Chapter 14

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Wanda's POV
I just left Peter's room my mind is racing with thoughts. How did Peter become Spider-Man? Who else knows? Does his school know? Does the team know? Why didn't he not tell me? Does his parents know? I am sure he will explain later, I got into the elevator

"Where to Miss Maximoff?" Friday asked

"Floor 107 please" I said after a few seconds still thinking about Peter being Spider-Man

"Of course" Friday replied and I started moving

The doors opened after 10 seconds or more then the team who was on the couch all greeted me with multiple "Hey Wanda" and I just nodded my head and plopped my self down

"You ok kiddo?" Clint asked worriedly to which I nodded

"Just got a lot on my mind" To which Clint nodded

"Wanda read my mind" Pepper said to me which confused me but then I did

(Did you just find out?) I read in her mind

(Yeah I walked in on him in his suit which I didn't expect but it makes sense) I said back telepathically

(I knew you were going to be the first to find out) I then rolled my eyes and laid back down on the couch.

It been ten minutes and Sam was switching the channels until I seen the familiar red and blue Spider swinging then Sam switched the channel

"Wait go back!" I said fast so it came out loud to which made some of the team laughed but Sam went back

"Is he your crush?" Bucky asked teasingly

"He better not be!" Clint said in his dad tone even tho I am not his actually family who are at the farm house

"He is not but if he was that wouldn't concern you, I just want to see what he is doing and I'm sure Tony would like to see as well." I said annoyed

We all turned back to the TV and seen Peter or to the others would know him as Spider-Man on the Brooklyn Bridge there's been a drunk driver which caused a driver to go off the side of the bridge but Spider-Man came at the right time and free fell after the car and grabbed the rear bumper and he shot his web to the bridge but the position he was in made him unable to move.

Every single one of the team was frozen unable to move included Tony and Pepper they looked pale, I couldn't see what colour my face was but it probably wasn't good either.

The attention was back to the news reporter but you could make out Spider-Man was still there holding on

"The Fire department, Ambulance and the fire boats are still at least 10 minutes out but will Spider-Man be able to hold on for 10 more minutes? You can see Spider-Man trying to calm the person inside down but it is not looking good." The camera cut to the News helicopter who couldn't do anything.

"Spider-Man is trying to do something, we cannot tell what" the news reporter said in the helicopter and the camera pointed to Spider-Man

"What's he doing?" Clint exclaimed

"I know him, he would do what he think is best in the situation even if people don't see it!" Tony said to which everyone nodded "Come on kid" Tony muttered to himself but everyone heard him

"Come on Queens" Steve said even tho it is pointless he can't hear it

"Why do you call him that still?" Bucky said to which Steve shrugs

"Spider-Man seems to be preparing to lift the car! Is he crazy? He could barely hold the car!" The reporter exclaims

"I want to kill that reporter" Natasha said while glaring at the reporter she realised that mostly everyone is staring at her "what? Us Spiders need to stick together" she said while shrugging

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