EG AppleDash One Shots

By Adventure_A17

6.4K 120 63

A bunch of small short stories of Rainbow Dash x Applejack might add a little bit of Fluttershy x Rarity and... More

You belong with me
Frozen Lake Rescue
Secret Agent
Young Love
Arrange Marriage
Famous Singer
Falling for Ya
Summer Nights
Ghost Whisperer
Love Story
Rewrite the Stars
Valentine's Day
Messing with the past
Messing with the past pt.2
Messing with the past pt.3
Messing with the past pt.4
Messing with the past finale part
Hogsmeade Date
A Night to Remember

Broken Bone

338 9 1
By Adventure_A17

"Ooww!!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as the school nurse carefully examined her right arm as her assistant coach stood in the side watching. The nurse gently put her arm down as Dash used her left arm to hold her injured arm as even the slightest movement could cause it to hurt. "Can you tell me what happened?" The nurse asked as Dash nodded.

Moments ago
"I'm open," Dash said who was wearing her soccer uniform as Spitfire one of her teammates passed the ball to her as she started kicking the ball. The match was against Crystal Prep soccer team as they were competing for championships. "Come on Canterlot stay focus. Rely on each other ." Her coach said but Dash was so focused on the ball and scoring that she failed to notice that one of Crystal Prep's players was coming after her. The player then side tackled her leg on "accident" causing Dash to fall. Because of the fall, she landed on her arm when suddenly a 'crack' was heard.

"Arrgh," Dash said holding her right arm as she stayed lying down she closed her eyes cause she felt the world blurred as a whistle was blown. She slowly opened one of her eyes and looked to see her arm was swelling up and it was purple. "Dash!" Her coach said as she approached Rainbow Dash as her teammates rushed to her side. "'s hurting," Rainbow said as she started crying because of the pain. "Okay, kiddo. You did good now we gotta get you out to have it examined." Her coach said Dash nodded as one of the assistant coaches carried her to the nurse's office to get her arm examined.

"And that's what happened," Rainbow said as the nurse was listening. "Sorry to hear that. Based on what I heard and see you have a broken arm. I'm gonna need to call your dad to come get you and take you to the hospital." The nurse said as she walked to her phone and started calling her dad as Rainbow was scared and sad. "Hey kiddo it's okay you did your best. All we need you to do now is rest and let that broken arm heal." The assistant coach said as Dash nodded.

A couple of moments go by and Rainbow's dad came to get her as they go to the hospital. As they arrived she was then taken to the emergency room by the nurses to have her arm examined as they were now waiting in one of the rooms. A knock was heard as the door opened gaining the attention of Rainbow Dash and her dad. "Hello Rainbow Dash, you're here because your nurse said your arm got broken from one of your soccer matches right?" Dr. Drew said as he was holding a clipboard and looking over at the X-rays he had. "Y-yeah," Dash said as Dr.Drew sighed.

"I hate to break it to you kid but she was right. Your arm is severely broken luckily you'll be able to get your cast on right now. That way it can start healing." Dr. Drew said as Her dad nodded understanding. The doctor soon began applying the cast on Dash's broken arm as she watched him do the whole process before putting a sling on it. "There that should take 4-6 weeks to heal after that you'll come back and we'll see what happens next." Dr. Drew said before turning his attention to Dash's Dad Bow.

"For now have her rest and try to make sure she doesn't do much with that arm. I'll write her notes so that she's excused from sports and so the school knows." Dr.Drew said as he began writing the notes. "As for you Dash, I'm gonna give you this guide telling you what you should or shouldn't do with that cast." Dr.Drew said handing the notes and a packet to Dash as she grabbed it with her left arm before thanking him.

With that Bow and Rainbow went back to the car and headed home. Dash looked out the window saddened as her dad noticed. "Hey chin up kiddo. The cast matches your hair. Besides your mom is making you your favorite dish spaghetti and meatballs." Bow said as Dash looked at her cast semi-smiling. As they arrived home her mom immediately greeted her as Bow explained how the visit to the emergency room went. The three started eating but Rainbow didn't eat much as she was still sad about her arm breaking.

She then finished eating and headed upstairs to her room getting her clothes ready to take a bath. "Wait kiddo before you take a bath you need to put plastic bags over the cast." Her dad said as he helped remove the sling and started putting plastic bags over the cast. "There you go. If need any help let your mom know okay?" Bow asked as Dash nodded heading towards the bathroom. Moments go by and Dash came out of the bathroom. She then took off the bags on her cast and put her sling back on. She then went to her bed and sat down as she put her phone to charge before lying down facing upwards looking at her ceiling before calling it a night.

"Wake up Rainbow. It's time to get ready." Dash heard as she woke up rubbing the sleepiness off her eyes, to see it was her mom. "I got your clothes ready. If you need help let me know." Windy said as she kissed her daughter's head before leaving her room to make her breakfast. Dash looked at her clothes which were her usual favorite shirt and pants she wears to school. She slowly started changing into the clothes and surprisingly she was able to do it on her own.

Dash smiled before needing her mom's assistance. "Mom I need help putting my socks and shoes on!" She shouted as her mom walked into her room and started helping Rainbow with her shoes. "There you go Dashie. Now come downstairs I have your favorite breakfast ready." Windy said as she left while Dash got her phone, grabbed her sweater, put it in her backpack before dragging it with her left arm, and went downstairs to see chocolate chip pancakes with bananas on it waiting for her.

