ᴍʏ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴍᴏᴜʀ | ꜱ.ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴏɴ

By xprssbrv

6.9K 187 19

~ Marley's expression was serious, but Sarah liked how it softened slightly when she looked at her. Like the... More

act one


371 12 1
By xprssbrv

The next day, Marley woke up earlier than usual, intending to meet John B and give back the scuba gear they had taken from the Camerons. She dressed casually, uncertain about the day's plans after finding the compass. Despite the incident with her father, she was relieved not to have encountered him since—he hadn't even returned home.

Despite John B's 7 am plan to meet at the dock in her backyard, it was 7:30 am, and Marley was still in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Her phone buzzed with calls from the Routledge boy, which she ignored. Rushing out, she bid a quick goodbye to her sleeping brother. Walking through the backyard, she could already sense the disapproving look from her best friend, John B.

"Glad to see your phone works," John B greeted her with a sarcastic smile, extending a hand to help her onto the boat without a struggle.

Walking over to the front of the boat, Marley glanced at John B and offered an innocent shrug, saying, "I was brushing my teeth. You wouldn't have understood me anyway; it's hard talking with toothpaste in my mouth."

"Is that why you're also thirty minutes late?" John B asked with an amused smile, making it clear he was teasing Marley rather than being serious.

"No." Marley shook her head, pulling out her weed and the mini grinder from her pouch, "I just woke up late."

"Of course you did," John B nodded with a small chuckle, grinning at the girl as she rolled up the joint.

As John B skillfully navigated the marshy terrain, Marley and he exchanged thoughts and laughter, the camaraderie evident in their easy banter. Sharing a spliff added a relaxed rhythm to their conversation, with Marley seamlessly taking the wheel when John B wanted a break and vice versa.

The ten-minute ride felt like a brief journey through the familiar landscapes of the Outer Banks, where every turn and curve held memories of their adventures. The low hum of the boat's engine provided a rhythmic backdrop to their shared stories, creating a sense of tranquility amid the untamed beauty of the marsh.

Marley huffed, shouldering a duffel bag and carrying tanks in both hands. John B chuckled from behind her, earning a glare as she turned. She stepped onto the Camerons' large boat, strutting up the stairs at her own pace, clearly unenthusiastic about the early hour. Reaching the door, she aimlessly stuck the key in, unlocking it and swinging the boat's door open before stepping inside.

Marley came to a sudden halt, her eyes fixed on Sarah, who lay peacefully on the boat's couch to her right. The soft morning light accentuated Sarah's features, and Marley couldn't help but be momentarily entranced by the girl's serene presence. Her gaze lingered, unintentionally connecting with the hint of Sarah's exposed bra. In that moment, Marley found herself appreciating the delicate beauty before her.

Quickly regaining composure, Marley cleared her throat and shook her head, redirecting her attention. With a subtle yet intentional shift, she continued to walk into the boat, the early morning sunlight casting a warm glow on the surroundings. The gentle hum of the boat's engine provided a backdrop to the awakening day, and Marley, pushing aside the brief distraction, focused on the task at hand.

Continuing her walk, Marley's footsteps reverberated through the boat, disrupting Sarah's peaceful sleep. Sarah stirred, her hand instinctively shielding her eyes as she rubbed them, slowly awakening to the sounds of morning aboard the boat, "Wheezie, shut up."

She gasped when Marley accidentally hit one of the tanks against a pole, causing it to make a loud sound. Sarah shook her head when she saw who was really on her boat, "You're not Wheezie."

"I'm not Wheezie, but for our sake, let's pretend that I am," Marley quipped with a hint of sarcasm. Her lips twitched upward as she observed the glare Sarah sent her way. "Sorry for disturbing," she added with a casual apology.

"What are you doing?" Sarah rasped as she rubbed her forehead, the clear sign that the girl had just woken up evident in her demeanour.

"I'm dropping off some scuba gear," Marley shrugged nonchalantly, observing Sarah's realisation that her bra was showing. She couldn't help but smirk slightly as Sarah hurriedly scurried to pull her jumper down, "What are you doing here?"

