Homesick | Charles Leclerc

De tonysnarky

362K 8.1K 761

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... Mai multe

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.1K 38 1
De tonysnarky

The Yas Marina Circuit shimmered under the glow of the floodlights, the grandstands filled with eager fans anticipating the culmination of a season marked by triumphs, heartbreaks, and a rivalry that had gripped the Formula 1 world. The air buzzed with tension as the final race day dawned, and the championship hung in the balance with a mere one-point difference.

In the Ferrari garage, the atmosphere was heavy with disappointment and frustration. Charles Leclerc, who had initially qualified in pole position, now found himself burdened by a five-place grid penalty due to an unexpected engine failure. The pit crew moved with purpose, making last-minute adjustments to the scarlet car that would now start from the sixth position.

Charles, however, was nowhere to be found. After the crushing blow of the penalty, he had stormed off, avoiding the prying eyes of the media and the Netflix cameras that lingered in the paddock like vultures. 

A nearby camera had captured the explosive release of his rage—a moment that echoed through headlines as 'the scream heard around the world.' His frustrations were palpable, a mix of disappointment in the turn of events and the weight of expectations he carried on his shoulders.

In the Red Bull Racing garage, Alexandra grappled with her thoughts. The weight of the impending race pressed down on her, amplified by the silence surrounding Charles' absence. She stood amidst the vibrant energy of the Red Bull team, but her mind was a tempest of emotions.

"One point. One point could change everything," she whispered to herself, as she clutched a photograph of her and Charles, standing together on a beach in Mexico.

The next 24 hours could redefine not only the championship standings but the very fabric of her relationship with Charles. The relentless scrutiny of the media, the intense pressure of the race, and the internal struggle with the unknown future tugged at her composure.

As the clock ticked down to the race, the Red Bull garage was a hive of activity. Mechanics hustled around the RB20, ensuring every detail was perfect for the battle that awaited on the track. Lexi, however, lingered in the shadows, her gaze fixed on the pit wall where the team strategists huddled in deep discussion.

Suddenly, the door to the garage swung open, and Pascale, Lorenzo, and Arthur Leclerc entered. Lexi's heart skipped a beat at the sight of them, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over her.

"We figured you might need some support," Pascale whispered, pulling Alexandra into a tight hug. 

Lexi pulled them into a tight embrace, feeling a sense of solace during the storm. The Leclerc family, aware of the turmoil that had befallen Charles, offered their silent solidarity as Alexandra burst into tears and Pascale quickly pulled them into Alexandra's driver's room for some privacy.

The door closed softly behind them, muffling the ambient sounds of the bustling paddock outside. Pascale, ever the matriarch, fixed Alexandra with a stern look, unyielding yet filled with maternal concern.

The door closed softly behind them, muffling the ambient sounds of the bustling paddock outside. Pascale, ever the matriarch, fixed Alexandra with a stern look, unyielding yet filled with maternal concern.

"Ally, tears won't solve anything. You're stronger than this."

Alexandra nodded, wiping away the traces of vulnerability from her eyes. The Leclerc family, a united front in that intimate room, shared a collective sigh. Lorenzo, Charles' older brother, stepped forward, a calm presence amid the emotional storm.

"We haven't seen him yet, Al. He's locked himself away, refusing to speak to anyone. We thought it best not to intrude on his solitude." He explained.

The news struck Alexandra, a mix of surprise and worry. Charles, once the epitome of resilience, now seemed to be grappling with the weight of his own expectations. The silence surrounding him was both deafening and foreboding.

"I need to talk to him. He can't face this alone." She sighed.

Arthur, Charles' younger brother, choked up as he spoke, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a heaviness that mirrored the gravity of the situation.

 "It's like... like he's shutting us out." he paused. "He's never shut me out before, Ally. Not when Jules died, not when Dad-,"

Pascale, a pillar of strength for her family, stepped forward, her eyes softened with empathy. She placed a comforting hand on Alexandra's shoulder.

"Ally, you need to understand. Charles has carried the weight of this dream for so long. Sometimes, he needs to confront it alone. But you—you're a part of this family now. Win or lose, you'll always be a Leclerc. Remember that. Fight for that. He won't go down easy."

"He deserves this," Alexandra sighed. "He deserves this win."

"And he deserves the chance to fight you for it." Lorenzo agreed.

The sentiment resonated in the room, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between Alexandra and the Leclercs. The impending race held the power to reshape not only the championship but also the dynamics of the relationships entwined within the high-stakes world of Formula 1.

