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By billieeyelash1864

56.7K 1.7K 1.7K

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Act I
I. Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
II. The Weight of Resentment
III. The Darwinian Playground
IV. The Battle for Existence
V. The Endless Journey
Act II
VI. The Silent Wounds
VII. The Agony of Unending Darkness
VIII. The Power of Belief
IX. The Thorny Path of Lies
X. The Bullet's Silent Message
XI. The Shadow of the Deadly Arrow
XII. The Promise of a New Foe
XIII. The Domino Effect
XIV. The Demon's Whisper
XV. The History of Betrayals
XVI. The Same Old Things
XVII. The Wall of Emotion
XVIII. The Ties that Bind
XIX. The Pages of Lost Innocence
XX. The Grim Reaper's Waltz
XXI. The Screams of the Dead
XXII. The Echoes of Heartache
XXIII. The Murmur of Silent Torment
XXIV. The Road Back to Each Other
XXV. The Losing Game of Love
XXVI. The Hollowed Memories
XXVII. The Symphony of Destruction
Act IV
XXVIII. The Fury within the Steel
XXIX. The Clash of Destinies
XXX. The Reign of Weaponry
XXXI. The Kindred Spirits
XXXII. The Quiet Calm Before the Storm
XXXIII. The Unending Farewells
XXXIV. The Mind's Battlefield
XXXV. The Peaceful Oases in the Chaos
XXXVI. The Shadows Cast by the Past
XXXVII. The Hand of Fate
XXVIII. The Reunion Amidst Chaos
Act V
XXXIX. The Long-Awaited Return
XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces
XLII. The Destiny They Share
XLIII. The End of the Road
XLIV. The Highway to Hell
XLV. The Turning Point
XLVI. The Endless Tragic Demises
XLVII. The Brigde of an Endless Storm
XLVIII. The Dawn of Hope
XLIX. The Gates of Alexandria
L. The Melody in the Chaos
LI. The Midnight Sky
LII. The Scandal
Act VI
LIII. The Ying-Yang Effect
LIV. The Realm of Grief
LV. The Choreography of Death
LVI. The Way Life Goes
LVII. The Unquenchable Fire
LVIII. The Stranger Passing By
LIX. The Hilltop at the End of the Road
LX. The Sanctuary of Death
LXI. The Shadow Vs Death
LXII. The Saviours
LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning
LXIV. The Sanctuary vs Alexandria
LXV. The Truth Continues To Unveil
LXVI. The Descrution Within Oneself
LXVII. The Allience of Enemies
LXVIII. The Reminder
LXIX. The Betrayal of Friends
LXX. The Angel of Death
LXXI. The Death's Reapers
LXXII. The Beginning of a War
LXXIII. The Promise of Tomorrow
LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips
LXXV. The World Stops Turnin'
LXXVI. The Doom of Death
LXXVII. The Door Between Hell & Heaven
LXXVIII. The Unspoken Words
LXXIV. The Message
LXXV. The Fall of Neville
LXXVI. The Letter
Act IX(a)
LXXVII. The Hanging Tree
LXXVIII. The Bridge
LXXIX. The Judge

XLI. The Ghost of a Present Past

448 11 4
By billieeyelash1864

The stillness of the air amplifies their anticipation, a sense of both readiness and wariness pervading their demeanor. The trio stand vigilantly outside the abandoned store, their posture poised, and their expressions cautious just outside the store, a crucial phase before their scavenging mission commences. Marie takes charge of scanning the surroundings, her eyes trained for any signs of unusual activity or imminent threats.

Amidst the silence, Marie's gaze constantly flits between the surroundings and the entrance to the store, her focus unwavering. She subtly signals to Tara and Maggie, indicating with a subtle nod towards the store that they should remain on alert, ready for any signal from Glenn.

Inside the store, Glenn moves with cautious steps, his every move calculated, surveying the interior for any lurking dangers. He ensures the aisles are clear, methodically checking the corners and shelves, poised for any unexpected encounter.

Back outside, Marie maintains a firm grip on her weapon, her eyes darting around the area, attuned to the slightest sound or movement. Tara stands a few paces away, her posture poised, ready to react instantly, while Maggie keeps a watchful eye on the street, her senses keenly attuned to any potential threats that might approach from a distance.

Minutes pass like hours as the tension mounts. Marie adjusts her stance, her grip tightening involuntarily on her weapon. She exhales a silent breath, an indication of the increasing anticipation as they await Glenn's signal. Each passing second feels like an eternity, the ambient noises of the surroundings heightening their senses.

Suddenly, a faint movement catches Marie's eye, causing her heart to skip a beat. She tightens her grip, ready to take action, but upon closer inspection, it's just a stray animal scurrying across the street. She eases her stance, exhaling a relieved breath, returning her focus to the store, hoping for a sign from Glenn.

