Chapter 3

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Peters POV

I was still on the couch in the living room then I asked

"Fri what's the time?"

"It is currently 11:25" I thanked her then I grabbed mum,dads and my lunches and started heading down for our lunch and I entered the elevator and Friday asked where I would like to go

"Floor 70 (50-70 is Peppers floors, but 70 is her office, 50-69 is her workers and interns every other floor is Tonys) please Friday."

"Of course Mr Stark your parents would also would like me to remind you next Friday night is the museum opening."

"Thanks Friday"as soon as I got there I noticed on one of the boards there was the wrong equation and quickly corrected it then I heard a voice from behind

"Oh my god I was stuck on that for 2 weeks and you did that in 2 seconds?!?!?! No wonder your Tony Starks personal intern MS." An employee said then i quickly noticed it was James a friend of mine.

"Hey James what do you mean MS?" I asked confusedly

"Oh I wasn't meant to say that but we have been calling you Mini Stark because we always thought your like Mr Starks Secret child or something we know it's stupid and we're sorry we will stop please don't get us in trouble we won't-" James was rambling on, god was that like me when I ramble? I thought to myself but anyway I needed to interrupt him

"James it's fine I don't mind I won't get you in trouble,not like I can anyway." I said and I laughed because I'm not their boss

"But Mr Parker you can because your basically our boss that why many people are nervous when they talk to you because you can fire people you scare them or you can just say something to Friday and fire them or to Mrs Potts or Mr Stark."I was about to say something then Friday spoke up

"It is true Peter Boss has put in my coding that you are able to fire anyone you can give anyone warnings or anything you want." After Friday said that I was left surprised and shocked

"I didn't know that" I said because I literally didn't but then I said "Ok well anyway I got to go it was nice talking James"

"Yeah nice seeing you thanks for helping me with the equation." I had completely forgotten about the equation but then went over to Gwen Stacy and said

"Hey Gwen how are you?" We have gotten to first name bases so I'm comfortable with her she is like 10+ years older than me but I don't care she's still nice

"Hey Peter I'm good what about you?"

"Well I'm surprised and shocked because I just found out that I have the ability to fire people did you know that?" I asked still not knowing that she looked at me surprised and said

"You didn't know you could?"

"You knew I could?" She just laughed and said

"Peppers in her office with" she starts whispering "your dad" she is the only employee who knows I'm a stark

"Oh he's early" I said surprisingly he's normally late like his traditional thing is being late but being early? Somethings wrong.

"He looked panicked he said he just came out of a meeting so I think that's why" she said

"Oh uhm thanks Gwen see you later" and I went into mums office with a smile as usual but I seen dad having a really panicky face and my mum had a upset look I knew right there something was wrong this is the worst I've seen my parents then my dad spoke

"Hey Peter we both need to talk to you"

"Yeah I could tell you both don't look ok no offence but you both have been really stressed out and I didn't want to bother you so I didn't pressure you both about it"
I know it is something now my heart is beating I started walking over to them they we're facing the laptop mum closed the laptop while dad was sitting on the chair and mum just sat on his knee and dad put his on her waist for support.

"That what we wanted to talk about we have been stressed because the Avengers and your Dad have been going to meetings together and getting along quite well they signed the accords they agreed to it, so for the couple of months it will be like house arrest but they need a house but the house would be our house or well in our case our tower we know you don't like them but we need to work as a team if your dad is getting along with them you need to try and get along with them are you able to try?" Mum said it caught me off guard I didn't expect that the AVENGERS to come back

"Well I can try but don't blame me if I don't get along with them they hurt dad a lot they nearly killed him." I said then dad chimed in

"We don't blame you for not liking them I don't like Steve and Bucky but I still get along with Natasha tho and there is someone your age well when you turn 15 in a couple of months you both will be the same age and trust me I know you hate them I still don't like them but we really don't have a choice but we have to try and get along it might even surprise you they might not be so bad because I was even friends with them for a while until I got lied to but I understand why tho because Steve's friend Bucky was brainwashed it was Bucky I shouldn't of reacted the way I did I attacked Bucky and Steve just defended his friend so now i respect that so all we want is for you to respect that and I want you to help me make and repair and upgrade their gear when the time comes." I was really surprised dad said that I never heard him talk about civil war like that he never said he respected Steve and Bucky for attacking him in Siberia. Then I decided that they are right I should give them i chance so I nodded and said ok and mum got up from dads knee and hugged me and kissed my forehead

"Thank you Pete for understanding they are arriving on Monday

"Now can we eat I am starving?" I said with a smile

Chapter 3 done 1111 words

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