Metal Sonic in M.L.a.a.T.R

By Undertale_Fan_Ultra

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Reasoning: I am a huge fan of My Life as a Teenage Robot (M.L.a.a.T.R) and Sonic the Hedgehog, and, as I was... More

Part 1: Powers, Abilities, Appearance, Allias, and Origination
Part 2: Feelings, Actions, Arrival, HtdnAtWoStH, Relationships & Personality
Part 3: Episode 6 C: Metal Madness
Part 4: S1's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes
Part 5: Episode 13c: Disastrous Consequences
Part 6: S2's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes
Part 7: Escape from Cluster Prime Changes 1/4 (How it Changes)
Part 8: New Escape from Cluster Prime Script (METAL SONIC STORY) 2/4
Part 9: New Escape from Cluster Prime Script (METAL SONIC STORY) 3/4
Part 10: Metal Sonic Esc.F.C.P. Trivia, fun facts, and more. 4/4
Part 11: Season 3 Mini-sode, Cluster Prime Time Arrival
Part 12: Season 3 changes, Part 1.
Part 13: No Harmony with Melody's New Plot and some of the new Script
Part 14: My Life as a Teenage Robot Season 3 Changes Part 2, Electric Boogaloo.
Part 15: Episode 12B: Queen Bee's New Plot + Parts of the New Script
Part 16: My Life as a Teenage Robot Season 3 Changes part 3 & Knuckles
Part 17: Episode 13C, Turncoats, The new Script
Part 18: The Trailer
Part 20: SEASON 4?
Part 21: Season 4, Episode's 1a & Episode 1b Synopsis' + Plots
Part 22: Bonus Episode/Minisode 1: Remote Reactivation
Part 23: Episode 1c, "The Anomaly"
Part 24: Episode 2a and 2b Synopsis and Plot.
Part 25: Episode 3 The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Preleude: Updated Synopsis
Part 26: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1/5
Part 27: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2/5
Part 28: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 3/5
Part 30: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 5/5

Part 29: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 4/5

38 1 0
By Undertale_Fan_Ultra


As the group walks through the door, Barry thinks to himself.
Barry (In his mind): I'm finally going to get to see the conductor car~!
Everyone finally enters the, surprisingly large, Conductor Car, and finds that it's... Surprisingly Empty. The Conductor is nowhere in sight, and there's a bit of a mess in the room.
Barry: Wait... W- Where's the Conductor...?
The group looks around a bit.
Tails: We haven't seen him throughout the train at all...
Metal Sonic thinks as he taps his foot.
Metal Sonic: Yeah; the last time we saw him was in the Conductor's Car...
Shadow picks up an odd mug, and Jenny looks at the mug Shadow is holding.
Jenny: Hey, what does it say on the mug?
Amy reads the mug as Shadow hands it to her.
Amy: "A cup of joe in your hand, wife by your side... Paradise..."
Melody sighs as the groups look around a bit more before Shadow sighs.
Shadow: Something clearly happened here...
Amy chimes in, loudly.
Amy: Nothing we can't figure out~!!!
Everyone flinches at Amy's Volume, and Amy gets a bit embarrassed.
Amy: Sorry.
Melody pats Amy's shoulder as Jenny chimes in.
Jenny: It's ok; you're right.
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Time to investigate...
Tails nods.
Tails: Let's crack on!

Barry walks past a trash can as Metal Sonic gets confused.
Metal Sonic: You won't check the Trashcan?
Barry: I'm alright, really~!
Metal Sonic nods, respectfully as Amy notices a picture of the Conductor.
Amy: Wow, the conductor looks so young in this picture!
Barry sighs.
Barry: He's been here for 32 years... And he told me he's finally retiring.
Metal Sonic sighs and nods as Barry continues on.
Barry: He said he's going to Spagonia with his Wife, I hope they have a great trip~!
Shadow sighs.
Shadow: Alright, we get it; he loves his wife...
Shadow huffs.
Shadow: In any case, may any future sorrow be fleeting.
Everyone gets a bit nervous.
Melody: Y- Yeah...
Amy: W- We all wish that too...
Barry sighs a bit.

Barry walks to the chair near the controls of the train. He then notices something on the ground and picks it up.
Barry: What's this...?

Barry looks at the object, which is a dart, that he's holding in his hands as Shadow and Metal Sonic walk up.
Barry: Was someone playing darts?
Shadow's eyes widen a bit.
Shadow: That's not a throwing dart... that's a blow dart...
Barry and Metal Sonic both look at Shadow, shocked.
Shadow: Someone brought a weapon onto this train...
Amy, who overheard the conversation, gasps. As do Jenny, Vega, Melody, Misty, and Barry.
Barry: What...?
Tails looks at Barry.
Tails: I know that sounds bad, but that shouldn't be possible...
Barry sighs.
Barry: Tails is right, the train detects any weapons on a passenger and confiscates them before letting them aboard.
Barry puts the dart in the evidence bag. Barry then notices a microphone, and grabs it.
Metal Sonic: Barry, what are you-?
Barry suddenly starts beatboxing as everyone in the car watches his, admittedly impressive performance. Barry then stops, embarrassedly and nervously blushing as Metal Sonic, Jenny, Misty, Amy, Tails, Melody, Vega, and finally Shadow, all begin to applaud it as Barry nervously bows.

