More Than a Teacher - Ashton...

Von fkingplaidpants

31.1K 1.1K 228

What should be a bright and uplifting present for two people two people with such dark and unsettling pasts. ... Mehr



518 15 2
Von fkingplaidpants

I'm in the devils classroom from hell with Mr
Parker glaring at me with a burning sour look. In this moment I want nothing more than to sock him right in the mouth and show him enough is enough. This has been going on since the start of this year. Now it's the end of August and I've had enough.

I shouldn't be scared of the consequences because he is the one who's mistreating his student. He is in the wrong here.

Nothing was able to be done about being falsely reported last week and I believe the chat Parker had with the principal, he made a story up to make me seem like I'm lying. It sucks that it's his word over mine. It's fucked actually. All because he's a teacher, he gets the benefit of the doubt.

For future incidents this means they would believe him over me, so how am I possibly going to have anyone take me seriously.  I'm even surprised with the help of Calum and Ashton emailing that he still got away with it.

"So as part of revision for your upcoming exam we will be doing a Kahoot to start this lesson."

Mr Parker announces to the the class with little
emotion in his tone. It's always so blunt and monotonous.

The class likes his idea as it's a fun and simple game and a good way to do revision. Everyone gets out their devices, whether it's a phone or laptop and enters the class code projected on the board.

The name 'Hugh Janus' pops up making the class snicker and giggle at the boy who sat up the back. Mr Parker is clearly oblivious to what it sounds out to be.

I put my name 'Ava' in and it appeared on the screen at the same time as a few others, only my name got deleted. The asshole clicked the 'x' on my name, booting me from the game. Maybe it's an accident so I retype my name letting it show on the board again. Within seconds he deliberately deletes it.

"Everyone in? Great, let's start." He begins the game before I get a chance to join and be a part of it.

What an actual cunt.

"Fuck you, sir." I mutter bitterly, just loud enough for him to hear over the chatter of the class.

"Testing my patience yet again, darling." He seethes through gritted teeth, releasing a cringing shudder down my spine.

No one gets to call me pet names except Ash.

I sharply inhale and fold my arms over my chest.
I just want to be in Ashton's class already where I know I'm valid and cared for as a human being.

I saw him already today when we had first break as he had my lunch. I told him I'd be sitting with my friends at second break but after this period, I'm not sure I'll be sane or calm enough to interact with them.

I sit back in my plastic chair watching the game of Kahoot play in front of me. There's happy squeals when people get the right answer and playful groans when they have shifted down the leaderboard. I just get to watch everyone have fun.

I hope he chokes on his spit and dies.

I sit and let my mind wander as I have nothing else to do. I wonder if I'll get any shifts at the cafe since I haven't had any for nearly a month. If they seriously don't have work for me, just tell me so I can find a new job instead of hanging around waiting for a shift. I need some cash so I can buy myself some things. I don't need Ashton doing everything for me.

Since I'm broke, I'm unable to fulfill the payments needed for the rent of my parents place. It's been a few weeks since I was notified that I was a month overdue and by now, I'm sure the landlord would have showed up at the house and given an eviction notice. It's not like I want them to become homeless, I'm better than that. However I don't have a choice, I'm not earning money and I can't control that.

I know they'd be fuming, thinking that I'm a betraying bitch but in reality I've always stuck by them, even after every pain possible was inflicted on me. I don't know where they would go either which would be a little unnerving to think that they could be roaming anywhere.

Neither my mum or dad have money, they've never had phones and don't have a car so I don't see how they could survive long unless one of them got a job. That is so far-fetched though, as if my parents would get a job. I'm not sure who'd want to employ them anyways.

"Ava Thompson stay after class you are not doing anything! You'd think after being reported that you'd pick up your act."

I glare up at him in utter confusion as he sits at his desk. You can see the fury ticking over minute by minute in his face. He's literally infuriated by just my presence I swear.

"I'm so confused, what am I supposed to do when you boot me from the game?" I remark, raising my voice a little to state the true facts.

Everyone is too caught up in having fun with the Kahoot to notice our conversation across the class.

"Something other than sit there and do nothing.
You're seventeen, you should be smart enough to figure out what you should do." He narrows his eyes and looks at me over the top of his glasses.

"Sorry, you could have told me. And by the way I'm sixteen, get your facts right." I bite back with no guilt.

It's not my problem, he should have given me instruction if he couldn't allow me to play the game. For all I know, he probably would have kept me back regardless of whether I was doing work or not.

"Your problem, not mine." He rolls his eyes. Of course he says that, nothing is ever his problem or fault because he's just so perfect.

"Why can't I do Kahoot anyways? Everyone else is. What have I done differently?" I interrogate and clench my fist out of frustration and irritation.

"Not the right time or place to discuss this, not to mention you're overreacting." His jaw clenches as he speaks lowly and sternly at me.

I internally grunt and want to lash out at him but standing up for myself will only cause a scene and I'm not willing to put myself in that position again.

