Heart To Heart || The Big Ban...

By Neon_Trees33

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- A rewrite of "The Only Exception"- Dr. Elena Díaz is a theoretical physicist at Caltech University just lik... More



588 18 5
By Neon_Trees33

The day was filled with watching movies with Sheldon and Elena. Oddly enough, for this next movie, Sheldon agreed to watch Elena's choice which was Selena. Elena was eager to show Sheldon her favorite movie and was happy to have found it on Amazon Prime.

Sheldon sat in his spot as always while Elena sat at the other side of the couch. Sheldon provided popcorn for Elena and a bowl for himself. The movie began and Sheldon was hoping this movie would not be terrible.

The movie then reached a part where the mother of Selena began teaching her how to dance.

"Sheldon, do you know how to dance?" Elena questioned.

Sheldon nodded, "Yes, I'm not sure if you are aware of the process of Cotillion but I was forced against my will to be a part of it."

Elena was intrigued, "Is that so? I cannot imagine you dancing. Knowing you, you probably didn't enjoy it."

Sheldon sighed in relaxation. She's starting to know him well. He felt very comfortable being around Elena. He felt his whole body was mellow and for once there was no busy vibe to be found within him. This need to be certain either about what was going on now or what is going to happen later was absent. The present moment was enjoyable for him.

"You're correct. As for you? Do you dance?" Sheldon questioned.

"Absolutely. The difference between you and I is that I do love to dance."

"Why is that?"

The scene changed into Selena now being older, dancing on stage and singing one of her own songs.

"Look at her," Elena pointed out towards the television. "It looks so much fun. And the music too, it just causes excitement within you and your body just follows the music. If you let it."

Then, children then got on the stage to dance with Selena.

"Even the children felt it so much that they got on stage and started dancing with her."

For once in his life, Sheldon was quiet. Listening to every word.

The movie continued on with Elena laughing, explaining certain parts of the movie or giving fun facts about it, and most of all singing along with the movie. Elena was nervous at first hoping she wasn't being too much but she felt comfortable around Sheldon as well.

"Dear lord. Why did she go to the hotel in the first place? Why did she even go alone? I hate to say it, Elena, but that was not a very smart choice on her part." Sheldon questioned in a frustrated tone.

Elena groaned, "She was a sheltered child! She saw good in everyone! It's not her fault Yolanda was mentally unstable and took advantage of Selena!"

"Selena shouldn't have gone alone. Did you know that Raj, Howard and I went with Leonard to confront Penny's ex-boyfriend at his apartment? I honestly don't know what I would have done but the point is Leonard was not alone I can tell you that!"

Elena smiled at Sheldon. She adored that Sheldon was involved in this discussion and the movie. Yes it was a very sad ending and heartbreaking considering Selena was so young. But, she felt so happy that Sheldon actually watched the movie with her.

"What's next, Sheldon? You can pick our next movie."

Sheldon immediately picked up his phone because he knew that any movie choice he picked Elena will be all for it.

"How about Indiana Jones?" Sheldon asked.

"Ooh, very good choice. I haven't seen that franchise in a long time."

Sheldon smiled to himself.

She never disappoints.

This time around, it was now Sheldon's turn to give fun facts about the movie and sing along with the orchestral soundtrack. Elena watching him as he did made her realize how much fun she was having and how much of a nerd they both are.

It was now dark outside and Elena's stomach was grumbling.

She looked over at Sheldon, "Are you hungry by any chance?"

"Yes, I am. You may pick what we should have for dinner," Sheldon said.


Sheldon nodded, "Pizza it is. I'll call in the order for delivery."

Sheldon paused the movie as he prepared to call his most preferable pizza place.

"Do you like pepperoni pizza?" Sheldon asked before beginning his call.


As Sheldon began his call, Elena decided to go check on her phone that she left charging in Leonard's room. As she entered the room, she noticed that her phone was vibrating as if a call was coming in and quickly grabbed it.

Her hand then became weak when she saw the contact.

Once Sheldon was done making his pizza order over the phone, he called out to Elena, "The order is in! Let's continue watching this perfectly executed movie that I chose!"

When Elena didn't come back to her seat or call back out to him after a minute, Sheldon felt that he needed to go look for her. He didn't see her go into the bathroom.

