My Life With BIGBANG

By CharlieFReed

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Disclaimer: I do not own BIGBANG or their agency for that matter. This is purely a fanfiction. Imagine you m... More

Chapter 1: Nice to meet you
Chapter 2: New Found Friends
Chapter 3: Accidents Happen
Chapter 5: The distances, The Changes
Chapter 6: Surprise
Chapter 7: Confession
Chapter 8: Disappointments
Chapter 9: Indirect Confession
Chapter 10: Fun under the sun
Chapter 11: 'fess up
Chapter 12: Fresh start
Chapter 13: Happy
Chapter 14: Home
Chapter 15: Rumors
Chapter 16: Meeting
Chapter 17: The Truth
Chapter 18: Open to public
Chapter 19: Goodbye
Chapter 20: Love...Life

Chapter 4: Appear, Disappear

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By CharlieFReed

I asked him why he came back, but he didn't say a word. 

He helped me sit on the nearest chair.

"Hey, I asked you why did you come back."

He sighed.

"Not that I am concerned. But I didn't want Youngbae and Seungri end up fighting just because of a klutz like you and by the way, you're kinda heavy, klutz"

I blushed. 

OK, I've had it with his name-calling.

I tapped his shoulder.

"Kwon Jiyong. I have a name, it's not klutz it's Lizzie. Stop your name-calling because it's very rude and annoying." I said.

He looked at my hand then back at me. He glared at me actually. 

I got his point so I removed my hand on his shoulder.

"OK you see, I am grateful that you stayed behind but if we will not get along might as well leave me alone." then I stood up and started to walk. 

This time faster yet tiny steps at a time.

"Ya, where are you going?" he asked.

I didn't look at him and I grabbed the door knob.

"I mean it, Mr. Kwon Ji Yong. If you have no plans of getting along with me please, as soon as I get back from God-knows-where this feet will take me, I don't want to see your face here or wherever." I said in a sarcastic voice.

Then I walked out of my room. 

I was a feet away from the nurse's station when my knee gave out. 

I fell.

yeah, my back was sore.

I could see that my eyes were clouding up with tears. 

I tried to stand, then I heard footsteps, running towards me. 

I didn't dare to look. 

so i stood up, though it hurt, he held my arm and assisted me.

"do you have to fall the second time around, klu-i mean Liz?" he said.

"I didn't do it on purpose. It just so happen i lost my strength, I think the medications are kicking in." I said as I wiped away my tears.

"Where are you going actually?" he asked.

"I just wanted some fresh air." I said with one eyebrow raised. He looked at me and said,

"I'm offering you my help and I promise I'll try my best to behave." he said and flashed me his smile.

Then my heart started to beat really fast and then again. 

I can feel my cheeks getting warmer.

He smiled. He actually smiled at me. 

He stared and guessed he noticed.

"Are you blushing? or do you have a fever?" he asked.

I shook my head and said,

"Why would I be blushing..." then we slowly walked.

We reached the bench area just outside the hospital. 

It was my first time to see lots of stars during night time. 

So I was in awe that I kept looking up, right and left. Jiyong was just silent. 

Then I looked at him and smiled,

"Sorry if i'm reacting this way. This is my first time 'coz last night I fell asleep right away that I had no time to watch this spectacular view."

"Go on. I didn't say anything. Honestly I'm enjoying myself too." he said.

hmmm, this kind of scenario is perfect for couples. Oh, couples... I wanted to ask him about his past relationships. I wonder if he'll answer it or not.

"Hey, Jiyong."


"I wanted to ask you, how many girlfriends did you have?"

He stared at me and I think I got his point.

"You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I respect that."

I shrugged and continued looking at the stars... 

Then I heard him say something,

"I had some girlfriends in the past but I only got serious once. But I think I'll start to get serious again this time."

I didn't clearly hear the last part "come again?" I said.

He shook his head,

"For me to know, for you to find out." 

ah~ got back at me then, eh?

Then I let out a little sigh,

"This would be nice if I were with my boyfriend."

"I thought you were single?" he said.

Eh... I said it too loud for him to hear? How embarrassing.

"Uhh... yeah, I am... I was just thinking, it would be nice. If a couple would date under a blanket of stars. That would be so romantic."

He smirked but I ignored him. 