The quiz finishes up with the leaderboard appearing on the board to show the names of who placed. 'Georgina <3' is printed across the title of first place. The goody-two shoes herself bats her lashes with a pleased yet stuck up grin on her face. I can't stand her. People who think the sun shines out of their ass are so annoying. No wonder Mr Parker and her get along so well.

"Well done Georgina, it's clear you've been listening in class. Terrific work."

The lesson goes on to explain in depth what our exam is. I make notes as he speaks at a rapid pace making sure that I understand exactly what I have to do. I note that it's an analytical essay on the Russian revolution. We will be given three primary sources that we have to analyze and around two hours to complete it. He goes over the structure of an essay as a reminder before the dreadful lesson comes to an end, only to begin an equally dreadful one on one talk with the asshole himself.

Everyone stampedes out the doors leaving the room very uncomfortable and almost eerie. He's sitting at the front desk, typing into his computer as if I'm not here.

Fine, if I'm not going to be called up, it looks like I have to go up myself.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder I shuffle across the floor to situate myself in front of his desk. He doesn't even acknowledge me standing right behind the screen of his computer. What a rude pig.

I move so I'm standing beside his desk now, tapping my foot against the ground.

"Excuse me, you clearly stated for me to stay back after class." I grow impatient and more pissed at him.

"Give me a moment will you! Stand there in silence until I ask you to speak." He seethes with eyes showing no remorse or feeling of care before focusing back on his screen.

My lips part, still stunned by some of the things that come from his mouth. How could an old man, especially a teacher be so fucking disrespectful?

I keep my anger to myself and do as I'm told. I can't believe I even comply with such degrading words.

My hands intertwine in front of me as I boredly glance around the room and over the ceiling. I'm tempted to see what he's doing but I know he'd probably accuse me of breaching his privacy. I rock back and forth on my heels, watching down at my shoes that become more worn out by the day. I inspect the linoleum around me looking at each mark and scratch, waiting for him to speak so I can get the hell out of here.

His gray backpack sits on the floor right next to his desk and beside my feet. I discreetly peer up to see that he's still concentrating on his laptop, so I slowly crane my neck over the open bag in curiosity of what the grumpy man brings. He has a brown suede coat folded at the bottom with a packet of spearmint mints and something that makes my heart stop.

My stomach plummets and I feel as if my bladder may lose control. My muscles stiffen, eyes wide with sheer horror. My body goes into shock with alarm bells pounding my skull. I feel ill, like I'm going to pass out and throw up at the same time.

He has a gun.

And it's lying directly in his backpack as if it's something he brings with him regularly.

I break into a sweat and I shift on my feet, stepping back in front of his desk rather than next to it and beside the bag that holds the jet black pistol.

What explanation could he have behind carrying a gun in his backpack? This is Australia. Carrying firearms is illegal, not to mention hard to purchase.

So why the fuck does he have one?

I can't think straight, my blood is rushing through my body and to my head from the erratic beat of my heart. I want to leave. I don't feel safe.
This man could be psychotic. How can he possibly be working with students.

"So, what are we going to do about this pathetic attitude of yours?" He shut his laptop.

I jump immediately and step away from him out of impulse. I'm putting myself in danger by being near this man. I thought I escaped my worst nightmare but this may be the beginning of a new one.

I quickly shrug my shoulders, concealing the fact my chest is rising and falling very rapidly.

"Look at me when I speak to you!" He spits and I'm so scared that if I don't comply, he will hurt me.

All I see in the chilling depth of his beady eyes is coldness. No emotion whatsoever. He's ruthless and full of hatred with danger lurking through his dark irises.

Much like someone else I know.

"What's wrong with you? You look scared shitless," He bitterly snickers, amused by my fear. Of course he has no idea the reason behind it. "Like a little deer who's seen a wolf." He finds it sickeningly humorous.

He's loving the fact I'm visibly uncomfortable right now. It seems to me this man is more than just a nasty teacher. He's fucking mentally insane and I'm sure of it. Why else would you bring a gun to school?

"I don't appreciate you trying to tell the principal
I'm not doing my job correctly. I'm a qualified teacher, I know how to discipline students and I certainly don't put up with shit from little girls like you," His wrinkly finger jabs my way. "So next time I hear you've emailed the principal about me, your life won't be worth living."

I nearly choke on my own saliva but nod meekly.
I'm in full panic mode, my brain sending receptors which creates a lot of adrenaline and heightens my senses. Essentially, it's my body's way of telling me to get the fuck out of here.

"Y-yes sir." I nod my head in full submission to him.

I hate this. I hate how I feel the need to obey him and every word from his mouth. However, the last thing I want is to be shot.

"Wow, finally complying, who would have thought," He looks me up and down. "Now go, get out of my face." He shoots his index finger in the direction of the door.

