Me in Danmachi V2

By thedemonkingsean

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It's not the same story it has better writing and I'm not Extremely Overpowered :) More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Orario Overprotective Brother
Chapter 2 - Monsterphilia gone awry
Chapter 3 - Shopping with the Half Elf
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chalter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 - Dungeon Visit
Chapter 23 - Guild Mission
Chapter 24 - A celebration Leads to a sad departure
Chapter 25 - The Long corridor
Chapter 26 - A fight of a Murderer and Hypocrite
Chapter 27 - The Fool Brothers
Chapter 29 - Showdown at Daedalus street. -{Extremely underwhelming}-

(Changed) Chapter 28 - Planning

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By thedemonkingsean

(For those wondering what happened to the Original Chapter 28 I deleted it cause I did not like it. I only made I because I couldn't think of what to do with the actual story. So yeah good job those lucky 10 who read the original you made it I'm also redoing the Chapter with the Goliath fight in it.)
—[Sean Pov]—
S3 Ep9

I'm sitting in the lounge room with Hestia as Mikoto and Haruhime return. "Mikoto, Haruhime welcome home how was your trip into town" Hestia asks as Haruhime places the basket of groceries they got on to the table.

"Fairly uneventful however they way the everybody looked at us was um.. Unpleasant" Haruhime says as Lili takes the basket out the room. "As we feared Bell's Actions have had an impact and of course public opinion is growing more and more hostile the tension was palpable" Mikoto says as she Sits next to me on the couch.

"Oh... Figures" Hestia says as Mikoto looks around "Is Master Welf still occupied?" She asks looking out the window to the forger. "Yep hunkered down in his forge" Hestia say as I take a sip of my water.

"He won't be coming out of there for awhile let's leave him to it for now" I say nonchalantly as I put my cup down. 'Bell and I made up our minds to save her and we don't regret anything and it's not worth dwelling on what other people say' I think to myself as there is a knock on the door.

Goddess Gets up and goes answer the Door and Mikoto and Haruhime head up stairs. "Who could be at the door" I look to the door way and see Hermes as Goddess goes up stairs to get Bell I presume.


"You Two are in surprisingly good spirits for people who have become the most hated people in Orario cudos!" He says in a Happy go lucky tone like always. "The facts speak for themselves you've both picked up the general sentiment I'm sure" Hey says as Bell seems tense.

"Did you come here just to tease us?! If that's all you wanted then beat it!" Hestia says crossing her arms over her chest and facing away. "The Xenos need your help" Hermes says shocking us as I nearly do a spit take.

"What do you mean?!" Goddess asks still suprised but also serious now. "No need to keep up the charade Uranus up to speed on their existence awhile ago. Up 'til now, I've been working behind the scenes." Hermes says as Goddess and Bell looks at each other while hesitating.

"Do you know where they might be?" Bell asks still a bit hesitant. "Asfi's out with a Small team looking but we've yet to find anything I suspect that they split up and took shelter in different locations. Regardless there is a good chance that they haven't left the sewers beneath Daedalus street" Hermes says casually.

"The place is probably crawling with Loki's children by now" Hestia says much less hesitant now. "Yep and Lady Freya has got Babel under close surveillance and the Ganesha Familia's got the entrance to the dungeon locked down tight. If monsters were to hide in the city Daedalus street seems like the most logical choice. Ais Party is patrolling that area" Hermes says leaning forward and putting his hands together.

"Wait Miss Ais?" Bell asks becoming somber and slightly down. "Hermes It's a long shot but what if we explain the situation to Loki? I wouldn't call it a truce but if could just convince her to look the other way while the Xenos return to the Dungeon" Hestia Says but Hermes just cuts her off.

"Unlikely even if Loki were privy to the Details her Children would never condone an act of Sympathy towards Monsters. Don't forget Finn Deimne he's desperate to reclaim his peoples former glory. And he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that goal" Hermes says as Bell gets more somber and lean back into the couch more.

"Possessing Intelligence alone dosent matter to Loki's children, a Monster is just a Monster and exterminating them is all they know." Hermes says as I think of Bete particularly and grit my teeth.


We walk through Daedalus street seeing people rebuilding as They don't look happy with us particularly Bell. "You sure are Strange Sometimes, Bell I have no idea why you're so eager to visit Daedalus street" Hestia says in an Annoyed tone as we walk.

"I'm sorry but when I heard what Master Hermes said, I couldn't sit around at Home any longer" Bell says as he looks over at Guy who drops the wood he was holding. "Hey aren't you The little rookie!?" The guy shouts as everyone looks at us angrily.

"How dare you show your face here!? Y'given adventures a Bad Name!" The guy says as my eyes snap to him angrily but also confused at why they don't seem to care about me.

