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By Mel0dyEl0die

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Seems like it's close to both Oodle and Crayon Box's birthday and the gang is planning a big birthday celebra... More

Party Planning
Distracting The Birthday Boy/Girl
Backup Party
Plan Sabotaging
Happy Birthday Oodle and Crayon Box

Happy Birthday Eve

199 5 1
By Mel0dyEl0die

It was a cold and windy morning. There were still no leaves on the tree. And the animals were still hibernating. But everyone was inside their house staying warm. Including a certain demigod who was still asleep and dreaming about something that is very important to him.

Oodle: Ooooo.... Where am I?

*Then the spotlight aimed at him.*

Oodle: What's going on?

*Then he saw that he was on a stage. Everyone was cheering for him.*

Oodle: Oh My Doodle!!

Computer: Hey Everyone!! Look It's The Birthday Boy!! Everyone Say Happy Birthday!!


Oodle: You Guys! Haha! What Is All Of This!!

Gold Ingot: Don't you see! We got everyone here to say happy birthday to you!!

MePhone4: Yeah!! We're here too for some reason!!

Gamey: Yeah how did we get here?

4: I don't know. But there's cake!!!

Controlly: Well I don't know how we got here but uhhh Happy birthday!

Oodle: Wait!! Everyone??

Chocolate Bar: Yeah we got everyone!! Including the blockhead over there!!

Crayon Box: Oh Oodle! I the blockhead wish you a happy birthday. And I will do nothing but bow down to you at your command.

Oodle: OK! Bow down to me!

Crayon Box: As you wish!

*And she bows down.*

Paint Palette: Let's Cheer For The Great And Almighty Birthday Boy Oodle!!

Everyone: HIP HIP!!


Everyone: HIP HIP!!


Everyone: HIP HIP!!


Oodle: Huh? What the?

*Oodle woke up and noticed that it was his alarm clock that interrupted his dream.*

Oodle: Ah Man I Had A Really Good Dream Too!!

*Then he turns off his alarm and gets out of his bed.*

Oodle: Well you shouldn't wait too long.

*He looks through his calendar.*

Oodle: Because tomorrow will be my birthday!!! And I'm gonna throw the best party ever!! And I chose the best theme for it! A Summer Luau! With a barbeque as our meals! Lemonade and Pina coladas as our drinks! And I will have my strawberry shortcake!! And I will make sure everyone comes to my party!...... And not the blockhead's party!!..... Anyways, time for breakfast!!

*Then he runs down stairs to the kitchen.*

Oodle: OK!! I'm ready for breakfast!!

*Then he saw there was no one in the kitchen.*

Oodle:.... Oh yeah. I forgot I live by myself on this one..... Well no worries. I guess it's time for me to make my birthday eve breakfast!!

*Then he goes through his fridge and brings out eggs, bacon, milk, butter, and strawberries. Then he goes to the cabinet to bring out salt and pancake mix. He brings two pans out. In one pan he cooks both the bacon and eggs in. While he lets it cook, he starts to put the milk, butter, and pancake mix and starts mixing them together to make the pancakes.*

Oodle: Time to flip the eggs and bacon!! Alley-oop!!

*And he flips the eggs and bacon. Then he grabs a ladle and starts putting the pancake mix on the pan to make the pancakes. In 10 minutes, he made enough pancakes to make a stack. Then he grabs a plate and puts the eggs and bacon on one plate. And he put the stack of pancakes on the others. Then he puts strawberries on top of the pancake.*

Oodle: Huh? There's something missing with these pancakes. The strawberries are there.... But what's missing....... Ah I Got It!! There's no whip cream!! Oodle you silly goose! Here let me get that real quick!

*Then he goes to the fridge and gets the whipped cream.*

Oodle: Alright time to put some whipped cream on my-.....

*When he got to the table, he saw that his breakfast was gone.*

Oodle: Hey where did my breakfast go?

Pear: MMM. The pancakes were good but I would prefer if you made blueberry pancakes instead. The eggs and bacon taste gross though.


Pear: Woah!!

*Then he leaves out the window.*

Oodle: I seriously need to install a security system....... Ah man, my breakfast is gone! UGH!.... (Sigh) I guess I have to start over.

*Then a portal starts opening up.*

Oodle: (GASP) Master Silhouette!!!

*That's when Master Silhouette comes out of the portal.*

Silhouette: Greetings my child.

Oodle: Master Silhouette!! You're here!!.... Uhh sorry I couldn't provide any breakfast. I had some but the rat had to come and eat it.

