High&Low: The Movie (X Male O...

By Freedom_Fighter24

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Keiji Harada is the twin brother of Noboru and childhood friend of Cobra and Yamato, joining up with them aft... More

Truth Revealed
New Information
Saving Lala Pt 1
Saving Lala Pt 2


88 2 0
By Freedom_Fighter24

~Keiji POV~

At this point, all I know is that Smoky is a tough motherfucker.

He was getting fixed up by the doctor the Rude Boys had on hand, I had to call Lala much earlier.

It's just a matter of time before she sees Smoky like this.

Amamiya: Hey, is he a real doctor?

Takeshi: Don't worry, he's good.

Amamiya: Alrhough he's an alkie.

Doctor: That's none of your business.

Takeshi: Amamiya, why did you...

When Lala arrived, she saw Smoky, teared up, and ran towards him where he was lying down.

Lala: Smoky!

Seeing Lala almost in tears at the sight of Smoky being in pain was too much for me. I know for a fact that she loves him like an older brother, and to know how concerned she was about him is just heartbreaking.

I couldn't take it anymore and I walked outside, far away from the tent, just trying not to burst into tears.

Lala: Keiji! Keiji, are you alright?

When I looked at her, she immediately ran over and hugged me tightly.

Keiji: That should've been me.

Lala: What?

Keiji: I was fighting Hirai, but he slid under me and when he got behind me, Smoky pushed me out of the way and he took it on my behalf.

Lala kept the hug on me as I'm literally trying to process what just happened.

Keiji: He didn't have to do that. I should be the one on that bed, not him.

Lala: Don't blame yourself. I know that after lending a hand to Rude Boys so much, he'd return the favor to you, and he did. Don't you forget that, Keiji. You did everything you could for them, and it was his turn to pay you back.

Keiji: Right.

I didn't think she'd tell me this because I didn't know Smoky'd return the favor to me in the form of that. I definitely have to do something for him to show my gratitude.

Lala must've noticed my discomfort and hugged me once more, making me hug her back.

Lala: Don't feel guilty. It was out of your control.

Keiji: But Lala, I was the perfect target. I don't know what you don't get about that.

Lala: No, I do understand. You've done so much for us. It only makes sense to pay you back. Come on, let's sit down.

Keiji: Yeah. Right.

We sat down on the ground as I'm still trying to process what happened to Smoky and I do appreciate Lala sitting by me, with her arm wrapped around my shoulder.

Lala: Don't feel bad. He's gonna be fine. I promise.

Keiji: I hope so, but at this rate, he'll die.

Lala: I know, I've told him over and over, but he values family more than his life.

Keiji: What a brother.

Lala: We're not related though. We were just abandoned on the same day.

I chuckled a little bit, just because of how coincidental it was, but it became quiet after a bit until Lala had to speak up.

Lala: Keiji, there's something that I have to tell you.

Keiji: What is it?

Lala: I really don't know how you'll react, but I've actually considered switching gangs.

Keiji: What? Why would you?

Lala: If I were to be plain, it's to be near you.

I'm shocked by this.

I didn't think Lala'd want to leave Rude Boys to join me, but there's something that she should know as well.

Lala: I've heard the stories of how much of a gentleman you are towards women and how you treat them like an equal. But Hoodlum Squad, even if they're not on the same as Rude Boys, would they love me?

Keiji: I wouldn't be too sure, considering that we're different sides, but I know a part who does.

We then looked at each other as if it was only the two of us in the entire world, caring about no one else.

We were slowly moving our heads towards each other and closed our eyes, but then, something from behind us started coming towards us!

I moved Lala and I to a safer place, but before I could pull her towards me, she pushed me away and got grabbed into that car!

Hirai looked at me, did his taunt, and they drove off before I could even process it!

Each member of the Rude Boys came out to see what was wrong, but I was already running towards my bike to get her back!

I rode off, chasing them to no end, not wanting to lose them because if I did, then I wouldn't know where they'd be at.

Keiji: Bring her back, you sons of bitches!

Then, they started throwing bottles at me as I try to dodge every single one of them!

One was about to be thrown into my face, but I managed to catch it and throw it back onto them, causing one to scream in pain and fall out of the car!

Doubt Member:

Hirai: Will somebody take him out!