Tara's arms remain folded, her expression pensive as she gazes at the rundown exterior of the supposed gun store. "I didn't want to mention anything when we looked this place up in the phone book, but I can't imagine a gun store having leftovers nowadays."

Marie's fingers instinctively tighten around the rifle she's holding, her eyes scanning their surroundings. "Yeah, but we might as well try. We never know what we might find."

Tara's frown deepens, her tone filled with curiosity. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Be that positive when we're in the middle of all of this." Tara gestures around them, encompassing the bleakness of their reality.

Marie offers a slight shrug, a glint of determination in her eyes. "The world is ugly enough as it is, it doesn't need us to make it worse."

Maggie interjects playfully, breaking the moment with a light-hearted tease. "Are you sure you're related to Mads?" A small ripple of laughter emerges among the three, a brief reprieve from the somberness of their situation. "Yeah, I'm glad you found her, you'll be a good influence."

Suddenly, the trio's focus shifts as a clattering noise emanates from the store, prompting them to aim their guns cautiously towards the source. They approach the building slowly, their senses on high alert. Glenn emerges, his expression a mix of bewilderment and embarrassment, holding his gun.

"Was it a walker?" Tara inquires, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Yeah. It was a walker," Glenn responds, causing Marie to give him an amused yet knowing glance, sensing something amiss.

"Really?" Maggie questions, the trio lowering their guns, peering inside the store as they exchange puzzled looks at Glenn's sheepish demeanor.

Glenn finally confesses amidst a wave of laughter, "It was a stack of boxes and a mop, and I tripped." His admission draws more laughter, and he joins in, momentarily sharing the lighter side of their lives in the midst of chaos.

Marie pats his shoulder, a smirk on her face. "Wow, you're exactly like Mads told me."

Glenn, intrigued, eyes her. "What exactly did she tell you?" He teases, determined to uncover her side of the story. "Hey, I can be tough and not trip over stuff! It's only happened once." He defends himself, only to backtrack. "Okay, a couple of times. But it doesn't matter... now tell me what she said." He grins mischievously, prompting Marie to withhold the details. "Still, I got what we came for." Glenn's tone turns more serious as he retrieves the silencers from his pocket, passing them to Tara.

"You actually found something?" Tara's disbelief is evident.

"Three silencers stashed in a mini-fridge." Glenn's smile lights up his face, and Marie exchanges a knowing look with Tara before they turn away, continuing down the street. "Rule number one of scavenging: there's nothing left in this world that isn't hidden," he calls out confidently.

"Told you," Marie chimes back, a hint of triumph in her voice.

Madeleine gently rocks Judith in her arms, humming a soft melody to soothe the little girl, a reminiscent smile lingering on her lips as she recalls the evolving relationships within the group during their time apart. Her attention is momentarily diverted as Judith grasps at her finger, prompting a tender chuckle from Madeleine.

Carl emerges from the back room, likely having heeded Madeleine's coaxing to rest, and takes a seat beside her. Madeleine's gaze shifts back to the sleeping infant in her arms. "She's just like you used to be. Hard to get to sleep when there's so much happening."

Carl leans back, looking around the church. "Yeah, things have been pretty hectic since we found everyone."

"It's different now," Madeleine reflects, glancing at the faces gathered around the church, her expression carrying a hint of relief amidst the challenges.

As Madeleine cradles Judith in her arms, the daylight air brings both solace and tension. Her gentle strokes attempt to lull the infant back to sleep, while Carl, sitting beside her, gazes at the scene with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"He talk to you?"

"Yeah, that's why I stayed with you and Judith," Carl responds, his eyes shifting between his sister and the slumbering infant. His hand tenderly caresses Judith's cheek, eliciting a slight smile from Madeleine.

"Babies have this incredible grip. You once caught hold of my hair and refused to let go. I had no choice but to cut it off," Madeleine recalls with a hint of amusement. "You had a serious hold on me."

Carl chuckles at the memory, his eyes twinkling with the shared reminiscence. "That's how I got you to change your haircut."

"Yep, that was the day I learned not to get too close to your tiny, iron-like fingers," Madeleine jests, playfully nudging Carl's side.

"Dad doesn't trust Gabriel." He mutters under his breath, leaning his head on her shoulder.

Madeleine's expression turns serious as she addresses her younger brother's concern. "Do you?"

Carl responds almost defensively. "Why don't you?"

Caught off guard by Carl's sudden shift in tone, Madeleine takes a deep breath, her words carrying weight as she stands up. "He's hiding something. Rick's right to keep an eye on him."

Carl takes a moment to absorb Madeleine's words, nodding solemnly as they walk side by side outside of the church. "Are we really never going to be safe?" Carl questions, his voice laden with worry and a tinge of desperation.

Madeleine's response echoes with grim realism, carrying a hint of unintended sharpness. "No, we're not."

