The family he always wanted (...

Av TheeHotGrl

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This is a SASUHINA novel, so if u don't like it, then DON'T read it! Thanks! ☺️ (PART TWO) -For Mature Audien... Mer

A Table Of Contents
7. We Gon Get A Lil Messy 🤷🏾‍♀️ *Long Af*
9. *Pretty Long*
14. *A Lil Long*
15. *A Lil Long*
18. *A Lil Long*
19. *SMUTTY*
33. *A Lil Long*
34. *A Lil Long*
35. *A Lil Long*
36. *Long Af*
37. *Long Af*


57 7 12
Av TheeHotGrl

The kids woke up pretty late for the 1st time in a long time. It was 11 soon going on 12. Hinata did her regular check-ins on them and decided to let them sleep since they seemed tired. It only added to her break.

When they left that night she took a nice long soothing bath, drank her favorite wine, listened to easy-going music, and lounged around in her robe. It's been a while since she's done that... The very last time she got to do that was when her sons were 3.

Last night was splendid.

Sasuke wasn't gonna like that Ten-Ten and Hanabi invited her out and she told them both yes. She was sure that he could handle the kids for one night. It'd only be a few hours.
The kids had showered up and brushed their teeth before going downstairs. "Where's lunch?" Boruto went inside the kitchen to check the oven, the microwave, and the fridge but when he didn't find anything he was merely confused. "Mom's slipping... she didn't cook anything." Yusuke smacked his lips. "Let's go wake her up to make our food."

Boruto placed a hand on his brother's chest to stop him from walking out. "Let's just get some snacks instead." Yusuke's eyes went wide as he observed his brother's growing evil smirk.

"Boru... I've taught you well." He gave off the same expression before they both hopped on the counter and rummaged through the cabinet. After 5 minutes they each had a handful of various snacks.

But before they could enjoy it Boruto turned to his bro and said, "Is it normal for mom to be sleeping this long?" Yusuke thought about it for a quick sec and then he shook his head no.

"Maybe we should go check on her," Boruto said before setting his snacks down and Yusuke did the same. Then they both went up the stairs and headed for their mother's room.

When they made it there Boruto knocked two times before turning the doorknob and opening the door. "Mom?" He and Yusuke entered. She was in her bed, holding a small book with a pair of reading glasses when she saw her sons.

"Sweethearts?" She took a sip of her hot tea and placed it back down on the coaster. "Is everything alright with you, mom?" Boruto sat next to her on the right side of the bed and Yusuke sat next to him. "Everything's fine, why do you ask?" Both boys observed her closely and they didn't find anything off with her.

"Well... it's just you didn't make lunch." When she began giggling quietly both of the boys blushed. "Sorry sweeties, I didn't feel like it and I thought you both would still be sleeping." They glanced at each other. "Does that mean we get to order in?" She gave them both genuine smiles. "Mhm." She nodded gently.

"And I'm sure you boys were getting some snacks anyway..." The awkward rubs on the back of their necks were a confirmation. "It's alright, just make sure to share some with your baby sister, ok?" They both nodded at the same time and before leaving her room she explained to them both how she'd be going out with their aunts. That was actually hilarious.

Hinata was a grown woman and she was the guardian of her children but she somewhat asked for their permission to leave.

Some people would call her crazy but she wanted to make sure her kids were comfortable with her being gone for a little while.

At 1st Yusuke was against it but after giving it some thought he came around to it.

Sasuke was the 1st one up that morning. He went out on the deck in the backyard to smoke a blunt and read another chapter of that book Kakashi recommended to him.

Once the blunt and reading were finished he went back into the house and made himself a cup of coffee. As the water brewed he heard some soft footsteps approaching the kitchen.

He peeped at Hinata from the corner of his eye when she entered. She wore a purple robe with purple slippers. His mouth parted as he stared at her longer. The outlining of her breasts and nipples was doing a little peekaboo with him.

When she felt his eyes on her she turned her head to him and he instantly looked away. Hinata wanted to have a little fun so she walked over to the front of him and bent forward slightly to grab herself a mug.

She hid the smug smile when she felt some hardness on her behind. He ran his right hand through his hair multiple times while he tried thinking about other things.

Fuck her over the counter.

