Attack On Titan: Season 1 (X...

By Freedom_Fighter24

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Elias Heinrich is a childhood friend of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, located in the Shinganshina District in Wall... More

To You In 2000 Years - The Fall of Shinganshina: Part 1
That Day - The Fall of Shinganshina: Part 2
Night of The Detachment Ceremony - Humanity's Comeback: Part 2
The First Battle - The Struggle For Trost: Part 1
The World The Girl Saw - The Struggle For Trost: Part 2
Small Blade - The Struggle For Trost: Part 3
I Hear His Heartbeat - The Struggle For Trost: Part 4
2 Episodes In 1
The Response - The Struggle For Trost: Part 4
Flaw - The Struggle For Trost: Part 5
Primal Desire - The Struggle For Trost: Part 6
Glory Of Love (Side Story)
Eve Of The Counteroffensive: Part 1
Eve Of The Counteroffensive: Part 2
Eve Of The Counteroffensive: Part 3
Shoot Interview 1
Female Titan - The 57th Expedition: Part 1

A Dim Light Amid Deapair - Humanity's Comeback: Part 1

354 15 52
By Freedom_Fighter24

(A/N: So, after looking for a faceclaim for Elias, this is what I can come up with as I wanted him to look like this:

Just know that this isn't mine and I can't take the credit for it. It's not AI generated or anything, just something I found on the internet to have what I'm looking for.

And don't worry, I have something else in mind for his physique and a potential fight with a certain Leonhart.

Hopefully you guys liked this and without any further ado, let's get into the chapter!)

~Elias POV~

Sadies: Hey! Mop top!

Armin: Sir!

Sadies: What do they call you, maggot!

Armin: I'm Armin Arlert, from Shinganshina, sir!

Sadies: Wow, seriously? Who'd gave you such a dumb ass name?!

Armin: My grandfather, sir!

Sadies: Cadet Arlert! Why are you here!

Armin: To help humanity overcome the Titans!

Sadies: That's delightful to hear! You're gonna be a great light snack for 'em! Row 2, about face!

Row 2, including Armin, faced the other way as Sadies now walked over to Mikasa and I.

I was ready for whatever shit he was gonna throw at me as I was looking forward to it.

Sadies: You look familiar! What's your name and why are you here!

Elias: Sir, my name is Elias Heinrich from Shinganshina, and I'm here to join the Scout Regiment and bring honor to my father's legacy!

Sadies: William Heinrich. I was beside him during the 52nd Expedition! He died a legend, and now for his son to join the Scouts in his honor, I have the utmost respect for you, although it's suicidal. Moving on! What's your name young lady!

Mikasa(saluting): Mikasa Ackerman from Shinganshina District!

Sadies: Why are you here!

Mikasa: To join the Scouts and reclaim what was once ours!

Sadies: Delightful to hear!

He then moved onto a tall young man with red blonde hair and he had a smug smile on his face.

To me, there are people who think they have what it takes to be a soldier, but they don't want to stay in the front lines to sacrifice their lives to retake our land. I hate those kinds of people.

I called them cowards throughout my life as the son of a Scout, but in reality, they're just pussy little bitches who need their assholes powdered to where they can finally say that they're going to war with the titans.

But I know that they don't want to fight so they can live in the interior and lay around like it's their job. Do I want that life? Hell no. I'd rather die a hero than be a coward.

Sadies: Your name, maggot!

YM(Young Man): Jean Kirstein sir, from the Trost District!

Sadies: Your reason!

Jean: To join the Military Police sir. The best of the best!

Sadies: Is that so!

Sadies headbutted Jean and he went down on both knees, giving me a smile on my face out of Sadies' sight.

Sadies: Who told you to sit down, Kirstein! If you can't handle this then you can forget about joining the Military Police!

Sadies then moved onto another young man who's bald and was saluting the wrong way.

I mean, those who get the salute wrong are just begging to be made an example of.

Sadies: Who are you maggot!

YM#2: Conny Springer from Ragako!

Sadies: YOU!

