
Od Trebor90

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This is the story of a boy that isn't exactly what he thinks he is. Not a vampire, not a werewolf - these ar... Více

Coma's End
My Body
Beach Again
Dreams of Death
High School Begins
Lance Gordon
For the Team
Fall from on High
Hanging Out
Surf's Up
Lance, Again
School Dance
Disaster Hits
Dr. Richard Mos
The Secret of the Neurosynths
Jillian the Neurosynth
The Neurosynth Deal
Surprise Writing
The Blank Out
Adam and Eve
Brain Scans
Back To School
Party Again
Stressed Out
The Secret of Neurosyn
Dr. Gold
Life and Death

Pep Party

416 1 0
Od Trebor90

I was both curious and nervous about Lance's party, so when Friday arrived I went off to school not knowing what would happen. I wondered if there was a lot of whispering going on during classes or between classes as to what was expected. I was not part of that scene because I did not know anyone going to the party, except what little I knew of Lance. That was both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage was that I was not part of the relationship status system or politics so I could do whatever I wanted and ask naive questions of anyone I wanted to. The disadvantage was that I was flying blind. For all I knew there were some real weird or messed up people that I would not recognize that I might unwittingly get involved with. In any case, I was extremely shy, especially with girls, so I really did not expect much to happen. I probably would not do anything. I would not dance or drink. I would just walk around. I really just wanted to see what was going on. 

Surprisingly, the school day itself went pretty quietly, without incident. Some people were pretty excited about it being Friday, anyway, but I did notice that there was some talk and excitement of the importance of the football game on Saturday. I did not hear anyone talking out loud about Lance's party, which surprised me. It was like it did not exist and was not important. The school team was pretty good and usually won, but the rival school that we were facing was our biggest rival, even though it was scheduled near the beginning of the year. The kids were saying that If we could get past them we might have a chance at an undefeated season again. Lance's team already provided two undefeated seasons over the past two years. A lot of kids were pretty pumped up. At one point during the day I noticed some hot looking cheerleaders in their little short skirts with pom-poms bouncing down the hall and giggling. Their uniforms featured the maroon and blue colors of the school and they had maroon and blue ribbons in their hair. The colors went great with their Hawaiian beach tans. I hadn't seen our school cheerleaders before. I wondered if Amanda would ever want to be a cheerleader. I fantasized about that and thought she would look cool. 

Ever since talking with Lenny earlier in the week he was just constantly wishing me good luck at going to this party. He did it again after home room. Its almost like he thought I was heading towards my death, or he was at least teasing me that way. You never knew with Lenny. He was a bit of a prankster. 

In Spanish class Ray double checked with me that I was going to the party and I again said yes. He wanted me to be ready exactly at 7:00 so the others in the car would not have to wait for me. He even recommended that I wait out by the curb in front of my house, which I said I would do. 

The ride home on the bus gave me one last time to look at Amanda before the party. She was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a sleeveless layered top. She was not reading this time. She was just looking out the window. She was facing away so I really could not see her well. Of course she would not be going to the party as she was a good girl and everything I was told about these parties indicated that they were pretty bad. I hoped to go to the beach the weekend. Maybe I would see her there. 

When I got home my mom wanted to know about the day, as usual, and I gave her the run down about it, and told her about the enthusiasm in the school for the football game. The rest of the story I never told her. That was only for me to know. Both mom and dad were not too keen on me going to the party, but they knew about it because I had mentioned it and they eventually agreed. They urged me to just stay in the background. The wanted me to have some fun with my adolescence, but within limits. They thought it was just a small get together of a few football kids and jocks. Again, I never told them the parties would be wild. 

The wait for 7:00 to arrive was agonizing. I relived some of the tension by pushing my weights just after I got out of school. I was again at the point that doing my bench press would half lift my bench press machine off the floor. The new weights my parents gave me were losing their effectiveness. The thing that impressed me the most, though, was that I could now do 15 of the one-handed, hand-stand push ups. I had seen some olympic gymnasts do that for about five repetitions and I could now do it well beyond them. 