He got up from his seat and made his way to the hallway where he saw the light on in Leonard's room. He stood at the doorframe when his eyes landed on Elena who was standing over the bed with her back facing Sheldon.


Elena turned around with a fearful look in her eyes. She grabbed her phone and showed it to Sheldon, revealing many, many messages and phone calls from Isaac.

"I...I am at a loss of words," Sheldon said. "What could he possibly want with you? Does he not realize what he has done to you?"

"I don't...I don't know. He's saying he's sorry and that he would like to see me in person. What would he want to say to me in person?"

"Absolutely not."

"I know," Elena said. "I can't face him. I..."

Elena sat down on the bed. She looked up at Sheldon, "I won't. I was alone with him when it happened. I cannot imagine facing him again by myself. I feel so...so weak."

Sheldon stood in front of the small woman who felt delicate and vulnerable, but at this time Sheldon didn't know what to do.

"All I can say is: you do not have to see that man. You are also not weak. You constantly deal with hate comments every day and tolerate it, this is the one person you do not have to tolerate. How do you handle all of those on a day-to-day basis anyway? I can imagine it is very difficult. Perhaps whatever you do to tolerate those—"

"I don't."

Sheldon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't what exactly?"

"I don't handle those hate comments. They come as they please, and they remain in the back of my head for however long until I forget. I read those comments every day. Not for me to grow stronger from them, but in search of at least one person who supports me in this field. One would say that it is torture, and it is, because the things people say are absolutely disgusting, but there is this small fragment of hope that one day someone will see what I did and say that I was a part of this field and carry on my contributions to science. I feel casted out. To the point where I contemplate whether or not I shall stay in this field or not. I can't even work in peace without thinking back to what everyone is saying. And now? After what happened last night? I am a complete fraud. I walk around as if I am confident and that I have a purpose. I don't. All everyone sees in me is this woman with 'big tits' and a pretty face and all they can talk about is how 'hot' I am instead of what I am contributing. I...I am not strong. I am defeated."

Sheldon's heart was racing. He knew that this field was competitive but didn't see it from the perspective of a woman. Not only is it competitive, but demeaning towards women. This conversation was eye-opening to him.

Sheldon sat down beside Elena, awkwardly trying to position himself comfortably on the bed. He looked at her and saw her quickly wipe away a couple tears.

"I...I am truly sorry. I don't understand how you are feeling since I am not a woman, but from what you said, I gather that you are in a lot of emotional turmoil. Ranging from what I believe is months of online harassment—"

"Two years."

"Two years?! I apologize. Two years of online harassment, to the incident that occurred last night, it can be very demeaning."

Elena slowly nodded.

"But I'm sorry that you have been dealing with all of this by yourself. I imagine it to be a lonely journey. I spent my childhood with bullies, but to have thousands of bullies online and to continue on like nothing is ludicrous. You shouldn't have to carry on like this. But I admire you. I believe it's very strong of you. It's disheartening that the physics community has been so awful to you saying revolting things. You don't deserve that. As I have a place in this field, so do you. Regardless of what those idiotic men are saying, what you're doing is fascinating. It is a pleasure to work alongside you."

Elena sniffled, her hand wiping off the falling tears as her eyes remained on Sheldon. She half-heartedly chuckled, looking away from his gaze, her vulnerability out in the open for him to see and timidity was settling in after realizing this.

Sheldon to her is a brilliant, intelligent man who is very well known for his contributions to science. Especially how young he was when he began his career. She admired him. And for him to acknowledge that he admired her? For once, she felt in.

Part of her scolded herself for taking validation, but he was her friend. Her first real friend that made her feel understood and heard.

Sheldon internally was at war. He also looked away from Elena. He was not understanding where all these sentiments were coming from. Lost in this whirlwind of new thoughts, new emotions and new feelings. He genuinely felt sympathy for Elena. He didn't know how to cope with this. He needed to call Leonard's mother as soon as possible.

Elena sighed, looking over at the slender man, and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Sheldon," Elena said.

Sheldon looked back over at her, glancing at her hand on his shoulder, then back at her. Again, her touch was no bother to him.

"It is a pleasure to work alongside you. An honor, actually. I needed to hear that."

Sheldon nodded.

"Can...can I hug you? And we can perhaps continue watching movies?" Elena asked.

Again, Sheldon nodded.