After a while, Metal Sonic notices something on the ground and picks it up.
Metal Sonic: Great Mobius...
Shadow, Barry, Tails, and Amy look over at Metal, as does everyone else in the room as Metal Sonic holds a train hand that's been torn off of its cabling.

Metal Sonic: This robot arm's been completely torn off...
Melody faints as she sees the arm, Jenny covering her mouth as Vega gags.
Amy: How creepy!
Shadow examines the arm.
Shadow: That arm is powerful; it'd be tough to break out of its grip.
Melody slowly regains consciousness as Misty chimes in.
Misty: A lot of people here have the strength to tear this off... but the only question is why...?
Metal Sonic sighs as he puts the arm in his hammer space.
Metal Sonic: A fight happened in this room...
Amy looks at the group.
Amy: Well, is that enough evidence to call everyone here?
Amy sighs.
Amy: It's high time we named a suspect.
Tails nods as Melody gets up, nodding as well.
Barry: I'm ready to solve this case.
Amy, with an excited smile, rushes up to the Microphone and clears her throat as she pushes the intercom button.
Amy: Hello, everyone, this is the Birthday Girl Speaking; please report to the conductor car at once. Thank you~!

Silver sighs as he places his complete letter to blaze into the envelope and seals it.
Silver: Alright then~!

Rouge places the Train Blueprints into her Hammer-Space as her and Blaze get ready to get going, calling the Elevator, the Warning now gone.

Espio and Vector smile as they get up, Espio smiling as he puts away his book.

Knuckles huffs as he sits up, walking to the door that leads to the Conductor's car.

Around 6 minutes pass before everyone arrives in the Conductor's Car. Amy smiles happily.
Amy: Excellent~!
Metal Sonic smirks calmly.
Amy: Wonderful to have you all here, Metal, Tails and I are ready to announce our prime suspect, with help from Barry!
Barry, Metal Sonic, and Tails all nod... then Barry gets confused and sighs as.
Barry (In his mind): Why hasn't Sonic shown up yet?
Everyone looks around, confused, Amy then sighs.
Amy: Vector?
Vector walks up.
Vector: Yeah, Amy?
Amy smiles, seeming slightly annoyed.
Amy: Can you come with me to get Sonic, real quick?
Amy huffs.
Amy: Lazy Bum; he must still be pretending to be dead!
Vector nods as Amy smiles gently.
Vector: Alright, let's go get him~!
Amy and Vector leave the Conductor's car.

Rouge smiles happily.
Rouge: Let me tell you all; this has been a delight~!
Knuckles looks at rouge, confused.
Knuckles: A delight?
Rouge smiles happily and excitedly.
Rouge: Exactly~! The Air in here is so intense, I love it~!
Misty smiles and nods.
Misty: There's nothing like the thrill of a good mystery~!
Rouge smiles as she looks at Misty.
Misty: Exactly~!
Blaze closes her fan.
Blaze: This train has so many amenities that I feel so catered too.
Tails smiles.
Tails: Admittedly, given the amusement of the chase, I've been having a lot of fun too~!
Barry smiles as he looks at Espio.
Barry: Tails, Metal and I can see why you're a detective outside of this train, Espio.
Espio nods.
Espio: It would seem the four of us all love a good thrill, it seems...
Espio smiles with confidence.
Espio: But, on this train, I am but a humble poet.
Melody smiles as she pulls out her tape recorder and records Espio as he tells another poem.


In the shadows cast by mystery's veil,
A humble poet, with words set sail.

Amidst the whispers of a chilling plot,
In the realm where secrets are sought.

Ink-stained fingers, a quill in hand,
Unraveling tales, like grains of sand.
Through verses woven, a subtle thread,
A humble poet, where danger's tread.

In dim-lit alleys and moonlit streets,
The poet strolls where suspense meets.
Observing clues in each written line,
A silent observer, in the grand design.

Through stanzas crafted, the plot unfolds,
A humble poet, as the story molds.
In verses woven, truth may be concealed,
Yet in metaphors, the essence revealed.

Whispers of a crime, a poet decodes,
In sonnets and verses, truth erodes.
A humble bard in the dance of deceit,
Where every syllable, a potential feat.

Amid the suspects, like words on a page,
The poet treads with wisdom and sage.
A scribe of shadows, a humble seer,
Within the game's tense atmosphere.

With the power of words, a humble art,
The poet plays a silent, crucial part.
In the enigma's grip, with a pen as key,
A humble poet in the mystery.