He grunted deeply when that thought popped up his dirty mind wasn't helping and she was fucking with him. It didn't take that long to grab a damn cup and she sure as hell didn't need to grind on him.

Though he wanted to grind also he refrained himself by simply stepping back.
She turned around to give him the meanest look but he didn't care, he wasn't about to make a mess in his briefs over a little dry humping. It did hurt her feelings that he wouldn't even play along with her but that didn't matter, that just added to how much more she was going to hurt his ass.

Once he finally mixed his coffee with sugar, cream, and milk he left Hinata in the kitchen alone while she made her tea.

That was earlier though.
Now, Sasuke was done reading over some scrolls and his baby doll wanted to watch a movie with him. But before he made it downstairs Hinata opened her bedroom door.

"I'm going out soon and I need you to stay here and watch the kids." That dobe was gone so he knew she wasn't going to see him. So that only added to his suspicions.

"So what? I'm a babysitter?" She sighed and looked off to the side before looking back at him. "No, you're just gonna stay here with the kids until I come back." He stepped closer to her before she went back into her room. "Out where with who and why?" She had a glimpse of memory back then when he asked those same questions, possessive much.

"With Ten and Nabi." She just gave him an answer to prevent any argument and all he could do was nod. "Alright, I'm gonna get dressed." With tight jaws and sealed lips, he watched her shut her bedroom door again.

He wasn't against her going out but he did wonder if she only wanted to go as a form of punishment. But then he remembered something important, Hinata was always putting others before herself and she spent a lot of time taking care of others as well, so part of him really did believe she needed a break and who was he to deny her of that?
"Mom's not cooking so we can all order something." Sasuke was on the couch holding his baby doll in his arms while he spoke to the boys. "Daddy, can we get nuggets and fries?" Her eyes were glued to the tv screen when she asked that and the boys didn't mind eating that either. "Nuggets and fries it is."

When he stood to grab his phone Hinata came downstairs and as soon as she did, Sasuke's eyes went wide and he instantly covered his front. But the more his eyes studied her outfit, the more he wanted to know why in the fuck she was wearing it...

"What the hell are you wearing?!"

Hinata giggled at the reaction. "Get upstairs and go change!" She couldn't stop her simpering, in fact, she giggled even more.

"Mom, are you sure you want to wear this?" Boruto gave his mother a worried look and that's when she toned her laughing down. "Yes Boru-Bear it's just a dress." Hiroko got up from the couch and ran over to her mother with a joyous smile. "Wow. Mommy you look pretty."

The little girl moved her legs from left to right while jumping up and down. "Thank you, sweetheart." Yusuke shook his head as he kept both hands on his hips. "Mom, I forbid you from wearing this damn dress."

She chuckled at her son again & moved over to the mirror by the wall to put on some lip balm. "I mean it, mom! Go change your outfit!"

Once that was all finished she went over to her children and gave them kisses but Sasuke had to press down harder on his front with his arms as he watched her work the hell out of that dress. "Give me kisses sweetie."

Hinata was bent forward to Yusuke who was giving her the look of a strict father. "Take that damn dress off." He repeated himself.


"Have a nice night mom." He straightened himself out real quick and kissed her on the cheek. "Don't talk to strangers..."

She giggled quietly before responding to him and wishing her kids a good night overall. "Don't stay up too late, I'll be back."

"Have fun mommy - Don't stay out too long" Hinata left, Hiroko ran back into the living room, Boruto went to grab himself a bottle of water from the fridge and Yusuke scolded Sasuke. "How could you let her go out looking like that?" He looked down at his son.

"She can wear whatever she wants and the dress isn't that bad." The young raven narrowed both his brows. "She looks like a slut and you said that sluts are bad."

Yusuke had no real conception of that word he just remembered his dad telling him they were bad and to never mess with them after a random woman would visit or leave the house.

Sasuke felt his chest tightening.

All those times of taking him to that damn bar, exposing his son to shit no kid should ever see & inviting loose women to the home where his kid laid his head every night, made him regret so many things.

He was guilty for all of it and he shouldn't have never used that type of language around his son. That was irresponsible on his part.

"Yusuke, don't ever say that again."

His erection was fully gone.

"Your mother is not a slut, don't ever let me hear that coming out of your mouth again, do you understand me?" Yusuke's expression softened before he nodded. "Yes dad, I do."

