SMG34: The prince and the ser...

By Axvill_0

20.2K 511 3.6K

This is a story about the SMG4 cast living in the medieval times. Read "introduction" to find more about it... More

Introduction ⚠️ must read⚠️
Choosing wife
Knowing about the job
Fun like never before
Training gone wrong
The contract
SMG3's comfort part 1
SMG3's comfort part 2
✨🏳️‍🌈gay cuddles 🏳️‍🌈✨
🎉The preparation 🎉
✨🎉Just the 5 of them 🎉✨
❤️All of this is yours 💖
❗️The incident ❗️
🔮A new beginning❓💎
🎊🍁Thanksgiving special 🦃🎉
⁉️The unexpected turn 😨
😵‍💫Different Challenges 😱

🛑Something is off🤨

1.1K 27 422
By Axvill_0

Random: Ok whooo! Finally finished with my animation I have been working on last week. I know some of you guys wanted to see it, so it will be upload on YouTube on Saturday, 6pm ET. Now don't expect something very cool or something like that. I'm just a beginner learning how to animate properly :)

As for the story, it seems that many people got confused on the last part with the family relationship. No, the king is not going to dating his own sister. Emma husband is the brother of the king. He died like ummmmmm........ 5 years ago, yeah 5 years ago. 

Anyways back to the story.......

3&4: what!?

Stephenie: yep, as you heard , I will be sleeping with you.

3: you can't do that!

Stephenie: of course I can!

Suddenly, one of the royal guards overheard the argument, and did what they were supposed to do: protect the prince. 

Meme123idk(one of my followers) : what's going on here?

Stephenie: well turns out this brat*points at 3* won't let me enter SMG4 room!

3: because you can't!

Meme123idk: he's right, you just can't enter

Stephenie: says who

Meme123idk : the king

Stephenie: don't you know who I am!?

Meme123idk: listen little girl, you will not sleep on the prince bedroom only SMG3 can.....or I will TAKE out my butterfly knife and spin it!

Stephenie: geez, that was a little harsh.

4: thanks Meme

Meme123idk: Anytime your majesty 

Then they left. 

4: Well guess we would be heading our way.

Stephenie: where would I sleep then?

4: go ask my dad or something. I don't know.


King: your mother is sleeping , but you can stay in SMG4 bedroom.

Stephenie: yay!

4: what!?

King: SMG4, let Stephenie sleep in your room for tonight. 

4: What!? No!

King: SMG4! Now!

4: ugh fine.

3: wait what!?

4: you heard what he said.

3: *whispering* but our plans.

4: well guess we have to do it another day. Beside it would only be for a day.

3: umm alright 

Both SMG3 and SMG4 enter the room with Stephenie behind them. 

Stephenie: ok I'll take this side of the bed and you get the other. And ooo, we can share pillows and-

4: you can take it

Stephenie: what?

4: I said you can take it. Me and SMG3 would be sleeping on the couch.

Stephenie: but but I thought-

4: well you thought wrong .

Stephenie: fine whatever 

Stephenie annoyed, went to sleep. She wanted to sleep with SMG4, but instead SMG3 took him away from her. Now there's no point in this.

On the other hand, 3 & 4 didn't let this stop them from enjoying their time together at last. Sure SMG3 doesn't know how 4 feels about him but he act like if he knew. 

3: you're so fine 

4: oh please 

3: you're perfect 

4: stop, you're making me blush 

3: oh I can make you blush harder 😏

4: how?

3: 😏

4: what hu- oh wait *realize* stop!

3: *laughs* 

4: dirty minder

3: what is the truth tho

4: * laughs*

Stephenie: 🙄 Can you guys quiet down over there! 

SMG3 and SMG4 look at each for a while and then laugh. Stephenie couldn't find what was so funny.

4: ok sorry Stephenie

Stephenie: geez finally 


*3 & 4 giggles*

Stephenie: 🙄😑😴

They all slept comfortably ones more then others until the sun rises and hit their face.

.............8 hours later..........

Every worker had either came to the castle or woke up at the castle (depending on their class)

The cleaners came and swept the floors before the royal family woke up. The chef started to prepare the food for later on. The other waiters started to prepare themselves for the day. 

Ash and Luigi were one of the few "royal" people who had woke up, since they were the most need by the workers.

Everybody was preparing themselves for the event happening this afternoon, sure it was a big event but it doesn't feel like it since he had happen a few times now. 

.........9 pm.stroke.........

Ash went to wake up the king and the others .

Ash: * knocks on door* king oh king time to wake up!

No response 

Ash: um king? Wake up-

King: I heard you the first time

Ash: oh good

King open the door. We can see Emma still sleeping on the King's bed. The king in his sleeping clothes and the queen no where to be found. 

King: anything else?

Ash: oh uh no.

Ash left.

King: 🙄

Ash goes  to wake up the others guest who seems tired when they answer the Door but pleased with the service.Then he goes to wake up 3,4, and Stephenie.

Ash went to wake them up, knock the door but no one answered. Knocked again, still no response. He then left thinking that they have already woke up. 

Soon enough everyone had woke up. Meggy and Mario arrived ready to start the day . Everybody was at the lobby waiting for the king and queen.

Meggy: um where's 3 and 4

Luigi: I think they are still sleeping . Ash went to check on them but no response.

Meggy: we'll check on them

Meggy and Mario went to check on them. The took out the key and turn the knob. They open the door and was surprised at what they saw.

Stephenie was still sleeping which wasn't surprising but instead seeing 3 and 4 all huddled up together on the small couch. They were sleeping peacefully. 

Meggy: oh my

Mario: awwwwww Mario think we should let them sleep 

Meggy: I know, I wish but they have to wake up.

Mario: awwwwww

Meggy slowly approach the sleeping bois and blend down.

Meggy: *moving them a little* hey, hey you two time to wake up

Mario: Mario brought spaghetti! :D

3: hu? *still sleeping* 

Meggy: time to wake up :)

3: *looks at four who was laying on his chest and then back* um Meggy this is not what it seems * blushes*

Meggy: nah don't worry I'm not blaming you. Things happen you know 😏

3: no I'm taking for real

SMG4 starts to wake up

Meggy: morning sleepy head

4:  hu?

Meggy: same response as your boyfriend here 😏

SMG4 wave his hand across his neck back and forth singling to Meggy to stop

3: boy...friend?

Meggy: I mean best friend here

4: shhhh...

Meggy : sorry

SMG3 and SMG4 stood up from their positions and dress up a little and then proceeded to walk with Meggy and Mario to the lobby leaving Stephenie still sleeping.

Once they arrived there , everyone was already sitting on the table ready to be served .

4: good morning everyone 

Everyone: good morning prince

3: well better go to work before your father comes to yell at me :)

4: ok then see you in a bit 

SMG4 at the table with the other guest. But he notice something weird. Although his father was with Ash planning something, his mother was always there early. Either reading or talking to the staff. Today, she's no where to be found.

Guest: how's your day son

4: um it's great so far

Guest: you're doing great at school?

4: um I don't have school-

Guest:  well that is great to hear. 

4: geez they didn't even let me finish my sentence! Doesn't matter anyway. They would even listen to what you are saying. 

King: gooooddd mooorrring my wonderful guest! How was your sleep?

Guest 1: the beds were really nice

Guest 2: yeah I slept like a baby 

*everyone laughs*

King: oh that's great to hear

Emma steps out of the room and sits down on the table. The king follows behind here.SMG4 is still concerned about his mother.

4: um dad, do you know where my mother went?

King: she's probably outside taking some fresh air or something.

4: 😑 you really don't care don't you.

King: what if we discuss this later. *turns and talk to the guests*

4: whatever 

Stephenie: HOW COULD YOU

Everyone turn to the direction of the speaker 


4: I mean it's not my problem anymore.

King: come Stephenie, you're still on time for breakfast.

Stephenie: ugh

Stephenie sat down and ate angrily.

Axvill 0: I will just skip the eating part since no one wants to read about people eating a whole meal the size of the planet Pluto .......oh wait Pluto is no longer a planet, oh well. 

Everyone had finished their meal and step aside meanwhile they were preparing for the event later on. 

King: SMG4-

4: yes father I know what to do

King: oh ok

SMG4 stood up and went to his room. SMG3 followed him. Followed by Meggy and Mario.

4: this is so annoying 

3: wait what happen

4: I have to dress for the event later on.

3: oh

SMG4'S stylists came to dress him up

4: stop, can I finally dress on my own?

The Stylists looked at each other .

4: please, I'm old enough to dress up for my self .

The Stylist agree to what 4 said

4: thank you

Then they left.

4: ok guys I will go change now.

3: will you take long?

4: I'm afraid so. So many layers of cloth I have to wear for just a simple event.

3: oh umm well can I come?

4: um sure

SMG4 open the door wider so that SMG3 can enter.

Meggy and Mario : 😏

4: Meggy and Mario, you guys guard the door and DO NOT you hear me DO NOT open the door to anyone else without my concern understand ?

Mario:  eh naughty, naughty 😏

4: shut up Mario * blushes*

Meggy: nah no worry's we know you guys won't actually do it.

4: bye

He closes the door

Meggy: kids now days 😏

4: ok now where did I left my-

3: your suit? *holds a suit*

4: oh yeah thank you.

3: you got to organize your space better

4: sorry, I just don't have time to do that and- oh can you pass me my shirt?

3: this one?

4: yep! Anyway I'm just so busy I that I don't even have time to clean this room.

3: I can help you 

4: nah it's fine . Can you pass me that

3: what these?

4: yeah. 

3: oh 😳

Axvill 0: ok now that part where I will now write nonsense about this part. You know. They are both boys.......they trust each other........and they have ....😳well you know, when you have to change, well you have to change. Now I'm not talking about the simple change like changing shirts or something like that no, I'm talking deeper than that. I'm talking about well........getting naked 😳😳😳😳. And since I'm not good at that part, I will let a good old friend of mines to write this part.

