Peter Parker after Civil War

By iampeterman

7.6K 201 296

This story takes place after Spider-Man homecoming Tony didn't sell the Tower. Something bad happens so Peter... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Important A/N

Chapter 6

331 10 0
By iampeterman

Sorry for anything Translated wrong I used google translate sorry this is a long chapter so hope you enjoy

Peter's POV

A few hours later it is close to dinner time and I am wondering what is going to happen and it's like Clint read my mind

"So what is going to happen with dinner? Are we going to do it like we did before?" Everyone agreed to do it the old way I was very confused

"How did you do it before?" I asked, this is the first time I've been with the Avengers well technically I've with my dad for dinner but that was one of them not the entire team.

"Oh so we did it in random pairs of 2 sometimes it's 3 but most of the time it's 2 and one of the pairs cook for dinner one day then a different pair cooks the next day and so on so on." Clint explained it seemed pretty simple and easy I understand why they do it for team bonding and getting to know the other person in a way.

I didn't realise how they are actually people social media makes it seem like they have no life and only reason they became the Avengers for the fame, when they didn't really choose to become a superhero, the superhero life chose them. They are people who wants to have fun and a life but can't because they are meant to be heroes.

"I want to cook today" I said excitedly, straight after Clint explained how it works just before 2 people came in before me and that made everyone laugh.

"So I guess Peter is going to be one of people in the pair who wants to join him?" Mum said with a smile still from how excited I was, because she knows how much I love to cook.

" I will help" Steve said with his American voice and I was a bit surprised at first then I remembered dad saying how used to cook everybody breakfast and lunch. But I still wasn't happy it was Steve who wanted to help because he almost killed dad, but I hesitantly nodded my head which I think he noticed but didn't say anything but then I spoke up

"Should we get start cooking now?" I said towards Steve then he looked at the time.

"Yeah we should get started now, do you enjoy cooking?" Steve asked me which I thought was stupid because he seen how excited I was.

" Yeah when I lived with my Aunt, I used to cook a lot when she was at work so I really enjoyed it and was good at it" I replied while walking into the kitchen.

"What do you want to cook Peter?" Steve asked me I then started to think of the options of things we could make.

"Pot roast?" I suggested, his face lit up with a smile

"Good choice" he stated I forced myself to smile back.

We grabbed all of the ingredients we thought we should do chicken and beef so he started seasoning the beef while I seasoned the chicken and I finished seasoning before he did so I started cooking the chicken before he did and while I was waiting for the chicken to cook I started on the vegetables so I cut up some carrots and potatoes.

I wondered what is taking Steve so long with the beef so I turned around and seen Steve talking to Natasha and only 2 of the 25 beef is seasoned so I leaned on the kitchen island while looking at the both of them.

"Romeo and Juliet are you both done flirting because we need to finish cooking dinner or we will have a cranky Sam Wilson and a cranky Winter Soldier and a lot more if they don't get their food" I said and that made Natasha laugh nervously and Steve go a tiny bit red.

"Sorry Peter" Natasha said to me then she turned to Steve "You up for sparring later?"

"I know I would lose but sure" Steve said with a light chuckle which somehow made Natasha blush.

"See you boys later" Natasha said then she walked out and I looked at Steve and he was looking at her leave which made me laugh.

"What?" Steve asked me with so much confusion

"Nothing Romeo." Whilst laughing which made him even more confused, which I didn't think was possible then that gave me an idea

"Stevie, ragazzo, sei molto cieco" (Stevie boy you are very blind) his face got even more confused when I spoke In Italian which made it more funnier. I wonder what the rest of the team's reactions would be if I spoke another language in front of them.

"Friday could you translate what Peter just said?" Steve asked while tilting his head to the side slightly which he was still processing what just happened.

"I am sorry Mr Rogers but protocol 'questa persona stupida non conosce questa lingua' says I cannot translate anything Mr Stark says." (this stupid person doesn't know this language) He was dumbfounded by the name of the protocol because Friday said it in a perfect Italian accent.

"Let's carry on with the dinner you need to get the beef seasoned because I am almost done with the vegetables." I said just to annoy Steve then Steve carried on with the beef still very confused.

*Time skip Dinner is ready*

"We almost done Steve? I asked glancing over to the time it was 6:45pm so we had 15 minutes until dad starts to cry at me.

" What's the rush Kiddo? You got a date?"
Steve jokingly asking me while laughing like he's the one to talk.