Silhouette: It's fine my child. I'm just here to present you your gift on the day you were born.

Oodle: OOOOO present!! Gimme Gimme Gimme!!

Silhouette: Now hold on. There's one thing about this gift you need to know before I give it to you. This gift contains the amulet of power. Demigods and gods are given this at the right age and at the right time. It's a weapon that will suck any power anyone has. And even your own if you want to hide your powers.

*Then he summons the amulet. It was like a necklace and the middle part had a green gem to it.*

Oodle: Oooooo!

Silhouette: Now with this power comes great responsibility. If anyone has their hands on this amulet, the world would be in great danger. And therefore, I'm handing this to you for I know you will handle this.

*He puts the amulet on Oodle.*

Oodle: Woah.... Don't worry Master! I promise I'll take good care of this!

Silhouette: I know you will...... Ah. It seems like yesterday you were just a small Demigod trying to learn your powers for the first time. And now you've aged so much.

Oodle: I haven't aged that much. I'm only turning 11.

Silhouette: Yes yes. But soon you'll be old enough to travel from different dimensions. And soon will leave this place behind.

Oodle:.... Leave this place behind?

Silhouette: Yes. Well you can't stay in one location forever. You might never even go back to this location. You need to travel so that you can make sure all the dimensions are safe and protect anyone from evil.

Oodle: From... Evil?

Silhouette: Then you would eventually become a master and stay in the skies.

Oodle:... Stay in the skies?

Silhouette: And soon you'll only be focusing on your child. You may never do some of the things you would normally do ever again.

Oodle:.... Never??

Silhouette: But that's later on. Right now, you can enjoy your time as much as you can before that happens. Now I need to do some work back in the skies. Let me know when you need me.

*Then he leaves the house.*

Oodle:..... Leave home?? Fighting bad guys??? Never Even Coming Back!!??? Or Never Do The Same Things I Usually Do!!??.... I Don't Want To Go Through That At All!!

*Then the doorbell rang.*

Oodle: Huh? Who could that be?

*He opens the door. Turns out it was some of the kids he knows.*

Team 3: Happy Birthday Oodle!!

Telescope: Yeah happy birthday whatever.

Nine: It's chocolate! I know because I tasted it while getting my tongue stuck in the whisky

*Then Bone goes up to Oodle.*

Bone: Here's your cupcake Oodle.

Oodle: Awww. Thanks guys!

*Now we go to someone else's house. Where a certain periwinkle girl was still sleeping and dreaming about something that was also important to her.*

Crayon Box:..... Where am I?..... Why am I wearing my jacket?

MePhone4: Hey CB!! Over Here!!!

Crayon Box: MePhone!?? What are you doing here!?

MePhone4; I don't know. But I need to show you something!

Crayon Box: Really?? What is it?

MePhone4: Put these ice skates on and let me show you!!

Crayon Box: Ummm... Ok.

*Then Crayon Box puts the skates on.*

Crayon Box: Ok. Now what?

MePhone4: Come On!!

*Then MePhone grabs her by the hand and starts pulling her to the ice rink. They skated through the ice rink. Then the ice rink turned into a lake made out of ice.*

Crayon Box: MePhone?? Where are you taking me??

MePhone4: You'll see!

*Then they skated and made it to an ice castle.*

Chocolate Bar: Well done MePhone. You brought our queen over here.

Crayon Box: Queen?

Gold Ingot: Now let's get you out of these clothes. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!

*Then her clothes turn into a snowflake dress and her skates are turned into glassed ice shoes.*

Crayon Box: Woah!

Burger King: Here my queen! Have this lovely tiara on!

*Then he puts on her tiara. Then she sees the doors opening. She goes inside. Then everyone blew their horns.*

Gamey: People Of Winter Wonderland!! I Welcome You, Our Birthday Queen!! Crayon Box Crayola!!

*Then everyone started cheering.*

Crayon Box: What!! No way you guys planned this out for me!!?

Paint Palette: Of course we did!! You're our birthday girl!!

Computer: Yeah!! You deserve our attention you beautiful queen!!

4: We even got the pinhead paying for all of this!

Oodle: Yes I spend every single dime on you, our beautiful queen. And now I'm wearing rags while everyone is wearing something fancy.

Airy: As you should.

Controlly: Now a beautiful queen deserves to dance with her one and only.

Crayon Box: No Way That's...... Wait a minute? This seems way too good to be true. The only thing I can think of this happening is if this was-

*Then she heard her alarm go off. Which made her wake up.*

Crayon Box:.... Yep, that was a dream.