Everyone applauds Espio's poem, Espio taking a bow happily. After the applaud ends, everyone begins to converse again. Blaze begins to fan herself again.
Blaze: I'd be willing to do an event like this again~!
Blaze looks at a brochure for the train.
Blaze: It says here that this train does escape rooms as well.
Tails' eyes light up with excitement.
Tails: Count me in; I love escape rooms~!
Barry smiles.
Barry: I'm so glad everyone is having a good time~!
Rouge smiles.
Rouge: Maybe we could ride a train just to relax, sometime?
Tails smiles.
Tails: Yeah, that would be fun, too~!
Metal Sonic gets a confused look on his face.
Metal Sonic (In his mind): Why do I get the feeling I'm forgetting something...?
Everyone is silent for a moment, before, suddenly, everyone hears Amy screaming in a way similar to how a woman would scream in a Horror Movie. Some people gasp while others simply stay silent, everyone shocked and surprised.
Shadow: W- What in the world...?
Tails: Th-... That was Amy's voice...
Metal Sonic, Barry, and Melody look at each other as Blaze chimes in.
Blaze: Quick... Where's Amy...?
Rapid footsteps can be heard as Vector and Amy rush in.

Everyone sees Sonic, his body seeming lifeless as people gasp.
Amy: He-... He's not-... He's not responding to us...
Amy shakes Sonic.
Amy: Sonic...?
Amy starts to cry.
Amy: SONIC!!!
Tails rushes up, Shadow doing the Same, followed quickly by Barry, Metal Sonic, and Melody.
Tails: I- Is he hurt...?
Rouge rushes over as well.
Rouge: W- Why isn't he moving...?
Shadow begins to check Sonic's Pulse as Metal Sonic taps Sonic's left cheek with his, Metal Sonic's, whole right hand.
Metal Sonic: Sonic...
Metal Sonic does what he just did again.
Metal Sonic: Sonic, can you hear us...
Metal Sonic (In his mind): H- How did I forget...?
Blaze looks over.
Blaze: H- He looks banged up...
Shadow gets up, seeming calm, yet slightly shaken.
Shadow: If there's a pulse, then it's weak.
Espio looks at Vector, who looks back.
Espio: Set him down, Vector... make sure his head is propped up...
Shadow looks at Espio and Vector.
Shadow: I'll help...

Amy begins to get enraged, grabbing her back-up hammer as Metal Sonic, instinctively, backs up.
Amy: I knew it...
Amy growls under her breath.
Amy: I knew one of you would take it too far...
Barry backs up a bit, seeming nervous as Amy holds her hammer, looking back at the group.
Amy: And on my birthday, no less...
Amy begins to scream, enraged fully.
Knuckles looks at Amy, confused.
Knuckles: Amy, could one of us have really done this?
Amy lunges slightly, over to Knuckles.
Amy: There is nobody else here, Knuckles!
Knuckles looks at the ground with his eyes only.
Amy: So, I'll ask again... Which one of you did this...?
Nobody says a word as Amy looks at them with a murderous glare. Tails chimes in.
Tails: This is inexcusable... Sonic is hurt...
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: We'll expose the monster who did this.
Barry nods, followed by Blaze.
Blaze: We'll get to the bottom of this...
Vector nods next.
Vector: Absolutely!
Knuckles also nods.
Knuckles: Of course...
Espio nods gently.
Espio: Understood...
Amy growls.
Amy: We're going to figure out exactly what happened in this room... and then punish the one responsible...

Barry sighs as he walks over to Metal Sonic, who is reviewing all of the evidence, with Tails, Melody, and Amy.
Amy: Who, in this room, did it...
Tails: Who killed Sonic the Hedgehog...?
Metal Sonic reviews all of the evidence... all of the pictures, all of the items, and all of the testimonies and stories... and thinks, as do Melody and Barry.
Barry (In his mind): One stood out...
Melody (In her mind): One was the weakest...
Metal Sonic: One now can be... disproven...
Metal Sonic's eyes open, as do Melody and Barry's as Metal Sonic turns rapidly to look at Espio.
Metal Sonic: Espio...
Espio looks at Metal Sonic, who points at Espio, determination in his eyes.
Metal Sonic: You were the one to Murder Sonic the Hedgehog, weren't you!
Vector and Espio flinch
Espio: I did no such thing, my friend...
Espio sighs.
Espio: But, if it's a battle of wits you wish for, then I would be more than happy to discuss things.
Tails chimes in.
Tails: Then, let's discuss.
The Interrogation begins as Metal Sonic crosses his arms.


