SVT Jihan Oneshot

Od Hongshua_jisoo

11K 405 26

A one-shot story about Jeonghan and Joshua's (Jihan) love story ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Some of the stories might con... Více

Ima: Even If The World Ends Tomorrow
Project JH [1/2]
Project JH [2/2]
Craving ⚠️
Comatose ⚠️
Forbidden Love
Love Unveiled
Love Letter
Family Trip
Fatal Day
Break Up
First Kiss
Spirit [1/2]
Secret Date
Accidental Pregnancy
Christmas Surprises
Capture By The Nerd
Mafia Love
Shua Day
Unnoticed Feelings
New Year
Crown Prince In Love [1/2]
Crown Prince In Love [2/2]
Enemy to Lover

Spirit [2/2]

120 9 0
Od Hongshua_jisoo

In the wake of the mysterious circumstances surrounding Jeonghan's comatose state, Joshua delved into the shadows of his lover's past, determined to uncover the truth that had remained shrouded in secrecy.

His investigation led him to a haunting revelation about Jeonghan's mother. A woman with a history of psychological instability, she had intentionally driven her car into Jeonghan three years ago, attempting to snuff out the very life she had brought into the world. Shock and disbelief coursed through Joshua as he pieced together the sinister puzzle that had left Jeonghan suspended between consciousness and a profound slumber.

Further inquiries revealed that Jeonghan's mother had been confined to a mental hospital, deemed unfit to roam free in society. The gravity of the revelation hung heavy on Joshua's heart, as he grappled with the cruelty inflicted upon the one he loved.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Joshua felt a surge of protectiveness toward Jeonghan. The tendrils of a tragic past coiled around their present, threatening to unravel the fragile threads that held Jeonghan's life in balance.

Determined to understand the full scope of Jeonghan's situation, Joshua sought a meeting with the doctors overseeing Jeonghan's care. The sterile hospital corridor echoed with the muted sounds of footsteps as Joshua approached the doctor's office.

"Doctor, I need to know more about Jeonghan's condition. Why hasn't he woken up, and what can be done to help him?" Joshua inquired, his eyes reflecting a mix of desperation and resolve.

The doctor, a middle-aged man with a demeanor that exuded professionalism, motioned for Joshua to take a seat. "Mr. Joshua, Jeonghan's physical condition is stable. He doesn't show signs of deterioration, but he remains in a persistent vegetative state. We've run extensive tests, consulted specialists, but the underlying cause of his unresponsiveness remains a mystery."

The weight of the doctor's words hung in the air as Joshua absorbed the grim reality. "Is there any hope for his recovery?" he asked, his voice tinged with a quiet desperation.

The doctor sighed, choosing his words carefully. "Recovery is uncertain in cases like these. We can't predict the future, but we continue to monitor his vital signs and explore potential interventions."

Undeterred, Joshua pressed on. "What about waking him up? Is there anything that can be done to bring him back to consciousness?"

The doctor's expression shifted, a hint of empathy in his gaze. "We've tried various stimuli, therapies, and medications, but Jeonghan hasn't shown any signs of waking up. It's as if he's trapped in a realm between wakefulness and deep slumber."

The news weighed heavily on Joshua's shoulders, the frustration and helplessness threatening to engulf him. He thanked the doctor, his mind swirling with unanswered questions as he left the office.

Days turned into nights as Joshua grappled with the emotional turmoil that accompanied the newfound knowledge about Jeonghan's past and the seemingly insurmountable barriers to his recovery. The hospital visits became a routine, a pilgrimage to the silent room that housed Jeonghan's dormant body.

One evening, as Joshua sat by Jeonghan's bedside, he whispered words of love and anguish. "Jeonghan, I've learned about your mother. The pain you've endured is unimaginable. But, my love, I won't let you face it alone."

As the weeks passed, Joshua became a constant presence in Jeonghan's life. He read to him, played his favorite music, and shared the stories of their time together. The hospital room, once a sterile environment, now echoed with the warmth of Joshua's unwavering devotion.

In a moment of vulnerability, Joshua placed a small photo album by Jeonghan's bedside. The pages chronicled their journey, capturing moments of laughter, shared dreams, and the profound connection that transcended the boundaries of the conscious world.

One day, as Joshua sat in the quiet room, a gentle voice interrupted the stillness. "You really care for him, don't you?"

Startled, Joshua turned to find a nurse standing in the doorway. "I do. More than words can express. Is there something you can do for him?"

The nurse, a kind-hearted woman with a depth of understanding, approached Joshua. "I've seen miracles happen, Mr. Joshua. Sometimes, it just takes time, patience, and a whole lot of love. Keep talking to him. You never know what he might hear."

