How Could You? (Souyo)

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Kanji was just a decoy; Yu knew that. He also knew he had no chance with Yosuke. Even then, he couldn't let g... Daha Fazla

It's Not Love
Purely Platonic
On The Case
The Same
False Hope
Love & Affection
Each Other's Company
This World
For The Team
Catch Me If You Can
Out of The Loop
It Was Nice While It Lasted
A Call
Bon Appétit
Big City
We're Friends, Aren't We?
Stepping Stone
Funny Feeling
Won't Go
Peace of Mind
Nowhere Else
Best Friend & Girlfriend
Hold You
Someone Else
Old Friend
Light Being Shed
Lonely Together
Can't Keep Checking My Phone
Welcome Home
Another Guy
Real Man
Wannabe Detectives
Where Are You Now?


52 2 0
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Yosuke's POV:

It's been a good few days of talking to her.


Yuna, Yuna, Yuna...

I haven't been able to go a minute without frantically checking for her texts.

I wonder if she does the same.

I scroll through our messages, rereading every conversation we've had, laughing at it — laughing at us.

I could do this forever. I could talk to her forever without getting bored — without needing anyone else. 'Cause she's like that. She makes me forget everything. She makes me feel special.

I smile, still scrolling though the messages.

I have asked her to voice call once or twice, but she declined. Always had something to do, even when she'd never mention it beforehand.

I suppose she's embarrassed? Or scared, or insecure? Those are the only logical reasons I can come up with.

I've told her time and time again that it's okay, and that I have nothing to judge her for, but still — a blunt no.

I'd never dream of pushing her into it, but it does make me a bit upset.

I want to know everything about her. I want to see her; to hear her; to feel her.

Then she'd see she has nothing to fear. Not when I'm around.

And, yeah, okay, I've asked her to meet up a few times. But she lives in Tokyo, which is kind of the main issue.

I offered to pay for her ticket, or to visit her, but she insisted it wasn't a big deal.

Again, that made me feel like shit.

Don't get me wrong; we're fine doing what we're doing; we're fine texting each other throughout the day. The issue is that I want to see her. I want to show her off — I want to treasure her.

But I can hardly do that over some app.

Baby steps, I know... But I'll be here when she needs me.

I'm shaken out of my daydream when Teddie starts rustling something in the closet.

"Teddie," I call out.

"Yes?" He peers his head through the door.

"What are you doing?" I scoff.

"Nothing..." He murmurs.


"Seriously, it's nothing!" He says. "Just go back to sleep, Yosuke!"

I sit up in my bed. "Dude, just tell me."

"Nuh-uh." He shakes his head. "Can't do that."

"And why not?"

"Because I'm not allowed to."

"Says who?"

"Says Sensei." He quickly covers his mouth, regretting his words.

"Yu?" I splutter.

Huh...? What does he want with Teddie?

"I've said too much." He slides the door shut again, but I jump up to hold it open.

He's got a pair of swimming shorts laid out with a set of goggles, inflatable armbands, and a towel overflowing out of the bag beside it.

"Teddie," I warn.

He shakes his head. "I-it's not what it looks like!"

It's nearing the end of August. This is exactly what it looks like.

"Yu's taking you to the beach?" I sigh.

"And the others..."

I swallow hard. "Everyone's going?"


"Just tell me."


Where the hell was my invite? I'm part of the group, too.

"Chie-chan said not to invite you," he says quietly. "A-and Kanji said you'd only ruin it anyway. Then Yuki-chan said—"

Wow... I'm really not wanted, am I?

I turn back to my room.


"It's fine, Teddie," I breathe. "Go have fun."

"...You mean it?"

"Yeah," I nod, closing my eyes. "I wouldn't wanna ruin your day."

He doesn't respond, but I can here the rustling of his bag once more.

I flop back onto my bed.

JunezPrince2000: u awake??

Yuna18: Yes, what's up?

