That's not me [K. Tanjiro × R...

By Wellenlied

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Another demon slayer fanfiction. [Kamado Tanjiro × Fem! Demon reader] "Sʜᴇ's ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀғᴜʟ ʙᴜᴛ I ғᴇᴀʀ ᴏɴᴄᴇ... More

1 | Where Are You?
2 | I Believe You
3 | You Did It!
4 | You Okay?
5 | You'll Regret It
6 | You Can Do It
7 | You'll See
8 | Are You Cold?
9 | I Love You
11 | I'll Wait For You
12 | I'll Cheer For You
13 | You Must Stay
14 | That's Not Me
15 | That's Me
16 | With You
Image Creator
Sequels (Planning)

10 | Don't You Dare

238 6 0
By Wellenlied

No ones pov

"I hear shoutings Tanjiro." she said from underneath the mask.

Tanjiro fasten his steps and arrived at the butterfly estate, "What happened?!" he announced his presence.

"Tanjiro!!!" Sumi and Kiyo informed him about the kidnapping.

"Tanjiro-nii! Oneesan! Please stop him!" Ryu exclaimed.

After understanding the situation, Tanjiro demanded him to let the girls go, but the sound hashira didn't plan to.

Y/n sighed, "You said you need girls? I'll just go in their stead, how's that sound?"

This perked his interest, "Oh? So you're willing to come with me? This will also do." he dropped Aoi and Naho.

"Don't drop them just like this!" Tanjiro shouted angrily and caught Naho while Kanao caught Aoi.

"Y/n..." Aoi mumbled and so did the girls.

"Oneesan, don't go with this perv!" Ryu exclaimed.

"Hey! Who are you calling pervert?!" Tengen shouted.

The three girls yelled in the same time, "Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!"

"Oneesan is strong," she spoke softly to Ryu, "nothing will happen to me."

"I'm coming too!" Tanjiro declared.

"You don't have to accompany me Tanjiro, you must be tired." y/n interrupted him.

"I'm not tired!"

"We're going too!" Zenitsu's voice appeared behind them.

"It's settled then." Tengen announced, "follow me!"


"Those are the letters my wives sent me via crow, look for yourselves!" the sound hashira threw the letters at the trio.

After some explanations and the process of the plan, Tengen called the demon out, "Oi, demon! Come out!"

Y/n did as told and the leaves left the mask and quickly floated towards a corner where she could stand in the shadows and morphed back into her original form. She crossed her arms in annoyance.

"Can make yourself look human?" Tengen demanded, "I sadi I need girls for this mission but not a female demon. And while you're at it, wear this."

He threw a dress at her and she caught it. "I'm not wearing it." she growled.

"You volunteered to come so do as I say now, or I get the other girls."

She glared at him, "At least give me a room to change."

"There's no room with shades, we won't look." as he looked at the trio they all looked away and he also turned around.

The winged demon sighed in annoyance and started to undress herself and change into the dress she just received.
Then she manifested to hide her antlers and wings and the vanished.
"I'm finished."

She crossed her arms, "Hm? Why the look? Is just me without wings and antlers."

"What a waste... If you weren't a demon..." Tengen stared.

"Shut up." an irk mark appeared on her head.

"You look so pretty y/n!" Zenitsu explained and Tanjiro nodded in agreement.

Her cheeks turned red and looked away, "T-thanks..."

"Now you three!" the trio flinched as Tengen approached them, "now I give you three a glow up!"

"You call this glow up?!" y/n started to laugh, "and I believed your handwork is good! Pahahaha!"

"That's the best I could do!" an irk mark popped on the sound hashira's head as he shouted, "Stop laughing."

She wiped a tear from her eye with her index finger while her other arm held her stomach since it started to hurt and continued laughing.

Tanjiro never heard her laughter this extreme and he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"I'll kill you if you don't stop!" Tengen warned.

"Okay, okay..." she finally calmed down catching her breath, "Alright, in which house are you planning to put me?"

"You have another job, a special one, you can can't you? I want you to roam around the whole district without anybody noticing and look for clues." Tengen explained.

