By plvtodite

1.4K 69 2


𝟬𝟬𝟭 pull the strings, puppeteer
𝟬𝟬𝟮 duck, duck, goose!
𝟬𝟬𝟰 him, coriolanus snow

𝟬𝟬𝟯 pampered poodle

134 7 2
By plvtodite

ACHILLES' HEEL            3
━━  pampered poodle

The following days after the reaping felt heavier on Juno Gaul's shoulders. Things had taken a twist for the worst, and suddenly her every move was being studied by none other than her grandmother. She wondered if the new objective was spying on her due to the mentoring assignment, so she would keep amends with Snow and not mess up what had been planned especially for her. However, this time her mutted eyes would not hold a drop of sympathy for the girl.

Perhaps it was a mood of hers.

Even though Volumnia's eyes had always been stuck on Juno's back, it felt out of place this time. Every step she took, every sip, every breath. She had always been watched by her pressuring and cruel stare, and she always had something to tell her, be it vile or slightly good.

Her penetrating stare and absence of a murderous smile churned her stomach.

Volumnia avoided her at the Academy after the ceremony, when she would usually invite her over with a hippity, hoppity! and pull her to the laboratory to check out her mutts while they sipped on some coffee and chatted about recent events. She'd even pull her aside and fix her hair and uniform between lessons, but now she could barely glance her way for whatever reason Juno was clearly not aware of.

It drained Juno's energy to see her be so awful with her. But it seemed everyone had been on the same gloomy and impolite page that day because only Sejanus Plinth managed to smile at her after entering the library and every single lesson.

Everyone was in a mood today.

Juno forced herself to ignore Volumnia's nonsense and ridiculous behavior and stick to her daily schedule. Her day went by rather quickly. She attended all her lessons and studied for around an hour at the library with Sejanus, though she found Snow's absence unusual. She hadn't seen him around much, and she thought that since they'd be mentoring together, they'd be spending more time with each other.

Even he was in a mood.

She even considered visiting her grandmother at the lab to ask questions regarding the assignment since no further instructions were given after the ceremony or at Satyria's meeting, and since she had a special task, she felt the need to do so.

Of course, she didn't bring herself to do that. She wasn't stupid.

It would've only provoked her attitude more.

"Hey," Sejanus tapped her shoulder, "Are you alright?" He asked as he scanned her zoned-out face. "You've been staring at nothing for at least six minutes or so." He said, frowning at her anxious state.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She cleared her throat, "Just thinking." She said shortly.

"About the assignment?" He lowered his voice a bit as he looked around the room. He knew people were at the edge of their seats after hearing about her princess treatment regarding the assignment. Some believed it was because of her high grades, but few knew the actual truth.

Juno sucked in a breath and nodded. She felt embarrassed to even be stressed about the task when she had been given a heads-up. Owning up to it was even harder. She met Sejanus's gaze and noticed a hint of confusion behind his stare.

She had already mentioned to him how Volumnia had forced her to work with Coriolanus, and he pitied the girl since his father had played the same card for him by assigning him a District Two tribute whom he had known when younger.

"I heard there's a lesson tomorrow with Dean Highbottom. About the assignment." He trailed off, closing his textbook.

Juno huffed, "I hope there is. How else are we supposed to carry on with this? Aren't they supposed to arrive today?" She sighed as she leaned back on her chair. "They only told us we needed to interview our tribute in five minutes and present them to Panem. Bullshit." She said as she rested her chin on her palm. Her eyes scanned the entire room, and she spotted Clemensia and Arachne Crane sitting by a few tables. She felt her heart get stapled.

"I'm not sure. I mean, since they had to involve us now, I guess things will change." He licked his lips anxiously as he fiddled with his pen. Anyone could tell right away the subject made him uneasy and tense.

Juno only nodded, though she had paid no attention to his words, her eyes fixated on Clemensia. It was hard to swallow the fact that Clemensia would never forgive her for not working with her on the assignment, after having done a lot of work together during their years at the Academy. Juno could only imagine how betrayed she felt, but it was a matter out of her own hands that she would never understand.