Encouraged by her words, Joshua continued his vigil by Jeonghan's side. He poured his heart into every conversation, every touch, hoping that the depth of their connection would serve as a lifeline that could bridge the gap between consciousness and the enigmatic slumber that held Jeonghan captive.

As the seasons changed and the world outside continued to evolve, Joshua clung to the hope that one day, the man he loved would wake from the depths of his unconscious state. The journey, fraught with uncertainty and pain, became a testament to the enduring power of love and the unwavering strength that fueled Joshua's resolve to bring Jeonghan back to the realm of the living.

In his pursuit of answers, Joshua decided to explore alternative therapies that might offer a glimmer of hope. He consulted with specialists, researched experimental treatments, and sought the advice of experts in the field of neurological disorders. The hospital became a battleground for resilience, as Joshua tirelessly advocated for Jeonghan's well-being.

One day, during a routine visit, a breakthrough moment occurred. Joshua, holding Jeonghan's hand, spoke softly, recounting the tales of their shared adventures, the love they had discovered, and the dreams they had woven together. As he shared their story, a subtle change coursed through the room.

A flicker of movement, imperceptible yet undeniable, crossed Jeonghan's features. Joshua's heart quickened with anticipation as he continued to speak, pouring his soul into every word.

The nurse, who had observed their journey, entered the room and noticed the subtle shift in Jeonghan's responsiveness. She approached Joshua, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and hope.

"Mr. Joshua, I believe he heard you. Keep talking. The mind has a mysterious way of responding to familiar voices, especially those filled with love," she encouraged.

Days turned into nights, and Joshua remained steadfast in his commitment. He shared memories, whispered promises, and expressed the depth of his love. The subtle signs of responsiveness in Jeonghan's demeanor grew more pronounced, hinting at the possibility of a connection being rekindled.

Driven by a newfound sense of optimism, Joshua sought the expertise of specialists who specialized in neurostimulation therapies. They explored innovative methods designed to stimulate brain activity and potentially awaken dormant consciousness.

Amidst the whirlwind of medical consultations and experimental treatments, Joshua encountered moments of both triumph and despair. Jeonghan's condition remained delicate, caught in the delicate balance between the realms of the conscious and the comatose.

In the quiet hours of the night, Joshua sat by Jeonghan's bedside, his hand intertwined with his lover's. As he gazed into Jeonghan's still face, a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Jeonghan, I won't give up on you. Our love is a beacon that can illuminate even the darkest corners of the mind. Wake up, my love. Come back to me," Joshua whispered, his voice a fervent plea.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the hospital window, Joshua witnessed a moment that would forever alter the course of their journey. Jeonghan, eyes fluttering, showed signs of consciousness, a flicker of awareness breaking through the veil of unconsciousness.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Joshua called for the medical team. The room buzzed with a flurry of activity as doctors and nurses assessed Jeonghan's vitals. The once-still figure on the hospital bed now exhibited signs of awakening.

As Jeonghan's eyes slowly opened, he found himself met with the tearful gaze of Joshua, whose love had been an unwavering force throughout the arduous journey.

"Joshua?" Jeonghan whispered, his voice a fragile echo.

Tears streamed down Joshua's face as he embraced Jeonghan. "You're back. You're really back."

The doctors, equally astonished and elated, conducted further examinations to ensure the stability of Jeonghan's condition. The road to recovery stretched ahead, marked by rehabilitation, therapy, and the unwavering support of Joshua.

In the days that followed, Jeonghan's progress became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The love between Joshua and Jeonghan, tested by the trials of the past, emerged stronger than ever.

Together, they navigated the challenges of rehabilitation, savoring each small victory as Jeonghan reclaimed control of his body and mind. The hospital, once a symbol of uncertainty, transformed into a haven of healing and renewal.

Their love story, marked by tragedy and triumph, became an inspiration to those who witnessed the miraculous journey. The echo of Jeonghan's awakening reverberated through the corridors of the hospital, a testament to the enduring power of love and the indomitable strength of the human spirit to overcome even the darkest of shadows.

As Joshua and Jeonghan faced the future hand in hand, their shared experiences became a testament to the transformative nature of love—a force capable of transcending the boundaries between life and the ethereal beyond.

In the wake of Jeonghan's miraculous recovery, the hospital room that had once been a cocoon of uncertainty transformed into a sanctuary of hope and renewal. Joshua and Jeonghan embarked on a journey of rehabilitation, navigating the challenges that lay ahead with a shared determination to rebuild their lives.

