The perfect soulmate

By AsmaAsma966318

238 50 44

" It is only yet another missing case is it ?" Theo faber A talented detective who had solved many cases in h... More

The guidelines
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 3

17 3 4
By AsmaAsma966318

I drove through the snow it  was  snowing very little compared to yesterday. But I was just afraid Kathy's flight doesn't get cancelled or have complications. She didn't leave me a massage before boarding .

I  reached the airport.

The inside was busy meant the plane had landed. I walked a little further and there she was holding the biggest  bouquet of flowers.

" Wow seems like the news of the star coming has spread. I am sorry miss your bodyguard AKA husband was late ".

"Oh here you are ".

they hugged each other tightly. Before pulling apart Kathy kissed his cheek.

" I missed you so much baby how was your flight "

" Disgusting. I sat beside a nasty woman. She was such a pain she ate with her mouth open lough like a maniac .And the many times she rang the bell I swear if it didn't cost the flight attendees their Job they would have thrown her out in the sky but now I have seen you all of that was worth it  baby .

Theo giggle and kisses her

"Oh I missed you so much. I Love you  Kathy" .

Kathy gave charming smile " Me too".

They sit in the car and drove home

BTW who gave you these flowers are they from the flight attendees because you have have to bear that women the whole flight or any admirer"

No silly these are for you.

Me ?

"yeah you have solved the case you told me about "

" There was no need for this.Besides shouldn't I be the one to bring you flowers huh "

"uh never mind you don't do this silly things this things can be reserved for me . I'll be happy with the dinner and my favourite custard pie".

"How on earth did you know that"

" Theo you might be a detective but I am married to one ".

" Uh Right all of those studies and training are a waste of time I should have just married one ".

Kathy lough .

Her  lough. The beautiful and carefree lough which makes me feel alive .

In the morning.....
we talked for hours last night. I didn't realise exactly when we fell asleep maybe 2 or 3 in the morning. I made breakfast and got ready and leave without waking Kathy.

The three of them were in Mr.Jaden  office .

Mr Blair said " Good morning guys. so what's up with the case . how are things going?.

Theo was about to say something.

Alan interrupted and said " Sir I don't think it's worth our time. This is just another stupid case they just fought and the husband just wanted to go away and obviously he cuts all his contacts I don't think it's more then that".

Theo was about to say something again lucky interrupted him .

" I don't think it's that simple he would have tell anyone or told his wife or anyone that he is going away or told his wife to not to contact him. I am sure he is aware of the fact that if he just leave like that everyone is going to be worried and it will reach the authorities ".

Mr Blair said " Theo what's your opinion on this?".

Theo said "I think even if there is a chance that what Mr Maivin is saying right we should still investigate this because what we heard in Mr Bloom's assistant and friend were not mutual ".

"what did he say?".

Theo explained what happened.

Mr Blair said " Ok you guys will continue to work on this "

They leave the office .

Now what should we do what do you think?.

"Now we have to find out what happened that night ".

Alan "and how are we going to do that ".

"Not we me .you guys will have to do a task for me ".

"and that will be"?

" you will have a look at Evan's bank account "

"To see how much money he has are you thinking this case is like a rich man getting killed by her wife type case?"

"To see where he used his credit card last to find out where was he ".

Theo smiled and said
" I always knew you had potential ".

lucy smiled while Alan didn't give a damh .

Theo was in car when his phone rang. he picked it up.

" Oh my sleeping beauty is awake "

" come on stop  you know your humour is nothing compared to mine .But your cooking is but breakfast only of course "

" I am not sure if people ate breakfast at 12 it's actually called brunch my love .

"So you should have woke me up so I could have breakfast not brunch my love "

Theo giggle and said " you had just come yesterday from such a busy work trip and you will go to office today too so I thought I should let you sleep in but if you are angry go check down stairs".

Kathy goes downstairs and see that Theo has put the flowers in the vase  around the house.

Kathy feels very happy but she keeps her excitement down and said "This is nice you are forgiven ".

" oh won't i get a you know a promotion "

Kathy lough and said " you are really an idiot but I will consider it we'll see I have to get ready now see you".

bye take care.

Theo reached lavender's House he rang the bell Claire opened the door.

hello there. Is Mrs lavender home.

lavender comes to door and says
" oh Mr Faber is everything alright is there any news about Evan ".

"No I am afraid but I am here to talk about this if you free  can we talk".

" Sure come inside please ".

" do you need me here?"

"no honey thanks for being here you were great help you can go now you will be late for work now "

"Of course call me if you need anything Goodbye lavender ".

" goodbye ".

" sorry for making you wait please have a seat do you like anything to drink ?".

" No Thank you ".

" So what was Mr Evan were like the past month ".

" Normal we even celebrated our 5th anniversary. He wants to celebrate every anniversary like that but.....

"Don't worry we will try our best .(Theo looks at a picture of Evan and lavender where they were holding each others arms and lavender was laughing )is this you anniversary picture?.

lavender smiled
" yes I don't like very much but Evan said it captured my beauty and personality like reality ".

Theo said
" He has the exact one in his office ".

"How do you....

" oh don't mind me I just saw it that day sorry observation is a part of my profession ".

lavender nodded.

" if you don't mind would you please tell me a little about Miss Claire and Mr Ryder ".

lavender said
" well you have seen Claire she is Evan's best friend and such a nice person she is really holding me up in this difficult situation  as for Ryder....

Hope you enjoyed . Happy reading.

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