Killer or Hero

By Thiccie67

22.4K 776 214

It's been two years since the live execution and murder of the Hero student Izuku Midoriya. He was captured n... More

Ch.1 Thread are torn
Ch.2 A New Killer
Ch.3 Hero Conference
Ch.4 No Choice
Ch.5 Cleanse and Control
Ch.6 Monopoly
Ch.7 Leads
Ch.8 Old Burns
Ch.9 One Hand's Hand
Ch.10 Rat Hunting
Ch.12 First Hint
Ch.13 Round 2
Ch.14 Truth
Ch.15 Old Memories
Ch.16 Eye for an Eye
Ch.17 Why?
Ch.18 What?
Ch.19 Family
Ch.20 Old Friend
Ch.21 Son of War
Ch.22 Platinum is the Color Red
Ch.23 Ex Problems

Ch.11 Hunter

758 37 7
By Thiccie67

Disclaimer I do not My Hero Academia nor any DC properties

I only own the PLot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

*This chapter takes place over several months, and if you didn't know it has been about in the story a year and a half*

*About a week since the last chapter's events*

In a remote location, the entirety of the past Class 1-A could be seen in a dark intel room, with a large printed map on the table with holo buildings tending from it. All were marked with certain symbols on them, the tension in the room was palpable. After all, they had just learned that one of their friends was murdered last week. Now it was time to plan their revenge, to catch his killer.

Bakugo: We all know who did it, correct?

All: Yes.

Bakugo: Than let's start planning. The arrest of the Red Hood.

Thus they began working.


Izuku: What the fuck do you mean I'm wrong!?

Fuyumi: You fucking heard me! Want me to repeat it slower so your dumbass can understand?

As you can see Izuku and Fuyumi are having their first-ever argument in their one-week-long relationship. You may be wondering why so. Was it because she found out the truth about his job? No. Maybe she thinks he's cheating on her? No. Perhaps it's her time of the month? No....well maybe, but no. The reason why they are arguing at the moment is-

Izuku: Oh I'm a dumbass, just because I think Ronaldo is going to end up with Esmerelda?

Fuyumi: Yes! Because it's obvious Esmerelda is going to be with Paco!

Yes, they are arguing over which male lead the main character Esmerelda from Latin Heat should end up with. How long has this been going for? Three days. It started with just a side comment Izuku made while watching the soap opera with her. Unfortunately, it devolved into this. It continued for another 4 hours until eventually, they came to a compromise, that Fatima wasn't going to end up with anyone. Yes, engrossing plot right here and that's what you are here for. Anyway one more fluff before back to seriousness.


Izuku stared at his phone with a dead face before looking up and seeing Zumi looking away with a very guilty look. Izuku was staring at his bank account at the moment and well let's just say he wasn't amused.

Izuku: $4,000....on a mobile game?

Zumi: There was a seasonal draw.

Zumi used her girly voice and innocent look to calm Izuku down. Izuku just sighed ruffled her hair and then began putting on his outfit, he reached the door sent a text to Fuyumi, and turned to Zumi.

Izuku: I'll be back. Fuyumi will be here to pick you up soon, no more transactions, or you're grounded.

Zumi: Okay! 'Sorry Dad, but I need that 5-star character.'

Izuku then left through the door, it didn't take long for Izuku to find a high-paying contract. Finishing it under a day and offsetting Zumi's purchases plus more, however, he would later get scolded by Fuyumi for leaving Zumi alone. She was by herself for 5 minutes. Okay now back to seriousness.


Izuku had begun his seventh step, the hunting of the Hero Association heroes including the fakes or corrupted as well. This lead to this one late night where Izuku could be seen standing on a roof with a pair of binoculars staring down the street stalking the hero. This one frequented the underground fighting ring as a better and sometimes fighter, which means he could also lead him to...Izuku froze as he saw his secondary target trailing not far behind the hero. Izuku smiled as he put down the binoculars and pulled up a red hood, tonight was going to be a lot quieter than his usual acts.

It was easy slipping into the club after all you didn't need much to bribe the bouncers. It was loud and crowded with dubstep pumping loudly on the dance floor which was on a balcony that overlooked a large stadium with a caged ring in the middle. Izuku easily slipped through the crowd reaching the railing that overlooked the ring. Down in the ring, Izuku could see Spinner fighting for his life between two other mutant types, one a shark and the other a tiger. Spinner was getting killed out there before he finally got knocked out of the ring through the cage onto the floor, where he was booed and the nearby fans through food and drinks at him.

Izuku backed away as Spinner was escorted into the locker room. Later once he regained consciousness Spinner could be seen applying bandages to himself with a scowl, ever since the failure of the League of Villains, he'd been hopping around for all these years, stuck on this stupid island. He couldn't leave because people knew who he was, it's not like he could hide since he was a mutant type. He was essentially screwed for life. While complaining about his life he heard the locker room door open, but he ignored it after all he took the fall like he was supposed to.