I knew it was Hirai as soon as I heard his voice.

I rode closer to him, near the driver's side, and started kicking the door, trying to open it and I can take him down.

Then, a Doubt member was behind me and looked to take me out, but he was taken down in an instant until I saw Takeshi and P helping me out!

Takeshi: We're with you, Keiji!

I nodded as we worked together by me going on the driver's side, P going on the passenger's side, and Takeshi going to the back as we were gonna try to box them in and hopefully get Lala out of there.

Eventually, it was too much as a door was closing down on us.

We had to get to it soon because if it closes, we're fucked.

We kicked it up a notch by kicking the doors and Takeshi keeping Doubt distracted from the back.

P and I got close as we were going to stop the car, but it was too late as the door closed as soon as the car escaped!

I took my helmet off and threw it to the ground while screaming...


Then, I saw Takeshi and P ride up towards me as I started riding back to where that Doubt member I took out was.

I saw that he was still lying down on the ground and I was wanting answers.

I got off my bike, walked over to him, mounted on him, and started choking him.

Keiji: Where are they taking her?!

Member: You'll never know. You'll never get her back.

Keiji: What makes you think we'll never get her back!

Member: You're not gonna get her back at all because we've been waiting for the right moment to take her. You, Harada, have been under surveillance as well. We actually liked you. You're a fighter, but you're just another bum in love with another bum!

I started punching him to no end, not caring if he passed out.

Soon enough, the rest of the Rude Boys came over to where we were until I stopped and yelled into his face!


Takeshi: Keiji, stop. It's not worth it.

I got off of him, just frustrated that Doubt won't tell me anything and that Lala should've been saved instead of being taken alive.

P: Is it true, you love Lala?

I looked at them with no smile on my face as it's clearly evident that I love her.

She makes me feel like a human being and I've been in love with her for the past few years. I never got to tell her this until not too long ago, as we were talking about her possibly joining Hoodlum Squad.

From the time we met in school and the time we reunited, I loved her. I don't think anyone but a few people could ever know how much it meant to me.

I had to tell them before I went insane.

Keiji: Yes. I do. When we first met in school, she was so kind, so caring, very loyal, but more than that, she was and still is the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

I looked down and just covered my face, and started shedding a few tears. Not too much to where I'm being a crybaby, just enough to where they could understand how much Lala meant to me.

Takeshi: Hey, we'll get her back. I guarantee it. For now, head back to your HQ. We'll find more information about what's going on.

Keiji: Alright. Keep me updated on Smoky. I gotta know how he is on some times.

P: We will. Go on. You did what you had to do.

I gave them a couple of fist bumps and headed back to the bike shop, where Cobra and the others were waiting for me.

When I got over there, they were concerned.

Cobra: Keiji.

Yamato: Keiji, you alright?

I took off my helmet and saw that they looked like shit.

Keiji: Kohaku did this to you?

Yamato: Yeah, but what happened to you?

Keiji: Smoky got hurt.

Cobra: What?

Yamato: What happened?

Keiji: We were fighting this guy and I was going to slashed from behind, but Smoky stepped in and took it instead of me.

Cobra: My God.

Keiji: It gets worse. Lala's been kidnapped.

Yamato: Lala?

Keiji: We were talking and just trying to keep my sanity intact.

I then went quiet as I really needed to gain the courage to say what I didn't want to say, regarding my feelings for Lala.

Cobra: Did you really?

Keiji: We almost kissed until Doubt came in, stole her away. I tried chasing them to get her back but it was no use. They escaped.

Yamato: So you really had feelings for her!

Keiji: So what if I did? I almost had the greatest moment of my life and those fuckwads had to come in and ruin it!

Cobra: We'll help you get her back. We promise. Just get off the bike and we'll come up with a game plan, alright?

Keiji: Okay.

I got off the bike and then Yamato had to say this...

Yamato: Was there gonna be tongue?

I immediately punched him in the face as I was not in the mood for that. Lala and I almost kissed and for Yamato to make light of the situation just told me he didn't take it seriously at all.

Cobra: Don't do that again, okay? He's hurting.

Yamato: Yeah. Right.

I sat down and just had my hands around my head, just trying not to go insane, but later on, we were gonna find out who killed Tatsuya, thanks to an old friend coming by.

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