As far as clothes go, I still had to wear baggy clothes, but I used my best set. I wore white cargo pants with lots of pockets and a goalie jersey for a hockey team that had light blue colors. It looked pretty good as far as baggy looks go. I would much rather have worn a tank top or a white dress shirt over black jeans and shown my real self. 

As 7:00 approached my parents seemed very nervous. It was almost like they were having second thoughts about letting me go. I just could not understand why they were nervous. Its not like anyone was going to beat me up or anything, and I knew enough not to drink anything handed to me or out of a punch bowl or even to eat any cookies or candies. All these things could be spiked with drugs. Even if they were, I did not bring any valuable things with me so if someone wanted to rob me I would not lose much. Who would want to drug a fat guy anyway, unless it was just for laughs. Besides, nobody knew me. 

I stood out by the curb and eventually a blue car with its radio blasting came by and stopped in front. The windows were rolled down and people were whooping it up inside and laughing already. The rear side door flung open and Ray called out from the back seat, "Hey Cole, jump in!". 

I did just that and closed the door and immediately felt the excitement of the group in the car. Everyone was going to blow off steam from the week. The only objective was to have fun. There were three people in the front seat and three in the back. I don't think the front seat was supposed to hold three people but one guy was half sitting in the lap of the other one. They were fighting over what songs to play on the radio. I already smelled alcohol and one person held up a half empty bottle of vodka. 

"Hey, get rid of that!", another said. "You don't want the cops or anyone to see that in the car." Then he started to giggle and shove a third person. The guy on the other side of Ray in the back seat was talking about some chick's breasts and how fantastic they were. His main goal of the night was to get his hands on them. The guys were winking and smiling at me trying to get a reaction. I smiled back, but did not know any of these people. I really only knew Ray a little. At least he was more my age. Some of these other guys in the car were seniors, just like Lance, and seemed to have gone to a lot of these parties before. 

"Hey, is there going to be dancing?," I asked to make some conversation. 

"Yeah", the driver said. "We have some really great speakers and amps and one of Lance's friends is into all that electronic stuff. He also has wired up some lasers on scanners for a light show while dancing. You will like that. " 

"Of course the real action at these parties occurs in the shadows.", he continued. "That's were I do my dancing. Ha ha" 

"You gonna dance again with Julie?", another said. 

"Sure. Once she gets going there is no stopping her. She is really hot. I can't wait to get at her." 

"Okay, well it looks like we are here", the kid driving said. He rolled the car to a stop along the road in front of Lance's house. Most cars were double and triple parked as there was limited space. 

I expected a short trip because Lance only lived only about five miles from me. 

I stepped out and enjoyed breathing the fresh air. It was kinda close in that car. The sun was starting to set and I could already see flashing lights from within the house at the top of the driveway. Loud music was also booming out from the walls. There were already kids walking around with plastic red cups and some were littering the lawn. The garage was open and the front door was propped open. Behind the house there was a view of the ocean. It looked like some couples and groups were down by the water's edge. Some were on the lawn lying next to each other and others were on top of each other making out. 

It seemed some kids wasted no time in getting the action going, as we were actually a little early. The official start time was 7:30. 

As I walked up to the door of the house the music got louder and louder. The only other sounds I heard were from kids outside throwing a frisbee or some couples that were laying out on the grass and moaning and grinding into each other. When I entered the front door there were more couples grinding into each other along the walls. Some were grinding to the beat of the music. 

The house looked like it had been prepared for the party. The carpets had been rolled up and it looked like some furniture had been removed. Perhaps the furniture was shoved in the garage. There were very few breakable items on table tops. 

The music was deafening. The only way to talk to some one was to put your mouth right by their face by their ear. That made it easier to steal kisses too. There appeared to be three types of people at the party. 

The first group was there to get high and drunk. Many were already having trouble standing up and talking. They had beer funnels and beer pong games going on in different places. Some were smoking dope, but that was not as common as the drinking at least for the time being. There might have been some pills like ecstasy going on too, but that was not visible to me. It was just something I expected with all the loud electronic music. 