"No I just want to get dinner finished so you can do your 'Cardio' with Natasha." I know they are going to be sparing but I just want to be a bit teasing to pretend I don't dislike him but soon as I said that he blushed and stopped laughing then he spoke up

"I am going to *SPAR* with Nat but we're close to being done so, Friday can you let everyone know that dinner is ready."

"Of course Mr Rogers" I rolled my eyes at that and Steve furrowed his brows at me so I spoke up and said

"Friday calls you Mr Rogers always but when I speak to Friday she replies back with Mr Stark and Peter like she switches between the two she can never stick with the same name like she calls mum and dad boss and boss lady always." Just after I said that everyone walked in as everything was on the table

"I programmed Friday to call everyone by their last names apart from Pepper and I, so I actually don't know why sometimes Friday calls you Peter sometimes" Dad says with a bit of confusion but still laughs.

During dinner everybody is having a good time while giving Steve and I compliments about the dinner until Wanda kept on staring at me intensely and I spoke up

"You alright there Wanda?" I asked her and that made everyone look between us two she was sitting across from me while I was sitting In between my parents.

"Your the only person's mind I cannot read. I can read everybody else's here, but I can't read yours." She finished with a bit of anger in her voice

"I am Sorry?" I said more like a question which caused a few of the team to chuckle.

"I can read Thor's mind, he's thinking how Pop tarts are better for dinner." That causes everybody to laugh and Thor shrunk in his chair.

"Bucky is thinking what to bake after dinner" That made Pepper look straight Bucky hoping to join him, which Bucky shrugged, that he didn't mind, but I think dad did mind because he tensed up a bit.

"Natasha is wondering if Peter knows Russian" Steve knew I know Italian but I only know a tiny bit of Russian so I spoke up.

" я знаю немного" ( I know a tiny bit) Which surprised everyone including my parents then Bucky spoke up

"Natasha and I know Russian so we can teach you the rest of the language if you want" What made Natasha nod her head to.

"Yes please I only know a bit of Russian because of my Aunt, she taught me some Russian not a lot of it but some. Anyway Wanda carry on I want to know what everyone else is thinking." I said the last Sentence to Wanda because I started to think about May's funeral but then I started to smile back at all of the good times we had instead of all of the bad memories instead.

" Sam is thinking of how to ask Tony to fix Red Wing" Wanda stated with a smirk and Sam glared her.

"You little bitch" Sam said trying to look annoyed but he had a smile on his face.

"I'm not a bitch, I'm a witch" Wanda said to Sam what made everyone laugh apart from Sam and Steve, Sam rolled his eyes at her and Steve shouted

"LANGUAGE BOTH OF YOU! Especially you Wanda, your a kid!"

" I am not a kid! I'm 15!" Wanda shouted back at Steve

"Your father figure is Clint who is a literal, man child." Steve stated which made everyone laugh apart from Clint obviously he felt offended and shouted

"HEY!" Natasha spoke up with a evil smirk everybody knows that isn't a good sign especially not from a deadly spy.

"Don't worry Clint we still love you." Which Clint blush in embarrassment and made everybody laugh even more.

"Who is up for a movie night tonight?" Dad said with a huge smile just as everybody finished and everybody agreed, dad told everybody to put on their pjs and he was putting away the dishes so I decided to help out with it so it would be faster.

"Dinner was good Pete" Dad stated and I just nodded

"I could tell you were hesitant at first cooking with Steve at first, was it fine? You didn't mouth off did you?" He said with a serious look what I don't see that often.

"I was hesitant at first because he and Bucky did almost kill you, unlike the rest they only fought you, Fought us. I dislike Steve a lot more than Bucky because Steve is meant to be a captain, a leader he is Captain America for goodness sakes! But I think Steve knows that I don't like him and I think that why he helped out with dinner to try settle that beef." I explain while dad is washing the dishes then he passed them to me to dry, Dad seems to understand where I'm coming from.

"I know I understand but Steve told me on the phone on the weekend he is going to try extra hard to gain your respect and trust because he knows your not an Avenger but he wants you to be apart of it like Pepper he wants you to like him, kiddo." Dad finished washing the final plate and hands it to me I didn't know how to reply to what dad said so I just nodded and smiled, he smiled back and left to go to his room to put pjs on I just stood standing there for a few extra seconds that was until someone walked in I don't know who because I had my back turned while putting the dishes what I finished drying, away.

"Ты в порядке?" (You ok) I heard someone say in Russian so I turned around and noticed it was Natasha wearing some bed shorts and a Tank top and I know Steve would be checking her out because of that outfit.