*She turns off her alarm and gets off of her bed to change the calendar.*

Crayon Box: Now worries though. Because after today it will be my birthday!! And I'm gonna throw the best party ever!! With my theme being Winter Wonderland. It will be at the ice rink. With all of our beverages being hot chocolate and tea. Soups and dumplings for our meals! And an ice cream chocolate cake!! And I will make sure everyone goes to my party! And not the Pinhead's lame party...... Welp! Time for breakfast!

*Crayon Box runs downstairs to the kitchen so that she can get her breakfast.*

Crayon Box: Morning mom! Dad! I'm ready for some breakfast!

*And her mom hands her.....*

Crayon Box:..... A salad???

A&C Box: I don't want you to look sluggish from all the sugar from the pancakes. You need to look nice for your birthday tomorrow. Plus salad is always a healthy option.

Crayon Box: You could've at least gotten me a fruit parfait or something.

Colored Pencil: Alright. What does the birthday girl want as her gift?

A&C Box: And remember! You can't ask for any sports equipment until you're 13!

Colored Pencil: That goes for asking for a boyfriend too! Except you can't have one after you graduate from college.

Crayon Box:..... I want to get my hair dyed.

Colored Pencil: Well that's different from what she asked for Christmas.

A&C Box: I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?

Crayon Box:...... I.... Want.... To get..... My..... Hair Dyed!

A&C Box: That's what I thought you said. Sweetie, are you sure you don't want anything else for your birthday?

Colored Pencil: Yeah your hair is perfectly fine. And I'm not just saying that because you have my hair color.

Crayon Box: Look I know what you're thinking. I'm still just a child. I'm too young to get my hair dyed. It will damage my hair. But I can give you guys reasons on why I should dye my hair!

A&C Box and CP:...... We're listening.

Crayon Box: Ok. First of all, I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm turning 11 tomorrow! I'm almost a teenager. And you know, this last year I finally got my time of the month. Which makes me a woman!

Colored Pencil:... Well she's not wrong there.

Crayon Box: Second! I haven't gotten into any trouble! I haven't gotten detention. I haven't hurt myself too seriously! I mean I got Student of the Month last month. And thirdly....... I got straight A's on my last report card. That has to be someone. So can I dye my hair! Please Please Please!!

A&C Box and CP: Hmmmm.......

A&C Box: Alright. But we're not dying the whole thing.

Colored Pencil: Tips and streaks only.

Crayon Box: EEEEEE YES YES YES YES!! Thank You So Much!!!

A&C Box: (Sigh) I sometimes forget you're not my baby girl anymore. Remember when she used to get ramen all over her hair.

Colored Pencil: Or when she called chicken chi chi.

A&C Box: And soon you'll change even more to become the woman you're going to be!

Crayon Box:.... What does that mean?

A&C Box: I think this will be a good time to tell you. See it's not just you getting your time of the month. Your body will start to change with it looking more curvy than usual.

Crayon Box: Curvy?

A&C Box: You'll soon start having changes in your face and hair that will make you look hideous. Therefore you'll have to do a lot of self care. Like doing your makeup. Going to salons. Going to spas. Because no one, and I mean no one wants to see a girl who is all messy.

Crayon Box:.... Is that right?

A&C Box: Yes. Then there's also trying to get a job. Then going to school. Then soon you'll be married and have kids on your own.

Crayon Box:..... Yeah..... Kids of my own.

A&C Box: Then you'll just have to focus on your spouse and your children. You'll have to become a housewife! And you'll never do what you usually do ever again!

Crayon Box:.... What?

*Then the clock started chiming.*

Colored Pencil: Welp! Better get to work. Bye honey! Bye sweetie, love you!!

*Then he leaves.*

A&C Box: And it's almost time for you to go to school. Go upstairs and get ready. Or you're going to miss the bus.

Crayon Box: Ok mom.

*Then she goes upstairs to her room.*

Crayon Box: There's no way that can't be my future!! I don't want to spend my life trying to look pretty and take care of a bunch of kids!!! What Kind Of A Future Is That!!

*Then she hears tapping on her window. Turns out someone was trying to throw pebbles on her window. She goes over there and opens it. Turns out it was some of the kids she knew at the daycare.*

Penny: Hi CB!!!

Guarana: We got you a present!

Extension Cord: Server is gonna send it to you!

Server: Here comes the drone.

*Then a drone goes all the way up to give CB her present. CB grabs the present. She opens it and sees it was a sculpt trophy made out of play doh.*

Crayon Box: Aww. They're so sweet. Thanks Guys!!

To Be Continued

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