Together Till the End (Short...

By 1Derfullyyou

2.2K 53 5

A life story about a Girl named Samantha. Growing up in Ireland is hard enough, but what happens when Samanth... More

Together Till the End
1. My life is over
2. Missing practice
3. Haven't seen you in a while Bob
4. Finally Xfactor
5. Birthdays
7. Death wish
8. Carlos and Action Man
9. Salami
11. Teddy
12. Mission Siall
13. Fall
14. Mom and Dad
New story?

10. Peanut butter and bananas

91 2 0
By 1Derfullyyou

So guy this book just got 300 reads im freaking out your the best!!!

Ok so this is just a filler chapter but I still really hope you like it!


*Sam's POV*

Yawning I slip my feet into my slippers and stand up.

I stretch my arms up to the ceiling and stand up on my tippy toes. Getting a good stretch in before I walk into my bathroom, hearing my stomach rumble.

"Ill take a shower after breakfast." I say to myself as I quickly wash my face. Waking me up a little bit more.

Once I'm done I walk out of my room and into the hall.

I can faintly hear what sounds like Louis' , Harry's, and Liam's showers on from their rooms.

I cringe, Louis singing a little too loud for my liking this early in the morning.

Walking down the stairs I walk through the main hall into the kitchen to find Zayn sitting on one of the island stools on his iPhone. His hair matted down from his previous hours of sleeping, a pair of fake glasses over his eyes as he scans twitter. His bare back faced away from me his bottom half covered in only his boxers.

"Morning Zayn, nice to see you this morning. It's a little more than I wanted to see of you this morning, but I can live with it." I say smiling as I see Zayn jump a little bit. Probably because I snuck up behind him.

That's right I'm a ninja.

"Hey morning Sam, sorry forgot you were here." Zayn said blushing a little.

I walk around the island so I'm facing him.

"No worries Zaynie," I say smiling. "I'm used to it When ever Niall stayed over at my house he would always be walking around in his boxers."

"At least you haven't seen Harry naked yet. Now that's a sight for sore eyes." He said chuckling a bit.

"Yah I bet it would be." I said turning around looking through the cupboards for some breakfast. I finally deciding on a butternana. Don't look at me weird. It's my own creation and it's really good.

I pick up the jar of peanut butter and grab a spoon from the drawer. "I'm just gonna eat in the living room I say to Zayn and I hear him mumble what sounds like okay. I grab the banana and make my way onto the couch and turn on the TV to a random show.

Opening the banana I can hear Louis, Harry and Liam all race down the stairs, once they finally hit the bottom I hear them talking. Well more like yelling.

"Yes I won! I am the king, I top all!" I hear louis yell and Liam and Harry burst out laughing.

"No guys not like that! Come on get your heads out of the gutter."

I hear Louis walk off, Harry and Liam follow once their laughter has died down.

I chuckle to myself before taking a bite of the banana and scooping some peanut butter from the jar putting it in my mouth.

A few seconds latter I hear what can only be Niall walking down the stairs a loud yawn coming from his direction.

I hear him stop and stand at the bottom of the stairs and stand there for what seems like minutes before he finally walks in to the room and sits beside me.

I sit staring at the TV eating my butternana. It looks like Niall is about to say something but I cut him off by getting up and walking into the kitchen, Niall following behind me.

I quickly walk into the kitchen. "Woah don't any of you guys know what pants and shirts are?"

"Sorry Sam we kinda forgot you were here." Louis said putting on a fake smile.

"Everybody keeps saying that. Like come on I'm the only girl in this house it's kinda hard to forget. Long hair and boobs." I say gesturing to them. "It's kinda hard not to notice." I say having a fake tantrum.

"I noticed." I hear Niall mumble to himself, as I look over to him I now notice that he too is shirtless. Man does he look good the way his stomach moves when he breathes and when his muscles tense up while he takes a drink of his water.

"Well don't worry Sam I remembered you were here that's why I didn't wear tighty-whiteys or even nothing at all." Harry said smiling widely cutting me off from my staring.

"Thanks Harry I'm glad you did my eyes would have probably burned if I saw anything less than what I am now," I say jokingly "or from any of you." I smirk.

"What are you talking about look at these muscles!" Niall says as he stands with all the other boys and they all flex.

Quickly I pull out my phone and snap a picture of all of them. The look of shock written across all their faces as I laugh at the photo.

"Now this is going up on my wall." I say as I put my phone back I'm my pyjama pocket and grab my banana off the counter where I put it down. I take a bite and then put dip my spoon into the peanut butter then in my mouth.

"Sam! What are you doing!" Liam calls.

"Relax Liam I'm just having a butternana." I say shrugging my shoulders as I dip the spoon into the jar again.

"Ok but you can't just put the spoon back into the jar your gonna put germs everywhere." He says.

"Well I can't dip the banana into the peanut butter then it breaks and you get banana all in the peanut butter har." I reply back.

"That doesn't mean you have to keep eating it out of the jar like that."

"There's got to be a way to do it so you can have both without getting other people mad." I say to myself not even listening to Liam any more.

