Knowing Zayle

By Zu_Trancy

153 7 32

I'll tell you now. This is a tale of Heaven. Of ancient God's and history. Of lust, power and trickery. Of... More

1 •Have Some Fear
2 •Murder
3 •Menstruation Cycle
4 •3 Ways
5 •If You Were Forgiven
6 •A Mood to Sell
7 •Between Positions
8 •A Big Black Branding Iron
9 •A History To Be First
10 •A God To Please
11 •The Lore of Olympus
12 •Fate Is What It Will Be
13 •Truthful Words
15 •A Different Viewpoint
16 •The Angels Confession
17 •Eradicate
18 •A Sweet Desert
19 •The Seventh First One
20 •Her Thanks and His Giving 🔥
21 •Content 🔥

14 •Lovely Eyes

2 0 0
By Zu_Trancy


It was cold.

Rena hadn't known how long she'd been in Heaven, but it felt like three days.

Three long days doing absolutely nothing.

She was bored out of her mind.

She didn't have a phone, Zayle and Mikhail had left together after he came back, and she'd been stuck inside of her bedroom, staring at her painting constantly.

Sleep, sleep, sleep.

She was atop of her cloudy bed, her eyes damn near drilling a hole through the shifty ceiling.

So. Damn. Bored.

A sudden spark rocked her body; she recognized the feeling immediately.


Our dearest Rena forgot of her high sex drive.
She couldn't recall a day where she hadn't touched herself at least a couple of times, and she could feel the warm feeling in her stomach fade away.

She licked her lips, sitting up slightly as she stared at her bare, white thighs. Her eyes then drifted to her hidden sex. She couldn't see the outline of her labia or clitoris.

How would she even masturbate?

A loud, frustrated groan left her as she gripped a fistful of her curls, tearing into the corner of her lip as she then let out a short huff.

Sad, she can't even touch herself.


Her eyes snapped up and she saw Zayle peek inside of her room before stepping inside fully.

His hair was still in it's ponytail, and she cocked her head to the side as he stared at her awkwardly.


She blinked.

"Are you... Available?"

She looked around, her eyes squinted as if she were looking for something. She then looked back at him.

"Do I look busy?"

"No. Thus, I shall grant you a tour."

Pardon me, grant?

She got up and followed his already retreating figure, watching the clouds part into an opening and she gasped as crispy, delicious air invaded her lungs.

Earths air couldn't compare.

It was cool and clean, sweet and pure. Fresh like falling snow, delicious and giving.

She wanted to take a bag of it and store it somewhere.

It looked as if it were evening, and she looked around, seeing moving angels rush here and there, the suns rays becoming one with mosts wings.

It was as if it were absorbing the heat.

Several eyes glanced in her direction, taking in her strong blue aura, soaking in it's energy. Some strayed a little too close, as if they were drawn to her like a magnet.


She could hardly keep up with his long strides, his figure constantly disappearing behind flashing wings and sudden appearances of souls. There were sharp turns, large columns erupting from the clouds randomly and angels shaping the vapor as if it were some sort of clay.


He drifted into a large rising wall of cloud, his glowing hair disappearing altogether and she stopped, staring at where he was last seen with a look.

Like she was done with him.

She blinked rapidly, shaking her head as her lips parted and closed, parted and closed as if she were about to say something but was so fed up.

A low, long breath left her as she gazed around, staring at the gliding angels that whipped by, most carrying souls while others did...
Strange things.

Her eyes connected with another, and she felt her heart race for a moment, like when you make eye contact with someone you don't even know thirty times in the last  minute.

You ever look at someone and just be like,
"Oh, they're gay."

That's how Rena reacted.

The woman's hair was white, as was everyone's, and it flowed gracefully behind her, never honoring the ground with it's touch as it billowed around her like a dress. Her eyes were sharp, catlike, and they had a strange lightness to them, as if their actual color was extremely light. Her body shape was elegant, feminine, her fingers long and slender, and Rena blinked when the woman's hand raised and waved at her. Her aura was significantly lighter than others, closer to white than yellow.

She was about to wave back when an angels wing brushed her over, causing her to lose sight of the woman.

Damnit, she was fine too.

Her finger subconsciously began to tap her chin as she began to get lost in her thoughts.

I feel like I remember her from somewhere.

She felt a tap on her right shoulder, and she turned to look behind her when a large hand held her other shoulder, bringing her attention back and she gasped as she saw the woman hovering near her face, a calm smile doning her expression.

"Hello." The greeting was smooth, gentle. Airy.
Rena liked the sound of her voice. It was light, yet it had a tone that made her stomach warm.

"Hello?" She couldn't help how it came out. Like she was a rude person.
She was just startled.

She saw her smile widen, not by a lot, just a little as her feet settled on the clouds. Rena then briefly wondered if she was able to stand on the clouds now because she was a First One.

And then she realized that her neck was turned up to look at the woman, and she nearly cursed when she compared their heights.

Six feet...

At least.

"Are you a Virgin?"

She choked.

"No— I mean, why," Her eyes blinked rapidly as she quickly processed the question.

The woman's head tilted, her eyes narrowing with amusement.

"Pardon my language, I mean, are you a new soul?"


"Yeah. Uhm, my tour guide just took off without me so, erm, no, I mean yeah."

Her head tilted more.

"Tour guide?"

She looked away thoughtfully.

"I suppose you do need to know your way around this labyrinth."

Odd choice of words. Mikhail would shake his head in disapproval.

She snickered at her thoughts.

The woman's hand was outstretched, as if asking for hers and Rena blinked, switching between her light eyes and her hand.

