthur confirms

"Yeah." You repeat

"What do you think I am? Hmm? What do you think I am, Y/n, eh? You think I'm a fucking idiot, don't you?" Arthur starts to yell as he walks around the grass round about while you stay on the other side

"Alright, boys. Come on, have a good night." You notice people outside and urge them along

"You think I would say it..." Arthur continues as the two people from Max's family start walking into the building

"Come on, then. That's okay." You assure

"You keep walking, you nosy bastards." Arthur spits out as you start walking around the round about to him

"Arthur. Fucking hell." You sigh out

"Alright. You stay away from me. You stay away from me. I've had enough. Ah! Shit. Ah, shit. Three shots I've had, that's it." Arthur murmurs. You take off your heels and start chasing him around the round about. He switches side, as you stop and grumble. You hear him stump his toe and groan making you put your heels back on and walk up to the entrance door checking it then coming back to Arthur who was groaning on the stair bit of the entrance. You light yourself a cigarette.

"I know." You murmur

"I drew the line." Arthur sighs out

"I know. I know you've turned a corner, Arthur." You assure as you crouch down beside him

"Yeah." Arthur murmurs

"I know." You mumble

"Yeah. I'm Thomas's best man." Arthur continues to blabber

"Mm-hmm. I know." You hum

"I wasn't going to tell no one." Arthur mumbles

"It's alright. It's done. Get up. Get up. Get up. Right. The Russians have made contact. We have to get used to how these bastards operate. For them, family is a weakness and they go after them. For me and Thomas, family is our strength. And there's business to be done. And I need you. Now, fuck speeches, fuck weddings. You're Thomas's best man every fucking day." You inform as you point towards him. He looks down at you.

"Okay." He whispers

"Yeah. Now go and get John, and get him sobered up. Find Johnny Dogs. It's the Russians through the smoke tonight." You order

"Alright." Arthur complies

"Good. And Arthur, in future, it's not always right to listen to Linda. Yeah?" You inform

"Yeah." Arthur murmurs

"Good man." You pat his arm and walk back in. Someone wraps their hand around your elbow and pulls you into there chest.

"You ok?" A familiar voice questions as you let out a relieving sigh knowing it's Thomas

"Yeah, just had a word with Arthur. I'm fine." You assure as he smiles and pulls you into a hug before pecking your cheek. You grab his hand and grab his hat putting it on his head. He knows exactly where you two are going.

"Go and watch the race, boys." Thomas orders his two brothers.

"The Turk's clean." Arthur informs as the Russian walks over to you and Thomas whole Arthur and John leave.

"So you make contact on our wedding day." You start off looking up towards him.

"You now have very powerful enemies. At the Soviet Embassy and within your own government. You both are being watched, at your house, your office, your clubs, your bars." He warns

"You best be quick or we'll be missed. Now where's the money?" You question

"The Duke's niece is bringing it from London." He informs as you squint your eyes at the tall man

"We were told money on contact. Ten thousand in US dollars." You remind

"My employer not trusts members of his family with cash. She will be at Snow Hill station at 10:00." He simply replies as Thomas chuckles

"A woman alone in Birmingham with $10,000 in cash." Thomas scoffs with the stupid idea

"And she also has a revolver." The man assures

"Oh, I see." Thomas hums sarcastically

"I thought you trusted women considering your partner is one." The man spits out pointing towards you

"I don't trust Birmingham. I'll have her picked up." Thomas fires back

"By who?" He questions

"By the police, pal. This is our city." Thomas answers as he wraps his hand around your waist and pulls you away from the conversation and leads you to the races where people are cheering. You light yourself a cigarette as Arthur and John comes up to you and Thomas

"Fucking beautiful horse, Tom. Beautiful." Arthur praises

"He's a natural, that boy." John adds on

"Yeah. Good posture. Rides like dad." Arthur agrees

"Right, listen to her." Thomas immediately stops the conversation after his father being brought up

"Tell Johnny Dogs and his boys to light a fire in the woods, a big one, to take meat. And send Finn to watch the gates. Moss is bringing someone." You order as you blow smoke from your lips. You walk back into the room where everyone is dancing

"Ladies and Gentleman. The bride and the groom will now dance alone." A man on the stage announces as Thomas leads you into the middle of the room as the crowd gathers round you and cheers. Thomas puts a hand on your waist and his other hand in yours as your other hand is on his shoulder.