"It's our boat." The girl shrugged, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion at Marley's question, as if the answer wasn't evident, "It's also the only place with air conditioning."

"Right," Marley nodded, unable to keep her eyes off the girl.

"Did you, um...top up the tanks?" Sarah raised an eyebrow in question as she shifted into a seated position, her eyes locking onto Marley's.

"I couldn't," Marley shook her head, and Sarah shot her a questioning look, silently urging her to continue, "Power's down, so the compressors were off. Agatha did her big one, huh?"

"So, you're sneaking onto my boat at 7:00am with empty tanks?" With a raised brow, Sarah questioned, and a moment of silence lingered in the air. Marley hesitated, unsure of how to proceed, "I'll make sure to tell Ward." Sarah smiled.

"I expected nothing else," Marley let out a scoff, a fake smile playing on the edges of her face, taking off the duffel bag and placing the tanks on the floor, "Then I'll just drop these off."

"Yeah, yeah, in the middle of the room is fine." Sarah muttered, watching as the Maybank girl's jaw clenched, causing Sarah's lips to rise ever so slightly.

"Pretty much what he told me to do," She shrugged, standing up fully as she finished placing the tanks on the floor. Typically, this would be the cue to depart, but Marley leaned against a wooden wall, fixing her gaze on the girl, "What exactly are you gonna tell your dad?"

"Nothing much," Sarah shook her head innocently, "Just that you poached our scuba gear."

"Okay, fuck." Marley sighed as she shook her head, she looked towards the girl and chuckled slightly, "I wasn't being serious when I said I was committing an act of burglary. Plus, I brought them back...unharmed."

"Minus air." Sarah added.

"Can you just not tell him?" Marley shrugged, her eyes narrowing at the mere thought of uttering a 'please' to Sarah Cameron—or anyone, for that matter. It was a notion she despised, "Please." She muttered.

"What are you gonna do? Pull a gun on me?" Sarah retaliated, maintaining eye contact with Marley's now slightly hardened gaze. However, it was still softer than Sarah had witnessed when Marley got angry with others.

Marley smirked, the corners of her lips lifting slightly. "Nah, that's not my style," she replied calmly. "But I can make life pretty uncomfortable without resorting to weapons, Sarah," She pushed herself off the wall, standing confidently. "And for the record, I didn't know my brother was gonna do that."

"That's convenient to believe." Sarah added, her gaze unwavering from Marley. She wasn't willing to admit it to herself, but the Maybank girl was stirring something in her stomach. Marley scoffed at her words, Sarah added, "Maybe you should get better friends."

"Well, maybe you should find someone better to date," Marley retorted with a tilt of her head, her gaze unyielding.

Sarah scoffed, sending Marley a sly grin in return, "Like someone who doesn't poach?"

"God, you're so annoying." Marley groaned, dragging her hands down her face in a display of childlike behavior, a rare sight from the typically composed girl. Sarah couldn't help but smile as she witnessed this unexpected glimpse of vulnerability.

"Relax," Sarah laughed lightly at the girl. She looked at Marley and shook her head, a mixture of amusement and understanding in her expression, "I'm not gonna tell him anything. You're secret's safe with me, Marley."

Upon hearing those words, Marley's hardened gaze softened, a rare smile breaking through – one only familiar to the Pogues. She briefly turned her head away from the blonde girl, giving Sarah a moment to let her eyes wander up and down Marley's form, nibbling her bottom lip slightly. When Marley turned back to look at Sarah, the girl was subtly shuffling back into the position Marley had disturbed her from, an unspoken exchange lingering between them.

"Okay, you can leave now." Sarah dismissed Marley's presence with a casual gesture.

"Yes, ma'am," Marley chuckled, her demeanour lightening, and she turned her body, starting to make her way toward the door, "Later."

"Bye." Sarah called.

Marley couldn't shake the unfamiliar feeling coursing through her, silently cursing herself for it. Accustomed to casual encounters and random hookups, each time with a different person, she had never experienced these unsettling emotions. Crushes and attachments were uncharted territory for Marley, and the sensation felt downright sickening.

