If only...

By karadan_

96.9K 3.2K 564

"If I just had one wish ... i will wish I had a time machine, to Get rid of some of these memories. I would... More

01.no different
02.The acquaintance party
06.She is a nice person
08.I think I love her.
12.a party
13. Drunk
15. I want you
17. She cares
19.in her bed again
21.everything is clear now
22.my childhood
23. She was special.
24.She's gone
25. Visit
27. she deserves better.
28. leave her alone
29.i can't leave her alone
31. you need help
32. i love you.
33. vulnerable
34. just sex
35. heaven 🔞
36. goodbye
37.who are you ?!
38. I'm losing her.
39. grateful

26- she love her !

1.4K 66 15
By karadan_


It's been five years... I remember well the last time I saw her....the last argument we had. I remember well how her face would brighten and blush when she saw me...her soft voice and her looks that made you believe that tomorrow would be better, she was like sunshine ...but the girl I saw that day in Selena's office was a different person...She was so beautiful that I had difficulty keeping my breathing steady... short black hair that reached her shoulders. Her facial features were more prominent and beautiful. She was no longer the tiny girl.... She was almost as tall as me, but .... but she was different.... Literally different as if she was another person.
her big brown eyes which once gave off warmth and hope became sharp and did not convey any emotions.

Five years later ... she was standing in front of me like a beauty goddess, with just simple jeans and a jacket.
I was trying to speak, but there was no sound coming out of my mouth and I could not find anything to say... I was frozen in place, my feet could barely support me to stand ... She was standing like a statue in front of me with wide eyes looking at me ... It was clear that she was as shocked as I was, but I know very well that the situation was more difficult for her.
I saw her closing her eyes and clenching her palms tightly ... My heart ached to see her in that state because I realized that she had not moved on, forgiven or forgotten what happened five years ago.

After what few seconds that seemed like an eternity, Becky opened her eyes and, without looking at me again, she took two steps back and left the office as if she was searching for space to breathe.

I wanted to run after her, but what would I say and with what right? She looked as if she was ready to throw herself out of the window just because she saw me for a few moments. as for me, I was not in any better condition. I felt like I was suffocating and could not comprehend anything around me. What I wanted at that moment was to get out of that building because I wasn't ready to talk to anyone.

I did not expect that after 5 years seeing her would have an effect on me...My feelings were mixed when I saw her, I didn't know whether to say I was sorry or hug her or kissing her.

After I left Gomez Company and got into my car trying to catch my breath, I sat in the car trying to gather the strength to drive away...about an hour, I reached the beach where I could begin to gather my thoughts to comprehend what had happened. There were many questions were running through my head, such as: How did she end up working with Selena?
Did she and her father return to their old home?
Is mon still Single or did she find someone who caught her attention... after me?
I was curious to know what would satisfy my curiosity about her.

Unexpectedly, I found her image hunting me to the point that I had a headache... There was a strange feeling that came over me after I saw her.... I never expected that I would be so affected by seeing her to the point I was unable to sleep that day after I spent the whole day by the beach trying to calm down... trying to find Peace again.


A few days after seeing Mon, I was a bit distracted. When I told my friends that Mon worked for Selena's company and that she had returned to Thailand, they told me it would be better for me to act like adult woman and go to Mon, say welcome back and something nice and apologize if necessary, maybe we can get rid of remains tension or grudge between us.
Their idea did not seem good to me, but they were right. We still have unresolved matters that must be talked about to make the situation comfortable for both of us. Also during those days I was able to find out that Mon spent only 5 months in Canada, then she and her father moved to England to settle there, then she returned to work for Selena Company and apparently she is the miracle of the Gomez Company that they were talking about.
Her father has cancer, just as happened with her uncle, but the details of her life in England are a question mark.

After 3 weeks of being torn between wanting to go talk to Mon or running away, I decided that my friends were right....I needed to talk to her.
I don't know how to tell you that and I don't know what you would say about me but .... but I felt like I missed her and I know I have no right to do so after EVERYTHING happened but after a struggle that lasted for weeks, I found myself standing in front of the door of her house like lost dog ...the last time i was here was 5 years ago, and here I am again.

