Little SoapGhost oneshots

Autorstwa C4RR10N_CR0W

28.7K 467 411

This is my first sort of "book" I can't guarantee It'll be good. Open to suggestions. Więcej

-"Can't get rid of me that easy."- 🥀
-"Right."- ☁️
-"Possesive"- 🥀>☁️
-"Drunk with sober thoughts"- ☁️<❤️‍🔥
-" Drunk with sober thoughts pt. 2"- ❤️‍🔥
-" Cuddles "- ☁️
-" Whoops "- ☁️
-" Close Quarters "- ❤️‍🔥
-" Picking Pumpkins "- ☁️
-" Unfinished Love "- 🥀
-" Blinding Rage "- 🥀
-" Needy... "- ❤️‍🔥
-" Needy..."- Pt. 2 ☁️
-" Ruffling Your Feathers"- ❤️‍🔥
-" Ruffling Your Feathers "- Pt. 2 ❤️‍🔥
-" Blending in"- ☁️
-" Cliffs "- 🥀
-" Chocolate "- ❤️‍🔥
So. (A/N)
-" That Time of the Year"- ❤️‍🔥
-" Chilly "- ☁️>🥀
-" Who are you? "- 🥀??
-" Shark in the Water "- Pt. 2 ☁️
Thank you!
-" Helping Hands "- ❤️‍🔥

-" Shark in the Water "- ☁️

394 9 8
Autorstwa C4RR10N_CR0W

LemonShark!Soap x Ghost
Does Soap live in the Florida mangroves but still have a Scottish accent? Yes, yes he does.

Ghost PoV:
I fucking hate Florida. It's too hot, too humid and it rains more than fucking London. Price thought of the wonderful idea for annual leave, 'OOoo let's go down to the Florida Keys! I heard they're great in the summer!' Psh...

Let's get one thing straight, I didn't choose this, I was told by a superior officer to go with him and the rest of my team to that hell hole. It was a grueling flight from London and a pain in the ass car ride from the Miami airport down to the Florida Keys.

Once we finally make it to our air bnb, I take a deep sigh of relief and grabbed my few bags to drag inside. The steps up to the door are creaky and covered in sand, but at least the bright pink hibiscus bushes smell good.

I let Price unlock the door and quickly claim a room down a hall, setting my stuff on the bed. I instantly turn on my air conditioner and check for cameras, shining around my phone light to look for any tiny reflection. No, I'm not paranoid, why do you ask?

Once I deem the place clear I take off my sweat soaked mask and throw it into my already set up laundry bin. God, that thing was already starting to smell like shite. , I should switch to something thinner if I'm going to be spending a few weeks in Satan's fuckin' arse.

I prick on my arm brings my attention my limb and there is a goddamn mosquito on me. Inside my fucking room. I quickly squish the devil and rub my growing itch. This is going to be hell.

~•~•~•~•~•~(Few day time skip)~•~•~•~•~•~•

Alright, day five of our 'vacation'. Price and Gaz decide to go deep fishing, and I definitely don't want to be out on the waves all day, I would much rather be under them.

Being in SAS requires lots of training, some of that training being diving, so I know my fair share about being beneath the surface. The mangrove swamps here in the keys may be a bit dangerous because of crocodiles, but hey, I have the chance of seeing sharks.

So, I get up bright and early, grab my much thinner mask and swim suit. I slide on my black long sleeve surf top and black trunks before calling a cab to take me to the edge of the mangroves so I can dive.

Boat rental took a tad bit too long but hey, I'm in a surprisingly good mood today, so what of it? Just a small dingy gets me out into a secluded area of the groves, exactly where I want to be.

3rd Person PoV:
Ghost anchors his boat and throws his legs over the side and lets them dangle in the cool water. The blond knows that he's in a secluded enough area, so nobody will see his face when he pulls off his mask to swap it out for some window goggles.

Once the goggles suction on, Ghost takes a deep breath and slides his lower half into the shallow water. He gazes around at the spindly trees and waist deep water to notice that the sand slowly drops as he moves on. He shuffles through the soft sand, making sure not to step on any stingrays.

The Brit probably should've brought flippers but he's a fast enough swimmer so it doesn't really matter, right? The water cools his once sweating skin as he wades all the way until small waves are rippling against his pecs. Ghost takes a deep, controlled breath before sinking under the surface.