JunezPrince2000: jus found out
im worth absolutely nothin lmao

Yuna18: What are you talking

JunezPrince2000: all my frnds
r goin 2 the beach 2day

JunezPrince2000: they didnt
inv me

JunezPrince2000: belive it or

Yuna18: I'm sure they have their

JunezPrince2000: ye

JunezPrince2000: prolly cause i
was bein a dick last time

JunezPrince2000: woulda thought
yu wuld be on my side tbh

Yuna18: Talk to him.

JunezPrince2000: yh right

JunezPrince2000: i unblocked
his number b4

JunezPrince2000: he hasnt even
msged me

Yuna18: Maybe he didn't have

Yuna18: I doubt you're a thorn
in his side.

Yuna18: After all, you made up,
didn't you?

I swallow hard.

JunezPrince2000: ye ur rite

Yuna18: I think you should
go regardless.

JunezPrince2000: to the beach???

Yuna18: Yeah.

JunezPrince2000: ik when im not
wanted lmao

Yuna18: I'm sure Yu will want
you there.

Yuna18: He forgave you, after

JunezPrince2000: yeye

I rub my forehead. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Yuna18: Plus, you'll enjoy
yourself, right?

JunezPrince2000: fs

JunezPrince2000: i love
the beach

JunezPrince2000: andddd

JunezPrince2000: ill b able
2 send u pics of me;)

Yuna18: You don't have to.

I laugh a little at her modesty.

Yuna18: You shouldn't think
about me all that much

Yuna18: Focus on your friends,

JunezPrince2000: how can i
not think abt u?;)

I can imagine her right now, blushing. It makes me smile.

JunezPrince2000: but i hear ya

JunezPrince2000: im gnna go
make em feel hella guilty

JunezPrince2000: thanks yuna<3

Yuna18: Have fun, Yosuke.


Yu's POV:

"Who are you talkin' to?" Kanji asks, peering over my shoulder.

"No one." I quickly hide my cell.


"It's nothing, Kanji. Honest."

He shakes his head like he's disappointed in me, or something.

"Teddie says he's running late," Yukiko frowns.

"I bet Yosuke's got a hold of him," Chie sighs.

"Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing?" Rise smiles.

"The hell d'you mean by that?" Kanji snaps.

"He's the one who kicked us out," Chie scoffs. "Remember that, Rise-chan?"

"Sure, but he didn't kick Senpai out." She smiles at me hopefully.

"She's right—" I try.

"He did soon enough after," Kanji says.

"Kanji," I warn.

"What do you mean?" Yukiko asks.

"...We just had a little disagreement, is all," I shrug.

"...Are you okay?" Chie says slowly.

"Yeah... Of course," I nod.


"It's in the past," I say. "I'm ready to move on."

"Yeah, well, the rest of us aren't," Kanji murmurs.

"Kanji—" I try.

"Is that them?" Rise asks, pointing behind us.

We look to see Yosuke on his scooter, closely followed by Teddie on an old bike.

Shit... He really did come.

Who am I kidding? Of course he did. He'd do anything for Yuna.

I try to avoid his gaze as he dismouts his scooter.

"Hey, guys," he says with a short nod.

"...What do you want?" Chie frowns.

"Guys, come on," he scoffs. "We're friends."

"No, we ain't," Kanji mutters.

"...Me and Yu are. Right, man?" He turns to me.

I blink, checking if he's being serious or not.

"You seriously expect him to be your friend?" Kanji snaps.

"I didn't ask for your input," he sneers.

"U-uh, guys?" Yukiko murmurs. "Let's just go swimming, okay...?"

"She's right!" Teddie agrees. "Let's go, Yuki-chan!"

He takes her hand and heads down to the sea where they both undress, revealing their swimming costumes beneath their clothes.

"Uh... Wait for me!" Rise quickly chases after them, not wanting to be involved in whatever the hell kind of conversation will occur next.