I don't think twice, rushing out the door into the much needed open air. My feet carry me straight down the desolate pathway as everyone is in their lunch areas. I'm headed straight to Mr Irwin's staffroom. Yeah, all the other Math teachers will be there but I'm prepared to pull him aside by making it seem like I need help with work.

I'm panting as I hurry past G block classrooms, all empty aside from one, making me pause once I pass it before quickly backtracking to see Ashton sitting with his chin in his palm and eyes steadily focused on the paper in front of him.

I burst through the door, alarming Ash causing him to flinch in his seat. I push myself through the desks to the front of the room where he sits quite startled and a concerned frown evident across his features.

"He's got a gun." I exclaim out of breath and grip onto his shoulders as he swivels his chair to face

"Wait what?" He stops and shakes his head, not expecting the words from my mouth. "Who? Who's got a gun?" He grips my waist tightly looking up to my frightened eyes.

"M-mr Parker." I breathe heavily.

"He's what?" His eyes widen, shooting up and off his seat, now towering over me.

"He's got a gun, I-I swear." I cling to his forearm, my mind racing with a million thoughts a second.

"Like right now? Where is he? Is he shooting?" The panic is unable to be hidden behind his usually calm and placid persona.

"No. No, he's got one in his bag." I swallow harshly with the lack of salivation in my mouth.

"What do you mean in his bag!" He whisper yells with disbelief.

I can tell he's disturbed and stunned to the point he's not believing it. It's never been heard of here, no one just owns a gun.

"I saw it lying in his bag!" I shake his body and silently beg that he's going to tell me it's all going to be ok.

What if he wants to kill me?

I'm over thinking it surely.

"Are you sure it was a gun that you saw? Could it of been something else?" He frantically searches my face for answers.

"Yes Ash, there was a legit pistol in his fucking bag!"

"What the fuck." He runs his hands over his face.
He has no idea what to say. It totally has caught him off guard.

"What is he doing with it? What if he hurts me
Ash? It's obvious he hates my guts so wouldn't it give him a motive to want to shoot me?" My voice lowers to one much more worried and vulnerable.

My adrenaline slowly fades but it leaves me with sheer anxiety of what this man is capable of.

"No, don't think like that," His eyes soften as he lets out a stressed sounding sigh. He collapses into the desk chair rubbing his hand over his light stubble. "It's all going to be alright."

I can't be reassured that easily at this point.

"What if he's some psychopath? No one just carries a gun! How the hell did he even get it?" I run one of my trembling hands through my hair.

"I cannot believe this is happening. I'm shocked.
I don't even know what to think or what to do," He huffs and leans back into his chair. "Like fuck, we don't have any evidence that he's got a gun in his bag so no one will believe it if we were to just say something. We need a photo or even get the thing ourselves."

"But how are we supposed to do that? And anything could happen during the time we try to get evidence." I sigh, feeling drained both emotionally and physically.

"Don't overthink it, I'll make sure you're absolutely fine. Maybe it's not what it looks like so don't worry your little mind over this. Let me handle it, you've got enough on your shoulders." He tugs me by my wrists into his lap so that my knees are parted and on either side of his thighs.

He's right yet again. Maybe I'm overthinking it and maybe it's not what it looks to be like. We have no idea what the story is and it literally could be anything.

Yeah, but no one in Australia carries a goddamn gun.

I try pushing it to the back of my mind as he pulls me into his strong embrace with his arms wrapped around my lower back. He's so comforting it's nearly too good to be true. The way his strong arms mold around me is something else.

"On a brighter note and hopefully this will take your mind off things, I'm gonna take you out to the shopping center tonight to get you a few things. And because I want to, you can't tell me no. " He chuckles into my hair.

"No." I play with him.

"Hey." He whines and lightly smacks my ass covered by the school skirt I'm wearing.

I smile to myself as his hands freely caress my back. I just want this shit to all end. It's just one thing after another constantly. I just want to be able to enjoy my life and focus on the little things like his moment with Ashton.

"I love this skirt on you." He groans softly while playing with the navy fabric of my pleated skirt. I blush like mad, snuggling my face further into his chest.

"Don't shy away," He takes my chin in between his gentle fingers to show me his hazel eyes. "You're so pretty." The pad of his warm thumb strokes my cheek.

And just as my face begins burning up at his words, the classroom door recklessly swings open with a screech. Immediately, I think of the worst. Both of our bodies hurriedly peel away from each other and I take a step away from Ashton.

My eyes trail to the door seeing someone I didn't expect to see, leaving me with my stomach in my throat. He stands wide eyed and dazed at what he had just witnessed.

No, no, no. This can't be good.

I almost wish it was Mr Parker here to shoot me.
It might be easier that way.

"Oh Harry," Mr Irwin chuckles nervously and rubs the nape of his neck. "What can I do for

I stand here awkwardly as he glances between the both of us now separated unlike what he would have seen when he walked in.

"What the fuck Ava?" He blinks, trying to comprehend what he just saw.

"I-it's not what it looks like."


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