By Thando2211

170 22 5

Parellel World More

Doppelganger (part 1)
Kiddnapped (part 1)
Kiddnapp (Part 2)
Message (part 1)
Message (part 2)
Mistrust (Part 1)
Mistrust (Part 2)

Doppelganger (Part 2)

10 3 0
By Thando2211


No mybe his the doppelganger? It's definitely him!! Jimin did'nt come with us!! All of us we were thinking the same because none of us moved...

Jimin: Damn it... It's scary coming here alone... And elevator just had to vanish...Great...just great...


Jimin: I came to save them but I'm trapped and I need to be saved as well now....

How can this get any worse... Adding to the fact that, that momster is chasing me.
What am I going to do now?...
Guess I have no choice other than going back out there to find them...

Before he walks out

Hoseok: Jimin?

Hoseok got out of his hiding place hiding place suddenly... We all stayed hidden... we did'nt know if it's really is the real Jimin.

Jimin: Hoseok?? Wait... How do I know if it's really you?!

Hoseok: I sent you the wrong reports of another site by mistake and you yelled at me... That was the last time I was in your office...

Jimin: .... !!! Oh God!!! Are you Okay??!!

Hoseok: Uh...yeah-

Jimin: Where are the others??!!

Hoseok: They're...

Taehyung: How in the hell did you make it here??!!

All of us got out of our hiding sports once we confirmed it's jimin... He sighs in relief once he sees the 7 of us...

SeokJin: How did you get here??!!

Jungkook: And how long have you actually been here??!!

Jimin: I came like you all came. Using the ritual And yes, the elevator was still in it's place normally in our world. That's how I came.

And about how long I have been here, in our time? 10 minutes. Which means 5 hours here.

Namjoon: Why did you decide that?

Jimin: You guys are "Missing" in our world. And I knew you did this stupid ritual.

So I knew where you were
And don't tell me I have'nt told the police. Because I'm sure as hell they won't belive me when I tell them that my employees are trapped in a world on the other side.

Hoseok: You said we're missing.

Jimin: You've been missing for 2 days.

Taehyung: What??!! We've only been here for approximately an hour and half!!!

Yoongi: That's in OUR time... but here... It's 45 hours...

Seokjin: Oh God...

Jungkook: Guys!! We have'nt eaten or drunk anything for roughly 2 days!!!!

Namjoon: Now I get it why you said we'll die of starvation or dehydration
if we don't keep track of time.

Seokjin: We did'nt even notice that were hungry or thirsty !!!

Yoongi: Because you will only feel the time of your own world. Your body reacts with the time HERE.

Y/N: In other words...We must eat or drink at most half an hour in our own time...because it will be 15 hours here

Yoongi: Exactly. We should keep track of time so we don't die by starvation or dehydration.

Hoseok: Great...Just great... We don't have anything on us to eat or drink....

Jimin: Its okay, I had that in mind and I brought with me snacks and water.

Taehyung: Dude, why are you suddenly so amazing and nice?!!!

Jimin: You are my friends, of course I'd help.

Taehyung: Huh?....Friends...?

SeokJin: Woaaahhh!!! That's a sudden
scary change!!!

Jimin: Anyways, the food and water I have will never be enough for the upcoming times. So we'll have to start looking for food and water here.

Namjoon: Understood

Y/N: Um...Mr. Park, Y-

Jimin: Jimin. We're not really in a situation for you to call Mr. Park.
So Just Jimin.

Y/N: Uh...yeah...You said earlier the was a monster chasing you...Is that why you were running? And what monster?

Jimin: Yeah, that's why I was running.
And that monster is my doppelganger.

Yoongi: Your doppelganger is after you??!!! Did you look into his eyes??!!!

Jimin: No I just saw him standing far away, and when I saw that he looked exactly like me, I panicked, and I ran, he heard my running so he chased.
He kept yelling "I'll Kill you" to me over and over.

Why he is so determined to kill me? I have no idea.

Y/N: Well...we learn from this, that our doppelgangers want us dead. For what reason? No idea... We MUST be extra carful...

Jungkook: I know you said they're evil and everything...but...They'll want to kill us once they meet us us?!

Yoongi: They definitely sensed the gate opening! Adding to that, each doppelganger feels his human body!
So our doppelgangers know that we're here!! And they'll target us!!

Jimin: ....Why would they target us?

Yoongi: I told you all before!! Your doppelganger is YOU!!! It's either YOU or HIM!! Not to mention that, just like you said, those creatures have been trying their best to pass to our world!!!
If they kill us, they'll take our bodies and live in them, thus, coming to OUR world and Living OUR lives in our place while we are DEAD!!!!

Taehyung: We must make sure we don't die then. According to what you said, MY doppelganger will target ME, only ME. So it's not really dangerous if I interact with any other doppelganger. Right?

Jimin: There is still a high risk in that.

Y/N: I agree. We do need to interact to get information, but, we mustn't interact alone. we travel in at least group of 2. And we definitely aviod our respective doppelgangers.

SeokJin: This leaves the question of how are we going to distinguish ourselves to each other. I mean, if I leave this room now, how will you guys know it's really me when I'm back? How will you know it's not my

Y/N: They don't wear watches.