The days were marked by therapy sessions, where Jeonghan, once confined to a hospital bed, now engaged in exercises designed to reawaken the dormant muscles and motor functions. Joshua, a pillar of unwavering support, stood by his side, offering encouragement and celebrating every small milestone.

Their love story, having weathered the storms of tragedy and defied the odds, became a source of inspiration to the medical staff and fellow patients. Jeonghan's recovery was nothing short of a medical marvel, and whispers of their tale echoed through the hospital corridors.

One day, as the sun cast a warm glow through the window, Joshua and Jeonghan sat on the hospital rooftop, overlooking the city. The skyline, once distant and blurred, now held the promise of a future they had feared might never come.

"Jeonghan, do you remember the first time we met in that park?" Joshua asked, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Jeonghan nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "How could I forget? You were the unexpected light that guided me through the darkness."

Their fingers intertwined, a tangible connection that transcended the physical and bridged the emotional realms. As they looked toward the future, Jeonghan expressed the profound gratitude that welled within him.

"Joshua, you saved me in more ways than one. Your love, your unwavering belief in us, pulled me back from the edge. I can't thank you enough," Jeonghan said, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion.

Joshua, overcome with emotion, replied, "We saved each other, Jeonghan. Love has a way of healing wounds we didn't even know existed. Now, let's build a future together—one filled with joy, love, and endless possibilities."

The days turned into weeks, and Jeonghan's progress continued to astonish the medical team. With each passing moment, the prospect of returning to a semblance of normalcy became more tangible.

As Jeonghan's physical strength improved, so did his cognitive functions. He reconnected with the world, catching up on the events and technological advancements that had transpired during his period of unconsciousness. The hospital room, once a confining space, became a canvas for their shared dreams and aspirations.

One evening, as Joshua and Jeonghan sat by the window, watching the city lights twinkle below, Jeonghan broached a subject that had lingered in the recesses of his mind.

"Joshua, I want to meet my mother. I need closure, an understanding of the past that has haunted me," Jeonghan admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

The request sparked a complex set of emotions within Joshua. The woman who had orchestrated Jeonghan's traumatic ordeal was a figure shrouded in darkness, yet the journey of healing called for confronting the shadows that lingered in the past.

"I'll support you, Jeonghan, in whatever decision you make. But be prepared for the possibility that it might not provide the closure you seek," Joshua cautioned, his concern etched on his face.

In the following weeks, Joshua and Jeonghan embarked on a journey to the mental hospital where Jeonghan's mother was confined. The sterile halls echoed with a palpable tension as they approached the room where she resided.

Jeonghan, his emotions a turbulent sea, faced the woman who had once sought to extinguish his life. The meeting, though fraught with tension, became a pivotal moment in the process of healing.

His mother, a specter of remorse, looked into Jeonghan's eyes. "I never meant to hurt you, Jeonghan. I lost myself, and the darkness consumed me. Can you ever forgive me?"

Jeonghan, caught between the scars of the past and the possibility of forgiveness, replied with a measured tone, "I don't know if I can forgive, but I'm trying to understand. For both our sakes."

The encounter, though emotionally charged, served as a stepping stone toward resolution. Jeonghan, having confronted the woman who had orchestrated his near demise, now faced the task of reconciling with the complex emotions that lingered within.

As they left the mental hospital, the weight of the past began to lift, making room for a future untethered by the chains of trauma. The city lights below seemed to gleam with newfound brilliance, mirroring the hope that illuminated the path ahead.

Back at the hospital, Joshua and Jeonghan continued their journey of recovery and rediscovery. The support from the medical staff, friends, and each other fueled their determination to rebuild their lives.

In the process of healing, they also found solace in connecting with others who had faced adversity. They shared their story, offering inspiration to those grappling with their own struggles. The hospital, once a backdrop to their trials, now became a stage for resilience and the transformative power of love.

The days turned into months, and Joshua and Jeonghan eventually transitioned from the hospital to a shared home. They carved out a life together, intertwining their aspirations and dreams, embracing the ordinary moments that had once felt like distant fantasies.

As they walked hand in hand through the city that had witnessed their journey, Joshua and Jeonghan embraced the beauty of a love reborn from the ashes of adversity. The skyline, once a symbol of uncertainty, now held the promise of endless possibilities—a testament to the indomitable spirit that had carried them through the darkest of nights.

Their love story, transcending the boundaries of the extraordinary and the mundane, became a living testament to the resilience of the human heart and the enduring power of a connection that defied the constraints of time and circumstance.

~The End~

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