"да, да, я думаю. I got a feeling I messed that up" ( Yeah yeah I am thinking) I said in Russian but I felt like I messed it up so I said it in English which made Natasha laugh

" you should have said да, я просто думаю which is yeah I am just thinking which sounds better." She said with a friendly smile and I nodded in understanding

"You should go to your floor and get changed into your pjs before everyone else comes down because almost everyone is ready" she said with a chuckle and I got embarrassed and went red

"Yeah I think I should, thanks Natasha" I said cheerfully.

"You know you can call me Nat or Tasha I don't mind" She says, I sometimes hear dad calling her Nat so I think dad trusts her so I am going trust her and Wanda more than the rest.

"Ok Nat" I said with a smile and that made her face light up with a smile and that is rare for a deadly spy so I will take that anyway, and with that I left and I took the stairs because I know everyone one else would be taking the elevator up and down so I went to the stairs what is right beside the stairs.

I seen Bucky and Steve leaving the stairs I think they had the same idea and they both nodded and smiled at me, so I nodded and made a smile back and I heard Bucky whispering to Steve with my super hearing what they don't know about saying to Steve "that was a forced smile" and Steve says "Yeah I know he doesn't like us because we almost killed his dad, Tony, and he especially doesn't like me, I am trying to make it up to him but he is making it hard and I don't blame him." Steve saying that made me freeze in place because he used to be my idol, well all of the Avengers especially Tony Stark who I am calling Dad now but then now and I am hating most of them.

I couldn't hear anything else apart from their footsteps so they must've stop talking, I made it to my floor and I walked in and I quickly got my version of the E.D.I.T.H glasses but it has my AI Karen in it and I spoke up to Karen.

"Hey Karen, How are you doing?

"I am doing great Peter, how are things going with the Avengers?" She spoke and it sounded a bit of concern in her voice which I found weird even tho I created her I made it, so you could hear certain tones.

"It's going decent, Natasha and Bucky are going to teach me more Russian well I know a bit of Russian but I don't know a lot compared to them. I don't know who else knows Russian I think Wanda knows Sokovian what is similar to Russian." I finished explaining how Nat said she will give me lessons to Karen then as soon as I said that last sentence it reminded me about Wanda.

"I think I became friends Wanda, it is hard to tell, she is socially awkward but I am going to make it work I just know it. It doesn't help she is pretty, her accent makes it sound hot, I would love to see how her powers work like, she is telepathic but that doesn't work on me for some reason, but enough about her because I could go on about her for hours." I started smiling without even knowing when I started thinking about her

"I met Doctor Bruce Banner!!! I Don't understand how dad can be so calm about that like Bruce's work on Gamma radiation is BRILLIANT!!!" I said with the biggest smile

"It sounds like you had fun time. How was Steve Rogers?" As soon as she said that my smiled dropped, I regretted telling her how I much I don't like Steve and I think that what she wanted to know.

"He was fine, I got told I need to try and at least get along with him but I don't know, I heard him saying that he is trying to make it up to me but I am making it hard and he doesn't blame me for that which does make me feel bad but that's his own fault. Ok well I got to go so see you later Karen bye"

"Bye Peter be safe" I took off the glasses and put it on my nightstand and took off my shoes and got my pjs on which was just black shorts and a plain white T-Shirt, I wouldn't say my legs are too strong but they are slightly muscular so I do wear shorts quite often which Flash makes fun of because he says it Genetics from my dead parents, which is not true I work out. My arms are very muscular as well so in school I wear sweatshirts to cover it up because a scrawny, little, nerd can't really have muscles.

Just after I got changed I got up and left and went down the stairs and got up to floor 107 to see everyone there and dad said

"There you are kiddo" with the smug look as always as I got closer everyone apart from my parents noticed my muscles and all of their mouths dropped to the floor

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" I asked confusedly

"No. We are just confused on how you have so much muscle, I think you might have more muscle than me kid!" Sam says and everyone else just nods their heads apart from my parents while Wanda just looks like she is about to pass out, I don't understand why.

"I work out a lot, especially the first few months after I moved in here I needed a coping mechanism to distract myself" I said while shrugging which made everyone nod their heads in understanding which made everyone turn their heads to the screen and I sat in between mum and dad while my head was on dad's should and mum's hand was in the back of my hair just playing with it and I leaned into it, I did feel a bit weird cuddling with my parents in front of people but I wasn't going to stop.

Chapter 6 done words 3033


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