Unraveling Secrets

By Reading_Ig2

12.9K 373 97

Nova was only 2 years old when she was kidnapped from her family. She has 5 older brothers and her biological... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 7

379 9 0
By Reading_Ig2


I was listening to my  music with my eyes closed on my brothers jet when I got a notification on my phone. I was tired, but I was not going to be sleeping with unknown men in front of me, even if they were my long lost brothers. I open my eyes and grab my phone to see it is from Jax asking if he can call me. I ask for clarification on if this is a normal conversation or a not so normal conversation that can't be said in front of the brothers. Which obviously I should have known the answer to... because its not.

I click the call button and bring my phone to my ear. My brothers are looking at me, which seems to be the only thing they do and that makes me want to test some pressure points on them.

When he answers the phone I make sure I am the first to speak. "Hey Jax, les frères sont là alors parle en français." I say to him. (the brothers are here so speak in french) "Alors de quoi s'agit-il?" (So what is this about)

"J'ai fait ce que tu m'as demandé... pour voir si je pouvais trouver quelque chose sur tes frères" Jax says. (I did what you asked... to see if I could find anything out about your brothers) I look over at the brothers to see them looking at me with a confused look. I can tell they are wanting to know what is being said, and Lorenzo is probably going to go make everyone learn French, but if they don't know what is being said in this moment that is all that matters. 

"Et ce serait?" I question, just wanting to know already. (And that would be..?) I glance at my brothers again to see them still looking at me before moving my gaze.

"préparez-vous bien pour ne pas avoir trop de réaction devant eux" (well prepare yourself so you don't have to much of a reaction in front of them) He says, and if he doesn't spit it out fast I am going to shoot him through the phone and hire someone else to do the job. 

"Crachez-le Jax, je ne suis pas d'humeur" (Spit it out Jax I am not in the mood) I say while irritated.

"Ok, bon sang, tes frères ne connaissent pas seulement la merde underground, ils en font partie." He says nervously. (Okay jeez, your brothers don't just know about underground shit.. they are apart of it.) 

As much as I want to look at my brothers right now, I don't. I keep my focus, and keep my breathing even. "Il va falloir que tu clarifies un peu plus ce sujet Jax" (Your going to have to clarify a bit more on that subject Jax) 

"Lorenzo, ton frère aîné, est le don de la mafia américaine. Tous tes frères ont un rôle dans la clandestinité, et tu as une bande de cousins ​​et un de tes oncles est le patron de la mafia italienne." He says all in one breathe. (Lorenzo your eldest brother is the don of the American Mafia. All of your brothers have a role in the underground, and you have a bunch of cousins and one of your Uncles is the don of the italian mafia.) "Je vous enverrai plus de détails que vous pourrez examiner" He says and then blows out a breath. (I will send you more details you can look into.) 

"Putain de merde" I say barely above a whisper. (Holy shit) "Penser que je gardais des secrets"  (To think I was keeping secrets) I say with a slight laugh which was hardly audible. It was one of those laughs you get when you find out news that you can't believe and you are like 'your joking right' but then it turns out they aren't and your laugh slowly fades away. Except mine wasn't quite that dramatic.   

"Ouais et bien, ça devrait faire un accueil intéressant à la maison." Jax says sarcastically (Yeah well that should make for a intresting welcome home.) 

"Ce qui sera encore plus amusant, c'est de voir combien de temps ils essaient de me le cacher sans savoir que je le sais déjà. Vous devriez voir leurs visages maintenant car ils n'ont aucune idée d'un seul mot de ce que je dis." I say as I look at the brothers saying the last part. (What will be even more fun is seeing how long they try and hide it from me not knowing I already know. You should see their faces right now as they have no idea a single word I am saying.) I look at Lorenzo, the don of the American Mafia. Now how did I not know this already. 

"Eh bien, amuse-toi bien avec ça, je vais aller manger à manger" Jax says to me and I roll my eyes. (Well you have fun with that I am going to go eat food)

"Ouais ouais merci Jax à bientôt" (Yeah yeah thank you Jax talk to you soon.) 

"Anytime. Bye Sunshine" He says before hanging up. 

This shall be a fun conversation for the rest of the ride.

Word Count: 855

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