"Thank you for coming to see me, all of you. I just... I want him to be okay."

Pascale offered a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting the shared concern for Charles. The Leclerc family, now standing as a united front, prepared to face the storm together—the storm that would unfold on the Yas Marina Circuit, where destiny awaited both Charles and Alexandra and the conclusion of a season that had tested them beyond measure.


The dim light of Charles' driver's room cast shadows as he sat in solitude, drowning in the cacophony of his own thoughts. The anger, the frustration—emotions swirled around him like a tempest, threatening to consume him entirely. His headphones blared a mix of heavy beats, a futile attempt to drown out the mental storm raging within him.

In the midst of this maelstrom, a thin envelope slipped beneath the door. Charles' eyes flickered toward it, his curiosity momentarily disrupting the storm in his mind. He reached for the letter, a sense of foreboding tightening his chest. The familiar handwriting on the envelope was a poignant reminder of the one person he couldn't shut out—Alexandra.

With a sigh that resonated with the weariness of a thousand battles, Charles retrieved the letter. The crisp paper felt delicate in his hands, a fragility that hinted at the gravity of its contents. As he unfolded the letter, the neatness of Alexandra's handwriting struck him, momentarily distracting him from the visible tear on the page.

The tear—a jagged wound on the paper—sent a shiver through Charles. His heart quickened, caught between dread and anticipation. What revelation did this letter hold? The specter of a panic attack loomed, threatening to take hold.

My Amor,

In this fragile moment, I find myself reaching out to you in the only way I know how. Do you remember the last time I wrote you a letter? It seems Dr Railey's lessons are still with me. 'If you can't talk about your feelings, write them.' So, here we go. 

The echoes of this year have resounded throughout our lives. I've watched you navigate the tempest of emotions, the shadows cast by grief, anger, and the relentless pursuit of a dream that has become intertwined with the fabric of your being. 

In your worst moments, when the world seemed to close in, I stood by, not as an adversary, but as someone who understands. I've seen the struggle etched on your face and heard the silent screams within your soul. I understand, Charles, and I don't blame you - not for one second. 

The storm within you, the one that has raged through Maranello and echoed in the silence of our house, is a reminder of the battles you've fought, the demons you've confronted. 

I will not lie. You've been horrible this year. Not just to me, but to your own family and friends too. Everyone who loves you, you've treated like shit and tried to push away. I tell you this not for sympathy, but because I've been exactly where you are, and I know the things you're feeling right now. I promise you're already forgiven. 

I see the man beneath the weight of expectations and the burden of a dream that sometimes feels elusive. And I want you to know, my love, that I stand beside you, not in judgment, but in understanding.

As the final race approaches, a singular question lingers in the air—what lies beyond the checkered flag? Charles, I want you to embrace this moment, and put every ounce of anger, grief, and determination into that drive. 

Let the roar of the engines become a symphony that drowns out the cacophony within your mind. This race is yours to conquer, and I have unwavering faith in your ability to rise above the challenges.

Yet, as the circuit unfolds before you, I beg you to consider not just the lap times and positions but us. Our future. This journey is not solely about a championship; it's about us, about our shared dreams and the promise of a future yet to unfold.

I know I've hurt you with my reluctance to become a Mother. I know that from the moment we met, you've been desperate to have a family of your own. I want you to know that I want that too - desperately - but I'm not ready to bring a child into the world myself yet. If, after today, we heal together, I want you to know that I want us to try surrogacy. 

I know that even if I don't carry our baby myself, I'll still love them just the same, and they'll become the best thing in both our lives. I know we'll be incredible parents, and I'm truly sorry if this isn't what you want. But I'm just not ready to get out of the car. Not yet. 

Our journey has been one of shared dreams and individual struggles, and the grid penalty is just another twist in our path. I believe in you, in us, and I want you to carry that belief onto the track. No matter what happens today, remember that we face the future together.

Take this time for yourself, channel the anger into your drive, and let the roar of the engines drown out the noise in your mind. I want you to know that I'm going to fight you for this title with everything in my soul, but even so - I hope you win. You deserve it. You've driven incredibly all season Amor, and you deserve this more than anyone. 

Know that, beyond the finish line, I'm here. Win or lose, we navigate the next chapter together.