"Mmm, thanks, Mom," Rainbow said as sat down and started eating it. "No problem sweetie," Windy said as Dash continued eating forgetting why she was even sad in the first place. "That was good Mom thanks," Dash said getting up from her chair and grabbing her backpack putting it one as she had to go one strapped. "Bye, Mom love you," Dash said leaving the house and heading to school.

She then saw the building of her school and her once-good attitude started turning into worried and anxious. 'What will people think when they see the great Rainbow Dash in a cast.' She thought looking at her cast and sling. Dash then took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to the doors before opening them. Before being greeted by the crowd of people who were hanging around or getting things from their lockers. Dash began walking through the crowds making a quick stop to principal Celestia office to hand the doctor's notes.

Rainbow continued walking as people slowly started to notice her in a sling and started whispering as she slowly started to feel anxious and judged as she approached her locker she saw her friends waiting for her. "Hey, Rainbow, What happened yesterday? We heard about your arm!" Sunset said while Rainbow grinned, trying to play it off. "Just a little accident during the match. No biggie." Dash said confidently.

"No biggie? Breaking your arm is a pretty biggie."Pinkie said before Fluttershy spoke up. "Do you need anything, Rainbow?"She asked concerned as Rarity chimed in. "What can we do to help?" She asked. "How long do you need to wear the cast?" Twilight asked joining in on asking the questions.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, touched by her friends' concern. "Yeah, I'm good. Gotta rock this cast for a few weeks, though." She put her bag down and started putting her combination in her locker. "Need a hand?" Applejack asked her Rainbow nodded as Applejack opened her locker and started grabbing her textbooks as Rainbow told her the ones she's gonna need. "Thanks, Aj," Dash said closing her locker as Applejack held the books for her.

"I'll take those for her we have science class right now," Twilight said being handed the books by Applejack. "Thanks, Twilight," Rainbow said getting her bag but was stopped as Sunset grabbed it. "I'll take it for you." She said causing Rainbow to smile. "We'll see you guys later," Twilight said to the rest of her friends while she, Sunset and Rainbow headed toward science class.

Throughout the first half of the day, Rainbow Dash was getting help from her friends throughout her classes. Twilight was taking notes for her since she couldn't write and offered to help her with homework. Sunset was constantly making her laugh and talking to her. Pinkie would give her sweets to make her smile, Rarity would talk to her about possible fashions to wear that would match the cast. Fluttershy would walk with her keeping her company. But the friend that helped the most was Applejack she was making sure she didn't hurt her broken arm, she carried her backpack for her, helped open doors and carried books for her and all in all just talked to her about whatever was able to cause Dash to be in a good mood.

It was now lunchtime, Rainbow was in line grabbing her lunch but she was having difficulties as she was trying to balance it on her left hand. "Here," Applejack said as she grabbed Dash's tray and walked by her side as the two started talking which turned from smiling to blushing as they reached the table. "Hey Dash, how are you holding up?" Sunset asked. "It's going good since I have you guys helping me get through the day," Rainbow said taking a bite out of her sandwich. "As much as your cast looks colorful. It looks like it needs some designs." Rarity said looking at the cast.

"Ooh, I know just the thing," Pinkie said excitedly as she went through her bag and pulled out an assortment of colorful markers. "Let's decorate your cast!" Pinkie exclaimed as everyone nodded before waiting for Rainbow's response. "Sure why not!" Dash said as Applejack smiled and carefully removed the sling on her arm as each one of her friends wrote messages of encouragement or drew small doodles on her cast. "There we go!" Pinkie said drawing a cupcake as she wrote her name on it so Dash would know who drew it. "Nice, thanks pinkie," Rainbow said as Pinkie smiled before handing the marker to the last person who hadn't written anything, and that was Applejack.

Applejack then grabbed the marker and carefully grabbed Rainbow's broken arm as she started writing a little message on it. It read Rainbow, even a broken arm can't slow you down. You're still the fastest and coolest girl I know. Take it easy, and if you need anything, I'm right here. Rainbow blushed at the message but came back to reality as she heard the cap of the marker snap when Applejack finished signing her name.

Then suddenly Applejack leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Rainbow's cheek, leaving her blushing, lost for words as she was smiling meanwhile, Applejack turned away hiding her blushing face, and played with her stetson. Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie exchanged knowing glances, sensing the unspoken connection between the two. "Take it easy, Rainbow. We've got your back." Applejack said smiling warmly recovering from the blushing as she faced the girl. Rainbow nodded offering a smile when the bell rang.

"Guess we got next class. And I have gym yeah." Rainbow said sarcastically at the end causing Sunset to laugh. "Yeah but hey at least you don't have to do anything," Sunset said getting up and grabbing Rainbow's bag to carry causing Twilight to elbow her. "What she means is at least you get to heal your arm and rest," Twilight said as Sunset rubbed the area she was elbowed as Rainbow laughed and got up from her seat. "Heh yeah, I get it. I gotta get going need to let the teacher know about this." Rainbow said pointing at her cast before getting up and throwing her lunch away before walking with Sunset as they left the lunch room and headed to gym class. After going through the last classes the day finally concluded, and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile. Despite the broken arm, she felt an unexpected warmth not just from the cast, but from the bonds of friendship that had grown stronger. And perhaps, there was a hint of something more with Applejack.

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