His eyes dart around as the bubbles clear from under his goggles. The blond's eyes grow wide as he marvels at the clean, white sand that lays unmoving underneath the rippling surface. Small clumps of seagrass grow up and around the thin, winding roots of the mangrove trees that surrounds him. These strong rooted trees form a safe haven for the multitude of species that live here and that Ghost can see speeding through the roots.

The water is just shallow enough that it's perfectly warmed by the sun which was, moments ago, beating down on Ghost's back. Small specks shine on the sea floor and shells stick up out of the soft sand, able to be reached with ease.

It's like a movie scene with the water calm and clear as Ghost swims off. The shells on the sea floor seem untouched by humans and are laid askew, barely sticking out of the grains of white.

The longer Ghost is in the water, the more marine life shows itself. Small schools of fish swim throughout the tangled mangroves, darting away from the blond whenever he makes sudden movements.

As time goes on, Ghost notices something sort of... looming around him. Whenever he turns, the only thing that catches his eye is a shadow of a tail tip disappearing behind some roots or a large boulder. Even when he goes to check, nothing is there.

Whatever this creature is, it's cryptic and never gets closer than 10 feet. After long enough of this stalking, Ghost begins to grow a bit paranoid. Not taking any chances, the Brit swims back to his dingy where it, thankfully, is still anchored and seemingly untouched.

The blond quickly breaches the water and slips into his boat. He looks around slowly before he starts up the motor and goes off on his way back to the docks.


Once Ghost returns 'home', he sets down his things with a huff and heads straight for the shower. Gaz and Price are still out, so he has the whole place to himself.

A quick shower is his first chore, making sure to get all of the saltwater out of his hair is a hassle. Do you know how saltwater affects curls? Makes one hell of a frizzy mess.

After his locks are thoroughly scrubbed out, he starts thinking, a dangerous thing to do. What could've been following him? No gator would stalk that long just for a piece of prey when there's a plethora of other choices.

Not even a shark would stalk a human for that long, so, what could it be? Either way, the curiosity slowly eats at Ghost, causing him to make a quick decision. He'll go back and try to see whatever this was.


One boat rent and another short trip later, and Ghost is back in his peaceful little grotto. As he eases back into his spot he notices the someone has definitely been here.

Some limbs are broken off of the delicate mangroves and there is some fishing line,even a couple with hooks and such attached, caught in branches and wrapped around roots.

"Why the hell would people leave this shit..." Ghost mumbles and starts slowly untangling the lines from the trees. Carefully pulling off the line is tedious, but he can't just leave all this here.

When Ghost reaches to untangle another stretch of line, he pauses. A vigorous splashing about 7 feet away at the foot of another mangrove catches his attention. The water being splashed about makes it hard to tell, but it looks like a sort of shark tail.

Ghost acts completely on a whim and clambers over the mess of roots to get to the creature. The blond sinks into the water and surveys the situation. This shark is large and could do some serious damage if it bit him.

The splashing doesn't halt, making it hard for the Brit to make out any part of the shark that isn't the tail wrapped in fishing line. Ghost reaches out and attempts to hold the tail as still as he can.

As soon as his hand makes contact with the rough, small scales the thrashing slows to a halt. The shark now floats idly and Ghost can make out the rest of its body.

The blond freezes in a confusing cocktail of curiosity and fear when he sees that this isn't just a shark, but what seems to be a merman. The tail slowly blends with a fit torso that has a fin sticking out from between this thing's shoulder blades.

The shark man gazes up at Ghost thought the surface and pops his head out of the water. The man's pointed, elf-like ears droop in embarrassment. The mer's hair is a shaggy mohawk with buzzed sides and it's the most beautiful, chocolate brown that Ghost has ever seen.

"Hi?" It speaks. The thing speaks. Ghost looks down at the mer and just stares. The shark man wiggles a bit more and looks up at Ghost like a lost puppy and he just barely sticks out his bottom lip in a pout.

"A'm a bit stuck, could ye help?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Ghost nods quickly and carefully takes the hook out of the brunette's skin and unravels the fishing line slowly. Ghost is so fucking confused. Mermaids are real??

A moment of extremely awkward silence follows as the Brit finishes untangling the merman's body. Ghost tosses the trashed line into his boat and looks back at the mer.

"What exactly are you?"


Me? Gone for over two months? Never! Just kidding. So sorry for the absence, I've been so wrapped up with school and various other things. I thank you all for sticking around and I can try and get a part 2 on this asap.

Your writer, Raven

Word Count: 1605

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