They'd have to have a more in-depth conversation about the word and why it's an offensive term to some women. But for now, he told him to watch his mouth.
"I haven't seen you wearing something this sexy since 7 years ago." Ten-Ten complimented Hinata and she responded with a pout of her lips and a scrunch of her shoulders.

"Do you think this is too much? Yusuke doesn't approve." Hanabi came out of one of the stalls and began washing her hands. "Who's the parent here?" She looked at her reflection in the mirror once more.

"Maybe the heels are a little too much." Hanabi and Ten-Ten gave each other a quick look before turning their gaze back on Hinata. "This is pretty modern." Ten nodded as she agreed with her sister. "Yeah, your whole body is covered up, don't overthink it."

Hinata grabbed her sister's purse and began unzipping it. "Maybe I should call Sasuke to see how it's going." Hanabi stopped her by pulling her bag away and Hinata frantically looked in the restroom mirror again. "Yusuke's right, the dress is too much." Ten-Ten placed both hands on her shoulders. "You're wearing a long bodycon dress, the only thing that isn't covered is your arms." Hanabi chimed in, "You just need some drinks in your system, it's alright to take a break from being a mother."

She opened her mouth to ramble more nonsense but the ladies took her by the hands and guided her outside of the restroom.

Once they entered the bar area some loud pop music came through the speakers and they all had to walk through the crowd of people.

After making it to the bar Ten-Ten ordered their drinks. "3 long islands please." The bartender made their drinks smoothly and they didn't even have to pay for it. "Those 3 gentlemen down there," he pointed at them "are paying for it, enjoy ladies."

"We can't accept these, we're all taken." Hinata didn't pick up the drink causing Hanabi to roll her eyes. "It's not a crime to accept free drinks, c'mon Hina." She handed her the drink. "Live a little." She apprehensively accepted the drink before sipping it cautiously through the straw. She was so worried about her children and about her relationship status that she forgot the 1st reason why she accepted the invitation. This was the break she needed.

Hinata thought that night would be a waste but after a few more drinks, she loosened up and had fun. She danced with her sister and her best friend, she smiled the whole time, and she took really cute pics. But sometime after the guys that paid for their drinks made their way to the dance floor and danced with them.

Overall, it was innocent and each woman would move away & not get too close to them. Especially Hinata, she kept smacking the guy's hands off that were in her personal space.
Yusuke clutched his chest and groaned painfully. "Yusu, what is it?" Boruto stood from the dining table and placed a hand on his shoulder while he looked with worry. "I... I don't know... I-I just feel sick." Boruto slid his plate of food away and felt his brother's forehead with the back of his hand.

"You don't feel too hot." Yusuke slowly moved his head from left to right. "I think I'm gonna throw up." With that he stood and ran into the bathroom, then he lifted the toilet seat to barf inside of it. "Uncle Sasuke." He called out to him. "Yusu is throwing up."

Sasuke looked down at his baby doll to see her peacefully sleeping on his chest then he carefully laid her down on the side of the couch and placed the blanket over her.

He stood and walked inside the half bathroom, seeing his son hunched over throwing up. "What's wrong? Does the food taste funny?" He began patting his back softly as he continued barfing. "The food tasted alright..."

Yusuke finally eased up as he breathed heavily. "Wait a second I'm gonna go get some water." He quickly stood and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of cold water, then he went back and twisted the cap open. "Here, drink this."

The young raven drank half and sighed deeply before leaning back against the wall. "When is mom coming back?" Sasuke blew a low huff. "It's only been an hour." He shot his dad an evil look. "1 hour is too long and I don't feel right." Boruto cocked his right blond brow. "Yusu, you are too attached to mom." He shot the same look to his brother and balled his fists before slamming them down on the floor. "I am not attached! I'm just worried about her."
"Come on Hina, you're drunk it's time to go." She stubbornly sat on the barstool and whined. "I can't let my family see me like this." Hanabi gasped when her phone beeped, "Konohamaru just texted me." Ten did the same as she texted Neji back. "Hina, you can come with one of us then." She shook her head. "I-I don't wanna be a burden." Hanabi frowned, "You are not a burden." The dark violet glued herself more into the barstool as she leaned back onto the man next to her.

