Heartsteel: The Price of Fame...

By HeartsteelStory

6.1K 238 26

When the music industry's dark secrets ensnare K/DA's Akali and Heartsteel's rising star Kayn, a battle of wi... More

Chapter 1: Dreams and Rifts
Chapter 2: The Price of Fame
Chapter 3: Chains of Gold
Chapter 4: Strings of the Puppeteer
Chapter 5: Breakdown
Chapter 6: True Damage
Chapter 7: Heartsteel's Rise
Chapter 8: Strings Attached
Chapter 9: Strings Tightening
Chapter 10: Kayn's Revenge
Chapter 11: Rhaast - The Demon Within
Chapter 12: The Battle Lines are Drawn
Chapter 13: Final Warning
Chapter 14: Heartsteel vs K/DA
Chapter 15: Chasing Shadows
Chapter 16: A Struggle for Control
Chapter 18: Desperate Measures
Chapter 19: Redemption
Chapter 20: Leap of Faith
Chapter 21: False Gods
Chapter 22: Reflections of Darkness
Chapter 23: The Mirrored Abyss
Chapter 24: Faith
Chapter 25: The Escape
Chapter 26: Reunion
Chapter 27: Desperate Symphony
Chapter 28: The Valley of Shadows
Chapter 29: Exposing the Darkness
Chapter 30: Melody of Liberation

Chapter 17: Seeking Answers

147 8 0
By HeartsteelStory

The cold night air hit Akali's face as she burst out of the mansion. The distant hum of the city was drowned out by the pounding of her heart in her ears. She knew she had to act fast. Every second counted.

She quickly mounted her motorcycle, the engine roaring to life beneath her. The sleek machine sped through the streets, weaving between cars and pedestrians. Akali's mind raced, trying to formulate a plan. She had to find a way to save Kayn before it was too late.

As she sped through the city, her phone buzzed with incoming messages. It was Ahri.

She swerved into a nearby alley and came to a screeching halt, accepting the call.

"Akali, where are you? The news is all over the media. They're saying Kayn had a breakdown and is being taken in for treatment."

"I know. I was just with him," Akali said. "I have to save him. Something's not right."

Ahri's response was almost immediate. "Akali, be careful. Silco's reach is vast. What's your plan?"

Akali hesitated for a moment, her thoughts racing. "It's not just about rescuing Kayn physically. There's something inside him, controlling him. I need to find a way to get Rhaast out of him."

Ahri paused, considering her words, then continued. "Like an exorcism?"

Akali raised an eyebrow. "You're joking, right?"

Ahri's response was serious. "I wish I was. But if what you're saying is true, and Kayn is possessed by some... entity, then maybe that's what he needs."

Akali took a deep breath. "I can't believe I'm even considering this. But I'll look into it. There must be someone out there who can help."

She parked her motorbike in a dark underpass and began searching online, diving deep into forums and websites, looking for anyone who might have knowledge about exorcisms or dealing with demonic possessions. Most of the information seemed like nonsense, but a few threads caught her attention. There were people who believed that certain powerful figures in the music industry used dark rituals to control and manipulate artists. One name kept popping up: Rhaast.

Akali found a user who seemed to have a deep understanding of these rituals and the entities involved. Hesitantly, she reached out, explaining Kayn's situation.

The user's response was swift. "Rhaast is a real demon. He's been used by the elites for decades. The only way to free someone from his grasp is for the victim to find and accept God."

Akali blinked in surprise. "You're saying Kayn needs to... find religion?"

The user replied, "Not religion. Faith. True faith. It's the only way to break Rhaast's hold."

Akali felt a mix of skepticism and desperation, but she was running out of time and willing to try anything. With a plan forming in her mind, Akali reached out to Ahri again. "I don't have much to go on yet. But I need your help."

Ahri's response was immediate. "Anything, Akali. Just tell me what to do."

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