The WAR Series

By MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... More

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act One
A Journey Begins: Act Two
A Journey Begins: Act Three
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The King: Act Two
Throne Of The World: Act Three
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue
Cold Shadow: Act One

Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue

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By MikaelDuncan4


32 YEARS AGO... (Before the events of the War trilogy)

The kingdom of Goldenza is rested peacefully in silence with the moon shining down alongside low winds blowing calmly. Inside of the castle, Frandos, the current ruler of the golden city, was tossing and turning in bed due to a nightmare. Inside his dreams Veccoran was in complete chaos. Legions of warriors were slaughtered by hordes of monsters; Ardsiliqua, Enforcers, Warves, Umbrones, and demons among them. Fire reigned down from the skies as lava creatures emerged from them. Innocent lives were either killed or enslaved. In another room Frandos' son, Prince Francisco, had a similar dream. Within his nightmare, he found himself caught in the middle of chaos and destruction with legions of warriors running past him when three gigantic monsters, made out of molten rock and lava, rose up from the ground. Deadrus was close by as he directed these giant monsters towards the legions running for their lives. Back in Frandos' nightmare, his former brother in arms stared at him while Vrinigath Dread materialized behind him. The three shared long glances at each other as fire begins to spread around them. Back in Francisco's nightmare, the three giant monsters blew huge flames from their mouths while he ran to take cover, but the flames were too fast like waves as he gets burnt. Francisco suddenly awakens, nearly falling off his bed, sweating heavily.

Francisco later walks into a hallway towards a balcony outside where his father stood.

[Francisco:] Father.

[Frandos:] Francisco, my son. Bad dreams?

[Francisco:] Yes. You as well?

[Frandos:] Indeed. We both saw the world in chaos and destruction. My former brother in arms along with his master were heavily involved.

[Francisco:] What could these dreams mean? Why would the both of us have a similar dream about the end of Veccoran?

[Frandos:] Destiny my son... it is destiny. Me and you are meant to take on these two evils one day when this great calamity draws near.

[Francisco:] But father, I can't fight Deadrus. It should be you who should face him not me. He was your former brother, and I should have no part in your battles with him.

[Frandos:] I'm afraid that is not how destiny wants things to be. I have been shown that I will defeat Vrinigath Dread while Deadrus is involved in some way. You, on the other hand, will take on my former brother and defeat him. If destiny serves us right, then we can hopefully put an end to all this evil.

[Francisco:] I cannot do this father... I'm not like you. You can take on some of the most fearsome threats in Veccoran. You were even able to overcome the horrors Deadrus has already thrown against you.

Frandos places his hand on Francisco's shoulder, who turns slightly.

[Frandos:] Francisco, you don't need to be like me to face a great evil. Yes, I have overcome the odds in various moments of my life, but I was able to because I never tried to be something I could never be.

[Francisco:] How did you do it?

Francisco unveils the talisman, holding it before Francisco.

[Francisco:] What is this?

[Frandos:] It is a talisman that has been bounded to our family for generations. It was forged from an unknown element when our first ancestors first settled here. It connects us to our ancestors in times of need. My father had helped me during my journey in life, and now I pass it down to you.

Francisco takes hold of the talisman.

[Francisco:] I can't hold this burden father.

[Frandos:] Yes you can.

Frandos closes Francisco's palm.

[Frandos:] You are a Dawnbreaker. We all have a special role to play in Veccoran. Since the start of this talisman's creation, Veccoran has deemed us its special power to balance out the darkness. One day I will be gone, and soon it will be your time to reign over this kingdom. You will learn that you can overcome evil once you let go of your fears.

Francisco nods slowly.

[Frandos:] Hopefully a day will come where you'll have a child of your own to pass the talisman to. Promise me one thing son.

[Francisco:] Ok.

[Frandos:] You will never give in and you will fight forever, even when victory seems out of reach.

[Francisco:] I promise father.

Frandos pats his son's shoulder.

[Frandos:] Good.

[Francisco:] I suppose we should prepare for war then?

[Frandos:] Yes.


5 YEARS LATER... (Years after Francisco's assassination)

The sun began to set behind Green Hills. Beneath one of these hills were Francis and his friends: Bonnie, Charlotte, and Felix. All of them were sword playing with one another.

[Young Charlotte:] How are you and Francis so good with swords?

[Young Bonnie:] I have no idea. Probably just special.

[Young Felix:] T'at make me feel shame. Me a pirate and ta two o ye children be able ta beat me.

[Young Francis:] Don't worry Felix, not everyone with pirate blood in them is naturally skilled with swords.

[Young Felix:]*snarls* Ye wanna bet!

[Young Francis:] I've already beaten you 6 times. You really want me to take you out for the 7th or 8thor even 9thtime?

[Young Charlotte:] He's right Felix. Just accept defeat like I have.

[Young Felix:] A'right a'right, me'll just back down. By ta way Charlotte, ye not so good wit a blade.

[Young Charlotte:] Yeah, but maybe one day I'll be good with a weapon.

[Young Felix:] If ye joined me pirate crew ten we can determine t'at.

[Young Chica:] That would be one opportunity one would not want to miss... but I'm better off not living a life as a pirate. It just doesn't fit me.

[Young Bonnie:] Enough chit chat... come on Francis let's see what you've got.

[Young Francis:] Are you seriously trying to challenge me? Ok then.

[Young Charlotte:] Boys, boys, we have no need for this. You're both good just leave it at that.

[Young Felix:] No, we must see who be ta better o ta best fighters!

Francis and Bonnie circled each other first, both getting in a battle stance. Francis held his sword before himself and Bonnie held his near his waist. Watching close by was Goldane while the two circled each other.

Bonnie struck first. Francis stepped aside then countered another attack from Bonnie. The duel started off slow but then gradually picked up speed as Goldane noticed Francis excelling much faster than Bonnie.

[Young Chica:] Is it just me or is Francis getting the better of Bonnie?

[Young Felix:] No, he be beatin' Bonnie.

Bonnie utilized his best moves on Francis, but somehow he was able to counterattack. When Bonnie flipped over him, Francis knocked his hand, wielding the sword, and kicked it up away from him. Bonnie fell backwards as Francis pointed both swords at his friend.

Felix and Charlotte applauded along with Goldane. Francis helps Bonnie up after dropping the swords.

[Young Bonnie:] Nice move Francis. I'm impressed, and kind of embarrassed... since I am working my way to become a White Knight of Bludhaven in the future.

[Young Felix:] Francis ye are officially ta best o us all.

[Young Charlotte:] How are you this good in combat?

[Young Francis:] Beats me. Maybe I just have a natural skill for fighting?

[Young Bonnie:] I feel like there is probably more than that.

[Frieda:] Francis! Time for dinner.

[Young Francis:] Gotta go guys, I'll see you all tomorrow.

Goldane watched Francis run back up the hill. Later that night, Frieda watched Francis sleeping quietly in his room.

[Goldane:] I saw his performance earlier. He truly has the Dawnbreaker blood in him.

[Frieda:] How did you get in here?

[Goldane:] You've allowed me a key inside remember?*raises right arm with a silver key in hand*.

[Frieda:] Right, I forgot. How are you?

[Goldane:] Monitoring Veccoran's savior as usual, and also helped a few homeless citizens around the place.

[Frieda:] Has there been anything regarding Deadrus lately?

[Goldane:] Nothing much, except his surviving lackeys are planning something for the 7 kingdoms.

[Frieda:] I'm hoping Francis will be able to defeat Deadrus once the future war begins.

[Goldane:] We all hope. Veccoran's future rests on his hands.

[Frieda:] Do you think he will defeat Deadrus? That is one thing that concerns me.

[Goldane:] I do not know. All we can do is hope the best for us all, and that we may survive this upcoming event years from now.

Frieda nods as they both continued watching Francis peacefully sleeping.

[Frieda:] Should we tell him the truth?

[Goldane:] Not yet. He is too young to learn of who he really is and where he came from. The day will come where we will tell him, but for now we must keep it tight lipped.

[Frieda:] I understand.

Outside of the house someone was a white hooded figure, watching from another hill.


32 YEARS BEFORE... (Before the death of Deadrus and Vrinigath)

In Vriatonara, Deadrus rose from a pit of lava, burning up and covered in molten metal. Some of the demons present within the room were hammering, chiseling, and carving the metal that melded with him. High above, some demons poured water upon his head to cool him off. Deadrus emerged decked out in armor that fits his horrifying, cruel, destructive, and chaotic aesthetic.

[Vrinigath:] You look well Deadrus.

Deadrus and the other demons bowed quickly within Vrinigath presence.

[Deadrus:] Master.

[Vrinigath:] Come, take a walk with me.

Both Deadrus and Vrinigath Dread walked together in an open space while many demon warriors were passing by in separate groups.

[Vrinigath:] Deadrus, do you know why I created you?

[Deadrus:] You made me when no one else acknowledged me. I was always an afterthought within any battle me and my former brother in arms were involved in. Now that I am no longer my former and forgettable self, I've become more than what I was before thanks to you.

