The Forgotten School Flower H...

By microwave_shark

1.8K 12 15

The school held deep memories of the past. Some people called the school a myth, saying that only a handful o... More

My Flower
The dare
The loss of the empires
Plants and blood
Wake up Jim...
The desert
Flower garden?
In love?
Head canons and art :D


82 0 0
By microwave_shark

It was already 11pm, and everyone was feeling tired. Gem guided the five to their respective rooms, hoping that they could all get some rest after this long, eventful day. When Jimmy entered his room, he was shocked to see that it was covered in water and slime, giving him a sense of deja vu as he entered. The walls around him were made of spruce wood with leaves hanging from the ceiling. He knew that this was the old room of his past self and was glad that his friends had kept it as it was. Gem left the room, leaving Jimmy alone to explore. As he walked around his room, he found many things that seemed to have belonged to his past self. There were puffer fish books and a disc, and he was drawn to the flower crown and the ring made with poppy flowers. He decided to try on the crown, feeling drawn to it and its beauty. He also put on the ring, feeling its weight on his finger. These things felt so familiar to him, as though he had known them his whole life. As Jimmy looked in the mirror, he was shocked to see that he no longer saw himself. Instead, he saw someone different, someone who looked very much like himself, but happier? He looked at himself more deeply, trying to make sense of this strange occurrence. He knew that this reflection wasn't his, but it was so familiar. He felt a sense of deja vu, as if he had seen this person before. As he stared at the reflection, trying to understand his feelings and sense of familiarity, he was overcome with a sense of confusion and uncertainty. As Jimmy grew more and more lost in his thoughts, he started experiencing a terrible headache. His legs felt weak, and he wasn't sure if he could keep standing. He tried to stay upright, but the pain only became worse. He stared at his reflection, trying to make sense of this strange turn of events. But as he turned around to see the reflection, he saw something dark and shadowy behind him. It was a figure with dark purple-red eyes and a humanoid shape. Before Jimmy could react, he fainted from the pain and exhaustion. 

Jimmy dreamt of the two homes across from each other once again, the flowers scattered everywhere and the feeling of home as the Sun began to set. He wanted to stay there forever. In the dream, the Teal-haired man appeared from behind and hugged him tightly. "Hey Jimmy!" The Teal-haired person said, sounding excited to see him. "You have to walk up now, Jimmy. I'm sorry you can't stay here." The Teal-haired person placed a flower crown made out of poppies on Jimmy's head and smiled at him. Jimmy's vision was blurry, and it was hard for him to see the man's face. He tried to focus, wanting so badly to see the one he had been dreaming about. "Who are you?" He finally asked after a moment. "You've already met me, flower," The man replied, softly touching and playing with Jimmy's soft blond hair. Jimmy still couldn't see clearly, but something in the man's tone and touch seemed to comfort him. He trusted this man, even if he couldn't quite remember him.