"Who invited you?" Chie folds her arms.

"Well, I was originally waiting for one of you guys to," he smirks. "I thought it might have slipped your mind."

"Oh, trust me: it didn't," Kanji laughs.

"I'm glad you're here," I whisper.

"...Senpai—" Kanji splutters.

"...Thanks, Yu," he breathes. "That means a lot."

"Well, I think you've just ruined the mood," Chie frowns.

"I haven't done anything."

"The last time we spoke, you kicked us out of your house."

"That was because—"

"And we didn't have any contact since," she scoffs. "It was clear you weren't sorry."

"Dude, I..." He groans. "I've had a lot going on."

"Like what?" Kanji says.

"...Like..." He looks away. "A girl."

I swallow hard.

"...A girl?" Chie asks.

"Yeah," he nods.

"On... On that 'Cupid' app, right?"

"Yes, Chie..." He mutters.

"You... actually have a girlfriend?"

"I do."

She's his girlfriend? I'm his girlfriend??

"Sounds like bull to me," Kanji shrugs.

"Shut up," he snaps. "She's hot. And funny, and smart—"

"And imaginary," Chie chuckles.

"She's real," he scoffs.

"Don't try to lie your way out of an apology," Kanji says.

"You wanna see the messages?" He threatens.

"No, no, we believe you," I say, a little too quickly.

I really don't need that second-hand embarrassment on my plate right now.

"...So, when can we meet her?" Chie says.

"...Soon," he says.

"Soon?" I splutter.

"Y-yeah," he nods. "Very soon. In fact, she's coming to Inaba for Christmas."

"What?" I cough.

"Uh-huh," he shrugs. "I have her, and she's amazing. And I love her."

"You don't love her," I murmur.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"Yosuke, you—"

"She's a better friend than any of you."

I bite my tongue.

"Oh, is that so?" Kanji scoffs. "In that case, go talk to her, instead. Don't bother yourself with losers like us."

"Ha... I will," he smirks. He picks up his bag, swinging it around his shoulder.

"Yosuke—" I try.

But he just stumbles himself over to a nearby rock, sitting himself down, pulling off his shirt and grabbing out his phone.

"You guys go ahead," I say, gesturing to the water.

"You not coming in?" Chie frowns.

"Of course I will," I nod. "Just... gonna enjoy the sun for a bit."

"Suit yourself," Kanji shrugs, heading down to the sea with Chie at his heel.

I let out a deep breath, sitting down beneath the umbrella, pulling out my own cell.


Yosuke's POV:

I quickly snap a picture of my body, sending it to her a little too eagerly.

She's already online; like she's been waiting.

Yuna18: Cute.

JunezPrince2000: fr?

Yuna18: Yes, of course.

JunezPrince2000: u dont think
im 2 flat?

Yuna18: Does that matter?

My nostrils flare.

JunezPrince2000: of course
it mttrs

Yuna18: You look really

And, all of a sudden, my cockiness has been washed away. I feel like I'm just burdening her. I feel like I'm nothing special; that I'm not worth the hassle.

Why do I always feel like this?

Yuna18: Where are your

JunezPrince2000: in the sea

Yuna18: You're not joining

JunezPrince2000: do u want
me 2?

Yuna18: I think it'd be
best for you.

I squeeze my cell in my hand.

This is the polite way of telling someone to 'fuck off', isn't it?

I look up and around. Yu's not in the water, yet. He's sat by himself, doing something on his cell.

Why does he seem so lonely? At least he's actually wanted.

Maybe coming here was a mistake.

Yuna18: Or we could keep

Geez, it's like she can read my mind sometimes.

Yuna18: I'm not really a
big fan of water, myself.

JunezPrince2000: lol i feel u

JunezPrince2000: i wish u
were here

Yuna18: Me, too, Yosuke.

Yuna18: Can I ask you

JunezPrince2000: anything

Yuna18: How do you feel
about me?

