Chapter 25

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Sorry for the short chapter

No one's POV

Clint was heading down to the Medbay for his turn to speak to the comatose Peter as he went into the elevator Rhodey came out of it to which they both did a sad smile to one another and he rode the elevator down to the 106th

Clint got there within 30-60 seconds and he approached the chair beside the bed what was beside Peter and sat there for a minute before he spoke up. (I know 1 min is 60 seconds)

"Hey Peter, I don't really know what to say so let me just say I want you to get better and when you get out of this c word, that what everyone is calling it we can't say the word, but anyway when you get out of the c word I want you to know that I may not like that you and Wanda have a date when you get better but I want you to know that if you hurt her, I will kill you painfully but I know you won't because Nat keeps saying to me that you won't and if Nat trusts you then I trust you.

Everyone is really bad at the moment about you being in this c word, but Nat as been taking this the hardest because she can't find a distraction unlike everybody else apart from Wanda she has me to distract her, but Nat can't find anything, nothing can distract her like she keeps on thinking about you somehow, I guess  you really are her baby spider, I am going to go now so Wanda can speak to you." Clint finished talking and he got up and left as Wanda walked in.

Wanda walked in and sat in the same chair what Clint sat in, Wanda hesitatingly took Peter's hand and started to stroke the palm of his hand.

"Hey Peter, uhm I hope you can hear me because I want you to know that I am a bit annoyed at you because I told you to be safe and you didn't listen to me, you should've let Karen call Tony because I can't lose you I-I mean we can't lose you." Wanda is in tears

"You're spider senses were going off but you told Karen it was nothing when we all knew it wasn't so please next time don't be so stupid because I uhm like you too much to lose you, This is too hard for me to see you like this so I am going, I am sorry." Wanda says trying not to break down even more than she was so she quickly went into the elevator.

Thor just arrived at the Tower he spoked to everyone when they weren't upset about Peter, Thor got updated about his injuries and about Peter being Spider-Man which surprised him.

"So you're saying Starkson and Man of Spiders are the same person?" Thor perplexedly asked Steve to which Steve nodded with a slight chuckle

"I NEED TO SEE MAN OF SPIDERS!" Thor boomed loudly while turning around towards the elevator to go to the elevator.

He got there within a half a minute and he approached Peter and he was shocked and upset when he saw Peter on the hospital bed, the Steve told him that Peter should be able to hear him so he started to speak to him.

"Hello mighty Starkson or should I say Man of Spiders!! I want to know why you are sleeping and why everyone is upset about it you should wake up in a few hours right? Well anyway sorry for bothering your sleep I will go now. Sleep well Man of Spiders!" Thor boomed loudly, every single word could be heard from the bottom of the tower.

"POINTBREAK! What is your problem with shouting! Peter is right beside you! I heard every single word from 16 floors down!" Tony yelled at Thor.

"Oh I am sorry Man of Metal." Thor says guiltily

To which they both go into the elevator to which Tony goes back to his lab to try figure out a way to get Peter out of the Coma while Thor goes back to the Living room.

*Time skip to after Dinner*

Pepper starts to make her way down to the Medbay considering she hasn't been able to bring herself to seeing Peter but she is going to see her son now.

The elevator opened up to reveal the Medbay and Pepper took a deep breath before walking in further towards Peter.

Pepper sat on the edge of the bed and took Peter's weak hand, she didn't know where to start so she took some time before talking.

"Hey bambi it's your mum, I really hate seeing you like this so that why I haven't been down here that much and that I have been busy with work, your dad has been busy trying to find a way to get you out of this but still haven't as you know, but I want you to know when you get out this you are going to explain who the Green Goblin is, why he hates you, what he means about you killing his son and who Mary Jane is and also you are grounded for keeping all of this a secret."

Pepper stops talking to try to stop her tears but then she felt Peter's hand move.

"Peter?" Pepper says in a cracky voice

Couple of seconds later he didn't do anything.

"Friday please tell me you noticed that." Pepper asks confused

"I am sorry, I'm afraid I don't follow you, I don't quite understand." Friday replied back with

"Did you not notice Peter's hand move?" Pepper asks more confused.

"I did not notice that." Friday reply back with.

"Get Bruce down here now Fri." Pepper says

"Of course Boss lady." Friday says

A few minutes went past then Bruce walked in and he walked towards Pepper.

"Hey Pepper, Fri told me you needed me?" Bruce says to Pepper

"I felt Peter's hand move and I promise you I am not going Crazy." Pepper says fast

"Right... well let me see something." Bruce replied with.

Bruce started to open Peter's eyes and shine a torch in them, then Bruce nodded his head, Bruce moved to hand and was about to touch it but then it moved.

"See! I said that I felt his hand move." Pepper says to Bruce to which Bruce nodded as he tested Peter's reflexes in his hands

"Well before Peter didn't have any reflexes in his hands now he gained his reflexes in his hands so that means he is waking up I know this also because his eyes were responsive to the light unlike before." Bruce said with a smile with hope

"When is he going to wake up?" Pepper asks with hope in her voice that she can get her boy back.

"I am not sure but I will say very soon, so let's go and tell the team." Bruce says

"Friday tell all of the team to go to the living room please!" Pepper says with a smile

*time skip everyone is in the living room*

"So why did you want us all in the living room?" Tony asks his wife

"Well because Bruce just told me something that you all would be glad to hear." Pepper say to the team, then gestures to Bruce to speak

"Well Pepper was in the Medbay and she felt Peter's hand move and she got me down to the Medbay to see if that was true and I tested his reflexes and checked his pupils and before his pupils and reflexes weren't responsive so they weren't looking good so we didn't tell you but now Peter gained those back so that is a sign he is waking up." Bruce says with a smile.

"Wait you're saying I am getting my kid back?" Tony asks optimistically

"I'll let that slide this once and yes!" Pepper says with a smile to which everybody started to celebrate

"Wait when is he going to wake up?" Natasha asks

"Very soon, I am not sure when exactly but it is very soon." Bruce says to which Natasha gains a massive smile

"I still don't understand why man of spiders is sleeping!!" Thor shouted annoyed

"Because he was injured badly that's why!" Bucky says to Thor confusedly nodded

"How about we watch a movie to finish off the good news?" Tony says with a smirk

"We all know you want to watch a movie but yes, yes we can." Pepper says while rolling her eyes and walking over to her lover and cuddling into him.

Chapter 25 done 1452 words

Peter Parker after Civil WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora