Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

435K 9.4K 909

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.3K 42 1
By tonysnarky

Within the pulsating heartbeat of the Ferrari garage at Yas Marina, Charles found himself ensconced in a labyrinth of data and numbers, each figure a digitized manifestation of the stakes riding on the upcoming race.

The atmosphere was charged with the anticipation of the final qualifying session of the season, yet a heavy cloud of stress loomed over him. The flickering screens offered a kaleidoscope of racing metrics, a mosaic of possibilities and challenges.

Guilt, an insidious specter, accompanied every keystroke and line of code he meticulously analyzed.

Over the past year, Charles had become intimately acquainted with the emotional toll exacted by the relentless pursuit of a singular goal: achieving a World Drivers' Championship in memory of Hervé and Jules.

The journey, initially embarked upon with noble intentions, had morphed into an arduous odyssey that twisted the fabric of his soul.

The walls of the Ferrari garage bore witness to his silent struggles, the screens reflecting the burden etched on his face. The persistent stress lines mapped out the intricacies of his internal turmoil, a testament to the profound impact the past year had etched on his psyche.

His sense of guilt wasn't solely confined to the racing world; it permeated every facet of his life. The once harmonious melody of friendship and family had been replaced by dissonance, a cacophony of strained relationships.

The joyous camaraderie he once shared with Alexandra and his friends had been marred by the corrosive effects of jealousy, the bitter aftertaste of unmet expectations.

To fill the void created by unfulfilled aspirations, Charles had thrown himself headlong into the work, seeking refuge in the world of algorithms and simulations.

His quest for excellence became an obsession, an attempt to outrun the shadow of perceived inadequacy. He pushed himself relentlessly, past the brink of burnout, driven by the insatiable desire to claim the elusive championship.

The emotional turbulence within him mirrored the complex algorithms on his screens. He questioned his place in the racing world, grappling with a distorted self-image that threatened to shatter the foundation of his identity.

The once-vibrant dream of standing atop the podium as a world champion now seemed like a mirage, a shimmering illusion that eluded his grasp.

Every lap on the track became a desperate plea for redemption, an attempt to rewrite the narrative that had taken an unexpected turn.

Charles Leclerc, once fueled by the pure passion for racing, now bore the weight of a burden he had willingly shouldered. The goal, once noble, had become a relentless taskmaster, dictating the tempo of his life.

As the garage hummed with the orchestrated chaos of the racing world, Charles stood at the epicenter of his own emotional storm, grappling with the ghosts of his past and the uncertain future that awaited him on the track.

As Charles stood amidst the hum of the Ferrari garage, the echoes of his tumultuous journey reverberated in his mind. A year fraught with arguments and emotional tumult, he found himself perched on the precipice of reflection, contemplating the impact of his actions.

Alexandra, his steadfast anchor, had weathered the storm of his volatile moods, an enduring lighthouse in the tempest of his emotions.

The guilt weighed heavily on him as he revisited the moments when he'd lashed out, accusing her of being the harbinger of his troubles, an unwitting accomplice in his mental descent.

Countless times, he'd tested the limits of her patience, screamed at her in fits of anger, yet she remained resolute. In the face of baseless accusations and unfounded blame, she stood like a fortress, weathering the emotional onslaught. Even accusations of cheating and conspiracies against Red Bull had failed to sever the bond she shared with him.

Charles grimaced as he recalled the many nights he'd drowned his frustrations in alcohol, a misguided attempt to numb the pain that gnawed at him. Alexandra, a pillar of strength, endured his intoxicated tirades, staying by his side through the haze of his self-destructive episodes.

There was a moment of vulnerability etched in his memory, a day in Maranello when exhaustion had finally claimed him. Collapsing under the weight of his relentless pursuit, he'd been taken to the hospital, his body bearing the scars of unrelenting dedication.

Alexandra, undeterred by his hatred and self destruction, remained steadfast during his recovery, waiting until Vasseur ensured he couldn't return to the factory until physically able.