Then he held Conny by the head, one foot off the ground! I didn't want to laugh, lest I get chewed out by Sadies and punished early, just because I found the entire thing hilarious.

Sadies: Do you know that the salute is a sign to give your life for humanity! Is your heart not on your left side!

Then, we heard a crunch as Sadies turns to see a tall young brunette eating a potato.

Is she eating a potato during the introduction to the training corps? Like, what the hell is wrong with her?

He dropped Conny and proceeded to walk over, all pissed off and I don't blame him one bit.

If anyone was eating during my introduction to the trainees, I'd slap the potato out of their hand and tell them to get the hell out. I don't care if I costed someone their dream to join the military. Joining is a serious commitment and I'd be damned if that ever happened to any training program I'm running.

Sadies: You're officially on my shit-list! Tell me your name and what's in your hand!

She saluted before saying...

Young lady: Sasha Brouse from Dauper village! Reporting for duty sir!

Sadies: Sasha Brouse. What's that in you right hand?

Sasha: A steamed potato. I took it from the cafeteria.

Sadies: The theft, I understand, but why? Why eat it here of all places?

Sasha: Sir? Are you asking why we eat potatoes?

Sasha then broke up a piece and attempts to give it to Sadies as I wanted to palm my face, just cringing from the sheer stupidity she's displaying towards everyone here.

Sasha: Here sir. Have half.

(A/N: Any Sasha Brouse fans who are reading this, please don't take what I came up with seriously. It's just for fun, rather than MAKE fun of the character.)

(Y/N)(thinking): THIS JUST IN:

Sadies: Half?

Then, she grew a smug smile, thinking she could get away with it.

After the introduction, Sasha was running and she was exhausted after a few hours.

At this point, she can be called Potato Girl for all I give a fuck because her eating a potato and giving "half" to Sadies, what kind of Hickory Dickory Dock-Ass shit was that?

Sadies: Don't think about stopping, Brouse! If you can't handle it, Potato Girl, you're out!

Conny: Wow. I thought the Instructor was going kill Potato Girl.

Elias: I'm not really surprised. My dad went through this exact punishment one time and it was brutal.

Black Haired Girl: Is it true? Are you the son of a Scout?

Elias: That's right, and intend to finish his story, but Eren, Mikasa, Armin and I are from Shinganshina and we experienced it first hand.

Conny: My God. You all probably saw him too!

Elias: Sure did. Let's get into the cafeteria so we can talk some more.

Mikasa: Elias. Don't tell everyone so much, you'll get emotional.

Elias: Maybe, but at least it's something that I don't mind talking about, only if they don't go too hard on me.

Mikasa: Makes sense.


We were in the cafeteria, eating our dinner and everyone was surrounding us.

Cadet: Did you really? Did you remember seeing him?

Elias: For the last time, yes, we saw the big guy, that was bad. And yet, you continue to keep asking the same question, I don't know what you don't get about that.

Cadet 2: What were the titans like?

When he said that, I dropped my spoon, and started tearing up as flashbacks about my father dying started to come back to haunt me.

I saw his corpse when they brought the bodies back, and he was half eaten. One of my longtime friends, who I considered an aunt I never had, Hange, didn't want me to look, but it was too late.

I remember the sight quite well: his right hand was bitten clean off, his entire bottom half was ripped apart, his intestines were dangling, and the worst part was that his Scout hood was torn apart, rendering it unwearable for me to keep.

He was saving it for me when he was gonna retire after taking back the walls, but now that he's gone, I couldn't do it.

Instead of wearing it for my future Scout expeditions, I had them save it in a small box so I can have it as a memento. I wasn't going to let it go to waste.

Cadet 3: Come on you guys. That's enough. Let him be.

Elias: No it's alright. They eat people, as if they have no idea what that person is. Eren, Armin, Mikasa and myself are going to join the Scouts and kill every single one of them, one Titan at a time, until there's no more of them.

Jean: Are you serious? You know you're knocking on death's door, right?

Elias: Yeah, and I see you're wanting to have a good spot with the MPs.

Jean: I'm just speaking honestly here kid. You know that you can't beat them.

Eren: Are you trying to start a fight?