"Let me show you your eternal rest, love." Rena didn't hesitate, and she grabbed her hand, her eyebrows flying upwards as her wrist was held gently as the woman placed a kiss on where her veins were.

Uhm, okay.

Her hand was then flipped, their palms touching as the woman interlocked their fingers and pulled her against her body.

"Since most act as if they haven't a clue that newborns aren't familiar with such aggressive flight."

Her gaze fell to Rena.

Rena began to speak when her face collided with cloud.

She inhaled a large chunk of the cold cloud, her nose wrinkling as she exhaled it through her nose in a long, steady breath. It flowed out like steam, and it left her face feeling fresh, like she'd inhaled mints.

They went through the cloud Zayle left her at.

It looked like a resort.

It was warm and airy past the wall, thousands of twinkling stars shining down on them. How could it even be possible to see the burning balls of gas, she didn't know.

Angels lied on rising clouds, some shaping them to resemble comfortable small seats, or small little benches. There was even a few large, orange fountains sprouting from the clouds, their details and design so precisely accurate. Clouds burst from the solidified vapor, freshing the air and she could see how misty the bottom of the fountains looked, as if the clouds were evaporating into water, yet giving it an eerie feeling.

Majority were female angels, wings either gone entirely or tucked tightly behind their back, and she wondered what this place was.

A few angels glided across the clouds in an enchanting dance, their eyes closed as if they could rely on their hearing and senses.

Their bodies moved in sync, the dance drilled into their very core and another angel joined, running her hands up another females waist, not touching, but barely brushing her fingers over her skin as the female in front smoothly thrust her hips from side to side, her body leaning into the angels touch, and Rena would have tugged on her necklace if she had it on her.

What was this, an all gay secret strip club?

She was sure God would have known of it though.

Had he finally allowed such a thing?
And if not, her teeny tiny little ass would have been falling straight through the clouds then.

"Fae." She heard the woman murmur smoothly behind her.

"It is an Free Angelic Event zone."

Rena got what she was trying to say. And then a thought suddenly struck her.

What the hell was Zayle doing, sliding his long neck head ass through here?

She was suddenly aware of the woman's hands sliding to her waist, yet she didn't comment on it because she enjoyed the tingles coming from the feel.

"You didn't bring me here to get down and jazzy with, right?"

There was a low chuckle, and Rena kept her eyes glued to the carefree beings in front of her.

"We would have already been deemed Hellish if I'd acted upon my inner desires."

She felt her stomach warm, and then grow cold.

Damn Heaven, I could have—

She inhaled deeply as they were suddenly gliding across the clouds, her body warming as she felt the woman's hands hold her waist, as if to keep her squarely in front of her.

The best effing tour I've ever gotten.

"Fae is the only way to get through to Orion's constellation. Apologies for such a display."

Rena didn't mind at all. She totally knew what she was doing, letting a stranger guide her and all. But she came across friendly.

Mysterious, but kind.

And she suddenly saw Zayle.

They met eyes and she was sure they mirrored each other's expression, wide eyes and raised eyebrows. His eyes flickered over her head to the woman behind her.

"Pardon, but I do believe that that man is beckoning you over." She heard the woman's voice in her ear, tickling her neck.

"Shall I release you?"


The response was too quick. Too firm.

"I mean... Sure." She didn't want her to let go. Her stomach was so warm, it felt like something had lighted a fire in her. She enjoyed the feel of the woman's hands, and she bit her lip as she wondered if she'd ever find her again.

So damn fine...

She felt like crying.

The feel of the woman's hands left her and she silently sobbed in her head, biting her nails to keep her expression neutral.

Don't go, Mommy.

"And apologies, but..."
She stared at Rena for a long moment, the smile she had worn earlier still in place as her light eyes bore into Rena's.


"We can be friends." She said it all too quickly, holding the woman's wrist.

Her eyes lit up and she tilted her head, her smile widening with her eyes, but it gave a slight crazed look. Not the cute, bubbly expression you'd have conjured up in those little minds of yours.

Maybe we shouldn't be friends.

"Will your friend accept me?"

Rena blinked as she glanced behind her to see Zayle making his way over.

"I don't remember him being my father."

She had a quick, intake of breath as the woman was suddenly closer to her, peering down at her inquisitively as she brushed a curl behind Rena's ear.

"Will you accept me?"

She felt as if the question had more meaning to it.

"I'm... A very open person. I rarely ever judge." She murmured as she furrowed her eyebrows. Was she thinking if those were the right words?

She watched the woman's calm face, the smile still in place as she stared at her with calculating eyes.

"Then we shall."

Ugh, I feel like something was going on there.


She turned, Zayle's face sweating as if he'd ran a marathon, and she made a mental note that he wasn't very athletic.

"Thanks for letting me explore the place on my own." She said sweetly as she clapped her hands to tether next to her face.

"So much fun."

"W-Was it?" He had a slight tone of disappointment, and she made another note that he wasn't familiar with the word "sarcasm".

"Yeah, even made a new friend." She turned to introduce the woman, and looked dumbfounded as she was nowhere to be seen.

Dammit, I hadn't even caught her name...

"Well, you saw her right?" Kind of hard to miss.

"Yes... and that is most strange because Uriels usually keeps to herself ." He murmured thoughtfully as he crossed both of his arms.

She nearly choked.

"That was Uriel?!"

His eyebrows rose as he shook his head quickly.

"Ah, of course not, she's one of the angels training under the Archangel, Uriel. We often refer to trainees by their trainers name."

That's kind of stupid, not gonna lie, why not by the Archangels last name... Do they have a last name though?

He blinked and turned away, holding her by her shoulder gently as he guided her away.

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