Yuna18: Honestly?

My throat clenches.

I did sorta tell the others I loved her... And... I kinda, sorta, maybe do.

Would that scare her off?

I know this is a dating app; we're meant to catch feelings.

We flirt here and there, but, besides that, it feels platonic. At least, I'm sure it does for her.

It's frustrating not being able to see her. Not being able to hear her, to touch her, to be with her.

That's all I need.

I need to show her off to the others. I need to show her off to Yu.

I want him to know that I'm not a complete asshole. I want him to know that I can be loved. I can, can't I?


Yu's POV:

No reply, huh?

I look up to see him. His leg is bouncing against the rocks as he picks the skin from his lip.

Funny. He seemed so confident before.

"Sensei!!" Teddie calls.

I snap my attention back to the water.

"It's sooo cool!" Rise chuckles, splashing Yukiko with the water. "It's so much cooler than it is there, no doubt, Senpai!"

I tug a little at my shirt. It is quite a warm day, I'll admit.

"Yeah, Yu!" Kanji yells. "Come over here, man! Come join us, Senpai!"

I look over to Yosuke. He's watching them, too. Watching them call out my name; completely isolating him.

"C'mon, Yu-kun!" Chie laughs. "We need you to referee our race!"

"Wha—? Race!?" Kanji splutters.

"Ooh! Yeah," Yukiko giggles. "I want to race, too!"

"Then it's settled!" Rise grins.

"The winner has to smooch Teddie!" He clasps his hands together.

"The loser, y'mean," Kanji snorts.

"How rude!"

"So, what do you say, Senpai?" Rise asks.

"...One sec," I nod.

I slide on my sandals, making my way over to Yosuke.

"Hey," I say.

"Hm? What? Yeah?" He quickly stands up, startled.

"...Sorry," I chuckle a little.

"N-nah, no worries." He rubs the back of his neck. "Y-you want something?"

"I was... wondering if you wanted to come in with us?" I jerk a finger back to the sea.

He waits for a minute, looking somewhat guilty. "Nah."

"...Oh," I breathe.

"Sorry, man," he shrugs. "Girls, huh? They can be so needy sometimes..." He taps his phone.

"...She needs you?" I mutter.

"Uh-huh," he smiles. "Can't let her down. You'll understand when you find someone of your own." He puts a hand on my shoulder.

Is... that meant to be condescending?

"I'm sure she can wait," I say.

"No, aha," he grins. "Not her. Thanks, though..."

"What's her name?"

"What?" He coughs.

"Your... girlfriend."

"Wh-why does that matter?"

"Just curious."

He bites his lip. "Yuna."


"...That a problem?" He frowns.

"No, not at all," I sigh, looking away.

"You should... really get going," he murmurs. "Sounds like the fun can't start until you're there."

I turn back to the others, still wading around in the water.

"If... you ever change your mind," I say. "You're always welcome to join us, Yosuke."

He blinks, like that wasn't what he was expecting me to say.

"Th-thanks, dude."

He seems a little flustered from the offer, but I don't want to embarrass him about it.


Yosuke's POV:

What am I supposed to say?

These feelings for her... they're more than I've ever felt before.

...What if she doesn't feel the same?

What if she's just trying to let me down gently? What if I've got the completely wrong idea?

I frown at my cell now. She's waiting for a response, but... what the hell do I say?

JunezPrince2000: i like u a lot

No... Delete.

JunezPrince2000: i think im
in love with you


JunezPrince2000: u mean the
world 2 me

...Not bad?

I sigh, looking up.

Yu's smiling. What the hell is he smiling for?

Has he forgotten his plan to leave not so long ago? Has he forgotten how that made me feel?

I shake my head. Unbelievable.

Even his build is... un-fucking-believable.

I gotta stop staring at him, but it's so damn hard.

I guess I'm glad Yuna isn't here to gawk at him. Though he'd never understand her the way I do.