Hoseok: How do you know about that?

Y/N: Have'nt you noticed the insane amount of wall clocks on the walls?
There are at least 3 clocks in every corridor and every room. Why would they put this amount of clocks on walls if they can simply wear watches? They don't wear any.

Jungkook: Still, we can't assume that without evident, we must take care.

Y/N: Even if they wear watches, the time on their watches won't be like ours. We can distinguish each other through the time.

Yoongi: ...

Namjoon: That's actually a smart move That will definitely work.

Hoseok: Speaking of watches, Jimin!!
You're wearing the watch me & Taehyung gave you on your 16 birthday?? Dude!! I really thought you threw that away!!

Taehyung: That...watch?...You still have it??

Jimin: Why would I not have it?

Taehyung: Don't you hate us now?...I mean...me and Hoseok?...Why are you still keeping that present??

Hoseok: I remember that you cherish it alot because we went through alot to give it. To you back then.

Jimin: Yeah...I remember that...

Taehyung: You do?...

Jimin: of course...how can I forget that?...

Hoseok: We really shed blood, sweat and tears to get you that present...
We wanted to make you happy no matter what because you've been going though too much...

Jimin: Too much?

Taehyung: what? You don't remember what you  had gone through??!!

Jimin: Of course I remember, that can never be forgotten... I just don't want to mention it now.

Hoseok: You know? Seeing this watch on you now made me really happy...

Jimin: Happy?

Hoseok: Mybe there is still hope...you know...of you returning back?...

Jimin: I...Anyway. I'm going outside.

SoekJin: You're suddenly nice, you're suddenly crazy.

Jungkook: Are you out of your mind??
Going back outside when you're being

Jimin: I'll watch my doppelganger to know the way he thinks and the people he interacts with. Mybe I can even meet your doppelgangers.

Yoongi: Wow, the CEO has gone mad.

Namjoon: Mr Park-

Jimin: Jimin

Namjoon: sure, Jimin, that's suicide

Jimin: Actually, that's  our only winning card.

Y/N: How is that?

Jimin: My doppelganger knows I'm here. But yours don't know yet. So I'm the only one exposed. And therefore, I can be your source of information and your eye.

They already know I'm here, so I'm already in danger anyway. But you guys are still in the safe zone. So stay hidden. I'll find the way out whatever it takes.

I'll bring you food and water from somewhere, I don't really know... But I'll search.

Y/N: Jimin that's really suicide!!! You can't do that!!

Jimin; We have no other options. I'm going, that's it.

Taehyung: I'll go with you.

Jimin: No.

Taehyung: You're not going out there alone!! We said we'll travel in at least groups of 2.

Jimin: I can handle it on my own.

Taehyung: This is not the time to be the arrogant jerk you are, so just listening.

Jimin: ...

Hoseok: Taehyung!!

Jimin: I won't answer you. And I don't want you out there with me.

Taehyung: And I said you won't get out there alone!!!! You can't be alone over there!!! Jimin!!! I'm not leaving you alone!!!

Hoseok: ... (smile)

Jimin: You won't leave me alone? Really? I mean, you're left me alone for years both of you, Hoseok and Taehyung. Why do you suddenly care?

Taehyung: ?

Hoseok: ?


Jimin: This is not the time to fight.


Seokjin: Your voices are too high!! stop!!

Jungkook: Stop it!!

Jimin: Taehyung, later, not now.

Taehyung: NO WE'RE DOING IT NOW!!!!

Y/N: Taehyung please!!


Jimin: Will you shut already?

Taehyung: Don't tell me what to do!!!

Jimin: Whatever, relax, mybe you'll finally be at piece & you won't see me again anyway.

Taehyung: And what the hell does that mean??!!

Jimin: No one knows if I'll succeed and come back. So mybe I'll die after a few minutes. This will make you at ease, so stop yelling already.

Taehyung: Wow!!! Now you think I want you to die??!! What else so you think of me, Jimin??!!!

Hoseok: Will you two please stop it already?...please...enough...

Jimin: I'm leaving.

Taehyung: And I said you're not going alone!!!!

Jimin: Why do you even care??!

Taehyung: I'm not letting you die!! I can let you die alone like that even if you're a jerk!!!!!

Jimin: ?...

Hoseok: ?...

Taehyung: I'm going with you wether we both like it or not!!!

Jimin: ..... (look down) just stay close.

Taehyung: Whatever.

They both leave...

Yoongi: Well that was intense.

Namjoon: Indeed.

Jungkook: I'll look around the office, mybe I can find something different than our world that might help.

Seokjin: We'll help too.

We follow. But before I move, I noticed Hoseok was still smiling, staring at the door. ?

  {Which wich choice do you choose}
                 Talk to him
                   Let him be
          { I choose: talk to him}

I'll talk to him...I speak gently..

Y/N: Hey... You okay?...

Hoseok: Believe me, never better

Y/N: You look dazed....

Hoseok: I'm just remembering....

Y/N: remembering?...