Vector: W- What the, you're accusing Espio?
Vector Huffs.
Vector: We already talked about this; the man was reading! You've got nothing!
Espio nods.
Espio: Indeed.
Espio sighs.
Espio: I was trapped in the Library Car, Reading behind a bookshelf. I only had access to the Saloon Car and during the Murder.
Metal Sonic: OBJECTION!
Everyone looks at Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: New evidence has come to light that needs to be addressed.
Barry nods.
Barry: Espio could have left the Library at Any time, because we found a hidden passageway that from the Library Car to the Lounge Car...
Tails nods.
Tails: In the Lounge Car, the hidden passage exits behind the Wardrobe... I feel lucky we even found it.
Melody joins in.
Melody: Not only would Espio avoid any locked doors by using the Hidden Passage, but doing so would also put him in the Lounge Car!
Espio huffs.
Espio: Please, you have no evidence I even used a Hidden Passage... I was reading the Mirage Express Manual the entire time, and I answered your questions without Flaw...

Barry looks directly at Espio.
Barry: That maybe true, but aren't you a Poet, Espio?
Barry crosses his arms.
Barry: Poets, logically, would be able to be fast readers.
Espio flinches.
Espio: W- What are you getting at, Barry?
Barry continues on.
Barry: You picked a random book off of the shelf and memorized it, just to guarantee yourself a clear alibi.
Espio tugs at his Collar.
Espio: W- What?
Vector: HOLD IT!
Vector seems a bit nervous, but shows confidence, and doesn't back down.
Vector: T- That's absurd, reading a whole book that quickly!
Rouge chimes in.
Rouge: I- I know this is a talented bunch, but that seems like a lot!
Blaze thinks.
Blaze: I don't know; It is Plausible...
Blaze taps her foot.
Blaze: Espio does have a particular set of skills.
Knuckles also chimes in.
Knuckles: I've known Espio a long time... he once speedread a book that I was reading, just to spoil the ending for me...
Espio flinches again, chuckling nervously before clearing his throat as Metal Sonic continues the interrogation.
Metal Sonic: If we are correct, and Espio quickly memorized a book before entering the hidden passage.
Metal Sonic slams his hand down on the desk.
Metal Sonic: Then that means that Espio could have easily met Sonic in the Conductor's Car, where he was Murdered!
Espio and Vector flinch, and then the group all talk and discuss with each other about what is being said.
Espio: W- Well...
Espio clears his throat.
Espio: Since we're only talking in, "What if's," then let me throw something at you...

Espio crosses his arms.
Espio: How was I to know about the Hidden Passage if it's hidden.
Metal Sonic, Melody, Tails, and Barry all flinch.
Vector slams his hand down on the desk.
Vector: How would Espio have even known it was there?!
Vector chuckles.
Vector: You all said it yourselves; you four were even lucky to have found it!
Metal Sonic: OBJECTION!
Metal Sonic crosses his arms.
Metal Sonic: We have something that disproves that.
Metal Sonic looks at Rouge.
Metal Sonic: Rouge, we need to see those Blueprints.
Jenny: Blueprints.
Vector and Jenny both seem confused, but Vector speaks.
Vector: Rouge, you stole Blueprints?
Metal Sonic: HOLD IT!
Metal Sonic looks at Vector.
Metal Sonic: Right now, that's not very important.
Rouge sighs.
Rouge: Whatever, I already used the blueprints to scout for more treasures, and it came up cold... So, you can have them.
Rouge gives Metal Sonic the Blueprints.

Metal Sonic: Now then, these Blueprints are the Blueprints to the Entire Train...
Metal Sonic huffs.
Metal Sonic: Espio could have easily used them to find the hidden Passage.
Espio chuckles.
Espio: Please, what makes you think I ever had those blueprints?
Espio sighs.
Espio: Especially since Rouge had them.
Barry crosses his Arms.
Barry: Espio, you could have easily found the Blueprints first!
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Precisely... Rouge, I believe you mentioned you found the blueprints stuffed with the Brochures?
Rouge nods.
Metal Sonic: Rouge checked the Saloon Car first, then the Library Car...
Melody chimes in.
Melody: That means that Espio could have had time to discover the hidden Passage.
Tails nods as him and Metal Sonic.
Tails: Espio used the Blueprints, and then used the hidden passage to get to Sonic.
Metal Sonic: Within Amy's Guidelines, the Murderer can "Kill" a single participant however they choose to...
Barry chimes in.
Barry: And I know just how Espio did it!
Vector flinches as Espio chuckles under his breath.
Espio: Oh, this is rich...
Espio sighs, and frowns.
Espio: Pray tell; If I murdered Sonic, then how did I do it?
Barry shows the Blow Dart to the group.