And I swear, I have been going to the gym lately. A lot, actually. Mainly as a distraction from... well, freaking everything. But also because it makes me feel worthy of a girl like her.

Maybe I just need to push myself harder.

I turn back to my cell, finally sending that message.

After it's sent, I shove it in my jacket pocket on the ground, heading for the sea.


Yu's POV:

"Are we having a race, or what?" Yosuke scoffs. He runs his hands through his hair with a small grin spreading across his face.

"Fine," Chie shrugs. "Loser has to buy the rest of us a big, fat, juicy steak! Each!"

"Y-you're on," he splutters.

"He does know he's gonna lose, right?" Rise giggles.

"Leave 'em be, Rise-chan... Leave 'em be..." Teddie tuts.

"I'll be the judge," Yukiko smiles.

"Judge?" Kanji frowns. "You mean the referee?"

She ignores him. "Three... Two... One... Go!"

And they're already gone.

I'm not entirely sure how far they're supposed to be going, but they're quite far now, anyway.

"Well, that'll give us a bit of peace and quiet," Rise sighs.

"Uh... Senpai?" Kanji mutters.

"What's up?" I turn around to him.

His voice becomes a whisper. "D-do you think I was bein' too forward before?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Askin' Naoto to the beach," he mumbles.

"I don't think so."

"H-he does look pretty frail," he murmurs. "Maybe he's insecure."

"I'm sure it's not a big deal," I say.

"I- I just don't want things to be awkward between us," he sighs. "I- I mean, we might even be in the same classes soon..."

"You're right," I nod. "Just... try not to overthink it."

"And, uhm... You probably want to keep your distance, huh?"

"What?" I frown.

"...Since Yosuke-senpai's around."


"It's whatever, man," he shrugs.

"...You mean that?"

"I tried to warn you to stop carin' about what he thinks, but... I know my efforts don't mean shit."

"That's not true."

"I still think it's a bad idea to let him control you like this," he sighs. "But it's down to you, Yu."

"I appreciate that."

"...Can I ask you something?"


"...Do you miss it?" He whispers. "I- I mean... Sneakin' around with me? Comin' over...?"

I shrug, laughing a little. "Sometimes. But you have Naoto, and..."

"You don't have Senpai."

I sigh. "Maybe not. So... There's not much point anymore, is there?"

"Suppose not."

He seems sad about it, for some reason.

Maybe because we felt like the only people who could truly understand each other. Letting that go is bound to hurt.

"If you want," he begins. "We can try and find you someone new."

"It's okay," I smile.


"Seriously," I nod. "I appreciate it, but... I'm happy where I am right now."

That's a lie.

I hate deceiving Yosuke, and I have to cut it out.

It was a mistake. I regret it; it's not right.

But if he loves her... He loves me. He loves me?

No... That's hardly fair.

I'm messing with his feelings. It's not right. It's not what a so-called 'best friend' would do.

If we are best friends, still?

I suppose he wants to forget about that incident at his house.

And I'm honestly fine with that. He seems... happy, now.

Maybe that's because of Yuna, though.

I hold my breath.

"One minute and twenty-seven seconds!" Yukiko laughs.

"Ha!" Chie pants. "I beat you!"

"D-dude," Yosuke coughs. "Y-you can't just kick water in my face like that..."

"You snooze, you lose, Yosuke," Teddie grins.

"...Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah," he shrugs, stretching his arm.

"...Can we talk?" I say quietly.


"I'm sorry."

"I know you are."

"I never meant to break the bond we have," I sigh. "It means so much to me."

"...You... mean a lot to me, too," he whispers.

"So, how about this girlfriend, Senpai?" Rise asks. "What's she like?"

I inhale sharply.

"Yeah, tell us everything," Yukiko nods.

I backtrack my way out of the water purely to avoid the topic of conversation.

She's not real... Dammit.


thanks for reading:)

word count: 3242

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