Now she had reversed the card, and Juno felt betrayed by her.

Well played, Clemmie. Her heart is punctured.

Arachne Crane? Out of everyone?

She should've gone to work with Coriolanus and stolen her partner instead.

Arachne was miserable. She was despicable and everything wrong with a human. Juno had never liked her. She always had something to say, and it was never good. If it were up to Juno, she'd put a collar on her and seal her obnoxious mouth before drowning her on posca.

Seeing her study with Clemensia had itched the wrong bone on Juno's body, and she couldn't keep her discomfort secret. Her face had given away what she felt at the moment.

Sejanus suppressed a smile from his face as he followed her gaze. "Now, you're not just thinking about the assignment. You're jealous," He pointed out, looking away from the daggers Juno stared.

"Jealous is a strong word, Sejanus," She replied, holding her temper. "I'd go with betrayed instead." She said nonchalantly. Ignoring the look on his face, she popped a buttered biscuit he had pulled from his bag into her mouth. She played it off, "You should bring your Ma's biscuits more often." She chirped and shrugged off his comment. "They're delicious!" She exclaimed and grabbed a handful.

From the corner of her eye, she could spot Sejanus looking over her shoulder and beaming brightly. She instantly looked over and caught Snow's figure approaching them.

Juno didn't know whether to smile or avoid his intense eye contact. She had caught a glimpse of his white locks leaving Satyria's meeting, where he didn't bother sitting with her. After their encounter the day prior, she wasn't sure how she stood before his eyes. She could tell he felt grateful for her companionship during the task, but she also knew where his pride stood. He felt he didn't need it to succeed. Though, he didn't comment on that, because Juno herself would just allow him more points to achieve the prize.

Douchebag move.

He approached the two and cleared his throat, unconsciously clutching his bag, something Juno had noticed he'd do often.

"Sejanus," He nodded as a faint smile reached his lips. His gaze landed on Juno, who already found herself staring up at him, "Juno," She could sense some sort of tenderness in his tone, but paid no mind to it and instead looked away and swallowed down the biscuits. "Studying after Satyria's meeting?" He cleared his throat as he referred to the scattered papers and textbooks.

Sejanus chuckled lightly, "Yeah, just killing time," He said. He instantly got up from his chair and collected his belongings, "Please," He gestured to the chair. "You're probably here for her. I'll leave you to it." He announced. He ignored Juno's glares and scattered away before she could protest.

Juno faked a smile, "I've got things to do." She attempted to escape by collecting her things, but he gently pushed her back to her seat. "Okay, you didn't bother sitting with me during a mentoring meeting, and now you show up." She said sternly, glaring daggers at the side of his face.

Coriolanus took the seat beside her as he watched how she popped biscuits into her mouth to avoid his dull expression. "So..." He trailed off. She wouldn't even spare a glance at him. She raised her eyebrows. "My neighbor told me the tributes are arriving tomorrow, Wednesday." He said.

Juno nearly choked, "Sorry, who's your neighbor?"

"He's a Gamemaker-in-training." He replied. "Though I thought your grandmother might've already told you that?" He mentioned lowly.

Juno blinked as she went stiff. She placed her bag aside and met his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. She already told me about that." Lie. She dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "Your point is?"

"Since she's getting here tomorrow, I was thinking we could do something to welcome her."

"Coriolanus." She warned.

"We need to make a good first impression on the girl, Juno." He pointed out, leaning his body closer to hers and lowering his voice. "She needs to be willing to work with us. We need to win her trust."

Juno frowned, "How do you want to do that, exactly? Bringing her a bouquet and food? She's going to be scared to death, Snow."

He huffed, "I know. That's why I came to you." He muttered, blue eyes boring into hers.

"I thought you were better off on your own, you know, I thought I was just a plus to your game," Juno joked, and he appeared to be unfazed —nearly offended —by her words. "Fine." She pursed, "Have you thought about anything? At all?"

He licked his lips. "My cousin told me exactly what you just said. We should let her know we value her because she must be terrified about all this."