Self-loathing swirled within him as he grappled with the realization of his own selfishness. He hated himself for the pain he'd inflicted, for the scars his words had left on the person he loved. Yet, paradoxically, there was a corner of his heart that harbored resentment for her success – a convoluted mix of envy and admiration.

Alexandra's championship victory, achieved through skill, luck, and the prowess of her car, stood in stark contrast to Charles' arduous struggle for a single win, let alone a championship. It fueled a bitter sense of injustice, a nagging ache that cast shadows over their shared triumphs. But through it all, love endured.

In the complex tapestry of his emotions, love and hatred wove an intricate pattern.

He hated her for what she represented – an effortless ascent to the pinnacle of racing, a stark reminder of his own struggle.

Yet, in the same breath, he loved her with a fervor that defied reason, a connection so profound that it withstood the tempest of his internal conflicts.

The dichotomy of his emotions mirrored the complex dance of light and shadow in the garage, a silent testament to the intricate layers that defined Charles Leclerc's internal landscape.

In the quest for championship glory, Charles found himself entangled in the web of his own ambition. The ghosts of Jules Bianchi and Herve Leclerc, two figures indelibly etched in his heart, spurred him to chase a dream that often bordered on obsession.

The year had been a relentless pursuit, not just for victory but for an elusive sense of validation. Every lap, every race, and every strategic move were fueled by the desire to honor the memories of Jules and Herve.

Their specters hovered over him, silent witnesses to the highs and lows of his journey.

As the season unfolded, Charles had thrown himself into the relentless grind, pushing the limits of his physical and mental endurance. Burnout became an inevitable consequence of his tireless efforts. The racetrack, once a sanctuary, transformed into a battlefield where each lap felt like a skirmish for redemption.

The tipping point came when he teetered on the edge of self-destruction. Exhausted, emotionally drained, and haunted by the shadows of his own expectations, Charles reached a breaking point. He was willing to sacrifice everything—relationships, sanity, and joy—on the altar of victory.

It took a pivotal argument with Alexandra to shake him from the precipice. The heated exchange, a culmination of pent-up frustrations, prompted Charles to seek solace and perspective. He retreated to the comforting embrace of his mother's home, a respite from the storm that raged within.

In those quiet days, his mother, a source of unconditional love and wisdom, became his guiding light. Her words, a balm for his wounded soul, reminded him of the priorities that lay beyond the racetrack.

His mother - who loved Alexandra Heroux dearly - would not stand idly by and watch her son push away the love of his life.

Nor would she let him collapse in on himself, suffocating in the waves of his own failures and demons.

After a stern talking too from Pascale, the ghosts of Jules and Herve, he realized, would want more for him than the relentless pursuit of a championship.

They would want him to find joy, to savor the sweetness of love, and to navigate the intricacies of human connection. In the midst of the emotional tempest, his mother's counsel offered a lifeline, steering him away from the abyss he'd been teetering on.

Charles emerged from those days of introspection with a renewed sense of purpose.

But still, even then, he had one goal.

To win.



The walls of their Monaco home seemed to close in as Charles, a shell of his former self, was ushered through the door by Alexandra. His footsteps echoed the fragility of his state, a ghost of the once vibrant and confident man. The air was thick with tension and the lingering scent of hospital antiseptic.

"I don't need you here, Lexi. I can manage on my own." Charles said, a spiteful undertone seeping through his voice.

"No, Charles. You can't." She sighed, and ran a hand through her hair in defeat.  "You collapsed, Charles. They found you unconscious. Do you understand what that means?"

Charles glanced around the familiar surroundings of their home, his eyes darkened with resentment. Alexandra, her complexion pale and a shadow of her usual self, fought to keep her composure. The weight of worry bore down on her shoulders, her fingers trembling as she guided Charles to a seat.

"Look at you, always the savior. The one everyone adores. I bet you love playing this role. I bet you think you're better than me and-,"

"Stop it, Charles." She snapped. "This isn't about roles. It's about you. You're not well."

Charles slumped into a chair, exhaustion etched across his face. His eyes, once filled with determination, now carried the heavy burden of burnout.