Hoseok: Yeah...You don't know how close we were...the three of us...What we've been been through... made us a closer family...But Jimin suddenly sliped away...Taehyung started hating him

And I just couldn't change anything no matter how I tried...But now...you've seen it too...Jimin refused Taehyung tagging along because he was worried about him...Taehyung refused Jimin going alone because he was worried too... Its true it was kinda of a fight...but they both meant well...And I just feel so happy...

I smile saddly... It does hurt seeing two
bestfriends clashing like those two...
And the struggle Hoseok is going through to get the three of them back together is definitely so hard...

Y/N: It will be okay...
They'll wake up...don't worry...

Hoseok: Hmm.... There is something else that's REALLY important!!

Y/N: what?

Hoseok: *smirking*

Y/N: ? Why? Why are you smirking?
Oh please don't

Hoseok: We may die any mintue, why don't you just give me a kiss I've been asking for ages?!

Y/N: Hoseok!!

Hoseok: Babe, come on!! I know you can't resist!!!

Y/N: Stay back!!

Hoseok: I'll be gentle, I promise.

Y/N: I don't care!! Just stay away!!!

Hoseok: Y/N, give me love!!

Y/N: I said NO!!!!

Hoseok: Playing hard to get, huh....
Okay, fine. Let's the that game.

Y/N: NO let me go!!!

Hoseok: kiss me first.

Y/N: Hoseok !!!!

Hoseok: Stop squirming and let me do my job.

Y/N: Let me go or I'll call for Namjoon!!!!

Hoseok: I don't care anymore I having this kiss.

Y/N: Why so suddenly???

Hoseok: It's not so suddenly. I've been asking for that kiss since forever

Y/N: Then why now??!!

Hoseok: What I die before having that kiss?

I'll have unfinished business and will haunt you. You'll never get rid of me, babe. So just kiss me.

Y/N: I-I!!!!

Y/N: ??

He suddenly let's go and smile. I and I looked at him confused.

Hoseok: I was'nt intending on doing anything. relax!!

Y/N: You were literally an inch from my face!!! How were you not intended on  doing anything??!!!

Hoseok: I've wanted to kiss you since forever. We were both emotionally unstable now due to fear & it's not the right time.

I'll definitely do it later though!!!

Y/N: I'll make sure you don't.

Hoseok: We'll make sure that.

We both glare at each other. Then we just smile.

Hoseok: Hey, does your wrist hurt?

I pulled you hard earlier... I didn't mean to hurt you though...

Y/N: No, it does'nt hurt. Actually, Thank you for that... I think I froze from fear...

Hoseok: Well, should I protect my women, right?

Y/N: Aaaaaaand you're at it again.

He laughs and I smile.

Hoseok: Let's go help the others and look around!

Y/N: Yup!

(Meanwhile in the human world)

Jimin: ... Just where the hell are they?!!

Its been 3 days...and they're nowhere to be found! They did'nt even resign!!!
Wait...Was I...too harsh?... Did they leave the company without even resigning?...

No they're not that childish. And even if, mybe Taehyung. Hoseok and SoekJin would do that. They're troublesome and childish after all.
But the others?? Y/N and Jungkook are mature. Namjoon never complained and he'd always committed.

And Yoongi kinda scares ME, so I don't think I angered him before. So....
Where the hell are they?! I asked for the police's help this morning...I'm starting to get really concerned

Just where are they?!!!

(While at the other world)

Where were just searching, when-

Hoseok: OH GOD!!!!

Hoseok suddenly yells, we all looked at him.

Jungkook: What??

Hoseok: Taehyung!!! Taehyung is in danger!!!

SeokJin: Taehyung and Jimin?!!

Hoseok: Only Taehyung!!! BECAUSE THAT'S NOT JIMIN!!!!

Namjoon: What are you talking about??

Hoseok: When were talking about our past, the three of us, He didn't remember anything!!! Or actually, he DID'NT KNOW what we are talking about!!!

When I noticed his watch on his wrist, I noticed that it was'nt functioning well And I thought to point it out after I stop his fight with Taehyung!!!!
But then, it just hit me!!!

Y/N: said that the doppelganger's watch will give the same time on the wall!!! And I just remember that, Jimin's watch was giving the same time on the Clock on the wall!!!

Yoongi: !!!

Hoseok: Adding to that... He looked really tensed when Yoongi was giving information about the doppelganger's!!!

He know that information about them is limited!!! So he got tensed when he found us actually knowing about them!! Also his way of talking!!!
It was different!!!

That's NOT Jimin!!! That's the Doppelganger!!!

Oh god...Oh god no...

With Jimin and Taehyung

Taehyung: Hey Jimi!! Look at this
There are birds here??? And they're beautiful!! Look at the colours!!

Jimin: Hmm... (red eyes on)

Jimin DG: .... I know right? They're are colorful.

Taehyung: Yeah!!! They look really beautiful!!! You know...I miss watching birds with you...

Jimin DG: Me too, Taehyung...Me too. (Evil smirk) ...

Taehyung DG: ...

Jimin DG: ... (looked at Taehyung)

Taehyung: The red bird is really mesmerizing!!

Both: (Dark aruara)

To Be Continued...

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