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By 21FishBitStar12

21.3K 811 85

Park Hyun-Jae found herself, living yet another life, in an entirely different world. But for some reason she... More



667 28 3
By 21FishBitStar12


"They will do no such thing." Hyun-jae denied.

"And to what authority--"

"I'm a doctor and I've helped the government deal with the disease on their front lines, Sae-bom is not infected, we are not infected you just set this whole thing up just because you're a vile snake of a woman who's afraid of losing money and--"

She stopped when Dae-seong grabbed her wrist and shock his head. She scoffed in disbelief, but she realised that no matter what she says they won't believe her, they're in a den of snakes and she couldn't do anything because they were being held at gunpoint.


While Jung-kook held the gun at them he let it slit that Hyun-jae also spent time in quarantine for the virus and even though she hid the scar under make-up these people were that vindictive as the demand that she remain in lock down alongside Sae-bom in her apartment.

Hyun-jae couldn't even look at him when he tried to apologise and ask them if they were okay. He betrayed them, this is the man that they've known since High School and he just outed them to their enemies she honestly doesn't care about whether or not he was scared because she was just as heartbroken by his actions and she couldn't help but cry on Sae-bom's couch.

"How could he do this to us? Ten years, we've known each other for ten years and he ticks tail to those bastards!" She sobbed as Sae-bom tried to calm her with soothing rubs on her back.

"I'm not trying to defend him--"

"Shut up, the moment you say that you're defending him, for God's sake you're a lawyer!" She spat, interupting Dae-seong who sighed and decided to go on.

"But he has been away from home for a long time now. He must be worried and miss his wife very much." He sympathized and she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"And what, I don't miss my mom? But I would never point a gun at my friends and join hands with those ba--"

"There's a child in the room!" Sae-bom interupted. "Besides, you should calm down, you're gonna exhaust yourself and stress isn't good for you."  She said and Hyun-jae took breaths to calm down and her sobbing quietened.

"Have some of the apple Unnie, it'll help you feel better." Seo-yoon handed Hyun-jae a plate of cut apples.

"Thank you Seo-yoon, bless your heart. I hope my child grows up to be is kind as you are." Hyun-jae smiled as she took the plate gratefully and ate the apple slices and the little girl's words turned out to be true as Hyun-jae feel better.

There was a knock on the door and Sae-bom got up before everyone else could and answered the door. Andrew stood in front of the door and he kindly revealed the fact that the other tenants planned to kick all four of them out of the complex to leave them stranded outside and take their food and water.

Sae-bom ate her apple calmly but to everyone else she was absolutely seething inside.

"I'll be right back." She stomped out the door before anyone could stop her.

"Sae-bom wait!" Hyun-jae called from behind her but she tripped, luckily it wasn't a bad trip and someone was close enough to catch her.

"Hyun-jae!" Yi-hyun was the first to react after Andrew stopped her fall he took her from his arms and his heart sank when she was out like a light, not responding to ant of his calls.

"Yi-hyun, I got her, I got her." Dae-seong assured as he reached for, but Yi-hyun was reluctant.

"Trust me, I got her." Dae-seong spoke softly and slowly so he could get through to him and he did.


When Hyun-jae opened her eyes she found herself in a dark alley.

"Where am I?" She muttered and rightly so usually she would see past events from within the complex this is the first time that she finds herself outside much less in an alley in the darkness of night, though the soft light of the moon peaked through which gave plenty of light here.

A man walked passed her and went down the street and she wondered if he was heading home for the night. Then, she heard a second set a footsteps, but this time it felt incredibly disturbing.

The atmosphere around the alley didn't feel all that good, it felt like something from a horror movie when someone is about to be killed.

She steeled herself and turned around to see the face of the other person, she couldn't recongise their face but they were holding something on one of their hands, a crowbar.

The man looked younger than the other who came before him, but it was obvious he came here for something else.

The young man with the crow bar then concerned the other man deep into the corner of the alley and struck him with the crowbar and Hyun-jae who stood by yelped in horror.

The young man didn't stop even when the other was begging and he just kept striking the man relentlessly.

"No, stop it! Stop it!" Hyun-jae cried in horror as blood splattered everywhere, but soon the man stopped moving and the young man stood up straight looking incredibly satisfied before raiding the dead man's pockets.

"Oh my God...get me out of here! I don't want to see this anymore get me out!" She yelled.


When she woke up she felt deprived of oxygen as he panic skyrockets and she gasped as she sat up quickly.

"Whoa, take it easy."

Her eyes drifted to Dae-seong who sat beside her and then she looked around to find herself in her bedroom.

"What happened?" She croaked, her throat felt hoarse like she had been screaming for hours.

"You really gave everyone a scare." Dae-seong started as he gave her glass of water. "My guess is the exhaustion of having to deal with the people here without a decent moment's break finally got to you because you feinted and don't worry you land on the floor that cleaner guy, uh...Andrew." He explained.

"The cleaner...Andrew." She muttered, so that means that it was his past that she saw and that means that he's a murderer.

She rushed to the bathroom feeling the need to vomit her sudden rushing startled Dae-seong who follwed after her so he could hold back her hair.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." She assured as he helped her up. "Where are the others?" She asked.

"They went to confront the people, sorry if I'm not the person you wanted to see first." He shrugged as brought her to the living room so she could sit down on the couch.

"It's okay, you out of everybody should know that if Yi-hyun was willing to leave me with you. It means he trusts you, you are his best friend after all." She shrugged.