"You've won everything, Ally. Your career, the championship. Everyone worships you. What's left for me?" He sounded broken.

"I didn't win those things to make you feel inadequate. I did it because I love racing, just like you."

Charles's laughter was bitter, a cynical soundtrack to the unraveling scene in their living room. Alexandra watched him with a mix of concern and silent pain.

"Love racing? No, you love winning. You love being the best."

For a moment, Charles thought he'd won, he thought he'd hurt her. And then...

"I am the best." She snapped coldly. "Winning the WDC just proved that, Charles."

Charles was silent. He hadn't expected that response from her. She continued. "I'm not apologising for winning, and I'm definitely not apologising for being a good driver. If your ego can't take that, it's not my problem. But this isn't just about racing Charles, there's something else going on. Tell me. Please just tell me."

"You don't understand what it's like. The pressure, the expectations. You don't know how it feels to know you're letting people down. You're never enough."

"You don't have to be "enough" for anyone else. You just have to be enough for yourself. Besides, you are enough, Charles. You're loved by so many people, I just don't underst-,"

"I owe it to Jules and my father."

The words hung in the air, a fragile plea for understanding. Burnout had laid bare the vulnerabilities of both, exposing wounds that ran deeper than the surface skirmish of their argument.

"Amor." She spoke softly, a soft pool of water forming in her eyes as she reached out to comfort him, his stony gaze meeting hers in return.

"Just leave me the fuck alone."

"Charles, please-,"

"Alexandra!" He shouted. "I said leave me alone! God, you can't even fucking do that, can you? You can't even let me have peace!"

Her face fell.

"You want to be left alone, Leclerc?" She said hollowly.

"Yes." He spoke quietly, a silent tear falling down his face as he realized the line he'd crossed amid his self-destruction. "Amor, I'm sorry, I-,"

"Fuck you, Charles."



The winter break brought a sense of tranquility to Charles and Lexi's Monaco home. The echoes of the intense Formula 1 season were replaced with the hushed serenity of the offseason. Their living room, adorned with holiday decorations, provided a cozy backdrop to the intimate conversation unfolding.

"Lexi, there's something I need to say. I owe you an apology. For everything."

"Charles, we've been over this. You don't owe me anything."

Charles took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and vulnerability.

"No, Amor. I need you to understand. I've been carrying this weight, this pressure to prove myself. I felt like I needed to win the championship to honor my father and Jules. Otherwise, I felt like a fraud, like I didn't deserve to be here."

Lexi reached out, gently cupping his face in her hands. Her touch was a comforting balm to his wounded soul.

"Charles, you're not a fraud, and you deserve every bit of success you've earned. You're an incredible driver, and you're more than worthy of being in Formula 1."

"But I let it consume me. I pushed you away, and I blamed you for things that weren't your fault. I became a monster because all I wanted to do was win."

"We all have our struggles, Charles. But we're a team, remember? We face them together. You'll win a WDC one day, I know it. You need to have faith in yourself."

The weight of Charles's confession lifted as Lexi pulled him into a warm embrace. The tenderness between them spoke louder than any words could. As they held each other, the air in the room filled with a sense of renewal and understanding.

"I just want you to know how much I love you, Lexi. I never want to hurt you again. I almost lost you because I was so caught up in my mind."

"I know, Charles. And I love you too. Let's leave the past behind and focus on what's ahead."

Their lips met in a gentle kiss, sealing their commitment to a fresh start. As the winter sun dipped below the horizon, the couple found solace in the warmth of each other's presence, grateful for the healing power of love and forgiveness.



The atmosphere in the Yas Marina circuit was charged with anticipation as the final race of the season loomed. Charles lost in a moment of reflection, was brought back to the present when a familiar tap on the shoulder snapped him out of his reverie.

 "Charles, you okay?" Carlos asked quietly, a frown sitting on his face as he watched his friend carefully. 

"Yeah, just lost in thought," Charles replied cautiously. 