"I'll make sure she gets home safely." The bartender was known for having various jobs, one was cutting grass, which was Hinata's and luckily for him her sister and friend trusted him. "If you weren't only 21 I'd date you." Hanabi pinched his cheek and he chuckled at the nice compliment. "Thanks?"

Hinata sent them off with a push and then she sat back down in the barstool. "Oh, you're so kind, Benji. I-I should bake you a cake." The youthful man's cheeks turned red. "I'm only due for 2 more hours, think you can stick around?" She nodded and stood. "I-I have to pee." He grabbed her hand and guided her behind the bar to use the employee's restroom and when she was all done, he helped her sit back on the barstool. He resumed working again.
"I'll be right back, try to get some sleep." Sasuke threw on his cloak and went out the front door. While Yusuke sat on the couch, rubbing his eyes to fight his tiredness.
"You should come home with me, miss. I'll take real good care of you." The bald man next to her spoke in her ear & she began giggling. "My-I have a husband." Benji was too busy fixing drinks to keep an eye on her.

"I bet he can't take care of you the way I would." The man moved closer to her ear and he was about to score a touch until a certain someone stopped him. "Don't you think you're too close to her?" The man leaned over to see Sasuke standing tall with a dark expression.

Hinata gasped and sat up in her seat. "Who's at home with my babies?" He held his hands up. "Calm down, I left a clone with them." She leaned back on the guy behind her & furrowed her brows. "What are you doing here?" He scoffed, "I'm taking you home."

He held out his hand for her to grab and she pushed her heel on his cloak. Of course, he had to sneak a peek and she noticed that immediately. "Sashukeee." He knew that tone. "You're such a perv." She smirked and he snatched her out of the seat. "Oooh, I love it when you get rough." Hinata was giggling as he kept a firm hold on her waist. He tapped the bar counter twice. "Phone." Benji grabbed her phone and handed it to him, & then Sasuke dragged his woman out of that dirty place.


She tried her best not to stumble over her steps because he was walking too fast.

Hinata swung herself in front of him and wrapped both her arms around him.
"Will you fuck me tonight?"

He stopped all movement and looked down at her with big eyes. She bit her bottom lip and pressed her breasts into him while staring up at him with big doughy eyes.

"Pleaseeee," She begged him softly and slipped her hand through his cloak, directly to his manhood, making him silently gasp as she fondled him. Her hand massaged over his bulge but he grabbed her wrist and forced it away. "No, I will not do this." He gulped. "You're drunk." She began whining again.


They both heard a loud voice. "I don't think the lady wants to go home with you." Sasuke rolled his eyes and turned his head slightly. Oh, great. It's the asshole who sat next to Hinata at the bar. "Fuck off," He said spitefully.

"I ain't gonna tell you again." He pulled out a knife and Sasuke pushed Hinata away and made another clone to catch her before she stumbled back. "Sasukesse"

The clone pulled her away from the scene, besides he had some desires of his own.

"I always wanted to meet a Uchiha." The guy smirked before running up to him and Sasuke easily shifted around with a kick to the guy's skull, instantly knocking him out.

After giving the guy a nasty look he went to search for his clone and his woman, which was easy to find. They both were leaning up against a brick wall kissing.

Clone #2 had a hand wrapped around her throat with the other on her ass.

He couldn't stop his dick from getting harder but he could break them up & that's exactly what he did. Once he made that hand signal again the clone disappeared, and instantly the naughty memories popped into his mind.

She gasped and turned around to face him. "H-Why-I was kisshing him!"

He pulled her by the waist again and picked her up but that was a struggle because on the way home she kept pressing her lips to his neck while whispering. "Fuck me." His dick couldn't stop twitching and he drew blood from biting his bottom lip too roughly.

"Listen-" She ran her tongue down his lips and clung to him harder while trying to gain some kisses. "Stop-" She slipped her tongue inside his mouth and began licking his, then she slowly sucked it when she pulled back. His chest heaved as he breathed deeply, he wasn't sure how much longer he could contain himself with the way she kept throwing it at him.

"T-Try to be quiet..." They were approaching the porch at home and as soon as they made it to the front door, it swung open.

Hinata still held on to his neck as she turned around to see her son. She gasped and slid down, landing right on her feet. "Yusuke!" She crossed her arms and bent over to his face level. "What are you doing up?" The young boy glanced at his father.

