
By ThinYoongi

239K 6.1K 915

ᵥᵢ·ᵥₐ·cᵢₒᵤₛ /vəˈvāSHəs,vīˈvāSHəs/ (adj•) full of life and good spirits happy and lively in a way that is att... More

•《Part I》•
•《aesthetics 》•
•《chapter I》•
•《Chapter II》•
•《Chapter III》•
•《Chapter IV》•
•《Chapter V》•
•《Chapter VI》•
•《Chapter VII》•
•《Chapter VIII》•
•《Chapter IX》•
•《chapter X》•
•《chapter XI》•
•《chapter XII》•
•《Chapter XIII》•
•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xɪᴠ》•
•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xv》•
•《Chapter XVI》•
•《Chapter XVII》•
•《Chapter XVIII》•
•《chapter XIX》•
•《chapter XX》•
•《Chapter XXI》•
•《chapter XXII》•
•《chapter XXIII》•
•《chapter XXIV》•

•《Chapter XXV》•

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By ThinYoongi

The Cullens all stood around their living room waiting. They barely did anything, they only spoke when needed, they didn't smile and they didn't eat. They just sat there waiting for their mate to be reborn. It had been three days since the battle against Victoria and the newborns. And a lot has happened.
They had gone to their once human mates home to see if the red head was true to her words. To their dismay they had found the house in disarray. There were papers and broken glass littering the floors, the furniture had been tossed around creating holes in the walls. In the middle of the living room laid Daniel Alexander. Just like his daughter he had a bit on the side of his neck, but he was drained of blood.
They had created the story that Alice had gone over to pick Arianna up when she came on the scene. Alice called the police and Charlie was the first to show up. The older man started crying as he saw one of his best friends and his daughter lying there. He could tell that Daniel was dead just by looking at him. He ran over to Arianna and checked for a pulse, and found a very faint one. He looked to Alice and told her to call Carlisle.
After they took Alice's statement they ruled it out to be an animal attack. Carlisle was able to take Arianna back to the Cullens home after they did a check on her in the hospital; so that he could monitor her from there. Luckily Charlie agreed at the promise that the doctor kept him updated on her progress.
So two days since then had passed and they all sat waiting. Today was the day she should wake up. They listened to her faint heartbeat racing faster and faster. They all held their breath; not that they even needed to breathe. Her heart was going a mile a minute, and then it stopped.
Jasper made his way into the room she laid and waited for her to wake up. They figured that she would be the most comfortable with him and if needed he could help her reign in her emotions. He looked over her and noticed the changes. Her skin was paler,her hair was thicker and the color was richer. Her once torn throat showed just a small white crescent moon scar. He watched as she opened her eyes to show their new bright red color.
Arianna let out a gasp as she looked around startled, she could see everything. The dust particles that were flying around the room and she could see the water droplets on the leaf of a potted plant across from her. She let out a breath and it felt unnatural, as she slowly got up she examined her hands and her arms, looking over the now smoothe pale skin. She knew what she was as she frowned, her emotions were all over the place, not knowing what to do.
"Ari?" She heard the smooth voice come from behind her. She turned quickly, and saw her honey blonde mate standing by the closed door.
"I died?"
"Technically." He sighed, the newborn examined him, she could now see the prominent scars on his arms and she could feel herself become uneasy; her natural instinct kicking in. "We wouldn't have been able to save you if we took the venom out. I wish we had had more time."
Arianna nodded not knowing what to say, she was angry, sad, and confused. She found herself walking over to the stand up mirror on the other side of the room. She stood in front of it and looked over her new body. Her muscles were more pronounced as the tiny bit of fat she had was gone. Her skin was smooth and flawless, the scars she had on her legs and arms were gone. The natural blush she had was gone, her hair was thicker and more bright and her once hazel eyes were now a bright crimson red.
"My father?"
Jasper stays silent, he doesn't know what to say. His eyes are on her, he could feel her growing anger and pain. He watches as her fists ball up and her eyes fill with tears that won't fall. She lets out a mangled cry and she thrusts her hand into the glass in front of her. It shatters around her stone-like hand and crashes to the floor. She screams and grabs the potted tree next to her throwing it at the wall behind her, dirt flies everywhere. Her pained screams ringing out, Jasper moves toward her and wraps his arms around her holding her. They end up sitting on the ground while Arianna cries, her pained cries bring him to hold her tighter.
They sit like this for a while giving Arianna time to calm down, Jasper doesn't move an inch as he holds her close. He chose not to use his gift on her and just comforted her the best he could. After a few minutes she finally calms down and pulls herself away from Jasper. He still has her hand in it as he rubs comforting circles on the back of her hand.
"Did he suffer?" her voice was soft and low.
"I don't know darlin', but I do know that he wouldn't want you to blame yourself." He told her softly, she nodded but he could still feel the guilt coming off of her.
"I just wish I could have done something, he died because of me." Jasper pulled her into another hug.
"It was not because of you, Victoria was a monster. And she deserved the fate she met." Jasper's voice was stern and hard as he thought back to the red haired vampire. "Now let's get you up, you need to feed."