 With all the love in my heart,


As the weight of Alexandra's words settled on Charles, a profound calm swept over him. The storm within him seemed to abate, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose. Whatever lay ahead, he carried Alexandra's words with him, a talisman against the tempest of emotions. The tear on the paper, symbolic of their shared vulnerabilities, became a thread binding them in the tapestry of their journey—a journey that would continue beyond the confines of the Yas Marina Circuit.


The engines roared to life leaving the Yas Marina Circuit in the hands of the drivers. Lexi, sitting in 1st, nervously adjusted her gloves while Christian and James provided a pep talk over the radio.

"You've got this, Lexi. Focus on the race. Keep it clean."

"Charles is behind, but don't let that distract you. Drive your own race."

Lexi nodded, a mix of determination and nerves visible in her eyes. Six positions back, Charles was less composed, snapping at Xavi over the radio.

"I don't care about the weather, Xavi. Focus on the race strategy!"


As the cars sat in the pit lane, eagerly waiting to get underway,  the voices of Brundle and Crofty echoed through the commentary.

"It's a crucial moment, Crofty. Lexi in 1st, Charles in 6th. Can the relationship survive this intense battle?"

"The dynamics between these two have been on everyone's minds. A championship showdown can make or break relationships."

Around the pit lane, team members exchanged glances, silently questioning the impact of the race on Charles and Lexi's relationship.

Meanwhile, in the Red Bull garage, Geri shared a concerned look with Eleanor. Both women understood the stakes, not just in the championship but in the personal lives of those involved.

On the track, the tension was palpable. The fate of the championship and the relationship between Charles and Lexi hung in the balance, a narrative that extended beyond the racetrack and into the personal lives of those involved. The world watched with bated breath as the drama unfolded lap by lap.

The Yas Marina Circuit buzzed with anticipation as the lights went out, signaling the start of the championship-deciding race. The engines roared to life, and the cars shot forward, jostling for position. Lexi and Charles, each in their own world, navigated the first lap with a mix of skill and nerves.

Lexi, behind the wheel of the Red Bull, darted ahead of the pack with precision. Her eyes focused on the rapidly changing positions, scanning for any signs of trouble. As she approached the first corner, James's voice crackled through the radio.

James: "Watch out, Lexi. It's getting tight up behind. Stay sharp."

Lexi's heart raced as she looked in her mirrors. The crash unfolded before her eyes, a terrifying dance of metal and rubber. Amid the crash, she saw a familiar red car rise into the air, it's metal body twisted out of proportion. Panic seized her for a moment until James reassured her.

"It's not Charles, Ally. Keep going. The safety car is out."

Relief washed over her, but the gravity of the situation lingered. In the remaining Ferrari, Charles grappled with the opening moments of the race. He surged forward, gaining positions, his focus razor-sharp.

"Great start, Charles. You're up to 3rd. A safety car is deployed. Sainz involved. Take it steady."

Charles's eyes widened as the news about Carlos reached him. The bond of their friendship weighed heavily on his mind, but he pressed on, determined to seize the opportunity, surging past the crash with a grimace.

The safety car led the pack, and the tension on the track and in the garages was palpable. Brundle and Crofty, in the commentary booth, shared the sentiments of the worldwide audience.

"This is unprecedented, Crofty. The Leclercs in the mix, and early drama with the safety car."

"Absolutely. It's a nail-biter. The championship on a knife's edge."

As the safety car peeled away, both Lexi and Charles prepared for the race to resume. The unfolding drama had injected an extra dose of intensity into the battle for the championship. Every move became crucial, and the world held its breath, eager to witness the Leclercs' duel for glory.

The Yas Marina Circuit crackled with tension as the championship battle reached a fever pitch. Charles, eager to make up ground, executed a masterful overtake on Max around the tricky turns of Lap 11. The Ferrari garage erupted in cheers as they saw their driver inching closer to the championship.

On the other side, Red Bull's focus turned to Lexi, who, with determination, pushed her way through the pack, now lapping some drivers. However, on Lap 15, as she approached a group of backmarkers, her progress hit a snag. 

Lando, in the midst of his own battle, seemed reluctant to yield under the blue flag. Lexi, caught off guard, attempted a risky maneuver, resulting in a slight collision that damaged her front wing.

James immediately took to the radio, hearing his sister screaming and cursing at Lando. "Lexi, we've got a little damage. Stay calm; we're checking the data."

Lexi, frustrated by the incident, responded sharply. "Is he fucking stupid!? Does he have a death wish? James! Tell him I'm going to fucking kill him when I see him! He did that on purpose!"