"Don't try to pretend this isn't your Fault you gonna say something or what!?" Another Guy says as the whole area turns against bell and I feel my skill want to activate but there are to many people for it to lock onto that it won't activate.

"Alright that's enough out of all of you! Bells questionable behavior you witnessed was a result of my financial debts. In fact you might call it the aftermath of his undying love for me! If your gonna Blake someone you oughta be blaming me! Let's go Bell" Hestia says as I Mentally face palm and start walking after them.

"I'm so sorry goddess because of me we're all" Bell doesn't get to finish what he was saying. "Don't Sweat it! You haven't needed a whole lot of hands on Hestia Guidance recently so it makes me kinda happy I get to do my job as Goddess again you y'know?" Hestia says smiling back at Bell who seems to be happier.

"I appreciate it Thank you so much" Bell says before looking up as people keep looking at us with many different Emotions. "Still all this Attention might make it difficult to search for Wiene" Bell says as I look around above at the people who stare at us with disgust.

"Good point we wouldn't wanna do anything reckless" Hestia says as Bell gets somber again which quickly becomes suprised as Ais Ends up in front of us after turning a corner as Bell gets nervous. "Move Aside Wallen-whatser-whatever! You're in the Way!" Hestia says as Bell becomes surprised as Hestia hugs his arm.

"Hello Are you listening to me?! Youhoo!?" Hestia says but suddenly Loki comes out of where Ais was. "Aissy Poo! Whatcha up to?" Loki says as Hestia becomes surprised at her being there.

"Well if it ain't the widdle shrimpette! Aisy-poo hurry on back to Finn. No detours, y'hear?" Loki says as Ais nods then looks at Bell who looks down ashamed and the Ais walks passed me as she leaves with Hestia seething.

"Heya Kiddo! So I heard about your little Faux Pas" Loki says appearing in front of bell surprising him. "I dunno what your plan was but I'm sure you know that protectin monsters would getcha kicked to the curb. So tell me lil' man how's it feel bein' badmouthed by the people who used to look up to ya?" Loki asks as bell looks away even more ashamed.

"What the Hell are you doing!? Get away from Bell!" Hestia says pushing Loki away. "Oh come on where's the harm? Not like I get to jab him often!" Loki says while smirking making Hestia more annoyed.

'Yeah, well, nobody asked you!" Hestia says as she continues struggling to push Loki away more. "Lemme mess with him a little  bit ya wet blanket! Hold on a kiddo! How's about we have a quick little chat I'm mighty interested in that newfound confidence of yours I promise I won't bite 'cha!" Loki says as Bell makes the executive smart decision to leave them.

"Yeah I'm sorry but I have to go!" He says as he walks away and i walk after him leaving Goddess and Loki to them selves. I follow bell Who looks somber as we eventually exit in front of the Hostess of fertility.

"Bell? Sean?" We look over and see Syr standing there with a Basket. "Miss Syr..." Bell says still somber in his tone and his expression.

"Thank Goodness! I haven't seen either of you around lately I was starting to get worried" Syr says as she jogs over to us quickly with a smile on her Face.

"I'm sorry" Bell says as Syr makes a Worries Noise. "I know! Care to Jon me for a short walk?" Syr asks while smiling as bell is suprised. "Well everybody in the city is pretty upset with me at the moment.. you sure you want to?" Bell asks as I just start leaving letting them have their Mini-Date per se as I hear Syr say yes.

'Am I chop liver around here? It's like I don't exist to others and I'm still confused on why no one seems angry at me just Bell?' I think to myself my arms behind my head as walk while looking up.


"Are you able to decipher it Miss Supporter!?" Hestia asks as Lili reads a Letter she got from an Owl that delivered it to us. "Yes it's a Letter from Master Fels He wrote this using a complex code perhaps to prevent other adventurers from reading it" Lili says sitting on one of the couches as Welf takes the paper the Lili deciphered.

"Tomorrow night, we shall make our way to the entrance of Knossos hidden along defaults street we kindly request you  assistance... what? Well reads the letter to us as Hestia takes it.

"I have assembled several Key magic items in preparation for our mission... sounds great but..." Hestia dosent finish her sentence as Lili speaks.

"I dunno it feels an awful lot like being lured by a Sirens voice" Lili says as we all go quite before Hestia stands up placing the paper on the table as she turns to bell.

"Time to settle this once and for all It's time to choose which path we wanna take Option one: Rescue the Xenos and Live the rest of our lives as Social outcasts. Options Two: Abandon them, wait for this to blow over and go back to out normal lives?" Hestia says as we all look somber.