[Vrinigath:] Indeed, I hated seeing you overshadowed by Frandos. Even he couldn't see how special you truly are.

[Deadrus:] I'm hoping the next time we meet, he will die by my hand!

[Vrinigath:] You will have that opportunity, but there is more to why I created you. Ever since I came upon you I've seen great power you could potentially wield. After your recent outings as Deadrus, I began to see more to what I made.

[Deadrus:] I am not following master...

[Vrinigath:] Deadrus, you are the greatest creation above anything else I have made with my hands. You are more special than the titans, Seth Creighton, the Ardsiliqua, and even my own children the Dreads. Whenever I see you, I envision you as a son to me.

[Deadrus:] Touching. What are you getting at?

[Vrinigath:] I have told you what I envision for this realm once I begin my plans to conquer it.

[Deadrus:] You've told me that your vision for Veccoran will be full of chaos and destruction. All will bow beneath your feet as the entire world burns into ashes and ruin.

[Vrinigath:] Yes, that is the shape I want to drive the future in... however, I fear I may not be able to complete my vision.

[Deadrus:] Why would you say that?

[Vrinigath:] It is just a feeling. Whenever you are so high in power, you should always remember another power will rise to equal yours.

[Deadrus:] But you are Vrinigath Dread, the violet sorcerer! No one can match your strength.

[Vrinigath:] That may seem so. But you never know how the balance of power will shift.

[Deadrus:] You will not die master! I know your vision will become a reality, and I will stand beside you along the way to ensure it does.

[Vrinigath:]*nods* If my path sends me under, I want you to take my place.

[Deadrus:] What?

[Vrinigath:] If I should perish, you will be the new ruler of Vriatonara and everything that I have fought for will now be yours to use.

[Deadrus:] You want me to be your successor?

[Vrinigath:] Yes. Promise me you will ensure my vision becomes a reality, and you will take my place if I should go.

Deadrus thinks for a moment...

[Vrinigath:] You are like a son to me and you are special. Never forget that.

[Deadrus:] I promise you master. I will take your place if that is how things will continue.

Vrinigath places both hands on his shoulders.

[Vrinigath:] Excellent. Now, let us prepare for war.

Both Vrinigath and Deadrus stood over a balcony as many demons and monsters were mobilizing for battle.



 A month has passed since Francis reclaimed the throne of Goldenza and the Great Wall of Sanchina's fall at the hands of Deadrus. Both good and evil have declared war on one another... the great war the prophecy had foretold has now begun. Deadrus gathered many evils to join him for his conquest over Veccoran. Invading across the land and capturing innocent lives for either enslavement or death. However, Francis has assembled a resistance force to fight back against these threats. The Freedom Fighters; dedicated to fighting for the freedom of Veccoran from Deadrus' hand. For the past month, Francis and his allies did what they could to rescue the innocents under threat from Deadrus' forces. At the same time, the new king of Goldenza also recruited those who would die for the freedom of Veccoran. Destiny comes for both Francis and Deadrus, who are set to face one another as the prophecy foretold. Now we shall see the fate of Veccoran be determined as the war continues and affects all who are caught in it.

Somewhere in a local village, groups of monsters attacked. These creatures appeared to be mixed with a dragon, rhinoceros, and a snake. They had two heads, one with a long sharp horn and the other with two curved horns, a snake tail, dragon wings, and tough rough skin with little scales. These creatures crashed down into the village, running around chasing civilians and blowing fire from their mouths.

[Civilian 1:] CHIMERA!!!

[Civilian 2:] Chimera!*gets snatched up*.

One male civilian tried to hide in a well but a chimera's snake tail snatches him before he could touch the water while one civilian hides behind a building. The civilian sighs with relief until he is met by the blade of Renathor.

[Renathor:] If you want to live follow me, and don't even think about running away.

Sepitus Kane and some Umbrones spread out through the village, taking any civilians who've managed to evade the wrath of the Chimera still running around freely.

[Sepitus:] Spread out, capture any who manage to survive!

Some Umbrones broke into homes still standing. They took hostages and forcefully placed them in cages attached to two giant monstrous cows. A family of civilians cornered themselves as a few Umbrones broke into their home. As they approached, Lightblade and Bonnie come crashing through a window, both wielding bows and arrows, taking a shot at the Umbrones turning to face them.

[Bonnie:] Duck!

Lightblade ducks as the Umbrone behind him gets hit in the forehead.

[Lightblade:] Watch your back Bonnie!

Bonnie swiftly gets to his knees to evade a swing from an Umbrone's sword. Lightblade rolls in, drawing his blade, then stabs the Umbrone in the chest. Bonnie follows the same tactic to kill two Umbrones coming from front and behind. The two then face civilians.