Arianna then became aware of the burning sensation in her throat, it was hot and itchy. Her eyes became black as she thought more about it. She looked at Jasper with wide eyes and nodded. Still holding her hand he led her out the glass doors onto the balcony. She peered over the rail and noticed the only way down was to jump.
"We have to jump down." Jasper told her, he looked over and saw her wery face. "Don't worry you'll be fine."
He quickly jumped over the rail after letting go of her hand, he landed on the ground with ease. The blonde looked back up to his mate with a smile, and beckoned her to follow him. With an unneeded sigh she climbed the rail at a human pace and slowly jumped down. She landed softly next to him and looked back at him with a smile of her own. With a little chuckle Jasper leads her off into the woods.
In the living room sat the rest of the Cullens, hearing Arianna in so much pain hurt them, they all wished they could take away her pain. They felt her pain as their souls were connected. They wanted nothing but her to feel happy and content.
"She will be okay with time." Carlisle tells the other vampires, "We should not pressure her to talk about it, just be there for her when she needs us."
In the wide Olympic forest Arianna ran after Jasper. The young vampire running so fast to the naked human eye she would be nothing but a blur. She could feel the strength in her legs with each step, the wind whipping through her long hair. She laughed in amazement, with her speed her eyes could capture almost every detail. The birds above her now move in slow motion, she catches the blooming of many flowers around her. She took a breath and let the cool morning air fill her lungs. The air is crisp and sweet with the scent of flowers and damp forest floor. She could hear almost everything now, she could hear the stomping hooves of deer a mile to her left and the shuffling leaves of a ground hog rooting through the ground to her rights.
With a loud laugh she pushed herself harder easily passing her southern mate. She felt free and lively, and with a strong push she found herself leaping up into the air. Catching a branch with her hand she clung to the large tree ahead of her. She climbed with ease and it almost felt natural to her. She climbed up the tree until she reached the top breaking through the dense leaves she looked on. She could see the entire Olympic range from up there, and boy was it a beautiful sight. The dense forest and snow tipped mountains were a sight for sore eyes. She took in a long breath and closed her eyes letting the warm breeze brush past her. Arianna with a content smile looked down at Jasper who returned her look. Soon after the young girl jumped down, she fell elegantly and landed beside him.
"Are you having fun?" He questioned her with a smirk, she nodded in return. "Here, turn around."
Arianna did what he said, he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Jasper told her to close her eyes and listen. After a few seconds of listening she could once again hear the grunting and snorting of deer, they were about three hundred yards away from them to their right. Without a second to waste the two were off again but this time in the direction of the deer.
They stopped right on the hill above them and peeked down from around a tree. There was a group of four doe munching on the thick grass.
The two predators silently stalk their prey, watching them walk around with no worries. Arianna felt the burning strengthen as she looked on. She could smell the blood and she let out a snarl. Within seconds she bolted forward snapping the neck of the one closest to her and sank her teeth into it. Letting the thick hot blood travel down her throat. A moan escaped her throat as the hunger lessened slightly.
Once she was finished with her first deer she bolted off after the others that ran. As she grew closer she felt fear overcome her. She didn't know why but she could tell it wasn't her own feelings. She shakes it off and continues her hunt. As she grows closer to the deer the emotions intensify. And soon enough she can hear voices that weren't her own.
She comes to a halt, her feet digging into the dirt as she stops. Jasper stops right behind her in confusion. Slowly walking up to her, he places his hand into her arm.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asks, his voice holding concern.
"I-" she takes an unneeded breath. "I think... I can understand what the deer are thinking."
"What do you mean?" Jasper could tell she most likely had a gift but wanted to understand what happened.
"When I was chasing them I felt fear overcome me. It wasn't my own, I think it was the deer. And then when I got closer I heard voices, obviously it wasn't you or me. I don't know, I'm confused." Arianna says she ended up rambling and Jasper could feel her stress levels rising.
"It's alright, you probably have a gift."
"Like you?" Her voice is soft and she finds herself calming down.
"Yes, as well as Edward and Alice." Jasper tells her with a soft reassuring smile. "Carlisle has a friend, he has the gift of telling what others' abilities are. I will have him call him and bring him down here to meet you. He can help us understand your gift."
With that the two make their way back to the Cullen residence. Both laughing and messing around as they go. Arianna found herself enjoying her new body and new found abilities. She hoped that their lives would calm down now that the threat of Victoria was gone. Little did she know their lives would be anything but calm.

A/N- Hey guys, sorry it took a while to get this one out. Just wanted to let y'all know that the next chapter might be a little bit to get out as well since we are switching to the next movie. So I'm probably gonna spend some time making some new aesthetics and such and getting all the stuff in line for the next part. Thank you all for reading!! Don't forget to leave a comment and vote!

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