Barry: TAKE THAT!!!
Metal Sonic smirks mouthlessly.
Metal Sonic: This Blowdart was found here, in the Conductor Car...
Vector flinches.
Metal Sonic: Espio easily could've used this to knock Sonic unconscious.
Amy chimes in, seeming slightly hopeful.
Amy: So, you mean Sonic could just be knocked out...?
Blaze chimes in with a Sigh.
Blaze: I wouldn't get our hopes up...
Blaze sighs again.
Blaze: He's more banged up than what a Blowdart would do...
Metal Sonic continues.
Metal Sonic: According to Amy's rules, a Blowdart would count as a "Kill" for the murderer mystery... The theory, therefore, is plausible.
Espio: HOLD IT.
Espio seems calm.
Espio: If it is so Plausible, then why are there so many holes in it.
The group gasps.
Jenny: You're denying the allegations?!
Espio nods.
Espio: Of course; allow me to present the first, fatal flaw...
Espio smiles.
Espio: If I used the Blowdart on Sonic in the Conductor's Car... then why was Sonic found in the Dining Car...?
Shadow adds on.
Shadow: I locked all of the doors, and Espio didn't have a key... so he would have had to take the hidden Passage back...
Blaze: HOLD IT!
Blaze chimes in.
Blaze: If Espio took the hidden passage, he would've wound up back in the Library Car...
Metal Sonic: OBJECTION!!!
Metal Sonic taps his foot.
Metal Sonic: We know another way Espio could have done it...
Metal Sonic shows the Blueprints again.

Metal Sonic: There's a small crawlspace above the Train Cars that goes over the Vault in the Casino Car, and splits off above the Casino Car, that Espio could have easily used to transport Sonic...
Rouge gasps.
Rouge: I didn't even notice that!
Metal Sonic chimes in.
Metal Sonic: It seems accessible through that Vent above us.
Espio flinches.
Knuckles: I'll check it out...
Knuckles hops up into the vents to check them, then leaps back down.
Knuckles: There's a path up there... and a track.
Everyone gets confused.
Metal Sonic: A track?
Knuckles: One for the robot arms...
Metal Sonic thinks for a moment, along with Amy.
Amy: That must be the path the Arms use to move throughout the train...
Espio: So... you're saying that, somehow, I fit in that vent with Sonic and dragged him to the Dining car?
Metal Sonic flinches slightly.
Espio: You are all smart, you know both of us couldn't possibly fit up there...
Knuckles sighs.
Knuckles: Espio is right, this is feeling flimsy...
Vega growls a bit.
Vega: There's a way for you to have fit Sonic through that Vent Easily.
Metal Sonic reaches into his hammerspace and reveals the torn robot arm.

Metal Sonic: I'm sure everyone knows these Robot arms are tough, correct?
Everyone nods.
Metal Sonic: There was a fight in here, and one of these robot arms was a tragedy...
Metal Sonic sighs as Tails picks up the argument.
Tails: What if one of the robot arms managed to grab Sonic?
Barry chimes in.
Barry: Knuckles did say that there is a track that the robot arms use to get around the train through the vents that even splits...
Melody continues the statement.
Melody: A robot arm could've grabbed Sonic, passed out from a Blowdart, and Carry him to the Dining Car.
Vector flinches a bit.
Vector: C-... Could that be true...?
Tails chimes in.
Tails: Take a look at Sonic, he's clearly banged up...
Metal Sonic continues.
Metal Sonic: Could the fight have been between Sonic and the Robot Arms?
Blaze, Shadow, Rouge, and Knuckles flinch.
Blaze: I-... I can see that...
Rouge: Those arms do look powerful...
Shadow sighs.
Shadow: I'll admit, Sonic doesn't fall easily...
Shadow looks at the group as he crosses his arms.
Shadow: But, if he's woozy from a Blowdart... Then the arms could have gotten him...
Blaze thinks.
Blaze: Interesting theory... but, you have to admit, these are a lot of coincidences...
Tails thinks.
Tails: We may not be able to link everything Directly to Espio just yet... but we have found one inconsistency...
Espio and Vector both flinch.
Vector: W- What kind of inconsistency?!
Metal Sonic snickers.
Metal Sonic: Vector, we believe someone here received false information from Espio...
Melody looks at Amy.
Melody: Amy...?
Amy looks at Melody.