It has always been a dream of mine, to have a date under the night sky.

"How many boyfriends did you have then?" he asked me.

My eyes widened and I let out a sigh and smiled.

"I only had 2 in the past. The other one, I got dumped and the last one, I dumped him."

"How come?" he added.

"Well, the first one two-timed me. The latest, I caught him cuddling with some other chick but what's the difference they're all the same. So yeah, guess I'm having bad luck when it comes to relationships like that."

"Bad luck, eh? There's no such thing. It's just that you haven't found the right one yet. You might meet him here. You don't know, right?" he said.

I felt my heart beat so fast from the words he just uttered.

Time passed really fast, it was almost midnight. 

Me and Jiyong, well technically, I was the one who did the sharing of my life's story up to present day. 

Then I yawned,

"Excuse me." I said.

"It's getting late, we should get back now." he suggested.

"Last five minutes." I requested.

He agreed and I still could not believe that I'm with Jiyong now under these beautiful starry sky. Then just as I looked up, I saw a shooting star!

"Ah! Shooting star!" I shouted and pointed out.

I clasped my hand and wished and I wish that there will be a lot of moments together with Jiyong.

Moments like this: moments that I can share with my great great grandchildren, moments that we could spend together. I was wishing to be with Jiyong.

Then after that, we went back upstairs.

That morning, I was feeling a little better. When I woke up, Jiyong wasn't there but it was my cousin. Was it all a dream then?

"Yo, good morning sleepyhead." my cousin said.

I smiled and asked, "Was there someone else here?"

"Oh, you mean the Asian guy? Do you know him? Or how did you two meet is more appropriate."

"We met at the airport. We sorta became friends and I have no idea how."

"Well, whatever, just be careful with strangers. He went out an hour ago."

"What time is it anyway?" I asked as I grab my phone.

"Close to 9am," my cousin said.

Just as I looked at my phone, I heard a knock on the door.

There were 3 messages on my phone but I didn't bother to look at it as I looked up to see who was at the door.

It was the doctor. 

I guess he's here for my examination.

"How are you feeling, Liz?"

"I'm good, thank you."

"Shall we start your examination then?"

I did the usual routine. 

I stood up, I winced as I stood up.

He made me walk. 

I could walk up to 10 baby steps that are equivalent to 5 normal steps.

"Well, I see that you've improved. You can go home. I'm ordering a complete bed rest at home, no lifting of heavy objects and no climbing of stairs either. Don't forget to come back a week later for another physical examination and if it hurts drink painkillers. If it doesn't help, come back and we'll run tests for you." I nodded on each order.

Then the doctor left,

"Well, you can go home now. I'll call my mom and get your things ready. Just take your time, don't rush." my cousin said.

I nodded as my reply. 

I wasn't in the mood for talking, I haven't brushed my teeth yet!

And so I did my business, then my phone was ringing. 

I looked at it and saw Seungri's name. 

Then I answered.

"Hello, Seungri?"

"Ya, Lizzie! How are you?"

"I'm fine, I can go home today."

"Ah! Really? Then I guess I'll cancel my visit then?"

"What are you talking about?"

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

"You don't have to shout, you know," Seungri said.

It's Seungri and he's alone today.

"I came to visit you but I guess you'll be going home now. Can I help you with anything?" he offered.

I waved my hand and said,

"It's ok Seungri. There's nothing to pack much really."

"Then, let me carry your stuff?" he offered.

"Uhh it's really not that necessary Seungri-"

"Just let me do this, OK? I hate the fact that Jiyong spent the night here with you. At least let me do this, OK?" he said then flashed his smile.

I was speechless. 

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded.

Then my cousin appeared.

"Hey-" he stopped and looked at Seungri.

"Oh hey cuz. This is Seungri. Met him in the airplane."

He raised one eyebrow and said,

"Right. Well anyway, I  think I'm done. I'll bring you home then I'll go to work afterwards. So let's hurry or I might be late for work." he said.

Then Seungri interrupted him,

"If I may suggest, can I take her home instead?" there was a moment of silence.

I and my cousin looked at each other. I was slightly shaking my head from left to right.

"Please." he said then bowed his head.

My eyes widened and gestured my cousin, no.

"OK then, coz I'll be late for work if I have to drop her off. I'll write down the address." my cousin said while grinning.