Juno had a faint memory of Tigris Snow. She knew she had followed fashion studies at the University, and knew about her being a stylist in the early Hunger Games. She had seen her around Corso, especially the market, and had her pinned as Coriolanus' cousin.

"She's right, points for her." She nodded, "What do we do?"

"Tomorrow, past dawn, train platform. We'll be there to welcome her."

Juno went wide-eyed, "Are you sick and mental, Coriolanus?!" She jumped from her chair and raised her voice, being silenced by him after he followed her actions and covered her mouth, bringing her to her senses. Regret flowed through her bloodstream and she shut her eyes out of embarrassment. She could picture the look on the faces of the surrounding students. She even dared to imagine what kind of vile stare Clemensia had.

Who was she to blame? She likely looked insane.

"Listen to me," He mumbled, slowly retrieving his hand from her mouth and grabbing her shoulders. "It's going to be the only opportunity we have to really interact with her before the interview, alright?" He clarified, his breath fanning her flustered face from the proximity of their bodies.  "Maybe you can ask your grandmother —"

Juno snapped, "I can't!" She whispered. "Do you think she'll be okay if she sees me welcoming my tribute and showing up at the platform? She'll murder me. We're not even supposed to know this!" She freaked.

Coriolanus frowned, eyes not leaving hers, "You said she had told you about it."

Her expression fell. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "No, she didn't."

Silence enveloped the two. His hands dropped to her sides and he softly gripped her arms. "She hasn't told you anything, right?" He said lowly.


He bit the inside of his cheek as he looked around the library. "We can still do this, okay?" He pressured. "They haven't limited us any interaction with the tributes, therefore, we're not breaking any rules, Juno." He reassured, yearning for any signs of hope behind her eyes.

Never would have she believed Coriolanus Snow would come looking for her to beg her for something once again.

She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked up at him. He looked genuinely sure about his plan and his thinking that it amused Juno. How far he'd be willing to go to make the best of this situation in their favor delighted her. He surely was the most determined of all. No other mentor had thought about anything, not even Juno.

Volumnia was right.

Maybe she felt glad she had been forced to work alongside him. Maybe, just maybe, she could trust him. Trust. Maybe. There was something about him, about the way he peered down at her and how he held her steadily after she reacted, that nearly convinced her they'd be successful. She wasn't sure what it was. His eyes, his closeness, the neediness from his tone. He seemed so certain and, maybe, he had the perfect plan laid out.

Perhaps she was beginning to see him in the same way that her grandmother did.

Juno picked on her bottom lip, contemplating the idea and his words. "Past dawn?" She asked, sensing the ease that washed over his body because a grin pulled on his lips the second she mustered those words. "Ah, ah, I haven't said yes, Snow." She teased, fighting back her own smile.

"C'mon, learn to trust me a little,"

Juno perked her eyebrows, "Trust is gained, Snow." She smirked as she looked up at him through her lashes. "This," She signaled between them, "Is a lot for how much I don't trust you." She bickered, though deep down she felt a little relieved with their meeting. She shrugged off his arms from hers and grabbed her bag, "Take her one of your roses. Might be mediocre and ordinary, but it could work."

His face pulled into a goofy frown, "Thought you didn't like it on my vest," He pestered. She ignored the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips and avoided his gaze instead.

He must've enjoyed the priceless look on her face because the smile turned into a grin. "You, Coriolanus Snow, are making this far more personal than it should be." She gritted her teeth.

Snow found himself beside her with his arm extended out for her. "Allow me," He chanted in her ear, knowing exactly how to push her buttons and get a reaction from her.

Juno had no choice but to hook her arm through his and get pulled out of the library. It hadn't been in her plans for the day to get once again escorted out of the Academy by none other than him.


In the very early morning, she could barely wipe his face from her mind. He clouded her mind every minute. He and his ridiculous plan. From the moment she woke, throughout her small and rushed breakfast. He had willingly walked her to her apartment the afternoon prior, despite the long distance it covered from his. They chit-chatted about meaningless details of their lives, specifically Snow's white roses and how she would've never expected to be in this situation with him.