I stood in front of the door for nearly 3 minutes trying to gather the courage to ring the doorbell... I was looking for reasons to convince me that what I was doing was right, but there was no logical reason....However, in the end, I found myself ringing the doorbell... After a few seconds, the door opened and yeah, it was her... I almost had a heart attack when I saw her. She was wearing a black hoodie and sweatpant but damn she was so beautiful and attractive with her short black hair. I don't know what my face looked like when I saw her, but what I do know is that I looked like an idiot.... As for Mon, She was surprised, or to be more precise, she was shocked to see me standing at the door, but immediately she changed. She closed her fists tightly and her look changed, making me realize that at that moment she felt nothing but hatred and anger, and I do not blame her for that.
she took deep breath and then crossed her arms on her chest and said:
"How can i help you?"

She made me feel like a stranger selling candy that she didn't like standing in front of her door, but again I don't blame her.

" mmm... I'm sorry if I bothered you... but I came to say hello and ....and say welcome back."
Mon raised her eyebrows and I could sense that she was trying to control her anger and not yell at me or kick me from front of her door.

"Thank you. anything else?!."
She said that, then leaned on the door next to her, as if she wanted to see what bullisht I was going to say next.

"umm ...How are you doing?"

" I'm fine. I'm in better than ever"
She said that coldly and a deep voice

"good to hear that"
I said that while trying to find another trivial question but suddenly I heard the sound of a car that pulled up behind me and out of it came the most annoying creature on the face of the Earth ....Selena

"oh my God, Sam, I didn't expect to see you here"
Selena said that with smirk then that annoying woman went straight to Mon and kissed her on the cheek with a plastic bag in her hand.

"I brought hot cookies that you like. I will put them inside so they don't get cold."
Selena said that she went inside and then came back quickly.

I was standing there watching what happened and trying Understanding the bullish I saw, but there was no explanation to calm the chaos inside my head at that moment,

"why are you here, Ms. Sam ?!"
Mon said and looked at me directly with a look that held no emotions, only anger and hatred

"maybe she is here to talk about work"
Selena said that as she stood behind Mon and looked at me with a look that told me that she knew very well why I was there

Mon said that with a raised eyebrow and looked at Selena.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you. During your days off to take care of your father, we made a deal with SC company."
Mon looked surprised and all she did was node her head.

"I'll go make tea for your father and hot chocolate for you handsome one...see you later sam"

Selena said and went away.

"Thank you, Ms. Selena"

Mon said and then looked back at me with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't think I can help with anything related to work, but I can put you in touch with Mr. Smith. I'm sure he will help you"

she said while she was looking directly at me

" I was not here for work. I wanted to welcome you back and ... and melt the ice between us so that what happened in the office the past weeks would not be repeated."
I said that after I found myself feeling annoyed and angry at the fact that I was standing at the door like a stranger and that woman Selena inside is making her favorite drink.

" If that's what worries you, let me tell you that there's no need to worry, it won't happen again. the bullshit of the past and personal problems won't have room Ms. Sam"

Mon said that seriously, looking directly at me as if she was telling me that me and and everything about me is just bullshit from the past.
Well done, Sam. You came to apologize for what you did in the past, but you created a new misunderstanding...i'm idiot.

"I didn't mean that. I wanted to say..."

Ms. Sam, there's no need justify or explain.... Is there anything else about work that you want to discuss?
mon said and interrupted me with emotionless featuresand and looked at me annoyed as if she was telling me - leave or I will bury you in the back garden-

" No, no ... umm thank you. I...i apologize for bothering you... Good night."
I said that with my voice barely coming out as I looked at that snake Selena walking around jn Mon house while I was standing at the door and Mon looking at me as if I was something disgusting.

After I gathered my strength, I moved my feet and as soon as I turned my back to leave the door was closed forcefully behind me.
yeah...I will not hide that from you, but it made me feel ....sad.
Mon that I knew would never speak to me in that tone or look at me as if I were a piece of shit.... at that moment, I missed old mon ... the cute peaceful girl.

That night I tried to convince myself that I had done my part and tried to apologize for my mistakes, so there was no need to feel guilty and it was better to focus on my life and my work, Mon already has her own life so I should stop blaming myself, and this is what I was trying to do after that night but.... every time I remember Selena and what she did, I feel upset. Don't ask me why because even I didn't know why. It was an annoying, suffocating feeling that I tried to escape from for two weeks by drinking alcohol and having sex with random people, but every time I was supposed to have fun while fucking or being fuked by someone I find myself thinking about Mon and what we had 5 years ago....Damn but what I thought it was a random sex with that tiny girl continued to haunt me for 5 years ...I don't know if I should feel guilty or allow myself to feel butterflies in my stomach when I remember the taste of her lips, her breath, her innocent looks and... Damn, look ...this is what I'm talking about. I'm obsessed with something that happened 5 years ago...FUCK.