"Does it matter what kind of method I use?" she asked.

"As long you're not getting noticed," he replied, "I think you're able to find me once you found something, if not just look for them." he looked at the trio.

"Alright, I can do that. All I need is time."

"We'll leave tonight, until then prepare yourselves." with that he vanished and went to who knows where.


"Stop laughing!" this time, it was Inosuke to get annoyed.

"Sorry, I think I can't look at you guys anymore with those make up." she chuckled.

Zenitsu noticed that Tanjiro wanted to say something so he dragged Inosuke out, "We still have something to do, we come later!" he said while giving the burgundy slayer a thumbs up.

"Oi! Where we going?!" Inosuke shouted.

"Don't you want to sit with me?" she asked as she didn't see him move.

He came over and sat next to her.

"Aren't used to my new look right?" she added.

"Not, I think you look beautiful with or without the antlers and wings," he grew nervous, "I... Wanted to ask if we could cuddle, we didn't do it right before because..."

"I know, my antlers were in the way," she finished his sentence, "I don't mind."
She leaned on his chest while wrapping her arms around him. He hugged back and enjoyed every second of the moment.


"Be careful guys." she said before turning around and vanish in the sea of people. Soon, they lost sight of her in the crowd of the red light district.

"We should get going too," Tengen said in his handsome look, "let's go to the first house."

The winged demon, now disguised as a human went into an alley and as she made sure no one was watching, she morphed into leaves and flew through the whole district looking for clues.

The first night ended and the leaves flew into a random house, in a small room she morphed back and opened the door. She secretly joined the other girls of the house and did their work, such as cleaning and organise stuff.

In the next night, she morphed into leaves again and continued her search. She will stop by every window to check and when day came, she'll hide in other houses to repeat the same work and to not be noticed.

This went on for a while. A long while.

Until something caught her attention; a specific room was dark in every night and nobody ever entered it so the leaves decided to crawl inside the gab under the door.

The leaves remained on the ground and inspected the room; sashes were all over the walls and ceiling, and a woman was trapped in the centre of the sashes.

The leaves approached her slowly and the woman opened her eyes after noticing a presence, but there was only some leaves in front of her. Where did they came from? She thought and closed her eyes again.

The leaves however, twirled before her which made her look at them again and in the next moment, the leaves turned into a human, no, a demon."

The woman's eyes widen but couldn't move, y/n in the other hand, placed her index finger on her lips signaling the woman to make no sound.

The woman watched how she broke a small piece of her antler and placed it next to her, then she touched the sashes that trapped her and transfomed them into sakura petals. Y/n quickly pulled the women towards her as the sahses of the room started moving to look where the prisoner was. The broken antler piece on the ground started to morph into a tree trunk and continued to grow. The sashes wrapped themselves around the small tree thinking it was the prisoner and they stopped moving.

Y/n who held the woman's mouth shut, picked her up bridal style after noticing that she was poisoned. Before leaving the dark room, she looked back at the spot where the woman was trapped before which was now replaced with a tree.

"Where am I?" the woman asked weakly.

"Somewhere safe in the district. I controlled it several times and I can guarantee that no one will find you here." y/n answered, "No need to be scared, I don't intend to eat nor hurt you."

"So you are a demon." the woman gasped and sat up.

Y/n pushed her down to her futon again, "Don't move or the poison will spread again, drink it." she handed placed a bowl in front of mouth but she refused to drink the medicine.

Y/n sighed, "Do you know the sound hashira? He sent me here."

The woman looked at her with wide eyes.

"So you do, then you must be one of his wives," she stood up and placed the bowl next to the wife of Tengen and went to the door, "if you don't want to get caught by the demon again who trapped you, then stay here. Also I placed the medicine next to you, it's your choice to drink it or not."

"Wait!" the woman exclaimed weakly, "where are you going?"

"To look for the other two of course." with that she faded into leaves and flew back towards the direction where she found her. The leaves, once again flew around the room full with sashes looking for a hole or a gap where they came from. She finally spotted a hole and flew inside. The small tunnel was dark and it took her a long time to reach its end.

