Killer or Hero

By Thiccie67

20.7K 762 210

It's been two years since the live execution and murder of the Hero student Izuku Midoriya. He was captured n... More

Ch.1 Thread are torn
Ch.2 A New Killer
Ch.3 Hero Conference
Ch.4 No Choice
Ch.5 Cleanse and Control
Ch.6 Monopoly
Ch.7 Leads
Ch.8 Old Burns
Ch.9 One Hand's Hand
Ch.10 Rat Hunting
Ch.11 Hunter
Ch.13 Round 2
Ch.14 Truth
Ch.15 Old Memories
Ch.16 Eye for an Eye
Ch.17 Why?
Ch.18 What?
Ch.19 Family
Ch.20 Old Friend
Ch.21 Son of War
Ch.22 Platinum is the Color Red

Ch.12 First Hint

638 29 7
By Thiccie67

I do not own My Hero Academia or any DC properties

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator Pov*

Izuku dodged an acid ball by flipping over a table to take the hit, and Izuku returned fire to his attacker hitting them with several rounds to the chest. They quickly fell to the floor dead, with their partner yelling in fury as they released a bunch of tendrils from her fingertips. Izuku just sidestepped them and fired a single round into their head, killing them. Izuku cracked his neck seeing all the destruction, these two heroes were a little more annoying than he thought.

It had been about a week since he started his hunt, Izuku had already killed about 40 or so heroes. He was happy that only one of them was ranked pretty high. Most were upcomers or ones that stuck to the shadows. He dropped his calling card next to each body, and tomorrow once their deaths get reported he'll leak their crimes. They started to be in duos thinking it'll save them but it just made it easier to hunt them down.

Well, he had to head out anyway, tonight was what he dreamed of for awhile now, or as long as he's been with Fuyumi. Tonight he was meeting her parents.


Izuku and Fuyumi arrived at a small estate outside the city, with it having a traditional home vibe. Izuku closed his car door with a slam as he took a deep breath, he was in a winter coat while Fuyumi had on a thick fur coat he got her. Of all the things he had done whether legal or illegal, he was certain this was going to be the hardest one yet. Fuyumi smiled at him and took his hand as she led him to the front door.

Fuyumi: Okay, don't be nervous. He will try to intimidate whether it be on purpose or accident, he is trying to improve. trying.

Izuku: Ha. It's fine Fuyumi after all I need to get on his good side if I want to ask for your hand.

Fuyumi turned red and smacked Izuku's arm making him laugh as he rang the doorbell. Not long after the door opened to reveal a tall older man showing Enji Todoroki, he looked good for his age but you could tell he was getting up there in years as most of his red hair was gone now replaced with a dull grey and he hunched slightly in place. However, his glare was unchanging as he scanned over Izuku making even him slightly uncomfortable. Unexpetangtly, his face softened as he motioned for them to follow him.

They entered the home and were taken to the living room where an older woman was sitting with long white hair, he could tell it was her natural color. The parents of Fuyumi and both of them together. Not long after Izuku's initial death, Endeavour became inspired by the young lad, it was slow at first but he tried to change for his family. Fuyumi immediately accepted him but the other two well it had been years since they talked. After a lot of counseling, Rei eventually gave Enji an actual chance and they have been happily married since. This is the only reason why Izuku didn't kill Endeavour because he grew to become better.

The dinner was a little awkward at first as all first-time meets, but it quickly grew lighthearted once Fuyumi began introducing everyone. Izuku found the parents of Fuyumi nice and straight to the point, it was a nice feeling. Something he hadn't experienced in this 'life'. He still remembered when would do stuff with him, yet like stated before there was no emotion in his memories. So, to him, it was just a memory of a woman serving him food with a smile and sitting across from him, yet he felt nothing for the woman nor the memory.

Was he a bad person for it? He wasn't sure but it wasn't like it mattered since he already was a bad apple. Yet that's what he felt for all the characters from his past, just characters in a movie in his head that held no emotion, just moving pictures. Izuku buried the thoughts for the 357th time and refocused on the dinner. All he could say was that this moment would be a good memory. Something he didn't get often after his rebirth.

The drive back home was quiet, not in an awkward sense but more calming. The radio hummed through the silence as Izuku pulled to a red light, however, Fuyumi turned off the radio making Izuku turn towards her in confusion. Her face was red and her eyes wouldn't meet him as she continued to look forward with the red light illuminating her face.

Fuyumi: Were you serious when you said you wanted to marry me?

Izuku didn't look at her as he stared at the red light it illuminating the dark path ahead. Was he truly ready for this? To finally truly open up? He'll be honest he was just joking when he said it, but deep down he knows he wants that life. That he wants her by his side, but he is also scared that he will just bring tragedy to her due to his mission. He stared at the red light before smirking.

Izuku: 'Ah screw it.'

Izuku slammed on the acelateor going through the red light making Fuyumi yelp as she held on the overhead handle.

Fuyumi: Izuku?

Izuku: Of course, I want to marry you Fuyumi. I love you.

Fuyumi froze for a second as her face fully flushed but continued to look away.

Fuyumi: Why though? I'm way older than you, I'm sure you would have no problem finding someone closer to your age.

Izuku: Hm. I like them mature and well a few years never hurt anyone.

Fuyumi flushed even more.

Fuyumi: Well umm... I'm not the prettiest.

Izuku: You're right. You're gorgeous.

Fuyumi was a tomato.

Fuyumi: But umm...

Izuku: Fuyumi. There is nothing that can change my mind.

There was a silence that filled the car before something spoke out that almost made Izuku swerve off the road.

