A Secret For Adora

By imaginaryverse

278 31 6

A SECRET FOR ADORA In the shadows of Orman University, Adora Prince, an ordinary student, unwittingly becomes... More

πŸ“œ Prologue : Embers of Tragedy
πŸ“œ Chapter One : A New Chapter Begins
πŸ“œ Chapter Two : The Friendship
πŸ“œ Chapter Four : About The Past
πŸ“œ Chapter Five : Chords Of Curiosity
πŸ“œ Chapter Six : Falling Into Darkness
πŸ“œ Chapter Seven : Youthful Passion
πŸ“œ Chapter Eight : Rules And Resonance
πŸ“œ Chapter Nine : Pages Of Mystery

πŸ“œ Chapter Three : The Mysterious Observer

14 2 0
By imaginaryverse


ADORA AND LERONA DESCENDED THE GRAND FOYER OF ORMAN UNIVERSITY, the echoes of their footsteps blending with the lively hum of students preparing for their day.

As if choreographed by fate, an announcement reverberated through the marble hallways, directing all students to assemble outside in the foyer.

Curiosity lighting their faces, Adora and Lerona joined the stream of students flowing toward the gathering.

In the spacious foyer, a sea of students and professors had already congregated.

Conversations buzzed in the air, creating a vibrant backdrop to the academic scene.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd, and all eyes turned toward the imposing steps where a distinguished figure ascended.

Professor Cade Montgomery, in her 50s with short blonde hair, a sharp black suit, piercing blue eyes, and red lipstick that hinted at both kindness and firmness, commanded attention.

As Professor Montgomery reached the top step, the air thickened with anticipation.

A silence enveloped the foyer, and every student awaited her words.

In a voice that cut through the stillness, she began to address the gathered assembly.

"Good morning, esteemed students of Orman University. I am Professor Cade Montgomery, your Head of Faculty. Today marks the commencement of a new academic year, a journey of discovery and growth. We stand here united in our pursuit of knowledge, and I expect each of you to approach this endeavor with dedication and respect. Orman University has a rich history, and it is our collective responsibility to uphold its traditions while forging ahead into the future."

Her gaze swept across the attentive faces of the students, and despite the seriousness etched on her face, a glint of warmth softened her eyes.

"As we begin, remember that education is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about understanding, empathy, and collaboration. Our university is not just a place of learning; it is a community. Each one of you plays a crucial role in shaping the atmosphere of respect and academic excellence we strive for."

She paused, letting her words settle among the students.

The courtyard was bathed in silence as the significance of the moment hung in the air.

"Let this academic year be a canvas where your intellectual curiosity paints the strokes of your future. Now, let us commence this year with enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence. Welcome to Orman University, and may your time here be filled with discovery, camaraderie, and growth."

With those words, Professor Montgomery descended the steps, leaving the students with a sense of purpose and the promise of a fulfilling academic journey.

After Professor Cade Montgomery's inspiring address, the students dispersed, buzzing with excitement for the year ahead.

Adora and Lerona, caught up in the energy of the moment, decided to explore the various activity booths set up in the hall.

As they meandered through the lively crowd, Adora's gaze was drawn to the second level of the university.

There, by one of the windows overlooking the foyer, she noticed an old man.

His bald head, and white beard reflected the ambient light, and he leaned on a cane for support, dressed in a manner that seemed both dignified and slightly out of place.

Adora squinted, trying to discern more details.

The man's eyes, though distant, held a certain intensity.

It was as if he observed not just the bustling foyer but something beyond—the ebb and flow of students, the energy of a new academic year.

Curiosity sparked in Adora's eyes. She nudged Lerona, gesturing discreetly toward the man on the second level.

"Do you see that guy up there? Looks like he's really interested in what's happening down here."

Lerona followed Adora's gaze. "Yeah, he does seem focused. Maybe he's a professor or someone important?"

Adora nodded, but something about the man's presence felt peculiar.

As the students continued their exploration, the man maintained his silent vigil from above, a mysterious figure overlooking the lively beginning of the academic year at Orman University.

In the hall, Professor Cade Montgomery stood at a podium, her presence commanding attention.

The students arranged themselves in a semi-circle, eager for the next guidance from their Head of Faculty.

With a warm yet authoritative tone, she addressed the assembly.

"Thank you for your attention, students. I encourage each of you to not only excel in your studies but also to explore and enhance your talents beyond the classroom. Orman University offers a diverse range of activity curriculums that cater to various interests and passions. Whether it be the arts, sports, or academic societies, these activities are designed to enrich your university experience and foster a sense of community."

She paused, letting the importance of her words sink in.

"In a short while, representatives from different activity groups will be available here in the hall. I encourage you to approach them, inquire about the activities they offer, and sign up for the ones that align with your interests. This is an opportunity to connect with your peers, discover new talents, and make the most of your time at Orman University."

A buzz of excitement filled the hall as students exchanged glances, contemplating the array of possibilities before them.

Lerona turned to Adora, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

"What do you think, Ad? Any activities that catch your eye?"

Adora considered the options, her mind already drawn to the prospect of selecting a curriculum that extended beyond traditional academics.

"I'm curious about the music society. I play the violin, and it might be a great way to meet like-minded people. What about you?"

Lerona grinned. "I'm thinking of joining the investigative journalism club."

"I thought you were interested in music society."

Lerona, who had been captivated by the vibrant display of the investigative journalism club, turned toward Adora. "Oh, no, I'm thinking of trying out investigative journalism. I love unraveling mysteries and digging into stories."

Adora pouted at her sudden change of mind. "Thought we might end up in the same society."

Lerona chuckled. "No worries, Ad. I'm more into unraveling real-life mysteries than musical ones. But we can still support each other in our pursuits."

As they continued exploring the activities, Adora couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of their adventures at Orman University.

End of chapter Three...

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