The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Lo...


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Tyra is the oldest cousin to Kagome, who's a foreigner from America, and due to bullying, her eyes were spray... Еще

The Blind Mate: Back To Japan
The Blind Mate: Sit Command
The Blind Mate: Monsters Are Real!
The Blind Mate: Enter Jaken And A-un
The Blind Mate: Caring Hand
The Blind Mate: Interruption
The Blind Mate: By Your Side Always
A/N About Her Senses
About spamming bots
Lost Once Again
Future Of Wattpad In The USA
Muttface McGee
Author's Note:
Denial At It's Finest
Author's Note
Naraku's Vice
Time Of The Month And Koga's Confession!
Saying Goodbye And Down The Rabbit Hole Again!
Gap Between The Ages
Halfwit and Dimwit
Herbal Remedies Used In Story
Caring Dog Demon
Author's Note: Playlist & Thanks For 14k!
Future Characters: Haruka
Caring Hand Of The Dog Demon
Author's Note: Spoilers/Future Characters
The Blind Mate: Brutal Truth
We Kissed But Dude You Scare Me!
Author's Note
Important Author's Note: Family Emergency
Author's Note: Changing FuwaFuwa's Name
Enter The Band Of Seven!!
Enter Kikyo!
Fanfic Is Being Sold Illegally Online
Twisted Pain
Oblivious Love
Saying Goodbye To The Modern World
Calm Envy
Author's Note: What Inspired Tyra's Name?
Meeting Up With Kagome
Salon Madness.
Author's Note: ( ̄ヘ ̄;)Haruka/Yukito Revised Info༼;'༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
Character: Incarceration Miyo
Enter Incarnation Miyo!!
Jinenji's Farm
Going Home
Missing Him
Author's Note:

The Journey Home

673 29 0

Here's the next chapter........

Happy Holidays everyone and the reason why I say Happy Holidays is because every religion has holidays around this time, including pagans and the Jews.
I hope everyone has a good holiday week.
I'm turning 30 in January!
I plan on having cake.

Sesshomaru's pov is this chapter.....

That night Sesshomaru watched over Tyra as she slept, making sure no demons would attack her, nor any demons sent by Naraku, since Naraku's scent is reeking of the air strongly, yet nobody could pin point where, it seemed as Sesshomaru had his nose guide him, yet everytime he was closer to finding where Naraku resided, the halfwit's scent would disappear, frustrating Sesshomaru to his dismay.

Sesshomaru sat against a tree, him leaning against it, his swords resting against the other side of the tree, and A-un let Tyra rest against him, the dragon two headed demon had his heads resting against her small body to keep her warm.
Sesshomaru had also retrieved a fur blanket for her when she slept, since it was turning into the winter months, and he knows she will not be able to endure the severe cold weather, but tonight they couldn't find any abandoned places to stay inside of, so the cold outside was their only shelter.
Tyra was still shivering a little in her sleep, which made A-un raise his heads and look to Sesshomaru with a concerned look.

"I know A-un, but there is nowhere to stay and away from the cold."
Sesshomaru mutters to A-un.
"Keep her warm the best you can, even if you must use your demonic power."
A-un nods, and started glowing blue, using his energy to keep Tyra warm, which seemed to work, since she stopped shivering.

Sesshomaru sighs, and Jaken gave the fire more wood to help keep it lit, and Jaken asked Sesshomaru.
"Milord, are you sure we should not find Kagome, and return her to her home?
She has remained in danger more whilst we look for that halfwit Naraku.
I'm worried Naraku will try to murder her again."

Sesshomaru narrows his golden eyes at Jaken.
"She stays Jaken."

"Yes milord."
Jaken replied him kowtowing to his lord.

You are possessive of her and it clearly shows Milord.
Jaken thought to himself.

The morning sun rose above the trees ever so slowly finally at last, the sun's rays warming the land, and Sesshomaru looked to the orange and purple sky, his thoughts on if maybe he should return Tyra back to her home, yet he's torn over the matter.
Jaken is right that she has been in danger countless times, even to where she was missing, and he had to track her down.
Since she was by his side she has been in danger, and he feels guilty for it.
He sighs for the hundredth time, and ran his hand through his long hair.
He doesn't want her to go back to her home, yet he knows Jaken is right, which agonizes Sesshomaru to no end.
Sesshomaru did not want her to leave, yet he knows that Naraku will not stop at trying to harm her, since she is Sesshomaru's weakness.
It will be a hard decision for himself to let her go before Naraku harms her.