Fuyumi: You know. I don't think Zumi will mind if she gets to spend the night with Shomi. I'm sure my brother and sister-in-law can handle them.

Izuku immediately turned a different way to his apartment instead. Who was he to deny his lovely girlfriend? I mean surely Zumi would understand her dad also had needs.


*1 week later*

Izuku sat in an abandoned apartment room adjusting his scope onto the target which was a safety commission hero. The scope was aligned on the target's chest, but Izuku had a weird feeling someone was watching him. He pulled back the cock and felt a shift in the wind behind him. He immediately whirled around while pulling out his handgun but nothing was there. He stood up and looked around the room with narrowed eyes.

He was about to put away his gun until something grabbed him by the wrist and whacked him across the face, in his momentary confusion he was thrown through the door out into the hallway. Izuku stunned by the surprise attack took a moment to get up, allowing the hero to call for backup and dissemble the gun into pieces.

Tooru: Hood in Apartment building C, 5th floor!

Tooru then muttered an ow as she flexed her knuckles.

Izuku: 'Shit, an ambush.'

Izuku stood up pulling out his backup handgun while activating a thermal in his helmet, he was about to fire at the now visible Tooru. However, Tooru immediately used her blinding attack making Izuku grunt in pain from the thermal going haywire, Tooru dodged to the side as Izuku fired wildly until a large tail wrapped around Izuku's wrist flipped him around, and tossed him down the hall. Izuku staggered back up allowing Ojiro to dropkick Izuku out of the building through the wall and another wall into a different building. Izuku groaned as he struggled to get up, he had lost his second pair in the throw, so he was down to his backups.

Izuku popped his shoulder back into place as he began to walk down the hallway for a better position. Ojiro landed at the end of the hallway through the hole in the wall, he didn't see Tooru but he knew she was there. He activated the enhanced hearing feature in the helmet as he fell into a fighting stance, they didn't need to know about his backup guns. Let them think he's unarmed.

However, Ojiro didn't rush forward instead he crouched down and covered his ear confusing Izuku. Until, a loud screech through the hallway making Izuku yell in pain as his ears began to bleed. The screeching stopped stunning Izuku enough for Ojiro to rush in and hit him with a nasty combo that indented him into the wall.

Jiro: That was for Aoyama.

Izuku: Really? All this for that traitor, oh. Wait. I knew I had forgotten something, forgot to post the evidence for him.

Momo: What are you talking about?

Izuku looked up and saw Momo walking up the stairs with a scowl before stopping in front of him, he was sitting against the wall with Ojiro and Tooru standing in front of him while Jiro still maintained her distance. Shouldn't be too hard to win this one.

Izuku: Aoyama was the UA traitor, he sold you out to the LOV for the USJ and the Forest incident, all to save his ass. He was also the reason Izuku Midoriya was captured and eventually murdered. How do you think the LOV knew exactly when he'd be alone or that he'd be off his guard? He was the reason Izuku died that day.

Momo: You're lying.

Izuku laughed at that as he could see the denial in all their faces but he could see the gears begin to turn in their heads.

Izuku: Ha. Well, it's not like it matters if you believe me or not. I'll post the evidence once I'm done here.

Momo: You won't be leaving here.

Izuku: Oh? You gonna kill me?

Momo: No, but you will taught a lesson for what you've done and for sullying our friend's memory.

Momo created a metal bat and was about to swing down until Izuku sprung up dodging the swing and clocking her right in the jaw. Momo was stunned but blocked the second unch with the bat, but still knocked her back. 

Momo: Formation W!

Ojiro and Tooru went to attack him but Izuku dropped a smoke bomb that filled the hallway. Stunned by it the heroes stood in confusion, allowing Izuku to dash towards the unsuspecting Jiro. He appeared in front of her in seconds making her growl as she sent her jacks to attack him but he just avoided them and clapped her ears stunning her. In her stunned stand, Izuku grabbed her jacks and forcibly stabbed them into the nearby wall, he then raised his fist making the gauntlet gun activate, and punched the wall. That hurt her but the next action made it worse as the gauntlet fired into the wall making Jiro scream as her ears bled. Izuku socked her in the face knocking her out.

Ojiro came up behind and swung his tail down to hit Izuku but Izuku sidestepped and grabbed Ojiro by the neck with both his hands. He then slammed Ojiro through a wall, and while he was downed stunned Izuku curbstomped his face knocking him out. Tooru tried to sneak up on him but Izuku tossed a cannister in her direction that exploded into white paste revealing her form, allowing Izuku to hook her in the face knocking her out. Then it was just Izuku and Momo left.

Izuku: Well that was disappointing but what can I expect from a bunch of c-listers and that just leaves the wife of a top tier. Don't disappoint.

Momo growled as she formed a bo staff and charged at Izuku who fell into a stance. Izuku dodged the first few swings with ease already seeing Momo begin to panic which meant she still had those deep thoughts in the back of her mind. Honestly, he was expecting more from her but he couldn't waste any more time. Izuku punched forward making Momo put the staff up to block, but Izuku shattered it with ease landing a solid punch to her face and knocking her to the ground. Izuku stood over her and just looked at her fear-stricken face.

Izuku: Still smart as ever Yaomomo. Yet you still have that nasty habit of panicking when your plan falls apart. Tell Scarface I said Hi.

Izuku dropped a smoke bomb and escaped into the day, maybe he'll try again another day. Momo lay there defeated and all she could think about was if it were true about Aoyama. Did he betray all of them? Betrayed Izuku?

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.13 Round 2

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