"You sure? You've been distant lately. The pressure getting to you?"  Charles looked at Carlos, appreciating the genuine concern in his friend's eyes. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, a little voice spoke up. 

He just wants you to fail. He's just like the rest of them. 

"Nah, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind, you know?" Charles shrugged, brushing Carlos' concern off quickly. The Spaniard seemed relentless.

"Charles, this pursuit of the championship, it's changed you. I can see it. Please, don't push everyone away. Not for this."

Charles sighed, realizing he couldn't entirely hide his internal struggles.

"It's part of the game, Carlos. We all go through it. Are you telling me if you were a point away from finally winning, you wouldn't be thinking the same?"

"No, Charles, this isn't just about racing. You've pushed yourself to the limit, and I'm worried. Winning the championship shouldn't cost you your peace of mind. It shouldn't cost you Ally."

"I appreciate your concern, but I've got it under control, and for the record, my relationship is none of your business." 

Carlos eyed him, recognizing the familiar tone of someone trying to convince both himself and others.

"What if Lexi wins? Would that be so bad?"

Charles laughed hollowly, and Carlos narrowed his eyes. "If she wins, it'll prove she's the better driver, won't it? Isn't that what everyone already thinks?"

Carlos sensed the bitterness in Charles's words, but chose not to delve into the unspoken emotions.

"Charles, you're more than this." 

Charles forced a smirk, trying to downplay the internal turmoil.

"I appreciate the pep talk, Carlos, but I've got a race to focus on."

As Charles turned his attention back to the track, Carlos couldn't shake the feeling that his friend was on the edge of a precipice, torn between the pursuit of glory and the toll it took on his well-being.


As the clock ticked away, the gravity of the situation sank in for the drivers in the meeting room. The looming uncertainty of the impending championship battle weighed on each of them. They'd spent the last year doing everything they could to support both Alexandra and Charles during the lowest moments of their relationship, and they knew that very soon, the damage could be irreparable. 

"We can't just let this happen. It's a fucking ticking time bomb!" He snapped angrily, pacing through the FIA meeting room with unease.

Beside him, Daniel agreed. "Yeah, but we can't control what's about to go down on the track. It's out of our hands." he sighed. 

"So, what, we just stand by and watch them tear each other apart?" Carlos groaned. "You didn't hear him just now...The way he was talking...It's like it's not even Charles anymore. I just don't understand how he's changed so much."

James sighed, knowing all too well what was going through their minds. Despite Alexandra being his sister, he'd remained close to Charles, knowing all too well how damaging mental health could be. "Look, they're professionals. They won't jeopardize the sport. And when it comes down to it - I think they'll both realize how insane they're acting."

Lewis raised an eyebrow. "You're too optimistic, James. I've seen what rivalries can do. You know that."

"This is different. It's family, but it's also the pinnacle of motorsport. They won't risk that. Besides, no matter what they've gone through this year, they're still in love."

"What about the fallout,  James? This race will change everything. What if they can't find their way out of this one?" Carlos huffed, concern for his two best friends showing. 

"Look, Charles isn't in the right mental state. We can't ignore that. We've all seen him this year, working himself into a hospital bed, visiting Jules' grave every time he's home, and spending hours there. He's suffering, and this isn't helping."

"So what do you want us to do, Lew? Coddle him? Alexandra tried to be there for him, and look what happened, she ended up on my doorstep at 3 am crying." Max snapped. 

As they continued to discuss the dilemma, the realization set in that, ultimately, there was little they could do to alter the course of events. The stage was set, and the championship would unfold on the track.

"We can talk all we want, but once those lights go out, it's a different game."

James sighed. "Let's hope they find a way to settle it on the track without tearing each other apart."

"Family rivalries in F1 never end well," Lewis said softly, shooting a knowing glance around the room. 

"Let's hope this one does, huh?"

As they left the meeting room, a sense of foreboding lingered. The grid was about to witness a clash of titans, a battle that transcended sport and delved into the intricate dynamics of family and competition. 

All they could do was watch and hope for the best.

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