Yusuke began playing with his index fingers as he shot his mother a worried expression. "I... just thought I'd wait for you." He bowed his head a bit when she didn't remove the stern look. "He was a little worried..." Sasuke backed him up and she stepped inside to hug him. "Awww, my baby was worried about me."

She began tickling him and he laughed heartedly. Sasuke exhaled softly before stepping inside the house and closing the door, after it was locked he sat her heels down.

Once he slipped off his boots and hung his cloak he took one last look at his wife and his son. They were in the living room giggling as she tickled him.

He did take a peek at his other 2 children to make sure they weren't being too loud and wake em up.

But soon after she laid Yusuke down on the couch next to his brother and began stroking his hair softly. As soon as she hummed that gentle tune he knew Yusuke was out for the night and with that, he went upstairs.

After his sword was hung and pants were off he sat on the edge of the bed in the guest room with the door open, just in case Hinata would need help with getting put to bed.

"Sasukeeeee?" He stood from the edge of the bed as she stumble into the room but he quickly caught her before she could even lean over. "It's time for bed."

She drunkenly pushed her hands against him making them both fall on the bed. "Hinata." Sasuke began moving backward as she crawled towards him with hunger in her eyes.
He couldn't back up anymore when his head bumped into the headboard behind him.

"Wha-What have you been doing for the past 4 years to look this good?" She put extra emphasis on her words as a red shade painted her cheeks. She collapsed on him with her breasts pressed to his mid-abdomen and her thighs right between his legs.

He placed both hands on her shoulders to get her off but of course, she did the opposite. She got up on her knees and crawled over to him and then she sat on her knees.

Sasuke's body trembled lightly as he watched her slowly lift the bottom of her dress and when she finally pulled it above her waist his dick pushed against his briefs.

It's been years since he's been in the presence of pussy but the sheer amount of having this woman in front of him only added to the urgency. Random pussy and Hinata's pussy was different. He hasn't been in any serious sexual contact with her since 6 years ago.

He couldn't believe she had the nerve to go out with nothing underneath but the way her fluids dripped down on his front coating his briefs made him forget he was supposed to be putting her to bed. The small patch of stubble she had on the front was cute to the little fat kat.

But his eyes trailed a little lower he wanted to see what her insides looked like and most importantly he wanted to feel her insides.

"Sasukeeee." A cute whine escaped her lips making his dick twitch again. "Come ride my face." She bit her bottom lip before continuing her crawl but when she got on all fours he stopped her by grabbing her hips. "The fuck am I saying?" He almost let the power of lust control his mind. "No, Hinata you're drunk."

She whined again and tried to crawl over to him but the hold on her waist didn't let her. "But I wanna cum on your face." She pouted her lips and grasped at his shirt. "You're going to bed." She blushed again at his tone. "Sasssukeee." When she felt the tip of his covered head rubbing against her exposed womanhood she hummed quietly before grinding back. "But I can feel you..." She began swaying her hips and his mouth slid open as he allowed her to bounce on him. "Put... it in." Her hands trailed down to the edges of his briefs, gripping them slightly, and pulling them down.

But he wasn't gonna let that happen. "This is assault." She stopped herself in her tracks and shot her eyes at him. "What?" He had to ignore his dick drumming against her. "I said no but you won't stop..." He took a sharp gulp. "That's sexual assault, Hinata." Her brows rose and her eyes widened as she let out a stunned gasp. "I'm so sorry." She sobered up at that moment and climbed off him. "I don't know what I was thinking... Forgive me." Some tears slipped out and that made him get out of the bed but she already ran out of the room with shame.

He walked out of the room and tried entering hers but her door was locked. "Hina." He wiggled the doorknob but she replied softly on the other side of it. "I-I'm just gonna go to bed... sorry for making you uncomfortable. G-Goodnight Sasuke." He heard her walking away from the door and when he heard the bathroom door shut inside he sighed.

The front of his forehead hit the door as he sighed again. What a stupid thing of him to do, the way she looked reminded him of her shy ways when everything began.

Now he had to go to bed with a hard dick and a guilty conscious. Or maybe he could jerk off? But that would be too uncanny, it's been years since he touched himself so he settled for an ice pack but that didn't mean the wet dreams wouldn't come... and so did he.

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