"Dad said the same thing. I promised him I wouldn't let my guard down. We're strong. We can help people. We handle things because we're not scared. We've been through everything."

Pride twinkles in Madeleine's eyes as she gazes at her younger brother, a sense of nostalgia tugging at her heartstrings. "I'm proud of the man you're becoming. Lori would've been proud too."

Their conversation shifts as they notice deep markings on the church wall, drawing their attention. Madeleine traces the jagged lines with concern etched across her face. Carl, too, observes the peculiar etchings.

"Are those scratches? They're deep. Like knives or something," Carl points out, furrowing his brow as he examines the marks more closely.

Madeleine's voice lowers, a tinge of unease creeping in. "Someone was trying to get in."

Their focus on the mysterious marks fades momentarily as they're approached by Rick, drawing Madeleine's attention. The siblings exchange a quick acknowledgment as Rick addresses them, taking Judith into his arms.

"Tyreese said you were out here. Come on in, we found food. A lot of it." He informs them and Madeleine gives him a look. "Marie's fine. It went alright."

His words about Marie ease a fraction of Madeleine's concern, and she responds with a simple "Good."

Rick notices Carl's fixed gaze on the scratches, inquiring about what's caught their attention. "What is it?"

"The priest is keeping something from us." Madeleine gestures toward the marked wall, suggesting the priest might be withholding information. "Something tells me he's done more than praising the lord."

"I found something else before I fell asleep." Carl adds to the conversation, sharing his discovery before nodding toward the cryptic writing on the church walls. "I don't know what happened, but whatever it is, we can handle it. Doesn't mean Gabriel is a bad guy for sure, but it means something."

A determination gleams in Madeleine's eyes as she asserts her intentions. "I'll tell you what it means... him and I will have a conversation soon." Her confident declaration is met with a nod of agreement from Rick, hinting at the impending confrontation with Gabriel.


Amidst the echoes of laughter and the clinking of utensils against plates, each member of the group is absorbed in their own conversations, momentarily finding solace in the camaraderie they've built. Rick's smile widens as Judith giggles at his playful antics, while Tyreese listens intently, occasionally interjecting with his own stories, his warm laughter blending seamlessly with the joyous atmosphere.

Carl is engaged in a lively exchange with his younger sister, the two of them sharing sibling banter as she teases him about some of their past mishaps. Nearby, Glenn and Maggie, intertwined in their own world, exchange fond glances and supportive whispers, their bond seemingly strengthened by their shared experiences. Madeleine sits quietly, a small, knowing smile on her face as she observes the interactions around her, before Marie, Glenn and Maggie sit with her.

The flickering candlelight casts dancing shadows on the church walls, adding an ethereal touch to the otherwise ordinary setting. Despite the grim circumstances of their lives, the shared meal offers a brief respite from the constant struggle for survival.

Conversations ebb and flow, ranging from light-hearted jokes to deeper reflections on their recent encounters. The aroma of the food mingles with the sense of camaraderie, creating an atmosphere that briefly shields them from the harsh reality awaiting outside.

Madeleine's laughter fills the room. "You really tripped like that?"

Glenn gestures playfully at Madeleine, half-heartedly warning her, "I miss the days when you weren't making jokes about me."

An amused smirk lingers on Madeleine's face as she raises an eyebrow. "Liar."

Marie chuckles between bites, her laughter almost causing her to choke. She vividly remembers Glenn's bewildered expression as he stumbled out of the store, a memory etched into her mind forever. "It was the funniest thing we've seen in a while."

Maggie glances around the room, her gaze landing on Madeleine. "Where's Daryl?"

"He went to find Carol. He'll be back," Madeleine responds, her brows furrowing slightly. She hasn't seen much of either of them today, and she can't shake off the feeling that Carol is avoiding them. But she's certain that Daryl will bring her back eventually.

Glenn chuckles softly, breaking the brief silence that follows. "Hey, remember that time we found the old record store?"

"I'd shut up if I were you," Madeleine states firmly, her warning tone cutting through the chatter.

Abraham clears his throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. "I'd like to propose a toast," he announces, his voice commanding silence throughout the group. "I look around this room... and I see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title. To the survivors." He raises his cup, his words met with enthusiastic cheers from everyone.



Marie takes a sip of her apple juice, a playful glint in her eye as she pours some for her older sister, flashing her a teasing look. Madeleine accepts the glass with a smile, clinking it with Marie's as the room buzzes with the sound of laughter and camaraderie.

Meanwhile, the others, holding their glasses of wine provided by Gabriel, join in the toast, lifting their drinks high in acknowledgment of their resilience and shared experiences.

Abraham's abrupt outburst startles the group, his words hanging heavy in the air, leaving an uneasy atmosphere lingering in the church. The sudden shift in tone brings forth a mix of confusion and curiosity among the members, their attention now fixed on the man's intense gaze.