"Now were going to have to get a new jar." Liam sighs.

"Maybe you could use a different spoon every time... No that will make too many to wash."

"Why are you even eating peanut butter out of the jar?" Liam questions but I'm still off in my world.

"Or you could just use the same one but wash it after each spoon full... No still too much washing I really don't like to do dishes."

"You could have just eaten the banana, or had a peanut butter sandwich." Liam is still talking.

"Or I could get plastic spoons and get a new one after each spoonful... No that's a waste of plastic and I'm trying to stay environmentally friendly."

"She's not even listening to me is she?" Liam questions the other four boys.

"Just stop trying mate she's off in her own world." Louis says patting Liam's shoulder.

"I've got it! I've just made the discovery boys! I'm going to do something no one has ever done before I'm going to put a banana and peanut butter together to make a milkshake!" I say as I look through the cupboards until I find the blender and put in the peanut butter and banana before adding milk and mixing it up.

As I pour it into a cup I look up at the boys "I'll call it a peanut butter and banana milkshake!" I say proudly.

"I hate to break it to you Sam but I'm pretty sure someone has already made one before." Zayn says looking up from his phone.

"Oh your just jealous because you didn't come up with it and let me tell you it is delicious!" I say smiling.

"Sam wh-" Niall starts to say but I cut him off.

"So boys what's on the schedule for today?" I question before looking to Niall who looks kind of angry, hmm I wonder why maybe ill ask him later.

Wait I think I might have something to do with him being angry. Right just a little blond moment sorry about that.

"Well today were going down to the mall to do a signing with a bunch of fans." Harry starts.

"Yah they all want us to sign their pictures they have of us from the photo shoot we did at the Xfactor house! Your going to be so amazed when you see how many people will show up." Louis pipes in.

"Well I better go take a shower first wouldn't want to smell bad in front of so many people." I say smiling as I run up the stairs.

"We leave in 30 minutes so hurry up!" Liam yells from the bottom of the stairs.

After I get out of the shower I walk to my closet and pick out what I want to wear.

It's chilly out today so I settle on some dark skinny jeans and the shoes Niall got me (I really do wear them almost every where) with a white tanktop and a really thin red hoody with a leather jacket over top. I put my hair up into a bun but with a braid leading from the back of my neck up to the bun and toped it off with a black bow at the back of the bun.

I quickly run down the stairs to see all of the boys waiting for me.

"Took you on long enough we almost sent out a search party." Louis says sighing.

I chuckle "Lets go."

I get into the car last this time so I can pick my spot and fortunately end up sitting by Zayn.

The car ride there felt like seconds as we drive around the front of the mall to get to the back entrance.

"Holy smokes look at all the people that want to see you!"

"You say that like you sound surprised." Harry says looking at me weirdly.

I leave Harry's remark unanswered as we get into the mall and stand at the top of the balcony over looking all is the fans. All of the girls screaming and singing forever young.

"This is so amazing! Can I introduce you guys please please please I've always wanted to use one of those bullhorn thingies!"

"Ok here you go jut make it good." Liam says.

"Like I wouldn't make it good." I scoff.

"Hello everyone I've been expecting you," I say and start laughing. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I've just always wanted to say that. Ok the real reason Ive gathered you here is because I wanted to ask you, does anyone know where the top shop is? I really need to get some new clothes."

"Sam what are you doing?" Harry asks.

"Right sorry sorry," I say still through the speaker. "My mind wanders, ok the real reason you guys all came here is to see one direction right? So here they are the funniest guys you'll ever meet One Direction!" I say and all the girls start to cheer.

"Nice save Samantha Zayn says as the all walk to the table sit down and start signing photos.

I stand at the side watching the boys pose for pictures and sign different things even getting some things too.

There were even some girls who recognized me from I don't know where and have me hugs and asked for pictures. And commenting me on my shoes, It was so cool.

This one girl even came up to me and confronted me about liking Niall. I know right i thought no one else knew. But she was all sweet about it and told me that I should go for him, man was she adorable, she even agreed to keep it a secret.

The day went by quicker than I thought and pretty soon we were all back in the car on the way home. I sat next to Louis this time and I'm pretty sure he caught me looking a Niall a few times.

We soon got home and I walked into the house.

"Ok boys I'm pooped so Imma hit the hay. Good night. I say before going up to my room and laying in my bed.

My phone starts to buzz and I pick it up.

From: SWAGMASTERfrom Doncaster 😝

I seen you looking at Niall today I really think you should talk to him about it.

I quickly type back.

To: SWAGMASTERfrom Doncaster 😝

You know I can't do that

His reply comes quick after mine

From: SWAGMASTERfrom Doncaster😝

Just think about it, please?

I throw my phone onto my bed as I walk into the bathroom and take a shower.

As the water falls down my back it relaxes me helping me think.

"What am I going to do?" I question myself as I finally get out of the shower and put on my pyjamas.

I get into my comfy bed and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.


So I really hope you liked it and thank you guys so much again for the 300 reads

I love you guys soooo much

Maybe you can even like, vote and share?

Thanks love you all soooo much

N xx

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