"Take a deep breath. We'll assess the damage and make a plan."

Lando immediately radioed Will - his race engineer. "She's going to kill me."

"Copy. She's already told James." Will's forced laughter floated back over the airwaves as Lando groaned. 

Meanwhile, Xavi relayed the incident to Charles, whose concern quickly turned into fiery anger.  "Heroux's had a minor collision. Checking her status now."

"Is she okay?!" Charles shrieked, his heart stopping.

"She's fine, Charles. Relax."

Charles, now frustrated by the unnecessary panic, snapped at Xavi. "Don't talk to me for the rest of the race," he yelled.

In the Red Bull garage, Alexandra was still seething with anger when James assured her. "The damage isn't severe, Lexi. We'll manage."

As Lexi regained her composure, she realized the championship was slipping away. Lando received a 5-second penalty for his role in the incident, but the damage was done. Charles seized the opportunity, narrowing the gap to only 6 seconds.

The following laps unfolded in a whirlwind of strategic moves, daring overtakes, and relentless pursuit. Charles navigated through traffic with finesse, gaining ground on the Red Bull ahead. Lexi, undeterred by the damaged front wing, fought valiantly, showcasing her resilience.

The battle between the two lovers played out on the track, a reflection of the emotional turmoil within. The Yas Marina Circuit bore witness to a riveting championship duel, the cars weaving through the twists and turns with the weight of personal and professional stakes. The world held its breath as the laps continued to tick away, unsure of which driver would emerge victorious.

The pitstops at Yas Marina unfolded with precision and excitement, a ballet of mechanics orchestrating the intricate dance of tire changes and refueling. In both the Ferrari and Red Bull garages, the atmosphere was charged with urgency and anticipation.

As Lexi brought her Red Bull into the pits, the team executed a flawless stop. The tire changers worked with practiced efficiency, and the car was off in a blur, resuming its place on the track with a newfound agility.

Simultaneously, in the Ferrari garage, Charles dove into the pit lane. The Ferrari crew showcased their own prowess, executing a seamless pit stop that had the car back on the track in the blink of an eye. The battle in the pit lane was just as fierce as on the track, with the Red Bull and Ferrari teams determined to outshine each other.

Back on the circuit, the fight for the championship intensified. Max, having completed his own pit stop, rejoined the race just ahead of Charles. His Red Bull and Charles' Ferrari danced through the twists and turns, but Charles, fueled by determination, made a daring move reminiscent of Lexi's signature style. He outfoxed Max, slipping past and securing second place.

The Yas Marina Circuit erupted in cheers as fans and teams alike marveled at the strategic brilliance and driving skill on display. Charles, now in pursuit of Lexi, closed the gap with every lap. The lovers were on a collision course, their destiny intertwined with every twist of the track.

The battle for the championship had evolved into a duel between the two drivers who shared not only a fierce rivalry but a deep and complicated love. The fresh tires added an extra layer of unpredictability, as both Lexi and Charles unleashed the full potential of their machines.

As they sped towards the final laps, the tension in the air was palpable. The championship hung in the balance, and the world watched with bated breath as the climax approached. Lexi led, but Charles, relentless and hungry, chased her down. 

The atmosphere at Yas Marina was electric as Charles, with a surge of adrenaline, overtook Lexi with just four laps remaining. The crowd erupted in cheers, the tension reaching a fever pitch. But Lexi, the epitome of resilience, swiftly rallied, putting her heart and soul into regaining the lead.

Within half a lap, they were side by side down the straights, their cars in perfect harmony, dancing on the edge of exhilaration. 

In that moment, something within Charles snapped. The weight of months of frustration and anger lifted, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, he was having fun on the track. The realization hit him like a lightning bolt: his love for racing was reignited, and the woman beside him was not only his twin flame in life but also on the track.

Laughter echoed through the radio waves as Charles, unable to contain his joy, radioed Xavi. His laugh, a symphony of relief and genuine happiness, resonated around the world. 

In the Red Bull garage, James and Christian exchanged concerned glances, questioning if Charles had finally lost his grip on reality. "Is he laughing?"

"Well fuck, that's something I haven't heard in a while." James smiled. 

In the Ferrari garage, Pascale, overcome with emotion, burst into tears. The sound of her son's laughter was a balm to her worried heart.

On the other side of the track, Lexi heard her radio crackle to life, Christian's voice talking over the airwaves. "Ally Cat...Charles is laughing." she paused for a moment in shock and responded with laughter of her own. 

