10 | Don't You Dare

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No ones pov

"I hear shoutings Tanjiro." she said from underneath the mask.

Tanjiro fasten his steps and arrived at the butterfly estate, "What happened?!" he announced his presence.

"Tanjiro!!!" Sumi and Kiyo informed him about the kidnapping.

"Tanjiro-nii! Oneesan! Please stop him!" Ryu exclaimed.

After understanding the situation, Tanjiro demanded him to let the girls go, but the sound hashira didn't plan to.

Y/n sighed, "You said you need girls? I'll just go in their stead, how's that sound?"

This perked his interest, "Oh? So you're willing to come with me? This will also do." he dropped Aoi and Naho.

"Don't drop them just like this!" Tanjiro shouted angrily and caught Naho while Kanao caught Aoi.

"Y/n..." Aoi mumbled and so did the girls.

"Oneesan, don't go with this perv!" Ryu exclaimed.

"Hey! Who are you calling pervert?!" Tengen shouted.

The three girls yelled in the same time, "Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!"

"Oneesan is strong," she spoke softly to Ryu, "nothing will happen to me."

"I'm coming too!" Tanjiro declared.

"You don't have to accompany me Tanjiro, you must be tired." y/n interrupted him.

"I'm not tired!"

"We're going too!" Zenitsu's voice appeared behind them.

"It's settled then." Tengen announced, "follow me!"


"Those are the letters my wives sent me via crow, look for yourselves!" the sound hashira threw the letters at the trio.

After some explanations and the process of the plan, Tengen called the demon out, "Oi, demon! Come out!"

Y/n did as told and the leaves left the mask and quickly floated towards a corner where she could stand in the shadows and morphed back into her original form. She crossed her arms in annoyance.

"Can make yourself look human?" Tengen demanded, "I sadi I need girls for this mission but not a female demon. And while you're at it, wear this."

He threw a dress at her and she caught it. "I'm not wearing it." she growled.

"You volunteered to come so do as I say now, or I get the other girls."

She glared at him, "At least give me a room to change."

"There's no room with shades, we won't look." as he looked at the trio they all looked away and he also turned around.

The winged demon sighed in annoyance and started to undress herself and change into the dress she just received.
Then she manifested to hide her antlers and wings and the vanished.
"I'm finished."

She crossed her arms, "Hm? Why the look? Is just me without wings and antlers."

"What a waste... If you weren't a demon..." Tengen stared.

"Shut up." an irk mark appeared on her head.

"You look so pretty y/n!" Zenitsu explained and Tanjiro nodded in agreement.

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