The topic had lingered after they stepped outside the Academy. Juno told him about how she'd hear every once in a while about the popularity of the rooftop with roses. Seemed like everyone at the Capitol still prized them a bunch, including Volumnia herself.

She had ranted on about she only had memories of seeing him sit on the very front during lessons beside Sejanus. She barely remembered him, but knew he had always been a good friend.

A good classmate, for her.

And they walked and talked, until they reached her lively doorstep adorned with flowers and a big old-fashioned lantern, far more than what Coriolanus could afford for his family's place. He wasn't sure why it surprised him to see the place where she, Juno Gaul, granddaughter of Volumnia Gaul, and also his fellow mentor, lived.

Of course, she had noticed his startled frown when they reached the place.

It wouldn't have gone unnoticed by her.

Juno chugged a cup of orange juice and wiped her mouth before she put herself together and headed out the door with no further notice to her grandmother. She had to repeat herself reassuring words before she'd back out of his plan suddenly. She could feel her legs wobble with every stroll she took towards her destination.

She could barely believe her doings at the moment.

He was definitely to blame.

The sun beamed down on her glazed skin as she began her walk. The train station wasn't so far from the apartment, at least 15 minutes from it. She spent that time thinking to herself about the second step they'd have to take after encountering Lucy Gray Baird.

She eventually went brain-dead from her anxiousness and the loud noises around Corso at such early hours of the morning.

She now hated walking.

A glimpse of a red skirt and white hair was spotted in the middle of the station. As she inched closer, she made out the white rose balanced carefully between his fingers. He had listened to her. She could make out the beads of sweat that traveled down his nape, planting a frown on her face.

She cleared her throat as she approached him from behind, and suppressed a smile after he flinched. "Why so on guard? You nervous?" She teased and stood beside him, eyes wandering all over the place. It was a ghost town, aside from the peacekeepers spread across the platform.

"Not as nervous as you are," Coriolanus recalled with a hoarse voice, earning a soft chuckle from her.

"You're so right," She mumbled. Her eyes fixated on the rose. "So you do listen." She said. He followed her gaze and frowned down at her, "Thought you did things on your own." She quickly switched the topic after noticing his expression. "How long have you been standing here? Am I late?" She chimed.

He shook his head, "Just about an hour." He replied. "Just watching trains arrive and go. Still no tributes." She hummed in reply. Silence and the warmth of the sun beating down through the glass panes of the station ceiling as they stood there. He cleared his throat. "You know, the train whistle always reminds me of my father," He trailed off. Juno sealed her lips together, hesitating to meet his eyes. "I would wait for his return from the battlefield in this same spot." He breathed.

Juno managed to muster out a few words. "I know it must've been hard." She said, fingers grazing his as she hesitantly placed her hand over his. "I'm sorry." She mumbled.

Why had he gone there?

Precisely, the said whistle blew as the train sped into the station. She immediately pulled her hand from his and gained her composure. Attempting to lighten the mood, she lightly bumped his arm. "Come on, Snow." She smiled, "Remember, it's greeting her, not winning her over."

Somehow, he managed to smile back.

Their beams were quickly wiped from their faces the moment a cry came from one of the cargo cars. Juno went stiff by watching a peacekeeper bang his baton against the doorframe as he urged the tributes out of the train. She watched them come out pair by pair. She recognized Clemmie's tribute from Eleven and noticed the girl with a hacking cough that followed him.

Juno flinched and hid her eyes from the scene unfolding before her. The peacekeeper yanked a girl down with a hard thud. She could barely catch herself with her bound hands. They continuously hauled the tributes onto the platform with no mercy, and Juno could feel her heart sting.

She didn't want to see them like this, being thrown around like sacks of trash. One of the reasons why she so deeply wanted to refuse Snow's plan. She, like him, couldn't have been prepared to see them in the flesh. A wave of pity and revulsion swept through her after noticing the conditions they were treated.

The peacekeeper moved on to the next car. He slid the door open and revealed Jessup, the male tribute from Twelve. Juno, from the corner of her eye, noticed Snow straightening himself. Surely, Lucy Gray Baird must've been with him.