As Jimmy woke up, he slowly gathered his bearings and came back to reality. He was surrounded by familiar faces and felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Jimmy, please don't ever do that to me again!" Lizzie said, hugging Jimmy tightly and sounding relieved. "What happened?" He asked, still feeling a bit fuzzy. "Scott found you on the floor and you wouldn't wake up," Liz replied. "How long was I out for?" "Half a day at least," Gem replied with a hint of concern in her voice. "Jimmy, what did you do?" She asked, waiting patiently for an explanation. "I was looking around my room," Jimmy explained. "Then I found a flower crown! I put it on and I looked at myself in the mirror. Then I had a headache, but I saw something behind me!" His friends stared at him, concern and confusion written across their faces. "What did you see, Jimmy?" Katherine asked, her tone filled with fear. Jimmy looked at her, trying to regain his memories. "I don't know, it was just some shadowy figure. I can't remember it very clearly." Sure! Here's one possible continuation: Scott stared at Jimmy in disbelief, unsure if Jimmy was telling the truth or not. "What do you mean 'Found a flower crown?' I thought I threw them away," he said, sounding scared and concerned. "I found it in my room," Jimmy replied, looking around and finding it again. He placed the flower crown on his head, and Scott's eyes widened as he saw it. "This one?" He asked with hesitation, unable to believe that Jimmy was actually wearing it. Scott looked at Jimmy with disbelief and panic, and he couldn't stand to stay in the room any longer. He ran out of the room, looking over his shoulder as he ran, and started to panic. "Scott, wait!" Shrub yelled, following him. But Scott was too quick and too afraid to keep in his own thoughts. He continued sprinting down the hall, looking over his shoulder every few seconds, while Shrub tried to catch up with him Scott sat down on the floor and cried, feeling overwhelmed by the memories and emotions. Shrub sat down next to him and hugged him tightly, trying to comfort him. "Hey, it's okay, I know it's hard for you," she said. "I thought I threw everything I had of his away!" Scott cried, unable to hold back his emotions. "Scott, I know you miss him, but it's okay," Shrub comforted him, trying to help him come to terms with his feelings and the past he had left behind. Shrub held Scott tightly, trying to comfort him as he cried. She could see how much Scott was struggling and hurting, and she just wanted to offer him some kind of comfort and reassurance. "Scott, I know you miss him," she repeated softly. "But it's okay. He wouldn't want you to be stuck in the past. He'd want you to move forward and find happiness and love again." She hoped that her words would resonate with Scott and help him to begin to heal from the sadness he had been carrying for so long. Jimmy tried to get up and run after Scott, but his head was still spinning and he fell back down quickly. "Gem! Gem! Use your magic hurry," Lizzie yelled, as Jimmy coughed up blood and looked like he was about to faint. Gem frantically searched her spell book, trying to find a spell that could help him. Finally, she found the right one, and Jimmy immediately stopped coughing, breathing easier, and his colour returned to normal. As Jimmy got back up, he started walking towards Scott despite Lizzie's warnings to him. He felt like he had to find out what was wrong with Scott, no matter the cost. It was as if there was some invisible string that was pulling him towards Scott, and he couldn't resist the urge to go find him. Jimmy made his way over to Scott and sat down next to him. He didn't know what was wrong, and he couldn't resist the draw he felt towards Scott. Jimmy gently reached out and put his hand on Scott's shoulder, trying to find out what was wrong. "Is something wrong, Scott..." he asked, trying to comfort him in his time of need. Scott looked at Jimmy and tried to gather his thoughts. "I'm sorry if I did something to you. I'm sorry I found that crown. I'm sorry for looking through someone's stuff that was important to you." Jimmy continued apologising as Scott stared at him, unsure what to say. Finally, Scott spoke up, "Fl-Jimmy, it's fine. You just look so much like my Jimmy and I miss him a lot." Scott was silent for a moment, feeling overwhelmed by the memories and feeling of loss once again. He looked at Jimmy, unable to explain the complicated emotions he was feeling. His smile slowly faded as the past came rushing back. Scott stared into Jimmy's brown eyes and saw his Jimmy in them. He instantly felt a connection to his past and felt a bit of comfort in knowing that he wasn't alone in his feelings. Scott's smile grew brighter when he realised that he could finally make things better. "Here, Jimmy, I'll make it up to you. I'll tell you something about my Jimmy," he said, sounding confident and eager to share what he had been holding back for so long. "No one else knows this, but Jim and I had a secret place where we would go to see each other for dates," Scott explained with a smile. "The first time