"Is that all you want to be?" Abraham's voice rings out, cutting through the silence like a sharp knife. His stern tone seems to challenge their very existence, causing them to exchange perplexed glances. "Wake up in the morning, fight the undead pricks, forage for food, go to sleep at night with two eyes open, rinse and repeat?" He continues, his words cutting through the room. The group remains quiet, absorbing the weight of his statement. "You got the strength. You got the skill," Abraham remarks, his voice unwavering. "Thing is, for you people, for what you can do, that's just surrender." His eyes scan each face, his words hanging heavy. "Now, we get Eugene to Washington, and he will make the dead die and the living will have this world again. And that is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip."

Madeleine glances at Rosita, exchanging a questioning look as Abraham's words echo in her mind. She leans closer to Glenn, her voice barely a whisper, "What is he on about?"

"Eugene can end this; we just need to get him to Washington. He's a scientist of some sort," Glenn quietly explains, casting a wary glance at Eugene, who seems to shrink under the weight of everyone's attention, his gaze downcast.

Rick, in an attempt to soothe Judith's fussiness, coos softly, "Shh."

The group falls into an uncomfortable silence, the weight of Abraham's words sinking in. Each member processes the information differently, thoughts and concerns swirling within their minds. The revelation about Eugene and Washington sparks a mixture of hope and skepticism, leaving them uncertain about the newfound information and its implications for their journey ahead.

Abraham stands up, gesturing toward Eugene, who rises to his feet. "Eugene, what's in DC?"

"Infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this fubar magnitude. That means food, fuel, refuge. Restart," Eugene explains, his words seemingly confident, but Madeleine detects a subtle tone in his voice – a hint of uncertainty that doesn't escape her notice.

"However this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in, you can be safe there. Safer than you've been since this whole thing started," Eugene continues, his gaze shifting between the faces of the group. "Come with us. Save the world for that little one," he adds, pointing at Judith. "Save it for yourselves. Save it for the people out there... who don't got nothing left to do except survive."

Judith chuckles and coos, diverting everyone's attention to her and Rick. "What was that?" Rick chuckles, echoing the sentiment, and the group follows suit with laughter. "I think she knows what I'm about to say. She's in. If she's in, I'm in. We're in."

Tyreese beams with agreement, "Yeah. Let's do it."

Amidst the claps and cheers that resonate through the room, most of the group seems enthusiastic about the prospect of a new beginning in DC, a chance to reclaim a semblance of normalcy in an otherwise chaotic world. They're ready to put an end to the diseased world they've been navigating.

However, Madeleine's expression remains conflicted as she slowly stands up from the ground, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. She looks around, observing the hope reflected in their faces, but her own reservations cloud her enthusiasm. She remains silent, mulling over Eugene's words and the potential promise that DC holds.

Glenn notices Madeleine's hesitation and walks over to her, concern etched on his face. "You alright?" he asks softly, casting a sidelong glance at the rest of the group, who continue to cheer and discuss their plans.

Madeleine meets Glenn's gaze, offering a faint smile. "I'm just not sure about this, Glenn. It all seems too... I can't shake off this feeling that there's more to this than we think."

Glenn nods in understanding, "Yeah, I get what you mean. But maybe it's worth considering. We need a chance, don't we?"

She sighs, her eyes lingering on Judith and then glancing back at the group. "Yeah, maybe we do." Her uncertainty remains, but a glimmer of hope flickers in her eyes, hinting at a willingness to explore the possibility despite her reservations. Madeleine looks back at Marie, who's staring at her questioningly. "Just gonna check on Daryl and Carol. I'll be back soon," she reassures her with a smile before leaving the church.

With a torch in hand, Madeleine navigates the dense woods, following any tracks she can discern, hoping they'll lead her to Daryl or Carol since she didn't find them outside.

"Why are you here, Mads?"

His voice reaches her before she spots him, and she shines her flashlight towards the sound. "How did you know it was me?"

Daryl meets her gaze with a knowing look. "I know you."

Madeleine glances around, taking a few steps closer. "Where's Carol?"

"I don't know. I haven't found her. There's this car me and her hid some stuff in, just in case things went south. Wanna check if she's there?" He suggests, and Madeleine nods in agreement.

Together, they move cautiously towards the car, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. In the lull of their silent trek, Daryl breaks the silence.

"You never told me how you got good at tracking?"

Madeleine diverts her gaze, lighting their way. "My dad taught me a few things. He knew I liked cop stuff. After work, I'd ask, and he'd tell me stories. I always loved stuff that would pump me full of adrenaline."

A gentle smile plays on Daryl's lips. "You wanted to be a cop?"