Jean: Alright sure. Makes no difference to me.

Eren and Jean got close to each other to almost start a fight, but I had to butt in to end it.

Elias: Guys stop. There's no point in fighting.

The bell rang outside and from what I know, that's to signal that dinner was over and we had to go back to our barracks.

Jean: Hey. Sorry we got off the wrong foot. Put her there kid. What do you say?

Eren: Thanks. I'm sorry too.

Eren slapped Jean's hand and walked away, but as Mikasa walked past Jean, he started to blush for some freaking reason.

Jean: Excuse me? Um, uh, that's nice and beautiful hair you have.

Mikasa: Thank you.

Mikasa walked away as I had to set him straight.

I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around facing me, just so he can listen and get the idea that everyone is not gonna like him if he keeps this up.

And him complimenting Mikasa's hair? I'm gonna call that out too.

Elias: Her hair may be beautiful, but I really can't stop looking at that forehead of yours. Shit's as long as a menu if I want to order some fish.

The trainees snickered as I smirked at him, letting him know that I was gonna get under his skin if he keeps this up.

Jean: What is it? Make it quick.

Elias: You know you're being a smartass, right? You see, man, before my dad died, he was a soldier. And he gave me a tour of the MP Brigade one time and he explained to me why they're not worth joining. They're arrogant pieces of shit like you who have no intention of protecting the people and bringing honor and law to his so-called "royal majesty".

Jean: I don't need to listen to this.

I turned him around before he could walk away. I was not having it as I wanted him to know that his attitude will be a problem, not just to him, but to everyone here.

Elias: No, you will stand here and listen to every word. I suggest that you change that attitude or I'll do it for you. For right now, go back to the barracks and go to sleep. You pissed off enough people tonight.

Jean: This attitude has more where it came from. If you think you're a badass around here, just because your dead dad was a soldier, you're not.

We went our separate ways as I was wanting to teach Jean a lesson now

Cadet 4: Wow. I didn't think Heinrich would be a hardass. Is he always like this?

Elias: I know what you're thinking and no, I'm not always like this. If you get on my good side, you're considered a friend. However, if you get on my bad side, you're considered an asshole.

I walked out of the cafeteria to reunite with Mikasa on the outside

Mikasa: You didn't have to talk to him. He was just being a prick.

Elias: I had to Mikasa. I used my words for now, but if he starts acting up more and more, I'm gonna let my hands do the talking.

Mikasa: I admire you for that.

Elias: What do you mean?

Mikasa: You're always standing up for others and being reasonable. Not to mention you speak your mind on anything .

Elias: If you wanna be reasonable like I am, how about you cut that hair of yours? We'll be doing ODM gear in a day or two and we don't want you getting caught in it, right?

Mikasa: Alright. I'll cut it. How far should I go?

Elias: I think the chin height. That would be a little short, but at least it won't get you caught.

Mikasa: Okay. It's settled then.

When we reached the barracks, we hugged and it felt really nice to have Mikasa wrap her arms around me. It's just something I can't explain.

Mikasa: Good night, Elias. See you in the morning.

Elias: Same here.

All of us sudden, we were trapped in each other's eyes. It was something I couldn't get out of.

I mean, she's beautiful and I couldn't explain how she could just look at me without batting an eyelash. Her grey eyes and her hair, it's just mesmerizing.

Eventually, we looked away and blushed as we had to let go.

We both then giggled out of embarrassment, just because of how close we were to each other.

Mikasa: Well, good night.

Elias: Yeah. Good night.

We walked into our separate barracks and went to sleep, but in the morning, it was gonna be a doozy because we were going to practice our ODM gear.


We were training with the ODM gear, and while I was standing upright, Mikasa did it perfectly as if it was a second nature to her, Armin, Jean, Mikasa, Conny, and Sasha manage to balance, but just barely, but Eren is hanging upside down.

To be honest, it is funny to see him like that, but at the same time, I wanted him to succeed.

That's all I ever want and that's for everyone to succeed regardless of how you turn out, unless you have the gall to join the MPs like Jean, who was trying not to laugh at my adoptive brother, but when I looked at him and he looked at me, he immediately stopped before I could get off the gear and start laying him out.