About two weeks after that night, I decided that I had to meet Selena to talk to her. What if she was using Mon to take revenge on me?
I cannot allow that, so suddenly without making an appointment, I decided to go to Gomez Company to talk to that snake Selena and ...yeah to see Mon.

when she entered the company. I was told to wait in Selena office until she finished her meeting. I sat in her office for about 7 minutes and she came with smile on her face that I knew the meaning of it very well so there was no need for me to turn around and ... I had to speak directly.

"sam here ...interesting!"
Selena said that and sat on her swivel chair behind her desk.

"You know Selena.... we're like snakes, we both can smell each other's tricks immediate without effort."
I said that and then drank from the cup of coffee in front of me.

"Well, it seems like we're snakes of different kinds because I can't understand for what you're hinting now"
Selena said that with a laugh that proved she was lying.

" If you think you can use Mon in your dirty game with me, you are totally wrong so stop now."
I said that to her seriously while looking directly at her.

"Oh, you are here for Mon, not for work, okay.... Well, it seems that your sense of smell failed you this time, Sam"
Selena said that with smirk.
I raised my eyebrows at her answer and I began to feel that she was getting on my nerves.

"Selena stop playing around i know you very w...."
I said that while I was struggling with my desire to throw her out of her office window, but she interrupted me and said

"i like her sam, i don't want to say something early but she's perfect and ENOUGH for me."
Selena said seriously as she sat and swayed in her swivel chair.

"stop this bullisht Selena...i know what the fuck you are trying to do...stay away from her"
I felt my blood boil when I heard what she said. I cannot believe her because I know her very well.

"Sam, you think that all people are like you?!.... Do not try to be the chivalrous hero with values now.... Remember that you were the one who was using her as a doll to satisfy your weird desires and in the end you threw her away as if she....."

I said that while gritting my teeth and trying to control the demons inside me.

"Don't say that I don't know anything because EVERYONE knows EVERYTHING, Sam."
Selena said that with smirk and a provocative look.

i was looking for something to throw at Selena but Suddenly someone knocked on the door twice and the door opened and Mon enter the office
Everything about her screams perfection with her blue jeans and a simple loose white shirt with black jacket and white shoes.

" I finished the files about April and i checked the sales...."

When Mon saw me sitting, she stopped talking and continued to look at me and showed the look that made me feel she was disgusted by the sight of me.

" sorry, I interrupted your conversation, but the secretary wasn't at her office so I didn't know there was a guest here."

Mon said that as she put the files on the desk while putting her hand in her jeans pocket. It was clear that she was uncomfortable.

" It's okay. There's no need to apologize, right, Sam?"
Selena said that with her annoying smirk to provoke me and make me even more angry"

all i did ...I nodded like good girl.

"Anyway, Mon, if you don't have anything to do tonight, how about we go out to dinner"

Selena said that while biting her bottom lip like a whore waiting for a penis.
I don't know why I was still sitting there, but I really wanted to hear Mon answer.

"I would have liked but my dad is tired because of the chemo sessions and I want to be by his side because the nurse is leaving early today"
Mon said that and sighed.

It seems that her father was dying as Alex said.

" It's okay, Mon, I understand, so is there a problem if I buy your favorite foods and come to your house to spend some time so you don't get bored"

"why not, sounds good... okay, Ms. Selena, sign the files where I mentioned to you In the notes, now I will leave to let you continue your conversation... It is nice to see you again, Ms. Sam.
Mon looked at me when she said the last verse and left.

"see you later handsome"
Selena said that behind mon and i swear to God i was thinking about way to kill her.

"Do you know how much pathetic you look with your dirty games to get close to her under stupid pretexts?"
I said that angrily and then started gathering my things to leave. I couldn't sit there any longer because that bitch was getting on my nerves and I didn't want to create drama.

" I'm not gonna hurt her like someone else did to her"
Selena said that behind me but i didn't say anything because i was so done with her, i was thinking to finding a way make mon realize that Selena wasn't someone good.


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