🛑Warning 🛑: if you are uncomfortable with this than you can just skip this. It would not affect the story. Just to add a bit of spice there you know. Note that I don't like writing about this stuff so this would probably be the only one here.


SMG4 : Before I proceed, are you comfortable with me changing in front of you?

SMG3: um....*no words* 

SMG4: I mean we both have the same thing or are you transgender?

SMG3: no no I'm not transgender. Dw y-you may proceed.

SMG4: ok if you say so


SMG4: what was that?


Stephenie: * screaming behind the door* SMG4 LET ME IN!!! 

Meggy: * also screaming behind the door * STEPHENIE YOU CANT ENTER!!!

Stephenie: why not! I can enter whenever I want to!

Meggy: nah uh. No you can't. Right now, the prince is changing,so let him be

Stephenie: how come SMG3 can enter!

Meggy: well.... Girl, get a life!

Stephenie: move I want to see SMG4 while he's changing 

*vine boom*

Meggy: you can't do that!

*both continue to argue*

SMG4: Well that was weird.

SMG3: yea..

SMG4: anyways...

SMG3 POV: I saw as SMG4 started to take his clothes off. Oh god I can't look. He took his shirt off. I gulped. 

SMG4: are you ok?

SMG3: *nervous* y-yup everything's ok.

SMG3 POV: he proceeded. He took off his pants then his......boxers. Oh god...I tried to look away but I can't.I stared at it. God damn it it's HUGE! Not bigger than mines ofc but still. 

SMG4: are you sure you ok? You're sweating . Are you sick? *stands up* Do you want me to bring you to a hospital? 

SMG3: no no I'm ok. P-please sit d-down.

SMG4: um ok. Are you reall-

SMG3: yes don't worry.

SMG4: ok. Oh! Can you pass me those.

SMG3: yes.

SMG4: Thanks.

SMG3 POV: As SMG4 changes, I pass him his clothes til he was ready. He had his white suit and pants on with blue decor on him. He stands up and look at the mirror.

SMG4:Hmmm something's missing .

SMG3: like what? You look fine to me. 

SMG4: oh I know *starts searching for something *

SMG3: what are you looking for?

SMG4: a bow my mother gave me but I can't seem to find it.

*they start searching for it until SMG3 finds it under the bed*

SMG3: Is it this one? * pulls a rainbow bow tie*

SMG4: Yes! *stands in the mirror and puts on the bow but fail to do so*

SMG3: here let me do it . *fixes SMG4 bow in place * there you go

SMG4: Thanks. How do you know how to do it? 

SMG3: Well, since I live alone I have to learn and do it myself.

SMG4: oh I'm so sorry to hear that.

SMG3: don't worry, my days been better.

SMG4: glad to hear.

Axvill 0: that would be the end for my friend part. See nothing to big to worry about , 😅 ehm, let's go back to the story. 

Both boys came out of the closet- I mean room and told Meggy and Mario that they were ready.

4: finally done. Whooooo!

Meggy: um I think you should let your stylist dress you up the next time.

4: what, do I don't look good?

Meggy: I mean yes but your suit is a bit off and your belt and your-

4: ok,ok I get it.  Let's move on.

The five of them then walked to the lobby. The guests was sitting against the wall so that they didn't interrupt the "important" event. Soon many people or should I say ladies were waiting outside ready to be let in. 

King: son you look stunning!

4: um thank?

Mario: and that's not even counting that his stylist didn't dress-

4: *covering Mario's mouth* heheh, he said nothing.

King: ok son, go to your position 

Stephenie: um what is happening, and why are there SO MANY LADIES OUTSIDE THE DOOR!?

4: well today-

King (announcing to crowd): welcome everyone to......

4: tell you later

King: another wonderful event. I'm so glad that you guys made it today. Today is a special day for my son, as he would be deciding who would be the next queen and.......

SMG4 was paying no attention to what his father was talking about since something struck his mind that got him thinking really hard. His bow tie. He was happy that he was wearing it since his mother had gave it to him. It was something special to him too. Not because of the bow tie but because his mother had gave it to him. It was something special from her.

SMG4 wanted to thanks his mother for the bow tie. He scanned the room for his mother. But something was off. Very off. He look next to the king where she supposed to be. Then he realized something that he never realized before.

4: WAIT!

Crowd stop and looked at him . The king stop talking and looked with a disgust face.

4: My mother,........ WHERE'S MY MOTHER!

Axvill 0: And I believe this would be the last chapter of 2023. But do not worry! This story will still be updated! 

Now I don't think I would be active on here but I would be on YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok (yes I finally have TikTok) 

So see you next year!.......he..he...*clear throat* don't forget about me......

My animation would be upload to YouTube on Saturday 6pm ET for those who wants to see it :)

Byeeeee!....... Yipppeeeee!

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