Elena got closer to hug Sheldon and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder. A smile softly followed upon her features. Even though he hadn't returned the hug, she felt secure.

For once, Sheldon returned the hug. He slowly wrapped his long arms around her. When he felt her head rest comfortably on his shoulder, he melted. Her hug felt soothing, like a warm blanket that he could nuzzle into during a rainy day. He almost wanted to hold her tighter. It felt like their bodies were puzzle pieces that fit into each other.

Sheldon immediately rose from his spot on the bed, causing Elena to retreat back, and stated, "I have to use the bathroom."

Before Elena could clear her throat, Sheldon was gone.

Elena didn't know how to react to Sheldon leaving so fast. She knew she felt like she had some sort of part in it.

This hug.

There was something peculiar in this hug.

A hug so sweet it caused both to be lost in the moment, and one to run. Meanwhile one, sat in silence with a silent mind but with a dancing heart.


Sheldon locked himself in the bathroom, heart beating terribly fast, palms sweaty, and a racing mind with millions of questions. He sat himself on top of the closed toilet, back straight, trying to compose himself. He didn't know what was going on with him. He was beginning to be frustrated towards himself for not figuring this out faster.

He didn't want to call Leonard. But, his mother was a better choice.

He began searching through his contacts, and pressed on her contact.

The phone rang, with every ring feeling like a minute longer.

"Hello, Sheldon, what a pleasant surprise," greeted Leonard's mother, Beverly.

"Hello, Beverly. I need your help immediately."

"Is everything okay, Sheldon? You sound very distressed," Beverly said. "Is it Leonard again?"

"No. I have gone to a medical professional about my concerns about my heart being a heart murmur, but he stated that my heart was in perfect condition. But this phenomenon is happening again. With not only the heart murmur as a symptom, but my palms have become sweaty, my stomach feels...an unexplainable sensation and my thoughts have become abnormal."

Beverly hummed, "Hmm. When do you notice these symptoms begin? And why do you think that your thoughts are abnormal?"

Sheldon cleared his throat, "I...I don't know."

"I don't believe that you don't know."

"...Well, you're right. But, I cannot seem to explain it. I couldn't even seem to explain it to Leonard. Perhaps I am having symptoms of a stroke."

"Or, there is a person you are growing infatuated with."

Sheldon scoffed, but deep down there was some truth. He remained silent though. For some time, Beverly waited for his response but it was not coming.


"I'm here," Sheldon stated. "What makes you think that it is because I'm growing infatuated with someone? To me...it seems that it is too soon to be 'growing infatuated' as you call it."

"Your symptoms correlate to symptoms of what kids call these days as a 'crush'. It is beyond your comprehension due to your lack of understanding in this field. It is normal, Sheldon. I wouldn't fret over this."

Sheldon's gaze moved to the bathroom door, Elena in mind, as he wondered what she might be up to on the other side. Could infatuation truly be what is going on?

"Perhaps my concern with this is...I cannot recall if I experienced this with...Amy," Sheldon carefully said, his heart tightening as he brought her up.

"That was going to be my next question: if you experienced this in your previous relationship? But, if you haven't, then this is all very much new to you. To circle back to what you said earlier, why do you say that it is too soon to be growing infatuation?" Beverly questioned.

"Well," Sheldon paused. "I just met this person a month ago. She became my friend in that time, and she is truly a pleasure to be with. But, if what you're saying is true, then this pace is incomparable to Amy and I's beginning."

Beverly chuckled, "Well, yes. Amy and this person are two different people. Perhaps this person is touching your life in a different light, in a light that you may find more—I would say more fitting for you. You are a unique individual, Sheldon. You will know if this 'crush' is just a little phase, or something you may want to pursue."

Sheldon sighed. He was still very much confused about this.

"Well, Sheldon, I have to go. I wish you luck in this."

Sheldon closed his eyes, rubbing his temple with his free hand, "Goodbye, Beverly. Thank you—wait! What do I do? I left her suddenly. How do I go about this?"

Then Beverly hung up the phone.

He was on his own.

Sheldon sat frozen on the toilet, unable to stand up and face Elena. Knowing what he knows now, he could not seem to grasp the fact that he has to face her. Not to confess, but that he would rather go about the weekend without bringing this subject up. Especially with what she is going through right now.

What bothered him the most is that he had just met Elena. How did she have this much affect on him in such little time?