She acknowledged finding Sarah attractive, but admitting to having genuine feelings for the girl seemed like a far stretch for Marley. Despite the undeniable chemistry and the unexpected flutter in her stomach, the Maybank girl was reluctant to explore the depths of those emotions. The walls she had meticulously built around herself remained intact, shielding her from the vulnerability that came with acknowledging something more profound than mere attraction.

"What took you so long, bro?" John B whined from his spot on the boat as he watched Marley hop aboard, his tone carrying a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"Sarah was up there," Marley shrugged, skillfully untying the rope knot to allow the boat to automatically drift away.

"Oh," John B teased, drawing out the word as he tilted his head toward his best friend, "Explains the smile." His playful observation carried a hint of mischief, probing into the dynamics between Marley and Sarah.

"Shut up," Marley shook her head with a small smile, choosing not to offer any additional commentary to John B's teasing.


After John B dropped Marley off at her house, her awake brother greeted her. The interaction with Sarah lingered in her mind, proving to be annoying. Despite a history of unspoken tension and frequent eye contact, the burgeoning feelings for Sarah were starting to overshadow the lingering animosity. It was a contradictory mix of emotions that Marley found herself grappling with, unsure of how to navigate the evolving dynamics between her and Sarah.

Despite her initial resistance, Marley fell into JJ's persuasion, agreeing to join himself and John B for another one of his stupid plans. Credit where it's due, JJ was the only one to propose a concept that might provide them with a clue about how John B's dad's compass ended up in Scooter Grubs' Grady White, especially considering Scooter's recent demise just two days earlier.

Yet, regret flooded Marley as she hopped out of the Twinkie, ensuring she closed the door cautiously due to its poor quality. Internally cursing, she surveyed the house – mostly secluded, far from the convenience of town stores and people. The remoteness brought an unsettling feeling, intensified by the unexpected duo that had fired at them in the marsh.

"You know what this house looks like?" John B asked as the trio started heading towards it.

"Whoever lives here smokes too much weed," JJ responded to his friend's question, exchanging an amused glance with his sister.

"Way too much." Marley agreed.

The trio slowed their steps as they approached, the noise of clattering and shattering glass making them hesitate. Marley exchanged a glance with both boys, her expressions betraying confusion as they listened in. Amidst the chaos, a man's voice shouted at a woman—likely Lana Grubbs, Scooter's wife, whom Marley had encountered while assisting the Camerons after the hurricane.

"Maybe we should come back." JJ shook his head.

"Shut up, JJ." John B hushed the boy quietly, gesturing for him to come closer with a raised finger. The man's voice continued to shout indistinguishable words, making them hesitate to move further, "Come on."

"What the fuck," Marley whispered to JJ, crouching down slightly as they approached the bright pink wall of the house, the disturbing sounds escalating. The trio could make out that the woman was enduring physical harm.

Marley's eyes widened slightly as she looked at John B approaching the window of the house, finally able to see the figures behind the voice. She and JJ hurried over, moving stealthily while JJ discreetly pushed the boy out of the way of the window to avoid detection. Marley scanned their surroundings, vigilant for any potential threats from behind, though none appeared imminent.

"Do you still think we should stay?" JJ sarcastically quipped at the boy, urging him to keep quiet.

Marley closed her eyes, the sounds of the woman being assaulted echoing in her ears. Her jaw clenched, trying to block out the distressing noises. Unsteady breaths betrayed the difficulty of avoiding the memories, drawing parallels between the turmoil within the house and the painful echoes of her own past when their mother still lived with the twins.

Marley's face crinkled as dry paint rained down from the house, a consequence of the damage inflicted from within. The cacophony inside gradually subsided, prompting Marley to watch as John B lifted himself, peering into the house. Observing the man departing, the trio cautiously approached the end of the house. John B poked his head out for a quick glance before swiftly retracting, leaning against the wall.

They observed not one, but two men storming out of the colorful house, heading toward a white boat. Marley eyed them carefully, a sense of deja vu churning in her stomach as they boarded an oddly familiar white boat. Narrowing her eyes, Marley racked her mind to identify them. Eventually, her narrowed gaze transformed into widened eyes as recognition dawned upon her.