Spinner instead felt someone grab him by the back of the neck and toss him back making him hit the back of his head on the lockers. Spinner growled as he looked to his attacker but fear took his body as he saw a man wearing a red hood with his face under it covered by a plain red mask. Spinner didn't have a chance to beg as Izuku slammed his foot into Spinner's chest cracking his ribs instantly.

Izuku: Where are the rest of the league?

Spinner: Ack...I'll never say.

Izuku: Okay.

Izuku brought his foot up and slammed it back down on Spinner's neck killing him instantly. Izuku walked out the backdoor, he'll just come for the hero another day.


Izuku and Fuyumi could be seen cuddling on a couch in winter clothes, they were in the back patio of her home, watching Shomi and Zumi playing in the first snowfall together. Izuku smiled softly as he saw a giant grin form on Zumi's face as she tossed a snowball at Shomi. Was this what he was missing? For so long he just felt so empty with only him and Zumi, and yet before he barely saw her. Yet now he just felt so content, but not satisfied. With him obtaining this life now, he had to try even harder to accomplish his goals. Not just for Zumi, but for Fuyumi and every person they care for.

Izuku was knocked out of his thoughts by Fuyumi's words.

Fuyumi: I want you to meet my parents.

Izuku: Huh?


A woman screamed as she was slammed against an alley wall from behind, tears began to spill from her eyes already knowing what was about to happen to her. The 'hero' said he wanted to speak with her and she trusted him but now he had her against the wall with one of his hands filled with electricity as a threat to keep her still. The woman closed her eyes and accepted her fate as the man fiddled with her skirt.


A loud gunshot echoed throughout the alley followed by a hollow of pain, as the man fell to his knee while holding the other one. The woman turned down the alley and saw a hooded man walking in with a smoking gun. He gestured for her to leave which she did quickly leaving the two men by themselves.

Izuku: Gyomei Hikage. Pro Hero: Static, Quirk: Tazor, can produce electricity in the palm of his hands. THe head interrogator of the Hero Association and executioner of the Safety Commission. Nice to meet you.

The man growled and went to lash out at Izuku but a quick shot to the head stopped the 'hero' in his tracks. The body fell to the floor with a thud making Izuku sigh as he walked towards it. He dropped a holotag next to the body forming a red bat symbol before he grappled away. Now it was truly time to start.


The next day, the news was covering the murder of Static and was showing all the good he did to the community around him and Japan as a whole. Until all the channels went to popcorn before it came to the video of Static torturing a man than killing him. Then a video appears in the corner of that one this time of Static raping a woman, and then another video overlaps in the corner of him taking bribes. Then another of him betting on underground fights. Then another of him killing a fellow hero. Like a collage, video after video overlapped each other followed by photos of every crime Static had committed until it blacked out and then lit up again showing the Red Hood sitting on a chair with his forearms resting on his thighs. A singular light hanging above him only illuminated him in whatever room he was in.

Red Hood: I'm sorry you had to see that but to experience the truth. You have to be prepared to be hurt. As you could have probably guessed I am the man that killed the...' hero' Static, but as you also may have seen was he a hero? Don't get me wrong, I of all people have no right to call out people for right or wrong. But I can tell when someone's a bad apple, and as you've seen Static was a rotten apple. Now you may be wondering why all the theatrics, well it's to send a message.

Red Hood stood up from his chair and started to pace around.

Red Hood: I am going to begin hunting down every corrupt hero or from what the villain said a long time ago, all the fakes. Yet, unlike that villain, I will say this. Not all heroes are fakes or corrupt, which is why if you are a legit hero, you have no reason to be afraid of me but if you are. (Chuckle) Well, you know what's going to happen.

Red Hood stopped and stared at the camera.

Red Hood: I the Red Hood have already done so much for Japan that you haven't even realized. All the gangs are gone and the ones that do remain are under me, so no need to fear walking out at night or during the day. Every corrupt politician is gone and buried, foreign drug trafficking and domestic gone, human trafficking strangled out of Japan and now finally corrupt heroes will be gone as well. By my methods, but remember you have nothing to be afraid of if you've done nothing wrong. I only punish those who need to be punished.

Red Hood pointed a finger at the camera.

Red Hood: All I want is to make Japan a better place and I have, all you need to do is get out of my way. It's what Deku would have wanted, right? A perfect Japan? Each hero I kill from now on will get this same treatment, every crime they have ever committed being released to the public. No more hiding behind the limelight, no more secrets.

Red Hood spoke in a sarcastic tone at the end, before the feed cut out. The TV not long after exploded into a million pieces showing an extremely pissed-off Bakugo with the rest of Class 1-A all equally angry behind him, they were in their meeting room.

Bakugo: HE DARES!

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.12 First Hint

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