She arrived somewhere underground where the sashes were all connected. The leaves quickly dropped on the ground as a sash with face approached her direction like a snake.

The leaves moved again once the faced sash was out of sight and floated towards the centre. Two woman were trapped and the leaves guessed it was the other two wives of Tengen. How will she help them?

The leaves watched for an escape and after she found one, she watched the movements of the faced sash. She noticed, that the sash never looked at the prisoner's direction, what an arrogant one.

Two leaf pieces separated from the other leaves and flew towards the two wives.
It's now or never!


The woman in the lonely room did decide to drink the medicine and felt better and she wanted to leave this place asap. Before she stood up, many leaves with three different colors entered from the door gab and they transformed into the demon and the other two wives.

"Makio! Suma!" she called out and their eyes opened. After noticing the demon they jumped back in a battle stance.

"Hinatsuru, what did she do to you?!" Makio shouted.

"Is that how you talk to your savior?" y/n smiled amusingly, "I'll go straight to the point; your husband, the sound hashira sent me here."

"Why should we believe you?!" Suma exclaimed in distrust.

"You don't have to," the demon yawned, "I need to leave now, I guess the demon already find out that the three of you are missing now." she manifested her antlers with missing pieces and wings back, "The sound hashira is around the three houses you were in, you three might find him there."

Before they could say anything, the winged demon left and returned to the place where the faced sash were.

"What?!" it yelled in frustration, "How did they turn into trees?!"

"Because it's my work." the sash looked behind her where the winged demon stood.

And before the faced sash could do anything, the winged demon touched a connected sash. In the next seconds, all sashes dissappeared as well as for the faced one leaving a bunch of flower petals behind.

"This might be enough for the mastermind to appear."

It didn't take long as the oiran arrived underground glaring at the winged demon but the pool of petals behind her caught her attention.

"For a weak demon, a very beautiful demon blood art," upper moon six, Daki commented, "I wonder if I gain the same ability after eating you."

The winged demon touched her antlers in concern, "I won't let that happen."

'Oh? Are her antlers the key?' Daki thought, "A big mouth you have, you don't have a chance against a kizuki."

"We'll find out," the winged demon lunged at her who sent several sashes at her but as the sashes get in contact with her hands, they transformed into colorful petals.

For a brief moment, Daki was dazed at the beauty and y/n used her chance to kick her into the stomach and as her mouth was open she broke the whole upper part of her right antler and shoved it inside her mouth. The antler piece were to big so she activated the curse and it began to melt in her mouth. Daki kicked her away and started to cough.

"What have you done?!" she shouted while feeling weird.

In the hole, upper moon six convulsed violently, coughing up blood that stained the rocky floor. An eerie silence hung in the air for those who dared to witness the spectacle recoiled in horror, but thankfully no one was there expect the winged demon herself. Dski's agony intensified as twisted sticks and branches emerged from her mouth, causing her to writhe in pain.

A hushed gasp echoed through the hall as the initial signs of a colossal transformation unfolded. The abyss trembled as a massive, gnarled root burst forth, tearing through the demon's body like a violent force of nature unleashed. The once malevolent being now seemed an unwilling vessel for nature's raw power.

Daki's screams were drowned by the relentless growth of the colossal tree. Limbs and branches expanded in a macabre dance, entwining with the remains of the shattered demon. The cavern shook with each pulse of life emanating from the burgeoning tree.

As the branches pierced the demon's form, an unsettling chorus of splintering bones and tearing flesh accompanied the grotesque metamorphosis. The air thickened with the scent of earth and decay.

In a surreal twist, the rock ceiling seemed to part, allowing the tree to stretch its colossal limbs towards the heavens. Leaves unfurled in a riot of green, contrasting starkly with the demon's remains entangled within the arboreal monstrosity.

Rocks filled the hole so y/n flew up towards the tree top which met the night sky.

Tanjiro's pov

'An earthquake?' I questioned but the following loud noises from outside caught my attention which caused me to look out the window and my eyes widen.

A colossal beautiful tree grew in the centre of the district and I recognised it; it's the same tree from the snow mountain, but this time it was large trice.

'I need my sword now!'

Tengen's and his wives pov

My mouth was agape open as the tree emerged from nowhere while hearing a painful scream.

"That must be the winged demon..." Hinatsuru mumbled.

"What?" I looked at her for more information.

She continued, "The winged demon replaced our spots with her antlers which can grow into a trees but this one is very large... She also said she's meeting the demon!"

"You three leave this place first, I'll take care of it." with that being said, I ran towards the colossal tree.

Reader's pov

I knew that I can't kill a kizuki with this wicked method since their regeneration skills are inconceivably. If I'm right, her limbs have already grown back.

"I finally found you." a male voice appeared behind me causing me to turn around.

"You dare to make my sister suffer like this?! You're even more brutal than our lord!" he growled.

Behind some bushes on the tree top, Daki revealed herself and she was traumatised, and still crying.

Before I could do anything, I was met with his unimaginable speed and something sharp pierced through the side of my head.

Tanjiro's pov

Something flashed through the night sky and it was y/n! Who dared to do this to her?! Her form crashed into a building which collapsed.


No ones pov

The two demons approached her moveless form, "I'm going to make you suffer more than that." Daki growled but before she could touch her, her hand was cut off.

"Not under my watch!" Tengen exclaimed and stood in front of her. Some seconds later, the trio also arrived.

"Y/n!" Tanjiro approached her moveless form, the wound on the side of her head looked horrible and her face was purple.
Also, an antler was missing, and Tanjiro knew she used it to summon a tree.

"Blurgh!" Daki coughed another stick out stained with blood, "This bitch..."


"Kill her to make it stop onissan!" Daki shouted.

The battle started. They successfully separated them from the winged demon who was still slowly regenerating.

Several hour passed; Tengen was poisoned, Inosuke got stabbed, Zenitsu was under a building and Tanjiro collapse on the ground with a broke sword. It almost looked like the demons won, but they were wrong.

"Raahhh!" the winged demon growled and she looked different; the ivy's around her antlers were crimson read as well as her wings. She wasn't y/n anymore.

She lunged crazily at the demon siblings as blood red spikes emerged from the ground.

Gyutaro easily slashed her limbs off but what made him uneasy was, she didn't stop lunging at him. Even with missing body parts, she still perfomed her demon blood are, landed kicks and punches at him, and she also used her theets to bite them. She was going berserk.

She somehow regained focus on the curse she put on Daki and a tree started to grow from her mouth again. Daki screamed in fear, there's no way she was experiencing the torture again.

"ONISSAN!" she screamed and begged him to do something.

"Stop it!" he demanded as he assaulted the demon. Both of them were distracted now and completely forgot about the slayers. They managed to cut their heads off while they were focusing on the winged demon. They lost.

Y/n however, didn't stop, now with the two demons gone, she sniffed the air as she drooled. The scent of blood was intense.

She started to lung at Tengen who stood near her and he blocked her bite with his blade, "Oi!" he shouted.

"Y/n!" Tanjiro hold her down from behind so she started to slap him with her wings, "That's not you y/n! Pull yourself together!"

She managed to push the sound hashira and Tanjiro away and as she wanted to plan another assault, cold arms wrapped around her head and pressed her into someones chest.

It was a familiar hug so the winged demon froze, was it Nezuko?

"Mhn!" Nezuko hugged her tightly hoping she can calm her down like last time in the ice abyss.

Tengen reacted fast and hit her neck knocking her out.

"Hm!" Nezuko glared at him.

"Guess it worked..." he commented as he watched how the red color on her disappeared and she started to snore quietly.

Tengen's three wives arrived and looked at the fainted demon.
"Is she alright?" Hinatsuru asked.

"Dunno, but the sun is rising." Tengen pointed out and started to pick her up while placing her on his shoulder like a bag of rice.

"Where are you taking her?!" Tanjiro asked.

"To the butterfly estate of course," he said without looking back, "I'll see you there, the kakushis are arriving soon."

3220 words

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