I showed him, he was literally jumping around and hugging me so tight." Scott was filled with fond memories of Jim and their special place, a hidden spot that they kept all their secrets from everybody else. It was a special place for just the two of them, and Scott felt a sense of comfort in knowing that he wasn't alone in feeling this way. Scott's smile widened as he continued to recall his memories with his Jimmy. "It was a special place for just the two of us," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "This was our spot, where we kept all of our secrets."Scott thought back to all the special moments he and Jimmy had shared in this secret place, from their first date to all the little moments that made up their relationship. It was a place where they could be themselves and fully share their feelings, away from the rest of the world. Scott leaned on Jimmy's shoulder and continued talking, reliving his memories of his time with his Jimmy. "Jimmy! You have to rest," Gem shouted, making Scott jump. Scott got a fright and, accidentally, snow fell down on Jimmy's head. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" Scott exclaimed, horrified that he'd accidentally hurt Jimmy. He quickly bent down to help clean up the snow, feeling embarrassed and ashamed at his mistake. Jimmy started laughing after the snow fell on him, throwing some back at Scott in response. The two of them were filled with joy and excitement, turning this unfortunate accident into something fun and playful. They each started laughing, making more and more snow and having a great time together. It was a light-hearted and happy moment for the two of them, and they felt like they could finally let their guard down and relax. As a snow ball was heading towards Jimmy, he somehow managed to create a wall of water that prevented the snowball from hitting him. He looked confused and surprised at his ability, not knowing how he had managed to accomplish it. "How did you do that?!" Grian asked. "I-I don't know," Jimmy replied, still feeling shocked and amazed by what he had done. "But that was so cool!" He smiled, still feeling the excitement of the unusual and unexpected event. Everyone joined in on the snowball fight, including Scott, Jimmy, Joel, Pearl, Sausage, Grian, Joey, and fWhip. As more snowballs were thrown in all directions, Lizzie managed to take cover behind a small hill. She used her magic to create a small tsunami, making everyone wet. "That was amazing!" Jimmy yelled, feeling the excitement of the snowball fight and the magic of the small earthquake. All of the other participants were filled with joy and excitement, feeling that they had created a memorable moment together. "Wow, Jimmy! Lizzie! How did you do that?!" Gem asked, stopping everyone in their snowball fight. "I don't know," Jimmy replied, feeling amazed and surprised at what had happened. "I saw something coming towards me and I instinctively shielded myself with my arm, but it somehow made water!" Everyone stared at him, looking both flabbergasted and excited. It seemed like a miracle had happened before their very eyes and they were still trying to make sense of it. "But the spell that I did was only supposed to change you back, not give you your powers!" Gem said, sounding worried. "That is kinda weird..." Lizzie said, seeming confused and unsure of what exactly had happened. Both girls were starting to feel anxious and concerned that maybe something had gone wrong or that the spell had caused unintended consequences that they hadn't anticipated. They had no idea how to explain what had happened, or why, and they were starting to feel a deep sense of unease and uncertainty. "Wait, if Jimmy and Lizzie have their powers, that means!" Gem looked around, feeling excited and looking for something to try her new ability on. Finally, she found a pot with a dead flower inside. "That means you can make this grow!" She said excitedly to Kath, holding up the dead plant towards her face. Kath looked at the plant with curiosity, wondering if it was possible that it would start to grow again. If it did, it would prove that it was more than just a coincidence and that the spell had actually worked. Kath took a deep breath and focused her energy on the plant, hoping that she could accomplish what Gem had said. As the green and pink mist left her fingertips and landed on the plant, the plant slowly began to change. It started to grow, first turning green again, then buds began to open up, revealing lovely purple flowers. "I did it!" Kath exclaimed with joy, proud of herself for being able to do something so remarkable. She was filled with happiness and pride at the magic that had flowed through her fingers and transformed the plant. "You did it, Kath!" Lizzie exclaimed, running up to her and giving her a hug. "This is fascinating!" Gem was filled with excitement and energy, feeling eager to learn more and discover the potential of the magic that was now within her grasp. She couldn't wait to see what else she could accomplish with her new powers. "I have so much to learn," she said, her mind already racing with possibilities