You two danced slowly as he put his lips near your ear and you do the same. He pulls his face back and looks into your eyes with a smile as you also smile looking up to him.

"I was talking to Grace earlier." Thomas murmurs

"Hm?" You hum

"I promised her, Charles will never see a gun." He continues as you nod

"That's good." You chuckle quietly with a smile. You do care for Charles as he is your step-son. You'd do anything to keep him safe and to keep him away from the life you and almost everyone in the room are living

"And I want to make a promise to you." He adds on

"Oh, and what's that?" You question with a slight tease.

"I promise to keep you safe...Y/n Shelby." He whispers in your ear as you let out a breathy chuckle

"I promise to keep you safe too, Thomas Shelby." You make a promise as he laughs slightly before placing his forehead on yours

"I love you, Y/n Shelby." He admits heartedly as a bright smile takes over your face

"I love you too, Thomas Shelby." You reply also heartedly as you continued to dance with smiles on your faces

"Ladies and gentlemen, you may now join." The man on the stage announces once more as everyone starts to join the dance. Polly comes over wanting a dance with the boy she raised. You happily hand him to her as he dances with his auntie. You walk over to Arthur and Collins

"Gate house, come on." You order as you walk off with Arthur and Collins falling you. You sit in the driver seat as Arthur sits next to you and Collins in the back. Another car parked in front of you as two policemen are on each side and a man with his posture straight and his hands behind his back as you stop the car and everyone gets out.

"Y/n, Arthur, Collins. May I introduce you to the Grand Duchess Tatiana Petrovna, from Tbilisi, Georgia. Grand Duchess, may I introduce you to the Shelby's. Small Heath, Birmingham. And, uh, good luck with this one, Y/n." The police introduces you all as he walks away from the scene while you and the Grand Duchess sort the business. It's quiet for some time as she smiles at you.

"Give me the money." You get directly to the point

"I was told to give it to Mr. Kaledin." He dismisses

"Whoever it is up there, he gave you the wrong name. We asked him the name and he gave the wrong one." You inform

"What name did he give you?" She questions

"No. I don't trust any of you. Now you give me the money." You state

"I know Mr. Kaledin by sight from Tbilisi. Is his hair dark?" She argues

"The instructions I was given was anyone using the wrong code name was an infiltrator for the Soviet Embassy." You inform

"Just let me go to the house." She starts

"I do not want this shit anywhere near my fucking house. All I know is 'no variations.' Thats from Churchill himself. Whoever it is up at the house, he gave the wrong fucking name. And you do this to me on my fucking wedding day." You immediately state with venom laced in your tone

"The money is in the car, Mrs. Shelby. Fetch it out and count it." She finally gives in.

"Good. Finn." You order as Finn goes to the car and grabs the money while you light yourself a cigarette. Finn brings it to Arthur who counts the money

"Yeah. We're good." Arthur confirms

"You can go. Moss..." You trail off walking towards your car

"Can you do it? Can you kill?" She questions as you turn to her.

"Moss, you take the 'Duchess' back to Birmingham." You demand

"Right-o Y/n." He complies as you get back in the car and completely ignore her question as you drive back to the house. It's quiet for some time as the engine is stopped.

"So, we kill him?" Arthur questions as you stay looking forward

"He's a red. We're being paid by the whites. It's part of the contract." You sigh out

"We should never have got into this, Y/n." Arthur shakes his head

"There was no choice." You murmur

"'A factory break-in,' that's what you and Thomas said." Arthur repeats yours and Thomas's words

"Yeah. And that's what it was. There's just some shit that goes with it." You simply shrug as Arthur gets out the car and slams the door angrily.

"And who shovels it? Hmm? Who fucking shovels it? Eh? I fucking know." Arthur spits out as you get out the car and grab the briefcase

"Arthur?" You hum

"I fucking know." Arthur waves off as he starts to walk away. You jog up to him

"Arthur. There's 10 times where that's coming from, 10 times. For lifting vehicles off a fucking shop floor." You argue as you spam the briefcase into his hands. After you finish saying what you had to say he slams it back into your hands

"Vehicles, Y/n. Fucking vehicles. Nothing about tanks." Arthur keeps his voice down

"Yeah. Arthur, you listen to me. You listen to me, alright? There are powerful people in this country who want to help these mad bastards, including the King, Churchill and half the fucking Tory Party. And if we refuse, Arthur, if we fucking refuse, they will see to it that we hang for one of our many sins. Now, we've never earned money like this. Never. We'll use it to buy the wharf at Boston docks. That's why I've asked for dollars. And when it's done, it's business as usual. Come on, brother-in-law. It's my wedding night." You explain the situation as Arthur carried on looking away. You grab his tie forcing him to face you again. After you finish explaining. He walks off.

