The Art of Discretion - DISCR...

By iiLoveydoveii

83.6K 3.8K 491

DISCRETION SERIES - Stand Alone - BOOK #6 " O-one portrait.. " I whispered, and he replied. " That's all I wa... More

♢ Character Aesthetics ♢
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 14

2.9K 143 14
By iiLoveydoveii

I've been dancing with the devil; I love that he pretends to care.

- Unknown

Rosenna's POV

I glared daggers at Gavin before looking at his mother and father as they sat, waiting for me to say something. Deciding to let go of the ridiculous conversation, I finished eating and stood with my plate in hand. It was utterly silent, and I genuinely didn't care if I was being rude or ignoring them. Because I was fucking pissed. More than I usually am with Gavin and his parents.. No, I was beyond livid.

For as long as I have asked Gavin for a child, tried to plan how he or she would fit into our busy schedule, or looked through the baby section on our trips to Target and the mall, I couldn't believe he would stoop so low to say to his parents that I was the reason we weren't having a baby.

As if he's not the one who cursed me out years ago, demanding that I let go of the subject, and hasn't touched me or even thought to have sex with me to grow closer together. It was ludicrous and almost disgusting with the way he threw me under the fucking bus for something he fought me over and didn't want. But because he's their golden child, it's okay for him to lie and spin the narrative so his bitchy, lazy, and inconsistent wife would take the blame.

Walking away from the dining room wordlessly, I heard his mother speak. " Is she alright? Was it something I said? " She asked, and I had half a mind to chuck the stupid wine glass in my hand right into her fucking face. Was it something I said? You did a lot more than just speak.

Standing in the kitchen, I finished washing my dishes before grabbing my laptop, planner, and phone to go upstairs. Gavin stood in his seat and watched me as he began to follow behind while I went to ascend the steps.

" Rose.. please, let's just finish the night- " He began and closed his mouth immediately when I shot him a glare. He didn't say anything after that, and I ascended the steps, draining out his mother's bitchy words about how I should've cleaned off the whole table and continued the conversation.

He ran his hand down his face and walked back to his parents as I entered the bedroom, holding back my tears. I felt overwhelmed, sweaty, and tired from being at the stove and feeling under fire from having to deal with the three of them. Taking off my clothes, I hopped in the shower as it drowned out the sobs that escaped my chest. My tears mixed in with the shower, and I let the water flow through my hair as I just wanted a minute to calm down.. to compose myself. To think.

It's bad enough that I have to deal with Gavin and his nature, but the addition of his condescending mother and judgemental father, not to mention Beckham's overwhelming presence in my mind.. it was all going to drive me crazy. Stepping out of the shower, I threw on a pair of grey sweats with a gray shirt and cardigan. My wet hair dripped onto my shoulders, and my eyes were almost bloodshot red from crying. As I finished putting on my eucalyptus stress relief lotion in the hopes that it would work to calm and soothe me, Gavin walked into the bedroom.

" They just left.. mom was absolutely livid.. " He muttered, and I didn't say anything as he crossed his arms, leaning his head back.

" She wants an apology the next time she comes by.. " He said, and I grabbed my things to organize them back into the bathroom closet as I spoke.

" Tell her she won't be getting one. " I said firmly, and I listened to him sigh as he approached me, leaning on the bathroom frame as he watched me tidy up the closet. I had yet to make direct eye contact with him, so I was sure he hadn't known the extent of my tears.

" Do you have to make things so difficult? All they wanted was to have dinner and spend the afternoon with us. You stormed out- " He began, and I quickly turned to him as I dropped the bottle I was holding.

" I stormed out because you let her belittle and humiliate me for the entire afternoon. You let that woman say whatever she pleased to me and didn't stand up for me once! " I accused, and he feigned a look of confusion.

" I did stand up for you! " He exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes as I picked up the bottle to put it back and pushed past him to leave the bathroom.

" Oh, you mean when you told her you were just giving me a quick hand after I cooked the fucking dinner for the last hour. Let's not forget you laughed off her comment about it being my job to serve you. " I retorted, going over to grab my laptop and planner. At this point, I was ready to sprint to the guest bedroom.

" God, you are so sensitive. She didn't mean any harm. You are blowing this out of proportion. Just stop overreacting so we can- " He began, and I glared at him.

" Oh. So I'm overreacting? I'm not the one who threw a damn tantrum because your wife of three years at the time simply asked when you think we'd be ready for a baby. You didn't even support me for that, either. Instead, you threw me under the bus and let your mother's words and father's disapproving gaze reprimand me for something you weren't ready for! "

" I didn't want to disappoint her. She asked, and I panicked! What else do you want from me!? "

" I want a husband who will listen and understand his wife's wants, concerns, and needs. Not push them to the side and ignore them to please himself and his misogynistic parents. "

" How do you think I feel? I wanted a wife who would listen to me and put aside her businesses for a second so we could actually work on our marriage. " He said, and I scoffed.

" So it comes back to this then, huh? You're still upset that I won't sell my businesses and be a stay-at-home wife to cater to your every need. "

" Of course I am! You've put everything before our relationship. "

" But I at least try to make the effort, Gavin. You want me to compromise my dreams and aspirations just to fit into your narrow idea of what a wife should be. "

" Is it too much to ask you to be home and present every once in a while? For you to learn when you've taken on too much and learn to limit yourself? " He asked, and I looked at him with wide eyes. Has he absolutely lost his mind?

" Do you even hear how insane you sound?! "

" What's more insane is that you don't know how to listen to your husband! "

" And you don't know how to take care of your wife. " I whispered as I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet before storming out of the room. He followed behind me quickly and spoke.

" Where are you going, Rosenna? "

" To get the hell away from you. " I seethed as I descended the steps, and he spoke again.

" Don't be like that. We haven't finished talking. "

" Oh no.. you've said plenty. " I shook my head as I slipped on my shoes, and he stood in front of the door before I could open it.

" Gavin, I'm going for a drive. Move. "

He hesitated for a second as he looked into my eyes. After a few moments, he reluctantly moved, and I ripped open the door as I walked over to my car. Opening the door, I entered, started the engine, and swerved out into the street as I floored the gas pedal, leaving him on the porch watching the smoke from the exhaust as I left.

Drive. That's all I did. I drove for at least an hour around the city, in the suburbs, everywhere almost. I just wanted to clear my mind. To think. To feel like I was okay even though I knew I wasn't.

Soon, I'd parked and wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes as it was getting further into the night. I wanted to speak to Kira.. get all my frustration out, and share how I'd been feeling. Exiting the car, I walked up to the door and knocked softly as I waited patiently. Hearing footsteps, I continued to wipe my tears away softly as it opened.

I wanted to speak to Kira.. That's what I wanted to do.

Beckham's eyes met mine, and I sniffled softly as he looked at me silently. His gaze was as captivating as always, and his scent almost engulfed me as he stepped a bit closer.

I wanted to speak to Kira.. That's what I wanted to do... Speaking to her would have been the smart choice, but I didn't always make the best of decisions. 


Hello loves, hope you enjoy the chapter! Trust and believe you are going to absolutely love the next one. much love. x

Chapters 15, 16, and 17 are available now on Patreon!

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Anything else to say? Hmmm?


All Links (Patreon, Instagram,TikTok, etc.) @

Find me on Patreon: Author S.K. Angel (iiLoveydoveii)


Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote ♡

Angel ♡

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