The second group was there to make out and have sex. This group was not drinking that much but mostly spent the time grinding into each other and exploring with their hands. The girls wore loose fitting braless tops, or removed their bras so the guys could easily get at their breasts, which they did. Some were really getting into it by sticking their hands down the inside front of each other's jeans and turning their partner's on. Some wore lose fitting pants to make that job easier too. 

The third group was really into dancing and some were really good at it. They ignored the other two groups and did their own thing. Some of the kids that had been throwing the frisbee earlier on the lawn seemed to be part of this group. 

I did not seem to belong to any group. I just stood there and observed everyone else. I began to feel uncomfortable because I was not really doing anything. A few people glanced at me and then walked by. Nobody really knew me. The girls were not interested. I was this big fat kid that nobody knew. Folks seemed to assume because I was this big fat kid I was not cool and should be ignored. 

I decided that I would get one beer and spend the night mostly dancing. I could watch people from the dance floor. I was not a good dancer, but I could keep a beat. Of course I was not of drinking age, but I didn't think anyone was,. There were at least three kegs going. It was crazy. People were going to get so plastered I wondered how they would get home. Was Lance going to hire a limo bus to get the worse ones home or have them stay the night on the floor. That would be interesting to see. 

After dancing about 20 minutes I noticed that Lance had a stack of small blankets by the hallway to the bedrooms with the school colors and motto on it. Some couples would grab a blanket and disappear down the hallway. That was all part of the fun. It looked like some of the football players were doing that, as well as others. Lance was working his magic to win football games. 

After about a half hour I began to wonder where Lance was. I had not seen him at all, yet it was his party. I just kept scanning around the crowd trying to recognize people. A few faces were familiar from school but I did not know who they were. 

The music was pounding. The bass was so strong it made you feel like your insides were dancing even if you did not move your legs. Big beat techno and electronic dance music was moving the floor. It was quite a workout. Fortunately, for those that did not exercise the music would slow now and again so you could catch your breath. Some of the guys were great dancers, but I especially liked looking at the girls. Some really knew how to move, and the movement went well with their sleek bodies, accentuating their curves and femininity. I loved that. This was all starting to get to my hyper sexuality and before long I was basically dancing with a hard on. This was my life, though. As I mentioned before, I would get these all day long, especially later in the day. 

Suddenly, I noticed Lance for the first time. He was not really dressed. He was wearing a tank top and boxer shorts and that was about it. He emerged from the hallway where couples had been going with the blankets. True to form, he was not doing drugs, drinking, or dancing. He was just screwing girls. You could see a large tent pole bulge on the front of his boxers that bounced around as he walked. He had just come out for a glass of ice water and a piece of fruit and then headed back down the hall and disappeared. 

Okay, so now I was thinking that this was basically what these parties were all about. It was just as everyone had said. There really were no surprises. The dancing was not so bad, and it was fun. I decided to spend the rest of the evening just doing that. In that way I would not have to talk to anyone, I could get a little exercise, and I could watch everything going on in the main room. 

But then my life suddenly changed forever!! 

I almost blacked out and fainted when I saw her. Amanda was here! I saw her over by the area near where the bedroom hallway started. She wore a silky white top and a silver mini skirt with a chain belt. What was a nice girl like that doing here in this decadent place!??  I suddenly felt a fear in my gut for her and a sadness. I could not take my eyes off her. What was she doing? 

It seemed like she was talking to that guy that she had gushed with in the lunch room. She was standing next to the wall with him eating some pretzels or something and they were chatting about something. I don't know where she came from because I never saw her enter the room but I suspected she must have arrived at the party recently. She really was not talking to anyone else or engaged in any way with anyone, suggesting she had never been to one of these things before. She was only looking at the guy and was not interested in or looking at the weird stuff going on in the room. 

I continued to stare. I was not really even listening to the dance music anymore and the dancers around me started to get annoyed that I was not following the beat well. They must have thought I was drunk. This kept going on for about ten minutes. 

Suddenly, I noticed Amanda was rubbing her head and was wobbly. The guy standing next to her caught her and put her in a chair and brought her some water. Amanda's head was waving from side to side. Eventually it slumped. 