"I never figured out what I wanted to be. I studied business marketing in college, but... I don't know." She pauses, contemplating a revelation she's kept hidden. "I was in the US special forces. Almost 4 years, 1.5 years training, 2 years in Afghanistan. I had an honorable discharge, then the world fell." Daryl's surprise is palpable. "I had to learn how to hunt, fight, track, shoot, and kill. To protect myself. My team."

Daryl nods in understanding. "Because of him?"

"No matter where I was, if I was with them, he couldn't get to me," she confesses, their pace slowing as the weight of her revelation settles.

"I thought you'd only moved city to city for 5 years. What happened?"

Their eyes meet, and Madeleine's expression softens. "I open up to you. I know I can talk to you about it, Daryl. There's just some things I will never tell you, I want you to know that."

"Why?" Daryl probes, concern evident in his voice.

Madeleine exhales, walking past him. "I just need to forget it."

Suddenly, the sound of an approaching car interrupts their conversation. Madeleine glances back at Daryl, alarmed by the noise. His widened eyes draw her attention to the car, and he sprints towards it, noticing the cross on the back. He smashes the taillights in a swift motion.

"What's going on?" Madeleine rushes over, alarmed by his sudden actions.

"They got Beth," Daryl reveals, his voice heavy with distress.


As the trio dashes through the dense woods, their senses heightened by the eerie silence, Sasha suddenly dispatches a lurking walker. The swift motion of her attack echoes through the quiet surroundings, drawing Tyreese close enough to startle her inadvertently. He swiftly covers her mouth, sending her into a momentary panic until his familiar voice reassures her.

"It's me. It's me," Tyreese whispers, his grip loosening as Sasha relaxes. Meanwhile, Rick and Marie, joining them from behind, raise their guns, scanning the area with vigilance, trying to discern any potential threat.

"He's getting away," Sasha breathes out, the sense of someone watching them intensifying her urgency. Rick and Marie exchange a glance, recalling recent discussions about feeling watched that Madeleine had mentioned a couple of days ago.

"Who?" Rick questions, his flashlight cutting through the darkness as he searches for any signs of the elusive observer.

"Somebody was watching us," Sasha reveals, her unease palpable, echoing Madeleine's earlier concerns. She heard Daryl and Rick conversing about a similar feeling the day before.

"If we go in there now, some of us aren't coming back," Tyreese cautions, his voice laced with concern and caution.

"Bob is out there somewhere. Scared, alone," Sasha expresses her worry for their missing comrade.

"Maybe not alone," Rick cryptically responds, hinting at a possible connection between their multiple disappearances.

Marie's eyes widen in realization. "Mads went to find Daryl and Carol. Now the three of them are missing," she reveals, her voice tinged with concern and apprehension. Swallowing hard, she leads the way back to the church, the tension palpable among the group as they navigate through the shadows of the woods. The uncertainty and fear hang heavy in the air, their minds filled with worry for their missing friends and the unknown dangers lurking in the darkness.

The four of them walk together in tense silence, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on their minds as they approach the church. Sasha takes the lead, her steps purposeful, with Marie closely following behind her. Rick and Tyreese maintain a cautious pace as they enter the church.

Sasha strides forward with a mixture of anger and desperation in her eyes, confronting Gabriel as soon as she reaches him. Her voice quivers with a fierce intensity as she demands answers. "What are you doing? This is all connected. You show up, we're being watched, and now four of us are gone."

Gabriel's expression twists into a mix of shock and fear as he raises his hands defensively. "I... I don't... I don't have anything to do with this."

The tension in the room escalates as Sasha takes a dangerous step closer, her hand instinctively reaching for the knife at her waist. Gabriel's eyes widen in alarm as she brandishes the blade, prompting him to step back hastily. "Wait!"

Rosita's voice cuts through the tension, a mix of concern and warning as Abraham restrains her. "Don't!"

Tyreese interjects, trying to diffuse the rising confrontation. "Sasha, put it away."

Sasha holds her ground, her gaze fixed on Gabriel as he continues to plead innocence, fear evident in his voice. "Who's out there?"

But Gabriel's persistent denial only fuels Sasha's desperation and anger. Marie stands close by, her eyes never leaving Gabriel's face, searching for any hint of deception or truth in his words. "Where are our people? Where's my sister?"

Gabriel, his voice trembling, repeats his denial, his gaze shifting between the accusing eyes of Sasha and the approaching figure of Rick. "Please, I don't have anything to do with this. I-."

The room is filled with tension and uncertainty as Sasha's tears start to fall, her frustration and anxiety evident. She screams in desperation, repeating her plea for answers, her voice echoing through the church, "Where are our people?!"

Gabriel, visibly shaken and backed into a corner, maintains his denial, his words pleading for belief. "Please, I don't have anything to do with this. I-."

Rick's voice reverberates through the somber air inside the food bank, his expression a mix of anger and desperation. "Why'd you bring us here? You working with someone?" His gaze pierces Gabriel, who trembles in fear, his hands raised in a gesture of defense.