He heard knocking at the front door, then feet shuffling in the hallway to the living room.

The pizza is here.

Sheldon took a deep breath and launched himself out of the bathroom, finding Elena at the front door accepting the pizza and also tipping the delivery man. There she stood with one pizza box as she closed the door and turned around to find Sheldon, flashing him a smile, "The pizza is here!"

Sweaty palms, the beating of his heart gradually increasing, and his mind empty.

Sheldon cleared his throat, and nodded, "It is."

Elena placed the pizza box on the table, "I'll be back, I'm just going to wash my hands."

Sheldon nodded, "Perfect."

As Elena went into the bathroom, Sheldon quickly went to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. He just came from the bathroom and he didn't want to depict a disgusting man who didn't wash his hands after using the bathroom. Even though he didn't use the bathroom. But Elena doesn't have to know that.

He returned quickly to the couch with two glass plates and two sodas from the fridge. Elena returned and plopped onto her spot on the couch, sighing comfortably in the process.

She glanced over at Sheldon, "Before we feast, can we talk?"

Sheldon's eyes widened, "Y-Yes, what would you like to talk about?"

Elena positioned herself to face Sheldon, clasping her hands together on her lap, "Do I make you uncomfortable when I hug you? If I do, please let me know. I never want to put you in an uncomfortable position and I want you to be able to tell me—"

"No," Sheldon stated firmly. "I do appreciate your concern, but you don't. You asked me if you could give me a hug, and I gave you my permission. That, I feel comfortable with for future reference."

Elena blinked.

For future reference.

Elena nodded, sighing in relief, "Noted. Now, shall we continue watching Indy and finally eat?"

"Yes, please."

Elena woke up on Sheldon's couch, dried up drool on the corner of her mouth, and an aching feeling in her neck. She slowly sat up to find Sheldon also sleeping in a sitting position at the other end of the couch, his head leaned back.

Elena rubbed the back of her neck and remained sitting up, still trying to wake up. She wondered what time it was, and leaned over to turn on Sheldon's phone to see that it was five in the morning.

She gently tapped Sheldon's shoulder, "Sheldon. Sheldon, let's go put you in your bed."

He wasn't budging, but he did stir slightly.

With the light from the television being the only source of light in the room, Elena can still see Sheldon clear. He slept so peacefully, and silently. Completely different from how Elena sleeps. It wasn't until she noticed that she was staring a little too long at Sheldon's face when she decided to try a little bit harder to wake him up.

"What? What happened? Are we dead?" Sheldon frantically said as he woke up.

Elena chuckled, "No, no. We fell asleep on the couch."

Sheldon grimaced, "Oh dear lord, how irresponsible. Well, let's get to our beds. Ugh, I didn't even brush my teeth and the bathroom schedule begins in a couple of hours."

Sheldon stood up from his spot on the couch and made his way to the bathroom, before he stopped in his tracks once he didn't hear Elena follow.

"Are you coming?" Sheldon asked, looking back at her.

Elena nodded, standing up and following behind Sheldon.

That night, Sheldon and Elena lied in their beds, staring up at the ceiling, recapping the day. From making breakfast, to the hug on Leonard's bed. Sheldon replayed the hug and the conversation he had with Beverly, dissecting every piece of information. Meanwhile, Elena replayed the hug over and over again. Falling asleep to the memory and trying to recreate the pleasant feeling with the blanket she bought from Target and still wearing Sheldon's shirt to sleep.

Elena was sitting on the couch, staring at the messages Isaac sent her yesterday, wondering what her next step should be. She decided to block his number, and from her social media so he would be unable to reach her.

im sorry about last night. let me make it up to you. can we meet up?

Sheldon brought Elena a cup of tea, which Elena happily accepted, and sat down on his spot.

"So," Sheldon began, making Elena look up to give Sheldon her full attention. "My friends would like to come over later in the day and eat with us. Is that all right with you?"

Elena nodded, "Yes, Sheldon. I would like for you to continue everything as if I wasn't here."

"Very well, I will let them know. We're having Thai food tonight, it is very delicious."

Elena smiled, "It sounds delicious."

"Yes, and you will finally meet Leonard's wife, Penny. Oh, and Howard's wife and children, and Raj is just by himself."

Elena was taken aback, "Oh really? Well, that is exciting. Are you sure you would like me to be here?"