[Bonnie:] Don't worry, the Freedom Fighters are here to save you.

Three warriors enter inside, wearing fireproof armor and wielded crossbows.

[Lightblade:] Get these civilians out of here!

As the civilians are escorted out of their home, a Chimera confronts them. Both Lightblade and Bonnie fire arrows at the creature until it blasts flames at them before Nicholas jumps down from out of nowhere in front of the two, activating a shield on his right arm that protects himself and everyone else from the fire.

[Nicholas:] Go guys get out of here!

The three warriors take the civilians away from harm while the Chimera came charging in using its second head to knock Nicholas away. Luckily he had his shield up.

[Bonnie:] I've got the first head!

Bonnie jumps high in the air to stab the Chimera's first head.

[Lightblade:] I've got the second!

Lightblade stabs his blade into the Chimera's second head after avoiding its horn. Both of them stab the monster in the head while it crashes into a home. Meanwhile, in a separate location, Balla, Mendo, and Mr. Chipper fought some Umbrones chasing after a group of civilians.

[Balla:] Warriors! Get these civilians to safety.

[Mendo:] Watch out Mr. Chipper!

Mendo blocks an Umbrone attempting to stab Mr. Chipper in the back.

[Mr. Chipper:] I don't think so!

Mr. Chipper decapitates the Umbrone attempting to kill him as Mendo tackled down another and jabbed its face into the ground. Balla twirls her metal staff around like a wheel once plenty of Umbrones ganged on her.

[Sepitus:] The Freedom Fighters have arrived! Kill them all.

A group of warriors on the freedom fighter's side defended themselves from two Chimera. Sepitus slayed a few of them before receiving a flying kick to his face by Nicholas. The two squared off with each other.

[Nicholas:] *mockingly smirks* How's your arm Sepitus? .

[Sepitus:] Take a look for yourself boy!

Sepitus's arm transformed into a gun. Nicholas uses his shield to block the bullets while he draws his pistol to fire back. Sepitus then came at full speed with his axe as Nicholas rolled away while unsheathing a long sword to fight with. Francis snuck around with Nehemiah and Tort as they set their sights on the slaves imprisoned in cages.

[Francis:] Remember, we wait for the diversion before we make our move.

Running along the rooftops was an anamorphic raptor. The raptor wore a slim black set of armor, a mouth mask, and a hood. The raptor also had green eyes and was a slender body type.

[Tort:] Our newest recruit should be here any moment now.

[Nehemiah:] Come on Ronos.

Ronos stopped on one roof then tossed four glass bottles with yellow-red liquid close to the group of Umbrones guarding the cages. They all recover only to be met with a couple kunai to the head. Ronos blitzed with two steel swords and 360 spins to cut down his enemies.

[Francis:] There's our diversion.

Francis, Nehemiah, and Tort come out into the open, lockpicking the cages while the Umbrones were distracted by Ronos.

[Civilian 3:] You are Francis Dawnbreaker.

[Francis:] Yep that's me*continues picking the lock*.

[Civilian 4:] We are so glad that you are here to save us.

[Francis:] Yeah well what else is new?*successfully picks the lock and frees the civilians trapped inside*.

[Nehemiah:] Chimera!

A Chimera came down from the sky, roaring at them.

[Tort:] Take cover!

The Chimera blows fire as some civilians get caught by the flames.

[Nehemiah:] Look out!*drags a civilian down to save him*.

The monsters attached to the carriages ran away while the civilian's struggled to find a hiding place from the Chimera's flames.

[Francis:] No!

Francis watched the Chimera chomp down on one of the civilians in its jaws.

[Francis:] Hey! Come and get me.

The Chimera turns to face Francis while Nehemiah and Tort guide the civilians away from harm. He unsheathes his sword as the monster came at him with its second head. Francis moves aside but gets knocked over by the first head. The snake tail tries to get a bite out of him, but Francis cuts its head off. Once the Chimera turned around to charge again, Ronos withdrew his blades and exchanges for a cylinder-shaped item that forms into a spear. Francis is lifted by the Chimera's first head while stabbing the second. He gets tossed off as the monster prepares to pounce on him, but Ronos swiftly slides in to impale the beast through its second head, giving Francis a chance to stab the first.

[Francis:] Nice job Ronos.

Ronos nods.

Renathor watches the Freedom Fighters taking civilians away.

[Sepitus:] Renathor!

Sepitus gets cut across the face in his struggle against Nicholas.

[Sepitus:] Don't just stand there! Stop our enemies!

Renathor pursues the Freedom Fighters with both of his blades out.