"I'm alone. I'm alone. I was always alone," Gabriel stammers, his eyes wide with fear, trying to shield himself from the accusation.

Marie steps forward, her voice laced with a mix of accusation and concern. "What about the woman in the food bank, Gabriel? What did you do to her?" Earlier, when Marie, Glenn, Maggie, and Tara returned with the rest of the group to the food bank, they found Gabriel distressed and overwhelmed by the sight of a walker, resulting in an attack on him.

Carl, his voice laced with righteous anger, steps closer, his words directed at the priest. ""You'll burn for this." That was for you. Why?"

"What are you gonna burn for, Gabriel?" Rick advances menacingly, gripping Gabriel's collar, an intense glint in his eyes. "What? Mads was going to speak to you about it, now she's missing, my daughter and three more of us are missing. What did you do? What did you do?!" His voice cracks with a mix of fury and anguish as he confronts the priest.

"I lock the doors at night," Gabriel mutters, causing Rick to release his grip, stepping back in disbelief. "I always lock the doors at night. I always lock the doors at night." He pauses, trying to control his emotions, but tears stream down his face. "They started coming, my congregation. Atlanta was bombed the night before, and they were scared. They were looking for a safe place, a place where they felt safe. And it was so early. It was so early. And the doors were still locked. You see... it was my choice. There were so many of them, and they were trying to pry the shutters and banging on the sidings, screaming at me. And so the dead came for them. Women... children." His voice quivers with regret and sorrow, haunted by the memories of that dreadful night.

The weight of Gabriel's confession hangs heavily in the air, sinking into the hearts of those gathered. Carl bows his head, recalling his sister's words about the man, about the new world and how it will never be the same. "Entire families calling my name as they were torn apart, begging me for mercy." Gabriel continues, his sobs echoing through the room. "Begging me for mercy. Damning me to hell. I buried their bones. I buried it all."

Silent disbelief envelopes the group as they absorb Gabriel's confession. His gaze shifts from one person to another before finally landing on Rick, his anguish overwhelming as he collapses to his knees. "The Lord sent you here to finally punish me. I'm damned. I was damned before. I always lock the doors. I always lock the doors."

Marie's hand rests gently on Sasha's shoulder, offering a silent reassurance as Sasha tucks her knife back into her waistband. A sympathetic glance passes between them before Marie moves over to Carl, enveloping the worried boy in a comforting embrace. Their moment is disrupted as a distant whistling sound catches their attention. Marie holds Carl tighter, concern etched on her face, while Glenn hurries to the window to peer outside.

"There's something—there's someone outside lying in the grass," Glenn announces, turning back to the group, Sasha gasping at the revelation, her eyes filling with tears.

"Sasha," Rick calls out urgently as she makes a move to dash outside. Rick swiftly follows her, determined to ensure her safety.

Sasha steps out of the church and spots the man lying in the grass, missing a leg, and her distress amplifies at the heart-wrenching sight. Marie quickly stands, ushering Carl toward the back door before grabbing one of the rifles and rushing outside.

"Bob! Bob," Sasha cries out, her voice filled with anguish.

Marie is taken aback as she steps outside, her breath catching at the sight in front of her. "His leg..."

"Get Bob inside. We'll take care of them," Glenn commands, his tone firm and resolute. Marie swings the rifle at a walker, refraining from using the weapon's discharge to avoid attracting more walkers, opting instead for a more discreet method of defense.

Tyreese and Sasha hoist Bob's injured form, carrying him back inside the church as the group swiftly takes action to fend off the encroaching walkers. The air is punctuated by the sound of Rick's gunshots as he urges everyone to retreat indoors, the urgency in his voice palpable. The group moves with haste, following Rick's lead as he swiftly secures the church door behind them.

Inside, the group quickly tends to Bob's wounds and braces themselves against the tense atmosphere, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon them. Their unity and resolve are tested yet again as they confront the challenges brought by the harsh realities of their world, their collective strength bolstered by their unwavering determination to endure together.

Sasha and Tyreese carefully lower the man onto the ground as he gradually regains consciousness. The group huddles around him, their expressions a mix of concern and caution, especially with the recent attack and the unknown assailants still out there. Some of them cautiously position themselves near the windows, on the lookout for any signs of walkers or potential threats from outside.

Struggling to speak, Bob's voice is strained as Sasha tenderly caresses his cheek, her worry palpable. "I was in the graveyard. Somebody knocked me out. When I came to, I was outside this place. It looked like a school. It was that guy, Gareth, and five others. They were... eating my leg right in front of me. Like it was nothing. They seemed proud, like they had it all figured out."

Marie's eyes narrow with tension as she leans in closer to Bob. "Did they take Madeleine, or Daryl, or Carol?"