Now it was Sheldon's turn to be taken aback, "Why yes. You are also my friend, and I would like for you to eat with us."

Before Elena could respond, a knock at the door interrupted the both of them. Sheldon stood up to open the door, peeping into the peep hole and sighed.


Sheldon opened the door and in marched Penny with Leonard sluggishly following behind, "Whoop did we come too early? Oh well, oh! You must be Sheldon's new friend, nice to meet you! I'm Penny."

Sheldon rolled his eyes, immediately glaring at Leonard, "I believe it's too early for you all to be arriving."

"Yeah like she would listen to me," Leonard responded.

Elena stood up to shake Penny's hand and greet her, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Elena. Please come sit, I apologize that I am still in my pajamas."

"Oh, don't apologize," As Elena had her back turned to sit herself comfortably on the couch, Penny turned around to Leonard mouthing 'in his shirt!' in complete excitement before facing Elena acting normal once again. She sat next to Elena, and began striking a whole conversation with her.

"Is everyone else arriving earlier as well?" Sheldon questioned Leonard.

Before Leonard could answer, a knock was heard at the door.

Sheldon was flabbergasted.

Eventually, the whole group was there earlier than expected and bombarded Elena with all this new attention in the living room.

Sheldon was completely embarrassed. He wasn't able to prepare Elena for what to expect or even allow her time to change into normal clothing considering this would be her first time meeting the whole gang. Luckily, Elena was able to slip away and put on jeans and a black long sleeve.

But, unfortunate for Sheldon, because now everyone has seen Elena in his shirt. Unbeknownst to Elena that that shirt was a typical outfit for Sheldon.

As the group waited for Leonard to go pick up the food, the boys decided to start up a debate about The Rise of Skywalker. Well, no debate. More of a mutual discussion about how terrible the movie was.

Meanwhile, the girls were sat in the middle of this discussion.

"What were they thinking bringing Emperor Palpatine back to life? This is a massacre of the entire trilogy and I am so happy we skipped it for Star Wars Day," Howard stated, feeding his child at the same time with a bottle.

"Oh, and may I add how ridiculous the kiss between Kylo Ren and Rey was?" Sheldon added, causing Elena to nod in agreement.

"Okay, hear me out," Raj said. "I don't think the kiss was that bad."

Howard, Sheldon and Elena groaned in annoyance.

"I believe they had so much potential with these new movies and ruined them. But I personally believe that if Disney never came into the picture, we would have a different story," Elena said. "Even Mark Hamill said so himself that George Lucas had an entire plan for the trilogy but Disney scrapped the whole thing."

Bernadette and Penny glanced at each other in surprise, not knowing that Elena was a geek like them.

Sheldon was in awe of what Elena was saying.

"Oh and I hated how they portrayed Luke's character. I don't believe he would have truly despised Kylo Ren, considering he saw good in his father, why did that not carry on to his nephew?" Elena added.

Now we're talking, Sheldon thought.

"Woah, Kylo Ren killed Han Solo!" Raj exclaimed. "What good could you see in that man?!"

"Actually, Luke still felt anger and hatred towards Kylo Ren prior to Han Solo's death. Kylo Ren went on to destroy Luke's New Order hence creating more conflict within Luke," Sheldon stated.

"And Darth Vader committed worse atrocities than Kylo Ren, and Luke still believed in him. Why not have that same treatment for Kylo Ren?" Elena said.

Sheldon glanced over at Elena and smiled at her.

Bernadette and Penny gave each other the look of 'yes, perfect for Sheldon'.

After Leonard arrived with the food, the group all ate together and got to hangout. The girls got to know Elena and ask her all the questions they wanted to know.

"So not only are you into the same nerd stuff, you also watch normal movies like The Notebook, My Best Friend's Wedding, and Romeo + Juliet, but the one with Leonardo DiCaprio?" Penny questioned.

"Yes! Oh especially The Notebook. I would disagree with the way Ryan Gosling managed to score a date Rachel McAdams but I just have a guilty pleasure for the movie. I also always find myself watching Twilight without a fail."

Penny and Bernadette gasped.

Sheldon rolled his eyes, "Twilight, really?"

"Girls'. Night," Bernadette emphasized, happily looking at both Penny and Elena. "Oooh! We can have a Twilight marathon!"

