The End Game book 3 of The B...

By lyonmom

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Walking into the building of Bradford Drake as an employee has an initial eye opening experience. He believed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 16

253 40 2
By lyonmom

Thank you for reading Enjoy

Chapter 16


I guess I should have called before coming over. Georgia wanted this information for her party as soon as possible so I figured it would be fine to just drop it off but it sounds a little tense in there. Stepping back from the opened door, I start to leave when I hear my name.

"Zoe! Zoe!" Harper comes to the door and steps into the hall, closing the door behind him. "Hey, how are you? I don't think they remembered that you were coming this morning. We kinda ran into a little problem."

I don't have to be told that, hearing the voices raise through the door. "Georgia wasn't expecting me. I got the information she needed, I was just going to drop it off. If you could give it to her?"

Pulling the envelope out of my bag, I handed it over to Harper. I'm sure he will get it to Georgia and avoiding the family feud that's going on in there is just fine with me.

"Sure, I can give it to her but I'm sure she would like to see you." Harper takes the envelope but motions for me to follow him in. "Come on in."

"They sound... busy." Angry is more like it. I hesitate to move a single step into the condo. I know that personal business is better not exposed to people outside the situation.

"Nah! You know you're considered family." Harper took my hand and tugged me to the door.

"Harper, that sounds pretty intense. I don't think it's a good idea..."

When the door opened, Lance was standing there, a little confused but really ticked off. He looked at Harper with a hard frown on his face then he saw me and swallowed down his temper with a tight smile.

"Zoe? I didn't know you were coming by this morning. We, uh... got sidetracked. Why don't you go down to Harper's place. I'll let Georgia know you're there." He tried to nudge Harper out to the hall.

"She's got Grandma's party stuff." He waved the envelope. "You know how Grandma is about her parties."

"And you know how your dad is about interrupting a business meeting. Sorry, Zoe. This is important. Harp, take Zoe downstairs now." Lance was unmovable in his stance.

Giving in, we headed back to Sawyer's place that he is sharing with Harper. Walking into the condo everything is very familiar. Sawyer has a style all his own. The oversized gaming chairs, the monster TV, every piece of furniture was bought with comfort in mind. That's where he and Harper are very similar.

"If you are heading out, you can go ahead and do what you need to do. I'm fine waiting for Georgia here." I don't want to put him out. I know he has just as busy a schedule as the rest of the family.

Sitting down on the couch, I look around the room and spot it. He kept it all this time. It took me a minute to pull myself out of the memory. It seems strange to be in his house after all this time. Once upon a time I was as much at home here as I was in my own home. That was because of Sawyer.

He always made me feel welcome in his place.

"Actually, I saw you at the door. I figured you would feel a little weird walking in on all that." Harper took a seat next to me and stretched his arms on the back of the sofa. "So what's the plan?"

"I don't have any plans. Sawyer and I have been over for a while. I know he doesn't want what I do." As soon as I said it, I knew I just stuck my foot in my mouth.

"I meant with the party. But if you want to talk about why you and Sawyer called it quits, I'll hear you out." Of course he will. Harper has always been such a great friend.

"No. Definitely, no." That would be awkward. Harper is Sawyer's family and his friend. I'm not sure I'm either anymore. I felt the heat in my cheeks and knew I just made a fool out of myself.

I know Sawyer doesn't want to settle down. He was very clear when he ended things between us. He wanted his freedom to date, to see other people, to sow his oats. He wasn't ready for just one girl, me, and said that if he was, I would be the one.

Somehow I don't think that was the truth.

He wanted us to stay friends. Which we have. I've sucked up my broken heart and watched him date other girls. He's been careful to not bring them into the bar, or talk about them to me. He's respectful about it at least. It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt me.

Staying friends with the guy you were head over heels for doesn't come easy. Even my dad said it wasn't a good idea. He said that I needed time and space away from Sawyer to get over him before I tried to be his friend. But I see how Dad, Mom and Aunt Emerly are together and wonder how they managed to make it look so easy.

It's not easy at all!

"Zoe? Earth to Zoe, where'd you go?" Harper asked but I'm sure he knows.

"I've got a lot to do today. I really can't wait around. Would you just give that to Georgia and have her call me when she can?" Bad idea! Really bad idea! I should have just emailed her.

Harper sighed as if I was frustrating him. "I could, or you could just be honest about it and tell me the truth. You still have feelings for Sawyer, don't you?"


I'm going to protect Madeline from her brother and herself. She deserves a second chance. She has proven herself as an asset to the company. She has shown that she is capable and professional. It wasn't all her fault, what happened before. Her brother has some responsibility there.

"I don't know what you heard, but I didn't steal anything. In fact, I'm the one who gave it all back. Didn't I, Madeline?" Axel smirks at me as if he has no responsibility at all.

"You got in trouble. You made the fucking mess!" I jabbed my finger into his chest.

"Sawyer James Drake! Watch your mouth!" Mom growled at me.

Ignoring the warning, I kept going. "She was the one who saved your ass! She was the one who always bailed you out when you got in over your head! What the hell have you ever done for her that she didn't pay for!?"

"I went to jail for her fuck up! I kept her out of prison! Before you rip into me for her mistakes, you better get the whole story, rich boy!" Axel stepped up and got right in my face.

"That's enough!" The booming bass voice echoed in the room. Tennison placed his big hands between us and pushed us apart. "Ms. Georgia has something to say! Now shut your pie holes and sit down!"

It got my attention. Stepping back, I took Madeline's hand and brought her to the couch with me. Not letting go of her, I kept our linked hands on my leg, making sure Axel knew where I stood.

"I believe you, Madeline. You have been a professional and competent employee. And you are an asset to Bradford Drake. I see no reason to terminate your employment." Giving Madeline a sympathetic smile, she continued. "Unfortunately, we do have a dilemma to resolve. You have been accused of stealing from a very prestigious financial institution. And this creates a problem with our governing board. That can't be ignored."

"I understand Mrs. Bradford. I'm aware of the position I've put you in. I'm truly sorry for that. I'll submit my resignation effective immediately. I appreciate the opportunity you gave me and I'm very sorry this happened." Madeline pulled her hand from mine and stood.

"I'm not done, young lady. Please sit and let me finish." Grandma got that tone in her voice that meant she was pissed and about to whoop someone's ass.

Slowly Madeline sat back down. Her eyes, big as saucers, she watched Grandma as if she has never had a parental chew out before. It dawned on me then that she probably hasn't. She said her dad was useless, so all this must be a new experience for them.

"We do have a problem with the press. And young man, you are responsible for that!" She pointed at Axel, raising her eyebrows as if daring him to argue with her. "Because of your statement, you stirred up this shit storm! And you are going to retract your statement immediately!"

"Wait! What? Why should I retract my statement? I didn't lie! I told the truth!" Axel began to stand up, only for Tennison's big meaty hand to land on his shoulder and push him back down.

"You haven't been excused, boy!" Tennison leaned down and spoke in his ear. He stood and nodded to Grandma to continue.

"As I was saying, Axel, you will retract your statement. You will forget what happened, and you will disappear. I don't want to see you again." Grandma walked over to stand right in front of Axel. She wasn't afraid of him. In fact, I'd say she has more balls than he does. "You're no longer your sister's responsibility. You're a grown man! Start acting like one! I won't tolerate you causing me, my family, or my employees further problems!"

"I don't got to do anything you say!" Axel tried to blow her off but there's no stopping her.

Grabbing the front of Axel's T-shirt, she wrapped it around her fist and pulled him to meet her eye to eye. "Don't tempt me, boy! I can make your life a living hell or I can give you an easy life. The choice is yours. I've lived a lot longer than you have. I have contacts around the globe. I have people from the top of the food chain to the bottom who would be only too happy to help me out with you. So I suggest you watch your tongue with me!"

Once again, Tennison pushed Axel to sit. "I can take care of him, Ms. Georgia."

"Not yet, Ten. But thank you, sugar." When she let go of Axel's shirt, I saw something I never thought possible. Grandma's hand shook as she gripped hold of the back of the chair to steady herself.

"Ma?" Derrick reached over to help her only for his hand to be swatted away.

"I'm fine." She wouldn't admit she isn't. Grandma is stubborn that way.

"Sorry, I had to deal with that. Georgia, Zoe is downstairs waiting for you with Harper. She said she has some information for you." Dad walked in, slamming the door behind him. Looking around the room at our faces, he realized he missed something.

He saw it faster than I did. His eyes met Derrick's then Cade's and in that silent communication, they made their decision. Whether Grandma liked it or not, they were taking over.

"Sawyer, help Grandma down to your place. Tennison, if you could hang out here for a few minutes. I think we might need you. Derrick, please escort Madeline to her condo and make sure she gets unpacked. You aren't fired, Madeline, and you aren't leaving. You have worked hard and not been compensated accordingly. That changes now. You won't be punished but you will be helping to clean up this mess." Cade gave his orders and we all followed them.

Derrick took Madeline out ahead of us. She argued with him as she seems to argue with everyone. He took it as he does everything. Her response rolled right off his back without a problem. Derrick is patient that way and has more patience than I do with her.

Taking Grandma's arm, I wrapped her hand around my arm. "I've got you, Grandma. You were a spitfire when you were my age, weren't you?"

"Sugar, you have no idea how much of a wild child I was. Someday I'll tell you my story." She smiled and let me guide her out.

That's when I knew something was wrong. Grandma doesn't let anyone handle her or her battles but she not only let Cade step in, she didn't argue about it. Something is definitely wrong.

We got into the elevator, and I pushed the button to go down. I gave her a minute to settle herself before I asked the question nagging at me. "What's wrong with you, Grandma? Don't say nothing, because I can see it. Are you sick?"

Grandma pressed her lips tight together and frowned. Knowing she couldn't get out of an explanation, she shook her head. "I'm old, Sawyer. I'm fucking old and it sucks."

"You don't age, Grandma. You're too feisty for that. But something is wrong." She might try to write this off as age but I'm not buying it.

With a heavy breath, she rested her head against my shoulder and tightened her hold on my arm. "Yes, sugar. I'm dying."

I felt my heart twist into a hard knot. I've never seen her like this. I know she's older than any of us think. She's had a very full life with children and grandchildren and great grandchildren now. She's been everything to everyone. I don't know how this family will function without her.

We went into my place and walked out of one fire and right into another, finding Zoe and Harper locked in a pretty hot moment. My mouth dropped open and my feet were suddenly bolted to the floor. I felt Grandma laugh against my side and heard her cackling laugh, loud and boisterous.

Grandma punched my arm and let go of me as Zoe and Harper quickly pulled apart. "It's about time someone got some action around here!"

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