A rush of relief washed over her. The darkness that had clouded their relationship seemed to dissipate slightly, replaced by the pure joy of racing against the one who understood her like no other.

As they entered the final two laps, Charles and Lexi engaged in a relentless battle, consistently overtaking each other and relishing every moment on the track. Their duel became a masterpiece, a celebration of skill, determination, and a love that transcended the boundaries of competition.

Behind them, the seasoned Lewis orchestrated a brilliant comeback, overtaking Max and catapulting himself into third place. The legendary driver, in his final race in Formula 1, showcased the skill and tenacity that had defined his illustrious career.

The Yas Marina Circuit bore witness to a spectacle that transcended sport—a battle of love and rivalry, a clash of titans, and a celebration of the sheer joy of racing. The world held its breath as the final laps unfolded, unsure of what destiny had in store for the two star-crossed lovers on the track.

The final lap unfolded with an intensity that sent shockwaves through the entire paddock. Lexi and Charles, each pushing their cars to the absolute limit, engaged in a heart-stopping battle that left spectators on the edge of their seats. It was a duel of epic proportions, a symphony of roaring engines and screeching tires, as they jockeyed for position, each refusing to yield.

"Lexi. This is it. Bring it home. You've got this," James's voice reassured her over the radio.

Lexi, her heart pounding, responded, "Copy that, James. Let's do this."

On the Ferrari side, Xavi's voice conveyed urgency, "Charles, you're right there. You've got one lap. Make it count."

Charles, his focus unwavering, responded, "Forza Ferrari."

As Lexi and Charles hurtled towards the finish line, the gap between them narrowing to a hair's breadth, the commentators erupted.

"They're side by side! It's impossible to tell who's in the lead! What a spectacle!"

Back in the Red Bull garage, Christian's voice urged Lexi on, "Go, Ally, go!"

As they thundered down the straight towards the finish line, the tension was palpable. The gap between them narrowed to mere inches. The air crackled with anticipation, and the world collectively held its breath. The grandstands erupted in a cacophony of cheers, gasps, and nervous whispers.

In a photo finish that could only be described as iconic, both Lexi and Charles crossed the finish line simultaneously. The suspense lingered for agonizing seconds, a deafening silence blanketing the track.

The radio crackled to life, and the voices of Lexi and Charles almost harmonized as they eagerly asked their teams who had emerged victorious. Then, in a moment that would be etched in Formula 1 history, Fred Vassuer's voice cut through the tension.

"Charles Leclerc, congratulations. You're the 2024 World Drivers' Champion. Campione del mondo! Forza Ferrari! Grazie Charles! Grazie! Sei il primo campione Ferrari in diciassette anni! grazie, ti amiamo! Il predestinato!"

As they pulled to a stop, Charles and Alexandra were caught in a moment of awe at the race they'd just shared.

Christian came over the radio once more. "Alexandra Heroux, you did us incredibly proud. We love you, thank you for everything." he paused. "The Leclercs, both world champions." you could hear the smile in his voice. 

"I'm so proud of him." She whispered back to Christian, forgetting for a moment that the world was listening. "Herve and Jules would be so proud."

Charles, overwhelmed by the realization of his dream, fell to his knees beside his car. Laughter and tears mingled under his helmet, emotions too powerful to be contained. Lexi, her heart pounding, sprinted out of her car and towards Charles.

As he took off his helmet, the tears streamed down his face, his laughter echoing through the helmet. Lexi, having discarded her own helmet, skidded to her knees beside him. With an unspoken understanding, she pulled him into a tight, joyous embrace. Underneath his helmet, Charles sobbed with the weight of his triumph, the years of struggle, and the sheer elation of being crowned the 2024 World Drivers' Champion.

"Amor!" she whispered, watching the tears stream down his face.

"I did it," he sobbed. "I actually did it, Ally. I won. For them." 

"For them." she nodded, tears streaming down her face as she saw the weight that had been crushing him for the past year finally lift. Finally, he'd done it. He'd won. 

He'd made them proud. 

The cheers of the crowd, the sound of donuts echoing through the air, and the image of two champions embracing on the tarmac painted a poignant picture of victory, love, and the indomitable spirit of Formula 1.

Alexandra pulled him into another hug, their sobs mixing as they held each other close, terrified to let go and lose this moment. 

"I love you, Charles Leclerc. Do you hear me? I love you. You're the world champion, Amor. You won." 

"I'm World Champion." 

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