[Nehemiah:] We've got a pursuer!

[Tort:] Not anymore*pulls out three glass bottles and tosses them at Renathor*.

Renathor backflipped away once the bottles exploded into a wall of fire that temporarily set him back.

[Francis:] Freedom Fighters! Fall back to the boat.

[Ronos:] Move out!

All of the Freedom Fighters evacuated the area while their enemies chased after them.

[Sepitus:] Do not let them escape!


Waiting down a slope that leads to a big lake below, a boat lied in wait. It was big enough to hold an entire village population and had a canon mounted in the very front. Guarding the boat were Felix, Charlotte, Lolly, and Hope, along with a few other warriors. Felix stood near the gun on the boat, Charlotte came down the walkway, and Lolly and Hope both stood at the bottom along with a few others.

[Charlotte:] Any sign of them?

[Hope:] *ears twitch* I can hear many voices coming our way.

[Lolly:] Here they come!

The Freedom Fighters came down from the slope with many civilians close to them.

[Nehemiah:] Quickly everyone! Onto the boat.

[Tort:] Move move!

All the civilians boarded.

[Hope:] Where's Francis and the others?

[Nehemiah:] Here they come.

Francis, Bonnie, Lightblade, Ronos, Nicholas, Mendo, Balla, and Mr. Chipper hurried down the slope together while Umbrones and two Chimera followed behind.

[Charlotte:] Everyone get your defenses ready!

[Lolly:] Felix, mount the gun!

[Felix:] Aye aye!

Felix hops in the gun seat and cocks it.

[Felix:] Let's blow t'em up! WOO!

[Francis:] Everyone get out of here, sail off now!

[Nehemiah:] Tort get the boat into the water!

Tort dives into the water to slime up the boat from underneath, wriggling around like a snake.

One of the Chimera blocks Francis and the others path. It blows flames at them with Nicholas shielding himself from it.

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm getting annoyed at this thing!

Mr. Chipper ducks from a tail whip of the Chimera.

[Mendo:] I've got it!

Mendo grabs the snake tail but is lashed down onto the ground.

[Felix:] Hang on lads!

Felix aims the gun at the Chimera and fires away. The Chimera was took plenty of fire by the time the Umbrones caught up with the Freedom Fighters. Everyone on the boat stood their ground to prevent any of their enemies from boarding.

Renathor watches the battle from a distance before deciding to run down at full speed. Ronos uses his spear to stab the Chimera's second head's neck while the first one tries to blow fire at him, only to be severed from three chops of Mr. Chipper's axe. The second Chimera joins the battle as Nicholas throws his shield into its first head before it could breathe fire, causing self combustion once it tried to belch. The second head manhandled by Mendo. Balla took care of the snake tail inflicting a trillion whacks. Bonnie and Lightblade then finished the creature off firing two arrows into its eyes.

[Francis:] Everyone onto the boat!

Everyone boarded while Felix held back the Umbrones. Charlotte and Hope both pull back the walkway so nothing else could get on by the time Tort finally got the boat to slip back into water.

[Renathor:] None of you are getting away!

Renathor leapt onto the boat, climbing his way up. Tort attempts to pull him but he is kicked down. Once Renathor got onto the deck, everyone crowded in one space. Renathor got into a battle stance, ready for a fight.

[Francis:] Renathor!

Both Bonnie and Lightblade fire an arrow at him but Renathor countered by crossing his blades. Mr. Chipper and Mendo engage, however, he takes Mendo down with a tail swipe and then Mr. Chipper with an elbow to the face. Balla joins the fray but gets grabbed by the ears and tossed aside into her comrades. Lolly lassos him but Renathor pulls her in an attempt to stab her. Nicholas quickly deflects his blade down, allowing Lolly to give him a knee to the gut. Renathor bashes Nicholas in the head while Lolly leaps onto his back before punching his head. Ronos joins the fight after Lolly gets tossed over by Renathor. Ronos throws three kunai at him, but they are deflects by his blades. The two both clash as Renathor proved to be the superior fighter even though Ronos did get a few shots. Once Ronos was kicked down, Renathor and Charlotte had a standoff together. Neither attempted to attack each other and just stared into each other's eyes.

[Felix:] Renathor! Get away from her!

Felix tackles Renathor with immense speed. He picked him up then tossed him back into the water. Charlotte looked on while Renathor swam back onto the shore, glancing back with an angered glare towards Felix, who gave him the stink eye. When he turned his gaze to Charlotte, his eyes returned to normal.

[Sepitus:] No!!!

[Francis:] Another victory today Freedom Fighters!

Everyone cheered as they disappeared into the darkness of the night.





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