"My mind is made up!" Bell says as they all turn to him surprised as I just smirk. "Look.. the Xenos.. Wiene.. and Mr. Lido they need help and I wanna save them! But.. there's also you guys" Bell says as he gets more somber.

"Lady Hestia Y'mind if I propose a third option? Whaddya say we try getting creative. Let's sneak 'em back in the Dungeon! No one gets Pissed and we'll avoid getting a bad rap" Welf says as Hestia Smirks while Bell is Confused.

"Check it out new Magic sword got three more sitting in my work shop" Welf says taking a Magic sword out and raising it into the air. "I wouldn't expect anything less" Mikoto says as Lili sighs disappointed.

"Five days of work and only made four stinking swords? Can't you squeeze out one more for a nice round number?" Lili says as Haruhime lets out a Small laugh.

"I forged my ass off! If we wanna save the Xenos and maybe get the jump on everyone we can't afford to put quantity over quality!" Welf says looking down at Lili who is still sitting on the couch.

"Y'see bell? Everyone's been behind you since the very beginning." Hestia says while smiling as everyone but me stands. "There is no doubt in my Mind! Bell I shall follow your lead" Mikoto says with a smile as Bell looks at Haruhime.

"You have already saved my Life once Bell I'm sure you remember. There's no way I could lose everything" She says while smiling as Lili starts speaking. "Honestly I wouldn't turn my back on you and I don't want you doing the same to somebody else I'm used to being and outcast anyway!" Lili laughs as she says that last part as I keep my self from saying something because it ain't the time.

"Hear that, Bell? No leavin' us behind this time." Welf says as Bell smiles and I smile as well though I feel like they expect me to say something. "You guys... Thank you all of you!" Bell says as he smiles more than before.

"Now let's get out there and save the Xenos together!" Hestia says as they all put their hands together and the look at me. "Oh! Right" I quickly go over and put my hand with theirs as they all look at Bell and I.

"Let's go save Wiene!" We say at the Same time except it's more notable from Bell since I haven't really contributed much.


"Bell Cranel is a diversionary tactic. In other words they'll use him as a Decoy" Finn says as the Loki familia have gather on the roof of the tallest part of Daedalus street.

"Hard to say if he's acting on free will but He's in the position to be exploited by those monsters and their ring leader based on their actions so far I'm almost certain of it. While we're preoccupied with the boy, our enemies will try to make a break for the nearest entrance to the labyrinth." Finn says as he continues picking apart Fels plan.

"We ought to focus our attention on everything but Bell Cranel we must protect the doors no matter the cost. Further more we must use extreme caution when engaging the black Minotaur. If it shows up prioritize its death over the rest the enemy will attack soon don't let them pass. Stop their rampage!" Finn says As most of the Familia cheer but Tiona raises her hand.

"But what about Argonaut-kuns brother what do we do about him?" She asks as she puts her arm down. "I'm still working on a Plan to deal with him but it seems that it would take two Level 6 Adventures to deal with him high end ones at that" Finn says as he thinks while everyone else becomes shocked.

"How!? He is only Level 4!?" Lefiya Ask shouts in surprise and annoyance. "It's his skills that make him such a threat I was Able to get the Guild to give me A copy of his latest Status sheet from a day ago" Finn says as he pulls the paper out and lays it on the table for everyone to see.

Sean Cranels Status-
Level 4
Strength: D 530 -> B 710
Vitality: C 673 -> C 690
Dexterity: F 425 -> D 563
Agility: D 574 -> C 678
Magic: C 627 -> B 732

Development Abilities:
Abnormal Resistance D -> C
Swordsman B
Luck C
Perceive F
Sense H
Mage H -> G
Fatherly Instincts G
Magic Infuse I
Boost H -> G

Lightning of Zeus: Chant- Grandfather lend me the might of Zeus as i smite my Enemy in his Name.
Reinforce: Chant- Make me durable.
Barrier: Chant- Barrier
Bolt: Chant- Bolt

Family Bond
Brother Protection
Eternal Bonds
Speed Healing
Energy Manipulation
Familia Care
Berserk: Once User is knocked unconscious they will immediately be sent into a Rage mode that makes them attack wildly and use any skill and Spell at random.
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"He is Probably the Biggest threat other than the Black Minotaur if it is Deemed Necessary you must Eliminate him but before it comes to that please try to avoid him and Bell Cranel both and Bete don't insult Bell Cranel or Anger Sean Cranel" Finn says as he starts looking directly at Bete.

"Tch whatever" Bete clicks his tongue and crosses his arms. "Good when the Enemy strikes be prepared and stay vigilant we don't know who to trust now" Finn says as the Loki Familia cheer again.

'What are you going to Do Sean Cranel your a Wild card and I can't wait to see what you do' Finn grins as he thinks this before going back to planning.

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