Then I went near him and talk to him in our native tongue.

"I said no, why did you agree?"

"Seriously, I'll be late and if that happens, they will deduct my salary 15%. kapeesh? and you have a lot of explaining to do, cuz."

I nodded and sighed. 

I can't argue with him or with Seungri, so yeah I had no choice.

Seungri pushed the wheelchair that I was sitting on and I feel embarrassed, I don't know why but yeah, that's how I felt at the moment.

He was attracting a lot of attention because of his looks. 

Girls were staring and mumbling to each other, even the nurses.

I heard one said,

"5 guys came to visit her yesterday and all of them were good-looking. One hell of a lucky girl."

ghad! I wanted to argue with them! But I can't so all I did was looked down and covered my mouth.

"Relax, they're just jealous." Seungri whispered. and I raised a thumbs up at him.

Then Seungri assisted me to get in the car. 

As soon as the engine started, there was music and yes, it was a music from his Solo album.

He started headbanging slightly to the tune and I was looking at him.

"What?" he asked.

I shook my head and said "nothing" and smiled.

"Say, aren't you hungry?" he asked. Now that he mentioned it, I'm kinda hungry.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll just eat at home." then my stomach grumbled.

He smirked and I blushed. So we went to this fast food. 

I was watching Seungri but he wasn't eating. He was drinking coffee.

"Aren't you eating?" I asked him.

He shook his head and smiled. So I helped myself but I wasn't able to finish it all up and a half of each of the servings were left.

"Sorry for the left over but I'm already full." I said in a low tone and scratched my head.

"That's OK. At least your stomach isn't grumbling." he said.

I felt a warmth on my cheeks again.

Then he motioned to get up and so did I.

"Let's go?" he asked and I nodded.

We were driving again and the window was open, I liked the breeze so I leaned my head by the window. 

Then Seungri's phone was ringing, he answered it. 

He was talking in Korean, so basically I can't understand a thing.

Arrgh! seriously, i'll learn Korean once i get back home.

Their conversation wasn't that long, I looked at him and he seemed to read my mind.

"It was Jiyong. He was looking for me and I told him I'm with you & driving you home." he said with a smile.

I didn't know what to say so I returned his smile with a smile. 

So we arrived at my aunt's place. 

My grandmother was at the porch, guess she was waiting for me. 

I waved at my grandmother, and I looked at Seungri and bowed my head

"Thank you for the ride and brunch. Would you like to have another tea or some coffee again inside?" I asked politely.

"Maybe next time, the members might get mad at me for stealing the car. I'll see you next time." he grinned.

He went out and opened the door for me.

"See you Lizzie!" he said, smiled.

Then I watched him drive away. 

There was something behind those smile, I could sense it. 

But I just shrugged maybe it was just my imagination. 

Then my grandmother came and asked in our native tongue,

"Dear, who was that? Ever since you came here you're quite famous with those guys."

"Ahhh, just a guy I met in the airplane grandma. We've been keeping in touch." I said with a grin.

"*sigh* Be careful with guys dear, I tell you. You don't know them that well. You ought to be careful." she warned me.

I nodded.

I'm not desperate or anything, I know where I stand. 

Right now, I'm treating them as my new found friends. 

I'm being careful after everything I've been through.

The sun has almost set, my relatives and I are eating outside for dinner.

All throughout the day, no one was texting or calling me. 

It bothered me a little, but I slipped it out of my mind, I mean, they are idols, they have busy schedules, I think.

so, I will not disturb them nor will I expect them to call or text every now and then. 

But last night with Jiyong, I will never forget that. 

I got to spend the night with him under the beautiful starry sky. 

I wondered what he's doing right at this very moment.

I was counting the days from my arrival. 7 days... 

And 5 days no communication with any Bigbang members. 

I wondered if something happened or maybe, they went back to Korea already. 

but I didn't allow this to bother me.

10 days after Seungri brought me home, I left my aunt's house. 

But I promised them to come back a month before my visa expires. 

And now I moved all the way to Los Angeles. 

How the hell did I get here? I found a part-time job. 

Well, two jobs actually. 

One in the morning and one in the afternoon. 

I didn't mind having two jobs, if I could afford to find another job, I would be glad to have 3.

A month passed, still no Bigbang.

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