+ ((( Rainbow in the Dark )))...

By Disneydasher2009

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A Rainbow Friends AU. Orange feels like an outcast. He's the only one that remembers that one fateful day whe... More

Before We Begin...
Setting the Scene
Meet Orange!
Meet Yellow!
Meet Green!
Meet Cyan!
Meet Blue!
Meet Purple!
Meet Red!
It Begins... (Part 1/2)
It Begins... (Part 2/2)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 1/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 2/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 4/5)
Forget Your Regrets (Part 5/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 1/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 2/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 3/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 4/5)
Schemes and Screams (Part 5/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 1/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 2/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 3/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 4/5)
Embrace the Chase (Part 5/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 1/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 2/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 3/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 4/5)
Forever Could be Better (Part 5/5)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 1/3)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 2/3)
Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 3/3)
To Hide A Divide (Part 1/4)
To Hide a Divide (Part 2/4)
To Hide A Divide (Part 3/4)
To Hide a Divide (Part 4/4)
These Memories (Part 1/4)
These Memories (Part 2/4)
These Memories (Part 3/4)
These Memories (Part 4/4)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 1/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 2/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 3/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 4/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 5/6)
The Night Looks Brighter (Part 6/6)
What's In A Friend? (Part 1/3)
What's In A Friend? (Part 2/3)
What's In A Friend? (Part 3/3)
An Odd Bond (Part 1/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 2/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 3/4)
An Odd Bond (Part 4/4)
Speak The Truth (Part 1/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 2/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 3/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 4/5)
Speak the Truth (Part 5/5)
Hear the Truth (Part 1/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 2/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 3/4)
Hear the Truth (Part 4/4)
Ponder the Truth (Part 1/5)
Ponder The Truth (Part 2/5)

Forget Your Regrets (Part 3/5)

105 3 19
By Disneydasher2009




It may not erase the troubles we face,

But freedom provides solace, a moment's grace.

A respite from chaos, a breath of fresh air,

A reminder the life is not always unfair.


Yellow growled in frustration as Green waved his arm a little bit too far in his own direction again, knocking down his card tower. 

He wanted to be mad at the green monster, but he found that he couldn't for more than a couple seconds because the poor thing was blind and only trying to have fun with him and Cyan.

Green, at hearing Yellow's growl, jumped back and curled his arms inward to avoid hitting anything else. "I'm sorry!" He squeaked, his little googly eyes glistening.

Yellow quickly silenced his frustration, "No no no! It's not a problem, really." Yellow said, waving his arms as if to cover up his mistake. 

Green didn't look convinced at that statement, he still looked guilty.

Luckily Cyan was there to help diffuse the situation that was akin to someone trying to stop a toddler before they burst into tears. She stepped forwards and stood beside Green, seeming very confident and nonchalant.

"I, for one, am actually very glad you did that Green. Finally we can go do something that doesn't involve sitting here, listening to Yellow's anxious breathing for hours on end." She said, which caused Yellow to glare at her, but Green looked like he felt better after that comment, which was what she had been hoping for.

Yellow huffed in annoyance, but didn't say anything about it. 

"What did you have in mind?" Yellow asked Cyan.

Cyan straightened up at that. "I thought you'd never ask." She said, then began walking off. Yellow grabbed Green by the arm and led him as he followed her. Green giggled as he let Yellow drag him along.

Cyan led Yellow and Green outside, into the space behind the playplace. 

They were all allowed out there, but they knew not to go too far, or else someone would find them while they were out here. They did have some open space and an entire part of the woods to themselves. It was a secluded place, no one could hear or see them.

Cyan ran forwards into the sunlight as Yellow closed the door behind Green. Green gasped as he smelled all the different smells and felt the sun on his fur.

"We're outside!" Green said excitedly. 

Cyan hummed in affirmation. 

"Out here, we can run around with no worries!" She said, turning around to face Yellow. "Or fly." She added, noticing how he instantly softened up at that added comment.

Yellow took that opportunity and turned on his propeller pack, lifting off into the sky. Green and Cyan, well, Green pretended to watch, as Yellow zoomed around in the sky with his propeller.

Yellow was happiest up in the sky, he felt the best when he was up high, the wind blowing around him. 

He spent some time up there, just enjoying the view and the freedom. He was having a great time, feeling relieved after being inside the play place for so long.

He was still enjoying the sky when he heard a small commotion back down on the ground. He glanced down to make sure that everyone was still okay. 

They were, Green was still standing there, a little confused but not unhappy, and Cyan was looking at something.

Yellow stopped zooming around and hovered as he watched her. He didn't call out to Cyan yet though, it probably wasn't a big deal.

Cyan walked into the trees, where Yellow couldn't see her, and he felt a rush of slight panic at the thought of danger that could be lurking there. 

He then mentally berated himself for thinking that. If anyone could take care of themselves, then it was Cyan.

A couple moments passed, and she hadn't turned up yet, so Yellow began lowering himself to the ground. 

As he landed, he saw that Cyan wasn't too far into the trees, but was still looking at something very closely.

Yellow glanced at Green, but he seemed clueless about the matter, so Yellow followed Cyan into the trees and began walking towards her location.

As he reached her, he saw that she was peering closely at a log. Well, not the log itself, but rather what was on the log. Yellow peeked over her and saw what she was looking at.