You put a briefcase in a safe place and walk into the place to see the music has already gotten louder meaning the fire has already been lit. John meets you with Mr. Kaledin. The man you were talking to before. You three all walk near a staircase. You take off your heels in a matter of seconds and push Mr. Kaledin down the stairs. Arthur running down and dragging him by his hair as you roll up your dress and tie it around so it doesn't get dirty and ripped. You help Arthur drag Mr. Kaledin.

To both your surprises Mr. Kaledin gains back his conscious and throws Arthur to the ground as he punches you in the jaw and wraps his hand tightly around your neck slamming you into the wall making all the air leave your lungs as you groan. Arthur jumps on his back biting down onto his neck like a blood-thirsty vampire. Mr. Kaledin puts you into a headlock making it hard to breathe once more as Arthur tries to get him off you. Arthur rips out one of Mr. Kaledin's tooth making him let go of you as you fall to the floor gasping for air.

Arthur throws Mr. Kaledin onto the floor and helps you back up off the ground as he loads his gun and points it to the slightly dazed Mr. Kaledin who had blood dripping down his mouth from the tooth.

"Oh, you got us good." Arthur murmurs as the gun was smacked out of his hand. You and Arthur both fall to the floor as you both are injured.

"You fucking bastard." You spit out as you race to the gun and grab it quickly off the floor before pointing it towards Mr. Kaledin

"Don't shoot." He breathily pleads

"Hm." You hum as your breath is heavy

"Oh, for the love of God, don't shoot." He starts to beg

"Don't know how I'm going to continue this party with all these marks over me." You grumble

"For the love of God..." He continues to beg as you finally pull the trigger ending it all. You hear Arthur start to sob and run to his aid.

"Arthur, listen to me. Business will go back to its usual like I said. We didn't have a choice. I trust you with the rest." You murmur to him as you pat his back and sneak into a private bathroom where you clean yourself up and re-do your make-up to hide the scratches and bruises on your face. You let your dress flow down once more and put on your heels before exiting and continuing with the night

Finally night falls as you and Thomas are both looking out the window. Completely in silence as you watch the stars. Your make-up washed off now and there is a large bruise on your cheekbone from when he punched you in the jaw and the knuckles smashed into your jaw bone.

"It wasn't the night I was expecting." You start off

"Nor me." He murmurs

"It's over now. Tomorrow it'll just be us." You sigh out as Thomas puts out his hand for you to grab but you wasn't looking at him.

"Come here." Thomas orders gentle as you look at him. You put your hand in his and he pulls you in front of him. He wraps his hands around your waist and places his head on your shoulder. His lips grazing the bare skin of your neck as you look out to see Curly batting his hands away from the drunk people that are leaving. Then you see Arthur on a carriage with a sheet over the body that you had killed. You stare at it some more as it gets further and let out a large breath before looking down. Thomas keeping his head dug into your neck. You eventually lean into Thomas's touch and throw your head back onto your shoulder closing your eyes as Thomas kisses your neck gently.

You and Thomas finally bring the love to the bed. Slowly undressing and continuing. You both freeze hearing crying from another room knowing it's Charles. Thomas said he'd keep Charles in his custody and Grace could visit and stay anytime she would like. The crying continues and you and Thomas stop. You put on a robe as Thomas's puts on joggers and that was it. You walk into the other room where Charles is crying in his crib. Thomas goes to Charles and picks him up and tries to soothe him while shushing him as you smile at the sight of him being a great father.

The next morning you and all the Shelby's get in a car and drive back to Small Heath, Birmingham. You enter the old family home and where you do the racing paperwork to see everyone working like normal. You and Thomas shake a lot of hands as you make it to the safe and open it. Polly following behind as you all enter the walk in safe.

"More money than all those fucking toffs put together, eh?" You state as you start putting money in the safe, same as the other two

"And you two are willing to gamble it all on one robbery." Polly spits out

"We're a gambling couple, Pol." Thomas shrugs as Polly exits the sage and not long after so do you and Thomas and then close it.

Word count: 6079

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