Amy: Yes, Melody?
Melody taps her foot.
Melody: You received a hot scoop, didn't you?
Barry sighs.
Barry: I think it's about time you told everyone who it came from...
Espio flinches a bit as he tugs on his collar.
Amy: You're right...
Amy smirks in a kind, yet malicious way.
Amy: Espio LIED to me... Espio told me that Shadow was locking doors to trap Sonic, but we found out that Shadow was really just trying to keep me from discovering my birthday surprise!
Shadow growls.
Shadow: That "Scoop" Came from YOU, Espio?
Espio nervously flinches as he tries to defend himself.
Espio: N- No, of course not... A- Amy must have simply just, misheard me?
Metal Sonic looks at Espio, unconvinced.
Metal Sonic: Misheard you, huh?
Espio stutters a bit.
Espio: O- Of course, she did; I- I said that Sonic was going to get trapped with all of the locked doors, not that Shadow w- was trying to trap Sonic.
Espio clears his throat.
Espio: I- I was just l- l- looking out for my f- fellow passenger's safety...
Silver: I'm not so sure, Espio.
Espio flinches a good bit.
Espio: W- What...?
Silver crosses his arms...
Silver: Regardless of how strong the argument is, there's a lot being thrown at you that seems to make a lot of sense.
Shadow chimes in.
Shadow: I'm going to have to Agree, Espio...
Shadow gets angry.
Shadow: Do you honestly want us to believe that you were Lazily reading the whole time that you were stationed in a room with a hidden Passage?
Espio flinches more as he begins to sweat incredibly nervously, trembling a little.
Amy: And now you're lying to me, on my birthday of all Days?!
Espio looks around frantically.
Espio: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tails chimes in.
Tails: The murderer could have easily used the train's controls to Move Sonic to the Dining Car...
Metal Sonic taps his foot as him, Tails, Melody, and Barry all begin to speak.
Metal Sonic: Then, to spread further doubt and confusion, he lied to Amy in an attempt to blame Shadow...
Barry: When examining everyone's Alabi's, one clearly stands out as the weakest!
Melody: I believe it's clear to everyone here...
Tails: That it could only have been one person...
Metal Sonic, Barry, Melody, and Tails all point at Espio.
Metal Sonic, Barry, Tails, and Melody: IT WAS YOU, ESPIO!!!

Everyone in the room gasps and flinches as Espio shakes, and then everyone hears a noise.
Sonic the Hedgehog?! (Mumbling under his breath): No... Five more minutes, mom...
Everyone eyes widen, completely shocked.
Metal Sonic: What...?
Melody: W-... Was that...?

Everyone looks at Sonic as he slowly gets up, seeming a bit tired...
Sonic: H-... Hey guys...
Amy: S- SONIC!!!
Amy rushes up to Sonic and hugs him.
Tails: Sonic... A- And just as we solved the Mystery...
Metal Sonic: Espio was the Murderer...
Sonic sighs as Amy lets go of him.
Sonic: Right... Espio jumped me in the Conductor's Car...
Sonic sighs.
Sonic: But that's not important right now...
Sonic looks at the group.
Sonic: I need everyone to listen to me right now... The Train is a Badnik...
Everyone flinches as Metal Sonic's eyes widen.
Metal Sonic: What...?
Sonic: We need to get off of this train... w- we're not safe...
Tails: W- What do you mean, Sonic?
Sonic begins to explain.
Sonic: When I arrived in the Conductor's Car, the Conductor was already here... He was so excited to tell me all about the features of the train... But... what he was saying...
Sonic sighs as he holds himself up.
Sonic: I- I asked to see the power source... the Conductor hadn't even seen it. So, we took a look... but when we did... we saw that the Train's powered by a flicky.

Everyone in the room gasps.
Tails: There's only one person twisted enough to use a flicky as a power source...
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: Doctor Eggman...
Sonic: I told the conductor that the train needed to be destroyed, but he refused... The way the Conductor described it was more than a simple Badnik... but his best friend, his co-conductor.
Jenny looks at Sonic.
Jenny: You-... You can't be serious...
Sonic: Right after, Espio hit me with the Blowdart...
Espio flinches as he shows regret.

The scene flashes back to when Espio left as the Arms attack, kidnapping the Conductor as Sonic tries to save him, only for the blow-dart to take effect before flashing back.
Espio: I thought I was following the rules...
Everyone looks at Espio, confused.
Metal Sonic: What do you mean, Espio...?
Espio pulls out a card he recieved, and shows it to everyone.
Sonic: What's that...?

Tails: It says, "Use this Blow-dart on Sonic, stationed in the Conductor Car. It is laced with a nonlethal sleeping agent. Thank you again for choosing the Mirage Express. -Staff."
Metal Sonic: What are these... instructions?
Espio sighs.
Espio: I was given the Blowdart and this Card by...
Espio thinks...
Espio: By one of the robot arms, actually.
Amy chimes in.
Amy: But weapons shouldn't be allowed on the train...
Misty nods.
Misty: Yeah, I saw Vector's meat cleaver get taken before he got on the train.
Tails: What's the bigger picture here...
Barry: Who instructed the arms to attack...
Metal Sonic thinks, then his eyes widen.
Metal Sonic: Nobody...
Everyone looks at Metal Sonic very confused.
Metal Sonic: Think about it, something has been orchestrating things behind the scenes... They wanted Sonic out of the picture, and for a good while, too.
Metal Sonic puts all the evidence into their proper places, then places them into his hammerspace.
Metal Sonic: So, if the Train is a Badnik... then the Train itself is plotting something.
Everyone gasps as Shadow sighs.
Shadow: You're seriously convinced that the Train is out to get us...?
Tails: We don't know what the Train's intentions are... But it's clearly been tampering in the murder mystery game...
Amy, in an angry state, gets out her hammer as everyone backs up.
Amy: Train...

Sonic: A- Amy!
Amy starts to swing her hammer into the walls.
Vector starts helping Amy attack the Train, followed by Vega, before the shudders suddenly, close, and the Lights in the room all go red.
Suddenly, a panel in the roof opens as the Conductor, tied up by the robot hands, descends, his mouth covered.
Metal Sonic: The Conductor!?
The Conductor makes muffled noises, struggling in the Trains grasp as Metal Sonic and Sonic get ready to get him out.
Metal Sonic: Don't worry, we'll get him-
A robot hand descends, it's eye red as everyone in the room gets back in shock.
Tails: We were right... weren't we...?
The Train moves its eye to look at Vega.
Metal Sonic: Eggman...?
The Train lets out a robotic, low-pitched, menacing chuckle.
The train's eyes show a bit of reminiscence...
Tails: W- What are you...
The Train's arm turns rapidly to tails.
The train starts to speed up as the Train begins to block off the controls, everyone grabbing onto something as the train laughs, the conductor being raised into the ceiling again.
The robotic arms ascend into the Ceiling as everyone begins slipping. Everyone begins screaming as they all fly back, the scene cutting to black.


Metal Sonic (Echo-y): Barry...? Barry? Barry!
Barry groans as he wakes up, rubbing his head.
Barry: Ugh... my head hurts...
Metal Sonic: Yeah, I know... Deja Vu...
Barry and Metal Sonic look around, seeming a bit nervous.
Barry: H- Hello? Anyone else here...?
Sonic groans as he gets up.
Sonic: Yeah...
Metal Sonic: Glad to see you're here, Sonic.
Barry rushes up to Sonic, checking him for injuries.
Barry: A- Are you ok?!
Sonic nods.
Sonic: Yeah, I'm hanging in there...
Metal Sonic, Sonic and Barry all brush themselves off as they look around.
Barry: Where is everyone else...?
Metal Sonic: Good question... this sure is a dim situation...
Sonic smiles.
Sonic: Well then, it's up to us to shine a light forward, isn't it?
Metal Sonic nods as Sonic winks.
Barry: Let's see if we can find something to help...
Metal Sonic walks up to the door and spin-dashes into it, not doing much as Barry looks at a TV screen, which is showing a Yellow glow.
Barry: T- That yellow glow is chilling... I- I miss when it was just showing us the weather...
Metal Sonic: Agreed...
The screens change to show the Eggman Empire as everyone's eyes widen.
Metal Sonic: What the-...
The TV screen gets staticky as the broadcast of a face goes through, sounds coming through the speakers as the TV screen displays Dr. Eggman, specifically the one from Sonic's world.

DR. EGGMAN: Hello...? Hello, hello?
Eggman sighs.
Eggman: Is anyone there...? WHY IS NOBODY RESPONDING TO ME!?
Metal Sonic: I miss the yellow glow already...
Sonic and Metal Sonic walk up to the screen.
Eggman laughs.
Eggman: You Spikey Blue Pest~! Seems you've finally taken Passage on one of my passenger trains~!
Barry tilts his head, confused.
Barry: You built this train?
Eggman: Who the hell are you, don't talk to me!
Barry gets angry.
Eggman smirks.
Eggman: My involvement isn't very well-know, Civilian.
Metal Sonic growls as Eggman continues.
Eggman: The infrastructure of your towns just wasn't cutting it... If I were to build Eggman land, then these problems would need sorting out... So, I courageously got involved... I converted some Cargo Trains into luxury Passenger Trains for the sake of the public, it's just more useful for future schemes.
Metal Sonic sighs.
Metal Sonic: Let me guess... Another Death Egg, Doctor Predictable?
Eggman chuckles.
Eggman: People fear giant spheres, it's science!
Metal Sonic slams his fist down on the table.
Metal Sonic: Cut to the chase, Egghead!!! Where are our friends...?
Eggman pulls up a schematic.
Eggman: Judging by my security Cameras, your pathetic friends are all trapped in the cars they were stationed in...
Eggman chuckles.
Eggman: It would seem that you managed to make the train quite upset~!
Sonic gets confused.
Sonic: Did you not know that this was happening?
Eggman: Heavens no! I'm far too busy to notice was a passenger train is up to... so I'm only getting caught up just now...
Metal Sonic growls.
Metal Sonic: How come it knew to contact you?