and ideas. She was eager to explore her abilities and reach her full potential. Kath looked around and saw the magic inside her, ready to be explored and wielded for good. She felt powerful and happy, filled with a desire to use her magic for good. "I'm ready to learn," she said, feeling confident in her ability to grasp this new gift. She was ready to explore its possibilities and make a difference in the world with it. "I want to learn everything I can about this magic and use it to help others," she continued. "I don't want to waste this chance to make a difference." Shrub watched in awe as she realised that she had fallen in love with the same person again. Of course, she loved Kathrine, but this time, she had a second chance to confess her feelings to her. She knew it would take a long time, but she believed it would be worth it. She wanted to make things right this time, and she was willing to do anything to make it happen. She was filled with determination and excitement at the prospect of a second chance to be with the love of her life. As Gem continued talking to Kath, Lizzie, and Jim, Scott grew bored and decided to play a trick. He cast some snow on them, which they were surprised by. "Hey!" Jim said, laughing. "You know I have water on my side!" "Well I have frozen water, beat that!" Scott teased, giggling. "Oh yeah, is that so?" Jim said, ready to compete. "If that's true, let's see what happens when I melt this snowball on you!" Jim said, grinning. Jimmy quickly gathered up all the water from the snow and created a big wall of water behind him, blocking any potential attacks. "So, Scott, you really want to play with me?" he teased, causing Scott to blush a bit. "Oh you're on, cod boy!" Scott teased back, feeling excited to compete with Jimmy in a battle of magic and powers. They were both ready to have some fun and play around with their abilities and spells, and neither of them was going to back down easily. Jimmy tried to splash Scott with his water, but to his surprise, Scott was able to turn them back into snow quickly. "Come on, cod boy, that's all you got?" Jimmy teased. "Nope!" Scott retaliated. Little did he know, a wall of water was slowly forming behind him from Jimmy's powers. Jimmy continued to laugh as he prepared his attack, ready to strike. Scott tried to fight back but it was too late as the water wall hit him and quickly surrounded him, drenching him and leaving him shocked at the sudden attack.  Scott stood there drenched, having been covered with water from the wall that Jimmy created. He laughed as he saw his wet hair, feeling silly and a bit embarrassed. But he didn't care, as he was having fun and enjoying himself. Jimmy blushed as he saw Scott with wet hair, finding his appearance more attractive. He used his powers to lift Scott up and carry him into his arms, still smiling and teasing him. "So, Scott, who won?" Jim asked, his voice still playful but with a hint of awkwardness as he wondered what to say next. Scott tried to reply but ended up spluttering due to being soaked and being in Jimmy's arms. He couldn't think of an answer, as he was too distracted by Jimmy's close presence. "Me!" Scott replied. Scott quickly cast a spell to make Jim stuck on the ground with ice and then covered Jim with snow. "How about that, cod boy?" Scott teased, feeling proud of himself for getting the upper hand. Jimmy was caught off guard by Scott's sudden attack but tried to act tough and unbothered. He could feel the ice making his body move slower and slower, and he started to feel a bit cold as the snow covered him. Still, he didn't want to let Scott know that he was bothered by the spell.  Jimmy couldn't help but giggle when he saw Scott's cheerful expression and heard his laughter. Jimmy felt his heart flutter when he heard Scott's amused laugh, and he felt a sense of intrigue at the new feeling he was experiencing. He tried to figure out what it meant, but he couldn't come up with any explanation. He just knew that he felt a strange closeness to Scott, one that he couldn't explain but that filled him with joy and excitement. "Fine Scott, you win now can you let me out?" Jim smiled, feeling relieved to be freed from the ice. Scott immediately defrosted the ice covering Jim, and he fell over in surprise. "Ah!" Jim yelled, laughing. He didn't mind the fall though, as he felt comfortable with Scott's help and company. "Yeah sorry," Scott said, feeling a bit guilty yet still enjoying the playful atmosphere. He couldn't help but laugh with Jim, feeling happy and relaxed at the same time. "Come, love birds, it's time to have lunch," Pearl yelled, her tone sounding more like a command. Scott and Jim blushed at being called "love birds," and they began walking together. They felt embarrassed but also flattered at being called a couple. They walked in silence for a while, feeling awkward and unsure of how to proceed. But as they walked and saw each other's faces, they started to feel a sense of closeness and connection, and their embarrassment turned into something else, something more... 

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