"Those are the guys that shot at us in the marsh," Marley whispered, her eyes still fixed on them.

"Go back." John B quietly urged the twins as the two men started the boat. They concealed themselves near the wall, observing the boat drive off into the marsh.

Once the boat disappeared from their sight, the three cautiously approached the front of the house. Silently, Marley stepped onto the porch, entering through the front door. Her eyes surveyed the interior, taking in the state of disarray. Shattered glass lay scattered across the floor where windows once stood, and the furniture was arranged in a manner that hardly resembled a home.

Faint sobbing echoed from deep within the house as they navigated through the chaos, calling out for Lana, who was nowhere to be seen. As they ventured further into the home, they spotted her figure on the floor in one of the rooms, her back against the wall as she cried out.

"Ms.Lana." John B muttered, rushing towards the woman, with JJ and Marley following closely behind him.

The woman appeared badly beaten, and Marley watched with a worried expression as she flinched when John B touched her shoulder.

"Dude, She's tweaking." JJ informed John B, observing the woman's eyes rapidly shifting between each person. Marley could see JJ's perspective, likely not far from the truth, but she considered that the woman might simply be in a severe state of shock.

"Do you need a doctor?" John B asked the lady, seemingly not paying attention to JJ's recent information. Marley watched the woman sob, exchanging a glance with JJ and John B as he raised his head, "Let's call the sheriffs department."

"No cops, please." Lana instantly demanded, shaking her head as she continued to sob.

"That's not good." Marley stated, keeping her eyes on Lana, who now looked at her with a pleading expression. Marley maintained a stoic face, suppressing the pity that sat in her stomach.

"Come on, dude. Let's just go." JJ suggested, patting John B's shoulder.

However, Lana's gaze shifted from Marley and JJ to John B, as if about to direct her next words towards him, "You shouldn't be here."

"That's enough for us. Come one." JJ deadpanned, speaking for Marley as he rose from his leaning position on the door and started to leave. However, John B grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Wait. Wait." John B pleaded with the twins, a look of desperation on his face that made JJ stop in his tracks. Marley could see the yearning in John B's eyes, the desire to uncover the truth about his father and the mysterious compass. He turned his head to look at Lana, "What do you know about these guys?"

"They were looking for something," She sobbed.

"Does it have something to do with this?" Marley watched with furrowed eyebrows as John B quickly shuffled through his T-shirt, searching through all of his pockets until he brought out the compass, holding it out for Lana to see. All sobs that were escaping Lana's mouth ceased, her face dropping at the sight of the compass, "Do you know anything about this?"

The woman shook her head. Marley could tell she was lying.

"This is my father's, and Scooter had it." John b explained, "Why?"

The woman remained silent, shaking her head again. Marley clenched her jaw at her, "Answer the fucking question."

Lana's eyes widened as she looked toward the girl. Marley's expression remained unchanged, conveying a seriousness that left no room for doubt, "Scooter didn't have it, okay? Don't tell anyone that you have that."

"Come on." JJ urged the boy, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, but he didn't budge.

"Why? why?" John B asked, panic evident in his voice.

"You've gotta get out of here!" Lana shouted, her eyes fixed on the compass. Marley, uneasy with the situation, urged the Roudledge boy to leave as well; it was evident the woman was not in the right state of mind.

"What do you know about the compass," John questioned with the same volume this time, still refusing to budge despite the siblings' insistence to leave.

"Go! Get out!" Lana continued to shout over and over, and this was enough to get the boy to stand up.

Marley was the last to leave, her gaze lingering on Lana who continued to sob in the room. A hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her trance, following JJ out of the house. She stuffed her hands in her pocket, took out her pen, and took a few hits to momentarily forget what had just happened. After putting the pen back, she reached out to slide open the back of the Twinkie, taking a comfortable seat.

"Now that was crazy on a whole other level," Marley huffed, shaking her head as she leaned back in her seat, her hand on her trousers, legs parting slightly.

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