Eggman laughs.
Eggman: You see, the capability of a Badnik is normally very Basic... just Kill Sonic the Hedgehog and his pathetic Friends... But, for a Luxury train, I wanted to ensure things ran smoothly, and report to me if any of you happened aboard... Honestly, this Train's capability for Intellectual thought, is extraordinary; a Feat only accomplished by my genius~!
Barry gets nervous.
Eggman: Suffice to say, your capture is inevitable. You're on a train that desires nothing more than to deliver all of you to me!
Sonic: How?
Eggman: See, I got to thinking... I needed to manufacture motivation beyond simple programming; I like to make my Badniks compete with one another from time to time, it's good for productivity~! So, I instituted a Bounty upon my Army of Badniks, that the first to capture you lot gets a generous reward. Most of my robots normally ask for something simple, like my Autograph, but a luxury train may ask for something more... interesting...
Sonic and Metal Sonic groan.
Sonic: As much as I like reward Programs, are you done Blabbering doc?
Metal Sonic groans as well.
Metal Sonic: You can never just win, can you?
Eggman laughs.
Eggman: When you all are dragged to my base, you will regret the day you ever crossed me~!
Metal Sonic: WE ALREADY DO!!!
Metal Sonic punches the screen with his extending arm, breaking it, and causing Sonic and Barry to flinch.
Metal Sonic: GET LOST!!!
Eggman laughs over the intercom.
Metal Sonic growls angrily.
Metal Sonic: He always knows how to get underneath my skin...
Sonic sighs.
Sonic: This is tough... the Train has the motivation and is undoubtably powerful given who made it...
Metal Sonic groans.
Metal Sonic: Not to mention we're all separated.
Barry starts to think, seeming upset.
Barry (In his Mind): I should've done more... I knew Sonic was hurt all along... and I did nothing...
Bary begins to cry a bit as he collapses onto his knees. Metal Sonic looking at him.
Barry (In his Mind): I failed... I'm a Failure... M- My parents would be so ashamed...
Metal Sonic: Barry...?
Barry starts Shaking as Metal Sonic and Sonic both look at him.
Sonic: Hey, Barry.
Barry looks up at Metal Sonic and Sonic.
Sonic: We can tell this situation is getting to you.

Barry stutters.
Barry: Y- Yeah... sorry...
Barry sniffles.
Barry: I- I-...
Metal Sonic: Hey, we get it.
Metal Sonic and Sonic crouch down in front of Barry.
Metal Sonic: When the roads getting tough, it's easy to question the decisions that got you there.
Sonic: But when negative thoughts hit you, just let them pass, and keep on living~!
Barry seems confused as he looks at Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: Look, bud, we need you to help us through this before Sonic does something rash.
Sonic sighs, still smiling.
Sonic: I kinda hate to admit it, but I'm one of those "Leap Before You Think" Kind of guys.
Barry smiles, still seeming Nervous.
Barry: Y- You're both right...
Barry wipes the tears from his eyes as he stands on his feet, Metal Sonic and Sonic doing so along with him as he takes a deep breath,
Barry: Let's keep moving forward so that we can make this right!
Metal Sonic and Sonic nod as they look around a bit.
Metal Sonic: We need to find some way out of the Conductor's car before the Train Passes the Station, or else we'll be in too close of a range to Eggman's Base...
Sonic: The doors have been heavily Fortified, what will be do...?
Barry thinks for a moment, and then he gets an idea.
Barry: What would you two do?
Metal Sonic and Sonic both look at Barry, confused.
Barry: This entire Time, I've been thinking to myself, "What would a Sonic do?" so that I could believe in myself...
Barry looks up at Sonic and Metal Sonic.
Barry: I mean; No matter the obstacle, no matter what lies ahead, I know you two have what it takes to figure it out...
Metal Sonic looks at the door, along with Sonic.
Barry: So, what would you two do?
Metal Sonic and Sonic both look at the door, beginning to think.
Metal Sonic: What would we do... huh...?
Sonic flashes a trademark grin.
Sonic: Well, I think I'd speed on through and rescue our friends...
Metal Sonic mouthlessly smirks.
Metal Sonic: By any means Necessary...
Metal Sonic and Sonic both notice the doorway and get into a readied position before spin-dashing into the fortified door, causing it to break wide open.

Barry: YEAH-HAH~!!!
Metal Sonic and Sonic look at each other as Barry smiles excitedly in the background.
Sonic: Now that the road's clear, nothing can stop us~!
Metal Sonic pulls some gadgets out of his Hammer Space from the Resistance against the Eggman Empire, and then tosses them to Gadget, who catches them and looks at them.
Metal Sonic: Better gear up and hold onto your pants, Barry; I don't think we'll be getting another break after this.
Barry nods with a confident smirk as he places the Wrist Mounted Grappling hook over his broken watch, and an earpiece in his ear that will allow him, Sonic, and Metal Sonic to communicate before smiling.
Sonic: Ready to go, Barry?
Barry smiles and nods.
Barry: Let's do it to it~!
Sonic and Metal Sonic both Smile and nod.
Metal Sonic: I like that spirit, kid~!
Sonic: Let's go get our friends~!
Barry smiles as he gets ready to run, along with Sonic and Metal Sonic.
Barry: To the conductor car, to save our friends~!
Barry, Sonic, and Metal Sonic, all begin to run out the door as robot arms start slashing at them and trying to grab at the 3 of them as they do.

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