He heard her mumble incoherent things in her sleep, but one word he recognized was her muttering.

Sesshomaru looked to her as she slept, wondering if she missed her family.
She probably did miss her family, especially the family that she is related to, including that wretched girl of Inuyasha's Kagome.
He will have to find the village that Inuyasha often visited to return her home, meaning ask around about it on their travels there.
Jaken is very right, because Sesshomaru does not want anything to happen to Tyra, nor does he wish her to die because of Naraku, so it's best to return her home.
He made his decision now.
Her safety comes first over his feelings for her.

Sesshomaru stands up, placing his swords upon his hip, within his golden and purple sash.
He then walked over to where A-un was letting her lay upon him to sleep.
Sesshomaru kneeled down and gently shakes her awake, and she moaned out.
"Just a few more minutes Mom."

"I am not your mother."
He replied to her.

She sits up slowly and yawns, and looks at him blinking, her groggy it seems, and she says to him in a groggy smile.
"Good morning Sesshomaru."

"Good morning.
I will find you something to eat along the way of our journey, so get up now."
She gave him a confused expression

"Where are we going?"
She asked him.

"To return you home."
He replied to her.

"But I told you I wanted to stay by your side!
Why are you taking me back?!
Did I do something wrong?!"
She exclaimed at him, her seemingly upset it seemed.

"It is far too dangerous for you to be around me, since Naraku has tried to harm you, and because you look like this Kikyo person, I hardly doubt he will try again to harm you, so it's best I send you home into the safety net of your family."
Sesshomaru says to her.
"Though I wish you to stay, your safety matters more than what I desire."

She teared up.
"But I don't want to leave you!
I like it here!"

He then took her right hand, and pulled her into a hug, and she sobbed into his chest plate of his armor.
"I know you do, but your safety is more important."
He murmurs into her neck, her scent was the sweetest thing he has ever had hit his senses.

"I really don't want to leave, so can you just protect me?
I really want to stay!
I'll try to help you beat Naraku's ass!"
She says to him, and he sighs ino her dark hair.
"Anyways I want to clip his balls off myself for trying to murder me with that one guy, that Muso guy.
And sending his demons after me, that resulted in me going missing, and me having to rely on Koga to survive."

"Those incidents are why I have to send you away, because I care if you are ever harmed."
Sesshomaru mutters in her right ear, and he watched her shiver when he did that.

You care whether I am hurt or not?
Why do you care?
Jaken mentioned you hated humans, so why am I different?"
She asked him, her sobbing this out in his chest plate of his armor, her hiding her face within his furry creamy colored pelt.

"I just do is all I will say."
He says to her, him blushing madly he could tell, since his cheeks burned ever so hotly.
"I would never forgive myself if something happened to you, and I do not know the reason why."
He admits more to her.
"So adhere to my whims for once."

"I don't get it, but truly I don't want to go back.
People back home treat me differently than you do.
Some people don't believe that I am blind.
Some people torment people that are blind too.
Here I don't have that issue because of you."
She says to him, and he could tell she was not fibbing, and that she was worried about going back, and no doubt worried about being bullied for her being blind.
Then she asked him.
"Can you visit if you could?"

"I doubt the well you came out of will allow me to pass through it, so I think not."
Sesshomaru admits to her, him being honest that he doubts the well will allow him to pass through to her homeland.

"You can try at least, and if you cannot pass through, then I can visit."
She retorts back gently.

"The whole purpose in sending you back is so you will not be harmed, yet you want to come back, you are a foolish girl."
He gently scolds her, and dove his nose into her neck, and inhaled her scent once more that smelled of green tea, cucumbers, and aloe vera.
"If this world of mine was not so cruel I would not have to send you away."
He says more into her neck.
"I am sending you back and that's final."