Elena nodded, "Yes! I mean...yes."

The girls laughed while Sheldon thought he knew Elena.

"When you think you know someone. I cannot believe you like that movie," Sheldon told Elena.

"What? The books are better than the movies but how can one not also enjoy the movies?" Elena debated and at the same time laughing.

"They're terrible!"

"I agree with Sheldon on this," Leonard stated.

"No one asked either of you! This is a discussion between the three of us trying to plan a watch party and none of you are invited," Penny said.

Raj gasped, putting his hand to chest, "I'm not invited either?! This is so unfair!"

Bernadette smiled at Raj, "Of course you're invited!"

Elena sat back and watched this group of friends bicker. She had wondered how Sheldon came across this group, they were all very welcoming towards her and were hilarious from the beginning. Growing up, Elena had one friend but eventually that one friend turned on her in high school and acted like she didn't know Elena. That was a heartbreaking time.

Then, it was as if a dark cloud came over Elena as she remembered she had to go to work tomorrow and be back in her apartment. She had a great time here with Sheldon and his friends at his apartment. She knew she would cherish the gesture of Sheldon bringing her back to his home for the rest of her life. A true friend he is. She hoped that their friendship will continue and grow.


Leonard, Sheldon and Elena drove to Caltech the next morning. Leonard was having a migraine from Sheldon's excitement about having Elena with them and how he can finally have a challenge in his car games.





Elena hummed, slightly stumped over the next element that starts with "Y", "Hmm...Ytterbium."

"Oh nice one, Leonard wouldn't have guessed that."

"Sheldon, I'm pretty sure Leonard would've answered that one," Elena politely stated, in attempt to protect Leonard's feelings.

"Thanks, Elena. It's okay he always says things like that," Leonard said, turning into the university's parking lot.

As the car was put into park, Elena was filled with anxiety. Her hands were slightly shaking and felt like she could run away from this place as fast as possible.

The three walked into the university with Sheldon of course talking their ears off, but with both Leonard and Elena toning him out. Elena was on high alert looking around at her surroundings, her heart rate increasing rapidly the moment they stepped inside. Leonard split off saying goodbye to both Sheldon and Elena as they eventually made it to his lab.

And then there was two.

Then, they were already at Sheldon's office.

"Would you like me to accompany you to your office?" Sheldon asked, noticing that Elena did not seem like herself.

Elena released a shaky sigh, "I don't know. I'm not even sure if I want to be here right now."

Sheldon nodded as he looked down at her, observing her bouncing her right foot rapidly in an anxious manner, "I'll walk you."

Elena nodded in agreement.

The two slowly made their way to her office. Elena not wanting to be alone and Sheldon not wanting to leave her alone at a frightening time like this.

"Has no one from the police contacted you about this? What if he is already arrested?" Sheldon questioned.

Elena shrugged, "I don't know. I'm not even sure if there is a detective assigned to my case. Maybe tomorrow morning I can go to a courthouse and get a restraining order."

"I say that would be best. It's not right for you to be left with no knowledge of what's going on with your case."

Then, there they were standing in front of Elena's office.

"Well, we're here," Sheldon stated, stopping in front. He turned to look at her and she returned a saddened look.

"Thank you, Sheldon. You're free to return to your office," Elena told him.

Sheldon nodded, "Will you be all right? I am close by, and also call security because I'm not sure what I can contribute as far as protection."

"I'll be okay. I think I will be."

"All right then. I will come back to retrieve you for lunch."

Elena chuckled, "Thank you, Sheldon. For everything. You have been nothing but my hero."

Sheldon smiled, being told a hero caused a warmth to his heart. But worry still sat very strongly within him.

The two bid farewell to each other, Elena watching as the tall, slender man walked away from her. A part of her wanting to grab onto him and tell him to stay. It was too late now. She sighed, looking down both sides of the hallway to ensure no one was watching her as she was unlocking her office without her knowledge.

She entered into her office and began her normal routine.

She sat down at her desk and began loading up her desktop. Her eyes then gazed upon the picture with her family. She missed them dearly. If something were to happen to her, she needed to let them know that she loved them.

Elena then looked up her group chat with her family. As she found it, she looked at the recent meme her little brother sent and chuckled to herself.

I know I don't say it a lot. But I

"Nice to see that your phone works."

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