Sadies: What the hell is wrong Jaeger! If you can't handle it, then there's no point in joining the Scouts!

Eren may have failed, but that doesn't mean he can't try again. I'll help him later on when everyone is in the dining hall.


Once it was at sunset, we all decided to try helping Eren succeed in ODM training as I really wanted him to join the Scouts.

Seeing him fail lit a fire up my ass and I don't mean this in a negative manner. It means I want to help him get back into the game and try again.

Mikasa: Just relax and think of something that could help you balance.

Eren: A balance. That should work.

Armin: Don't worry Eren. I know you can do it, you just need to have faith.

Eren: Thanks Armin.

Elias: Alright, Armin. Roll up the cables.

Armin rolled up the cables and surprisingly, Eren was able to balance straight, but a couple seconds later he hit his head backwards, causing him to bleed as I was concerned.

Elias: Eren!

I ran over to check on Eren, who was in serious pain as I had to kneel down and check on his head.

Elias: Are you alright?

Eren: I'm fine. Just hit my head a little bit.

Elias: Let's get a bandage on you.

Eren: No I'll be fine. I just need to clean myself up a bit.

Then, I noticed something off about Eren's belt as I had to see what was wrong.

The last time I checked, these belts are supposed to help everyone balance when using the OFM gear and it looked off. I had to see what was wrong.

Elias: Hold on. Let me take a look at that belt of yours.

Eren took off his belt and I looked at it to see what was wrong. Then, I knew it.

It had a broken clasp.

Elias: It's broken.

Eren: Huh?

Elias: The clasp on your belt is busted. It's supposed to connect to the side on this thing. I'm gonna talk to Sadies about it and showing him what went wrong. Take it off and give it to me.

Eren takes off the belt as he switched the belt with mine. I wanted to see Sadies and how he missed this belt.

Elias: I'll go find him.

I found his office and knocked, just out of respect.

Sadies: Come in.

I entered and when he saw me, his face lifted and kinda surprising to see him smiling.

I saluted the right way, not the Springer way before he saluted me back.

Sadies: Elias Heinrich. Easy with the formalities, soldier. What can I do for you?

Elias: You better rein in on the Quartermaster.

Sadies: The Quartermaster is in charge of the gear, we don't keep tabs on him.

Elias: Well then, maybe you guys should. While Mikasa, Armin and I were helping Eren with the ODM training, I saw this.

I put the belt on his desk as Sadies took a look until he saw that...

Sadies: It's busted?

Elias: Yes sir. I spotted it as we were helping up Jaeger.

Sadies: You and I will go to the quartermaster to let him know what happened.

Elias: Right now?

Sadies: No. Tomorrow we will. You go with your friends. Thanks for letting me know young man.

Elias: Thank you sir.

Sadies: Oh, and Henreich.

Elias: Yes sir?

He smiled and said...

Sadies: Tell Jaeger he made the cut. He earned it.

I wanted to run up and shake his hand profusely, but I know it would cost me a couple days of training and get punished, so I held myself back, saluted with a smirk.

Elias: Thank you sir.

Sadies: Not a problem kid.

I left but I saw that my friends were on the way to the barracks, so I had to get their attention

Elias: Hey guys!

Eren: Elias? What did the Instructor say?

Elias: He said that the belt had a broken clasp and the quartermaster didn't see it. He and I are going to go tomorrow to bust a couple skulls. Also, he said and I quote: "You made the cut. You earned it."

Eren is shocked as Mikasa is kinda surprised, considering that

Eren: So, I made it. I can become a Scout!

Elias: That's right. Looks like you and I are headed to the Scout Regiment.

Out of nowhere, Eren hugged me to the point that he was about to cry. I don't blame him because I'm sure he thought he was going to fail and be sent back home.

Eren: Elias. Thank you so much.

Elias: It's no problem. You're like a younger brother to me, you know?

I naturally hugged him back, just so he's not alone. And Mikasa? She thought this was very sweet and I don't blame her at all, because it is.

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