She stepped into the light, hands cuffed as she fell forward and let him catch her by the waist with his wrists spread as much as he could. She looked around to drink in the sunlight streaming into the station while she combed through her knotted hair.

She looked lost in a trance until she locked eyes with them.

Juno sensed Snow's lack of movement, so she breathed in before stepping towards the girl.

She gave her a small nod along with a gentle smile, "Welcome to the Capitol," She said, hoping Snow had snapped from his state and followed her along, which he quickly did. He offered the rose, to which Lucy Gray could only stare at.

She delicately reached out and plucked a petal from the flower. "When I was little, they used to bathe me in buttermilk and rose petals," She ran her thumb over the glossy, white surface before slipping it into her mouth. "Tastes like bedtime."

Juno took a minute to study her. Her makeup had been wiped away and her colorful dress was now dusty and rumpled. A purple bruise had started to form on her cheek from the mayor's blow and her lips were chapped too. She had looked just as magical as on television, always perfect for a performance.

"You don't look like you should be here."

Coriolanus spoke up, "We probably shouldn't be here." He admitted. "But we're your mentors. And wanted to meet you on our own terms. Not the Gamemakers'."

"Ah, rebels." Lucy Gray ignored the paleness of Snow's face and turned to Juno. "And what do my mentors do for me, besides bring me roses?" She asked.

"We'll do our best to take care of you," Juno replied, "We'll try and be there every moment before the Games."

"Well, good luck, Gorgeous." She smiled and walked back to Jessup, leaving behind the rose.

As she strolled off, Juno turned to Snow. "This is it?" She asked. She looked around the platform and watched the tributes get escorted through a door. It was a sight she thought she would've never seen in her lifetime. "Coriolanus!" She snapped, knocking him from his trance.

Without a word, he grasped her hand and dragged her along despite her complaints. He approached who appeared to be the peacekeeper in charge and caught his attention. "Excuse me, I'm Coriolanus Snow from the Academy," He said. Juno peeked over his shoulder, as he had pushed her behind him. "This tribute has been assigned to me for the Hunger Games." He inclined his head toward Lucy Gray. "I wonder if I might accompany her to her quarters."

"That's why you've been hanging around here all morning? To catch a ride to the show?" The peacekeeper reeked of liquor and his eyes were bloodshot red. "Well, by all means, Mr. Snow. Join the party." He signaled to the truck outside.

Coriolanus slowly stepped outside with Juno trailing behind. It was a cage on wheels rimmed with the tributes packed inside. It was enclosed by metal bars and a steel roof. He caught a glimpse of Lucy Gray, who stared back at him, and knew he couldn't back down.

As he tugged Juno along, she braked his tracks. "Snow, what on earth are you doing?!" She exclaimed lowly, gritting her teeth as she pulled him back towards her.

"I know you don't want to do this, but it's now, or she'll dismiss us entirely." He whispered back. He studied her distraught features and her uneven breathing, "She will think we're cowards, Juno." He begged, again, referring to Lucy Gray, who watched from the truck. He squeezed her hand, and Juno could only bite her lip anxiously. She attempted to avoid his gaze, but his cold hands came up to her face and forced her to lock eyes. "We'll be fine." He said. "I swear."

"Swearing is for the weak, Coriola—"

"Then I promise," He sighed, "Nothing bad will happen to us. Trust me."

"I already told you what I think about this trust."

"Juno." Snow blinked. She only stared up at him, fear written across her face, no words coming from her mouth. He perked an eyebrow, awaiting a response.

She hesitated for a moment before gripping his hand tightly too. "I'm sorry," She stammered. "You can't wrap me around your finger with this one." She shook her head, resisting the urge to simply take off running and head to the Academy. "She'll gain your trust. That's more than enough." She pointed out, a half-smile adorning her pretty face. "I'll meet you later." She freed herself from his grip and walked off without any further response.

There he stood, a pampered poodle, being about to submerge himself in a voyage with a final destination at the city's zoo.

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