Bob shakes his head weakly, "Gareth said they drove off." The news perplexes both Marie and Rick, confusion growing between them at the sudden departure. "Carol went after them."

Sasha moves away from Bob, noticing his discomfort. "He's in pain. Do we have anything to help?"

Rosita sighs and stands up, acknowledging Sasha's request. "There should be pill packets in the first aid kit."

"Save 'em," Bob insists, Sasha's eyes widening in shock as he exposes a bite mark on his shoulder. "Really," he adds, reaffirming his request. "It happened at the food bank."

Sasha gasps at the sight, trying to maintain her composure as the group reacts with shock to this grim revelation. "It's okay," Bob reassures them before he passes out, prompting Sasha to call out to him softly.

Gabriel offers a suggestion, breaking the tension. "There's a sofa in my office. It's not much, and the children are there, but..."

Sasha turns her attention to him, nodding gratefully. "Thank you."

Amidst the turmoil, the group mobilizes swiftly, prioritizing Bob's comfort and safety while they grapple with the shock of his injury and the unknown fate of their missing companions. Their concern for their friends' well-being hangs heavy in the air, and the urgency to find them heightens as they tend to Bob's immediate needs.

Tyreese carefully lifts the injured man, ushering him towards the back room with Marie trailing closely behind, intent on fetching Judith and ensuring Carl gets some rest at the front of the church. Carl's worried gaze meets Marie's, and she offers him a comforting smile while tousling his hair affectionately before picking up Judith from the makeshift crib.

Meanwhile, Rick engages in a conversation with Gabriel, their voices murmuring as they exit the room. Carl spreads out a blanket and arranges some pillows around Judith's spot while Marie gently places the little girl down, attempting to soothe her.

As Sasha joins them in the room, Carl and Marie sit close by, their minds preoccupied with worry for their older sister. Their attention drifts from the ongoing conversation among the others, focused instead on the uncertain situation they find themselves in. Amidst their concerns, Judith starts crying, prompting Marie to swiftly lift her into her arms, cradling her tenderly in an attempt to calm her down.

Abraham's forceful voice breaks the jovial atmosphere in the room, snapping the Grimes siblings back to the grim reality they face. The group turns their attention toward him, his words carrying an urgent tone that demands immediate action.

Rick responds firmly, his gaze unwavering. "My daughter, Daryl, and Carol will be back. We're not leaving without them."

Resolute and determined, Abraham presses the urgency of the situation. "There's a clear threat to Eugene. We need to get him out of here before things get worse. If you won't come, then best of luck to you."

Rosita rises from her seat, her hand instinctively reaching for her weapon as she strides towards Abraham, fully supportive of his decision. Eugene looks on, apprehensive, as the tension rises.

"Leaving on foot?" Rick questions, his voice carrying a hint of skepticism.

Abraham halts abruptly, his body tensing as he pivots to face Rick. "We fixed that damn bus ourselves," he retorts with frustration lacing his words.

Stepping up closer, Rick asserts his position, "There are more of us."

Abruptly, the confrontation escalates, the two men standing inches away from each other, their words and actions laden with tension. Abraham's frustration and urgency clash with Rick's steadfast resolve to ensure the safety of everyone.

Amidst the growing tension, Marie, sensing the gravity of the situation, strides forward, her handgun in hand. Slowly, she positions herself between the two men, the intensity of the situation palpable. As Abraham edges closer to Rick, his voice raising, Marie's hand steadies, pointing the gun at his head with unwavering determination.

"We're not going anywhere. Step outside, and you won't make it to the bus," Marie declares firmly, her voice resonating with an unyielding authority that commands attention. The tension in the room reaches a crescendo as her threat hangs in the air, her resolve visibly impressing and shocking some members of the group.

A hushed silence falls over the room as Marie steps back, her gaze unwavering, and she walks away towards her siblings. Glenn murmurs softly to himself, "Yeah, definitely sisters."

The intensity slowly dissipates, but the gravity of the situation lingers in the air, leaving an unsettling feeling among the group. The room, once filled with laughter and ease, now carries an undercurrent of tension and uncertainty, highlighting the fragile balance between survival and unity within the group.


The group had devised a plan to outsmart the cannibals, strategizing to lure them away from their base at the church. Splitting into two factions, some went to the school to distract the attackers, while the others, including Rick, stayed back to fortify the church and prepare for the incoming threat.

As anticipated, the cannibals fell for the bait and stormed the church, jeering and taunting the group as they forced their way through the sturdy doors. However, unbeknownst to the attackers, someone hidden in the shadows began firing at them, strategically picking off the intruders one by one. Rick emerged from his concealed position, swiftly neutralizing the remaining enemies while the rest of the group joined in, guns aimed at the cannibals' heads.