It was an insect, of some sort. Yellow assumed that it was a type of beetle, but he had never seen many insects, so he wasn't positive. It had a bright red shell, with some spots on it. It had a black head and Yellow had to admit that it was very cute.

Yellow smiled upon seeing this unique bug. Then he noticed that Cyan was still peering at it. She wasn't saying anything, simply staring at it. Yellow presumed that she was watching it, waiting for it to move, and would then pounce on it and eat it.

But she never did. The insect unfurled its wings and shifted around, but Cyan still looked at it, watching in awe. Yellow was slightly concerned at that, and finally spoke up, interrupting the silence that had settled.

"Um...Cyan?" Yellow said, and Cyan jumped, even though it had been rather soft, as was often true of Yellow's voice. She turned to look at him, then back at the interesting bug.

"What do you think it is?" Cyan asked him, her bandaged tail swishing back and forth across the grass and leaves. Yellow looked once again at the bug.

Yellow shrugged in response to Cyan's question, to which she made a humming sound, thinking to herself. Yellow tilted his head slightly, wondering what could possibly be so special about one little bug.

Cyan moved her head closer to the bug, sniffing it. 

Suddenly, the little beetle crawled onto her face. Cyan giggled as it did so. Yellow chuckled as well, it was cute, he had to admit...but he still didn't understand this connection.

The little bug seemed to be perfectly fine with the two monsters, so the two simply looked at its beautiful patterns for a couple moments longer. 

Then Yellow rose up, intending to leave so that he could go fly again.

As he turned to walk away, he realized that Cyan wasn't following him. She seemed really mesmerized by the little insect. 

Yellow rolled his eyes, she was probably just getting attached to it. Yellow didn't mind though, she had done this before, it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Come on back Cyan, you can take it with you." Yellow said, looking back at her. Cyan stood up and turned around to follow him, with the little insect on her face still.

"Okay." She said, following Yellow back through the few trees and back into the clearing, where Green was still waiting patiently. 

As he heard their footsteps, he walked over to them, meeting them halfway there and asked them if something was wrong.

Yellow was quick to reassure him that nothing was wrong. "Cyan found a really cool insect. I let her keep it for a little bit." Yellow explained, to which Cyan objected.

"You didn't 'let' me keep it. I chose to do so myself." Cyan said with a smile, playfully whacking him with her tail. Yellow snickered and shoved her tail away. Cyan looked at the bug again on her face.

"I wish you could see it Green. It's so pretty!" Cyan said, and with that sentence, Green's googly eyes went downwards. Yellow knew that it made him sad to think of the things that he would never see.

Yellow wanted to comfort him, but this time, he looked genuinely and more deeply upset, like this had been something which had been truly nagging at him deep inside for a while. 

Yellow felt bad for bringing it up earlier with him, before they had come outside.

Cyan also looked guilty after she said that. She swung her tail around to rest it on Green's hand, which had fallen to the ground. 

Green 'looked' up to her at that, smiling softly. Yellow could've sworn they had some sort of secret connection that he didn't know about.

Maybe they did. Well, whatever it was, Yellow felt that it wasn't his place to find out. He simply smiled at that and leaned back a little, peering up at the sky.

Clouds were starting to move over the play place. Yellow wasn't sure, but he thought could smell rain on the way, so he decided it would be best to move inside for the time being.

"Rain might be falling soon. We should go back inside." Yellow told them, to which both nodded. 

With the mood still somewhat light, they walked back inside the play place and Yellow shut the door behind Green, who followed right behind Cyan.

Yellow decided that he would lead Green back to Blue's castle, helping him out so that he wouldn't bump into anything. 

Cyan was grateful for the small deed, and smiled happily as he offered to do so, still feeling bad about growling at Green for knocking down his stuff.

Green did seem to forgive him though, and definitely looked like he had completely forgotten about it. That made Yellow wonder though, was he actually more sensitive about his disability than he let on?

Yellow decided that he wouldn't mention the blindness anymore to Green. He didn't want to cause his friend any discomfort.

After some walking, Yellow finally led Green through the final doorway and into the room with Blue's castle.

"You good from here?" Yellow asked Green politely, to which Green responded happily and with his usual higher pitched but soft voice.

"Yep! I'll just go up the ramp from here..." He said, using his long arms to feel around obstacles. Yellow felt a stab of pity for him again.

He shook himself out of his thoughts as Green found the ramp and started walking up it. 

Yellow disappeared around the doorway again, not wanting to be rude by watching him at all. He left to go find Cyan again with a sigh.

He went back to the Hemlock Woods ride. He had a feeling Cyan would be there. Just as he predicted, she was. She was letting the little interesting insect crawl on the tree in the corner. She seemed very calm and sincere when she was alone with it.

Yellow knew about this gentle side of her, even though the others didn't. It was honestly very sweet, but Yellow knew that Cyan would kill him if he ever said anything about it.

Yellow decided to not interfere with this one, and turned back around the corner to go to his room and take a nap. 

He walked back down the hallway, glad that things were going smoothly from there.

He continued walking down the hallway and entered his room. He flopped down into his nest like bed with a happy sigh, closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep. 


Once again, I hope you have a great day, and thank you so much for reading my little weird story!

Next Chapter: Forget Your Regrets (Part 4/5)

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