By swarnakhid

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Kiara has major insecurities about herself from her past incidents. This leads her to believe that nobody wil... More

Chapter 2, Josh
Chapter 3, Kiara
Chapter 4, Josh
Chapter 5, Kiara
Chapter 6, Josh

Chapter 1, Kiara

16 0 0
By swarnakhid

It's almost been an hour I've been standing here with Lara waiting for the boys to arrive. The departure time is just fifteen minutes away. Added to that it is really awkward to stand here with Lara as we never really hit it off. In fact she wouldn't have come if it wasn't for Akash who is in simple words obsessed with her.

I've been planning this trip to Manali for months. I wanted it to be my farewell trip before I leave for my graduation programme in Ukraine. After lots of begging and pleading we were succeeded in getting the permissions to go on a vacation to Manali for three nights. It was just supposed be me and the boys Akash, Neil, Raghav, Krish and Ajay. But Akash was so persistent to bring Lara that we had to agree. Lara agreed at once looking at the opportunity to spend three nights with five boys, oh wait four actually, Ajay cancelled in the last moment.

Here they are, rushing with their luggage like wild animals.

"How long does it take for each of you to get ready, Princesses?" I shouted "Shut up already and help us here" Krish snapped.

I helped them get their stuffs on the train while Lara stood there clicking pictures and Akash drooling over her. It was really frustrating picking up Lara today from her place. She had five enormous bags that wouldn't even fit in the cab. Added to that was her constant complaining about how it would have been better if we had taken a flight. After a lot of struggle we managed to reach the station. I never really wanted to do this job in the first place but the boys were so convinced that if Akash went to pick her up they'd definitely miss the train which they almost did anyways.

"Oh god, it's so hot in here! Does the air conditioning even work in here?" said Lara while texting someone on her phone.

"Here have this!" Akash spoke up instantly "its lemonade I made it just for you."

"Akash let's just settle down first then you can go on with your services to Lara" said Neil annoyed by whatever was happening.

"Yeah let's just find our seats first, its 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 and 73" I added.

"Wait what? What about the seats in between? Aren't we all supposed to sit together?" said Raghav instantly.

"Yeah, about that. I tried to get all our seats together but I couldn't with the last minute cancellation of Ajay. Don't worry I'll sit there." I said feeling guilty.

"Are you kidding? No way are you sitting alone there. We promised Mr. and Mrs. Aich we are going to take care of you. At the end of the day you are just a little kid right." Krish said.

"Shut up Krish! You are the one who is needed to be taken care of. And I'm fine by myself honestly."

"No enough of kidding I think one of the boys should sit there" added Neil "I'll sit there"

"Fine for me" said Raghav

"No honestly..."


I was interrupted by the announcer. So I let my sentence incomplete and sat next to Krish. Krish is the one I'm closest to the most amongst the other boys. He somehow understands me more even though he never leaves a chance to bully me, in a friendly way of course. Lara took one of the window seats and Akash followed her like a magnet and sat next to her. Raghav was quite lucky too, he got to sit next to a really hot chick and about Neil he really wasn't awarded well for his sacrifice, for he got a seat next to a grumpy dude.

The rest of the train journey was kind of a blur. I slept through most of it. We did talk and laugh a lot through the journey.

Having Lara around all the time, things were a bit awkward. For instance we make really dirty jokes out of all the strangers we meet while travelling. But with Lara around it wasn't really appropriate to make such jokes.

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"Get up moron! Get up already! The train is going to stay on this platform for five freaking minutes. Get up! Two minutes are left." I can hear Krish's voice but from a long distance.

"Oh my god! Krish why is your face so close. It stinks man, Move." I cried in shock waking up from my sleep.

"Enough" saying it, Krish literally carried me out of the train. Everybody was staring at us and I couldn't stop myself from being embarrassed by everything that was happening.

"What the hell was that? I could have fallen." I snapped

"You know what would have been worse than you falling, you missing the station." Krish snapped back.

"Guys come on stop. I just got the text; the car we booked has arrived. Now tell me who's gonna drive" said Raghav.

"Me, of course. Let's go" I almost squealed while saying this.

We picked up our luggage and made our way out of the station except for Lara whose luggage was obviously carried by Akash. Again all of this irritated Neil way too much which was funny because Neil was the calmest amongst all of us.

We drove to my uncle's house; my uncle was out of Manali for a few weeks so he lent us the house for the weekend. We were all tired so we decided to call it a night as soon as we reached the mansion. The boys decided to sleep in the same room together even though the bed is just big enough for just two of them. And Lara was supposed to sleep with me. Yes me again. Why bring her when only I have to face all the sufferings?

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I open my eyes. I search for my phone immediately. It was under my pillow and I also notice Lara wasn't lying next to me; might have woken up early. I check my phone and find a text from Krish saying


C'mon I wanted some coffee and fresh air of the mountains too. It's my sleep again always ruins everything. Let's get up and do something useful at least.

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