After a brief exchange of tense words, Rick took out the last of them, effectively ending the conflict. The walls of the church were splattered in crimson as the group emerged victorious. But the victory came with a heavy cost—Bob succumbed to a bite inflicted during the skirmish. Sasha, in a heartbreaking moment, had to put him down before he could turn. They solemnly carried Bob's body outside and laid him to rest in a makeshift grave.

The morning brought a tense air, Abraham, still shaken from Marie's threat, contemplated leaving again. However, Glenn, with his persuasive nature, managed to convince him to stay for at least one more day. Unfortunately, that day had come to an end, and Glenn, Tara, and Maggie had decided to leave with Abraham and his group.

Outside the church, the group stood engulfed in a conversation about their next destination, mapping out their plans for survival. Amidst their discussions, Carl approached Madeleine, a concerned expression etched on his face as he silently signaled her to step aside for a private conversation.

Carl's expression shifts into one of sorrow. "Why would she leave without saying anything?"

Marie places a comforting hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "It must've been for a good reason. You know our sister would never leave for no reason. She'll be back soon. She'll come back to us."

Carl's eyes reflect the pain within him as he continues, "What did your mother say about mine?"

Marie offers him a gentle smile, guiding him to sit on the steps in front of the church as they watch the group bidding farewell to Glenn, Tara, Maggie, Abraham, and his group. "She just told me they were taking good care of her. They were good people. Lori was a good mother to her. That's all, kiddo, I'm sorry."

"I miss my mother," Carl confesses with a heavy heart.

"I can imagine," Marie sympathizes, understanding the depth of his loss.

"Did she tell you how she died?" Carl inquires, his voice tinged with sorrow.

Marie nods solemnly. "She was giving birth to Judith. We didn't have time to take her to Hershel, he was—"

She pauses as Carl finishes her sentence, his eyes welling up with tears. "Maggie's dad... I heard about him."

"She was pushing for Judith but then..." Carl's voice trails off, his emotions raw and overwhelming. Marie wraps an arm around him, offering solace. "it all happened so quick. Lori begged Mads to cut her open and save Judith; she died. Then after... Mads had to kill her so she wouldn't turn."

His gaze turns upward, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I think she thought I hated her for it... or that I saw her differently because of it, but I didn't. She did what needed to be done. She stopped me from doing it myself."

"She's tough, but she's been through too much," Marie acknowledges softly.

Carl nods in agreement, his voice laced with pain. "This world doesn't deserve her. We don't deserve her."

Marie shakes her head, her expression resolute. "We do. We do, Carl."

Marie gazes off into the distance as she recounts the painful memory. "Cancer," she states quietly, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I watched her slowly slip away each day. It was just me caring for her, just the two of us until the very end. I held her hand as she gave me one last smile before closing her eyes for the final time. We only had each other."

Carl listens intently, his curiosity driving him to learn more about his sisters. "Madeleine never really talks about her life before I was born. I'm sure you don't know much either. It's probably too hurtful for her to discuss, but I wish she knew how strong she truly has become."

Marie nods in agreement, her gaze softening. "Her childhood was tough. Some things are better left behind, or it feels like you're living through it again." She lets out a sigh, a trace of sadness lingering in her eyes. "But she'll be back, Carl. We just have to wait and be patient at the door."

Carl furrows his brow, surprised by Marie's knowledge of the door. "How do you know about the door?"

A gentle smile graces Marie's lips. "My mother."

Carl smiles in return, leaning into her shoulder. "Mads was the one who told me about it. It made me feel safer." Marie pulls him closer, wrapping an arm around him as Glenn approaches.

"Marie, will you tell Mads I had to leave with Maggie?" Glenn requests. Marie nods, standing up and embracing him tightly. "If you find out she's in trouble, reach out to me, and I'll come back to help."

Marie nods in affirmation, releasing him from the hug. "I will. Stay safe."

Glenn offers her a warm smile, unclasping a necklace from around his neck and handing it to her. "Tell her I'll be back for that," he says, passing it over. "And let her know I love her. Keep our streak unbroken. We'll see you all in a few days."

"We'll see you in a few days," Marie echoes, watching him depart before returning to the group, holding the necklace in her hand.

As the cars disappear into the distance, Marie stands there, the necklace firmly held within her grasp. She carefully tucks it away into her pocket, ensuring it's safe and secure. With a thoughtful expression, she gazes after the departing vehicles, contemplating the weight of Glenn's message and the promise she made to relay it to Madeleine upon her return.


This was a bit different than usual as Madeleine wasn't as present as usual, but it was a great way to show more of Marie and her bond with Carl and Judith, and a few other members.

A lot of Mads and Daryl scene are coming!!! I'm really excited for it, but not excited to write about Beth and the hospital... it was so sad, she didn't deserve it and Maggie's reaction was so heartbreaking!

Hope you have a good Monday!

Thank you for reading ❤️

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