Something snapped inside me. I could not take it anymore. I moved through the crowd over to where Amanda was slumped in the chair, but by the time I got there someone had carried her off down the hallway where the blankets were being distributed. 

I moved to walk down the hallway and some big guy blocked my way.

"Give me Amanda right now!," I screamed at him. The guy ignored me. Other members of the football team started to circle around me blocking my movement. 

"Give me my girlfriend right now!   I am not going to wait any more or give any more warnings!"

The guys just chuckled at me. I was this stupid fat guy who didn't know anything. One of them mentioned to get Lance. 

Again, I started moving down the hallway and they pushed me back.

"Give me my girlfriend, Amanda!!", I screamed. 

Other people at the party started to circle around wanting to observe what the commotion was all about. Suddenly Lance appeared. 

"Cole, what are you doing here? Calm down. You have a heart condition. You don't want to have a heart attack". 

"Lance, give me my girlfriend, Amanda, right now! I am warning you. I don't want to hurt anyone but I will if I must. Nobody is going to rape my girlfriend!" 

"Cole, you don't have a girlfriend. This is all fake. Nobody in the school has ever seen you with a girl. My team mates have been watching you. I don't know if you are gay or not, but I feel sorry for you. I will help you." 

Lance started talking to one of his team mates that left the area.

Lance moved closer to my face. 

"Cole, I have asked one of the guys to get Vicky for you. She is really good. She'll give you the best blow job you ever had and really get your rocks off. By the end of the night you will be totally drained. This may help you feel better." 

"NO! I'm going for my girlfriend Amanda right now and nobody is stopping me. If you try to stop me you will all suffer the consequences." 

Somebody shut off the music and more people crowded around.

"You got to be kidding, Cole," said Lance as he looked around him and basically most of the front line and defensive line of his team were now flanking him and blocking the hallway. 

They all stared at me. 

I had waited long enough. I moved towards the hall. Suddenly someone shoved me back. I returned the shove and pushed the guy into the wall causing a crack in the drywall. At that point Lance took a right hook at my face, but instead of landing on my face I caught his fist in mid air. He tried to pull it back but I would not let it go. Instead I started to squeeze it until he started to cry out. I did not care. I continued to squeeze until I felt something crack. I hit him in the face with my right hook and his head slammed to the floor with one hit. He was out cold and blood was coming from his mouth. 

The other team members then rushed towards me but I gave each of them solid punches that cracked ribs, broke legs and arms. I shoved bodies on top of bodies. Eventually they got the message and backed off. I moved down the hall and found one room locked. I pounded on it. Someone inside responded. 

"She's ready for you Lance.  I think your really gonna enjoy this one". 

This set me in a rage. I shoved against the door pushing with my feet from the opposite wall and the whole door, doorframe and some of the wall materials crashed to the floor. Inside the room was Kyle who was greatly surprised to see me. Amanda was blacked out on the end of the bed with her silver mini skirt pulled down to her feet. Her feet were on the floor but she was lying on the bed. Thank God she still had her underwear intact. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked down on her sleeping form. In a blind rage I went after Kyle. 

I grabbed him in a vice grip, lifted him over my head and body slammed him over the bed post, spearing him in the side. Lots of ribs cracked. I then smashed him in the face, caving in his cheek bone.

I carefully pulled up Amanda's mini skirt and put her sandals in my back pockets and picked her up in my arms. Tears fell from my eyes onto her white blouse and skirt. I carried her down the hallway in front of the crowd, only stopping momentarily to look at Lance lying on the floor. For a second I contemplated kicking him so hard in the balls he would never have sex again, but instead I just kicked him in the side and broke three or four more ribs with a single kick. These guys didn't know how lucky they were.  Someplace in the dark corners of my mind I knew how to strike every one of them to bring instant death and I did not do that.

I carried Amanda to the front door. 

"Where are you taking her", Ray asked. 

"I'm taking her home. Nobody is going to lay a hand on her" 

"But, that's five miles from here and you don't have a ride" 

"That's no problem. She doesn't weigh anything." is all I said and I walked out into the moon light with Amanda in my arms. 

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