"Will you miss me?"
She asked him, him realizing she was curious if he will miss her.

You are pleasant to have around I highly admit."
Sesshomaru admits honestly to her.
"We should head to the village where the well is."

Sesshomaru stood up, and helped her stand upon her shoes.
"I'm gonna miss you so much Sesshomaru."
She sobbed out, tears still going down her cheeks.

He ruffled her bangs with his hand.
"Do not cry.
It does not suit you at all, smile instead."

"I can't smile when I'm being separated from you!"
She cried out.

"I know."
He then trailed his hand to caress her right cheek in a loving way, him not caring her tears are wetting his hand immensely.
"I will probably see you again."

She asked him.

"Indefinitely I will, so stop crying.
It makes me feel somewhat human."
Sesshomaru says to her, and she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"I want to see you again.
I hope I will see you again."
She says with a determined tearful expression on her face.

"Come now, get on A-un.
His energy shall keep you warm as you ride him, whilst we travel to that village where the well is."
Sesshomaru says to her as he helped her onto A-un's saddle.

She gripped A-un's reigns and asked Sesshomaru.
"Aren't you cold?"

I run naturally warmer than humans."
Sesshomaru admits honestly to her as he started walking beside A-un, with Jaken following them.

"Sounds like a werewolf thing from back home."
She admits honestly to him he could tell.

What is that?"
Sesshomaru asked her.

"They are supernatural humans who can turn into wolves in mythology back home, and people write tales about them, including romances."
She replied to him.
"The most popular series is the Twilight series, which has both werewolves and vampires in the books.
Vampires are immortal humans who drink the blood of humans to survive.
There were motion pictures made from that book series."

"Sounds interesting."
Sesshomaru honestly admits to her.

"If we see each other again I'll bring my book collection of Twilight, and The Vampire Diaries, as well as The Originals, all three are good vampire and werewolf books.
Sookie Stackhouse novels are good too, and I can bring them.
But I'd have to read them to you because they aren't in Japanese, but English.
English is my main language I speak."
She says to him.

"You can read?
Only the nobles can learn that!"
Jaken exclaims.

"Back home everyone can be taught to read and write, it don't matter your status."
She replied to Jaken.

Sesshomaru admits honestly to her.
"But I though you cannot read?"

"I have all the books in brail, which is a language for the blind."
She smiled in the direction of Sesshomaru.

"There is such a way to read with this brail for the blind?"
Sesshomaru asked, him shocked by that.

"Uh huh.
Society developed ways to help the disabled like me for a few decades back home."
She admits honestly to him he could tell.
"Back home in America the disabled folk like me finally got rights as human beings in 1990, the ADA or American Disability Association was created to help and support those with disabilities.
There are people with invisible disabilities too, who aren't able bodied, and back in the old days they were treated as they weren't human, and abused cruelly, even killed, but it was stopped in 1990 where I'm from."
She tells him more.

"That's a good thing you developed rights."
Jaken admits honestly to her.

"Yes, but America don't exist yet here in this era, nor is Japan allies with America yet."
She replied to Jaken.

"Where is America?"
Sesshomaru asked her.

"A long ways away.
By boat I think a month or so away."
She says to him.

"That far away?!"
Jaken asked in shock.

"By plane back home it's twenty-four hours."
She replied to him.

"What are planes?"
Sesshomaru asked her.

"Metal bird looking things that can carry passengers to fly to other countries, but you have to pay to ride in one."
She replied to him.

Sesshomaru asked her.

"Yeah, and we've been to the moon too."
She giggled at him.

Sesshomaru asked her.

"With rocket ships."
She motioned her arms to show a shape of a long cylinder shape.
"They are long and fly into the air, into space, beyond the sky, and they landed upon the moon.
Humans plan to go on the moon again very soon back home."

"So technically things have advanced in your society that far?"
Sesshomaru asked her.

"Well yeah they have, including varieties of food as well."
She smiled warmly in his direction.

As they travelled; Sesshomaru came upon a woman travelling along the road, so he asked her where the village was that a priestess protected the Sacred Jewel was from fifty years ago, and she told him how to get there, which he thanked her, and he guided A-un along towards the direction of that village.


To be continued......

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