"Thanks...do you need anything to eat?" He asked.

"Yes, please." She nodded and she spoke not because she was particularly hungry, but because she needed space to think especially now with the fact that they are in the same building with a killer.

"Here you go, are you sure you want me to go?" He asked as he paid a tray of food in front of her.

"I'm sure, I'll feel bad if Seo-yoon is left alone in that apartment any longer." She nodded.

"Alright, I don't know what taking those two so long but I'm sure that Yi-hyun should be here soon." He assured with a gentle pat on her knee.


Hyun-jas was feeling really tired and she was worried about how stressful this situation has become and whether or not it was gonna present itself during her pregnancy maybe...as much as she doesn't want to consider it, she might have to leave sooner than she would like, but she was also worried about leaving the people she cares about in the same building as Andrew.

"Hyun-jae, I'm home. Where are you?"

She heard Yi-hyun come in through the door and she quickly got to her feet, desperate to be in his arms but that feeling quickly disappeared when she saw his wrapped up and judging by the look of it he bled a lot.

"Oh my God, what happened to you, did someone cut you?!" She gasped and then she got mad. "It was the representative wasn't it? That bitch!" She hissed and was about to march off to confront the woman but Yi-hyun grabbed her.


"Sorry, but it was me. I cut myself."

"What the hell?! Why?" She snapped.

"Sae-bom was about to do it and I couldn't let that happen and so I did it instead so I could find the infected with my blood." He explained.

"You've got to be joking!"

"But I found one, it was that girl from the convenient store, we have her contained in the gym office and Sae-bom and Jung-kook are looking after her." He said.

"Then why didn't you come back as soon as you found her?"

"I needed to be sure that I found all of them. Please won't be mad."

"Yi-hyun, do you understand what you've done. You let yourself be vulnerable to the  virus!" She scoffed her blood boiled in anger as she dragged him and tossed him on the couch while she got the first aid kit.

"Hyun-jae..." He pleaded, but he hissed in pain when she fought applied the alcohol to his wound.

"So, did you find your infected?" She asked.

"No, but I mean  that's a good thing--aah!" He yelped as she was not being gentle with treating him.

"...Yi-hyun...what do you think about that Alexander guy?" Hyun-jae asked.

"Well, he's a weird guy. Why did you see something?"


Before she could answer that the doorbell rang and she opened the door to see who it was only to slam the door in their face before they could even speak.

"What was that?" Yi-hyun asked.

"Nobody." She replied, but then they decided to knock and Yi-hyun got up and answered the door.

"Mr. Kim?" Yi-hyun muttered in surprise as the older man looked timid as he stood in front of him.

"What do you want?" Hyun-jae asked with a frown.

"I,uh, just came from Sae-bom's place. I wanted to say that I'm sorry and I'm really ashamed...I, I was gullible, so I just caused all of you trouble and I just wanted to let you know that I'll stay on the second floor or in the gym from now on...I'm really sorry." Jung-kook apologised sincerely towards the couple and so he turned and decided it would be best if he left.

"Wait." Hyun-jae called and he looked back with a little hope in his eyes. "You can stay." She sighed. "But if you ever betray us again, I swear..." She warned.

"That was...that was my first time betraying anyone." He whimpered.

"Gosh!" She scoffed turning away and walking right back into the apartment.

When Yi-hyun came back with Jung-kook in toe she took her husband and dragged him into their bedroom and shut the door, before checking up on him again.

"Did you really have to make such a long cut" She muttered as she wrapped the gauze around his hand.

"What can I say, I'm a passionate guy. I only bled a bit. My blood vessels are okay doc, trust me." He assured.

"You have no idea what seeing you hurt does to me. Please, don't do it again. I don't know what I'd do if something ever happened to you." She whispered.

"It's the same for me...when I saw you fall it was the worst feeling that I had ever felt in my life. I should've stayed with you and been there when you woke up, but I let my anger and frustration get the best of me. I'm sorry." He said and she couldn't help but to wrap her arms around him.

"By the way, you said something about Andrew I mean." He pointed out and she stiffened as the memories of the actions she witnessed came back to her mind.

"That's right, Andrew...He can't be trusted." She took a breath trying to find the right words to use.

"Hyun-jae...what did you see?" Yi-hyun asked as he started to get on edge by her silence.

"I saw him...kill...someone and the cleaning lady, I'm sorry but I didn't see where he put her body. All I can remember is him...bashing them to death, he's not...who he says he is and to be honest...I'm starting to feel really scared right now." She confessed, sucking in a breath as tears left her eyes.


"In scared because we are in a building with people who will be looking to get rid of us...I know it...and I don't know how much longer until they do something really extreme and they don't know that I'm pregnant and...and... Oh my God I don't even wanna think about it!"

"Hyun-jae it's gonna be okay." He comforted as Hyun-jae couldn't help but sob in his shoulder.

"I don't know what to do, it's been a week and three days since the lock down began, the virus in the infect might've developed a variant that could cause a more violent oitbreak and I'm worried that hiding my bump under dresses won't be enough anymore. What do we do Hi-hyun? What do we do?" She whimpered as she desparately grabbed onto him.

Yi-hyun could only comfort his wife. It seems like all she ever does is worry, worry about herself, the baby, him and the people they care about and then there's the visions he's worried that sooner rather than later she would break and it was obvious what the next choice should be, she has to get out of this building it's no longer an option to have her continue staying in here.


As he laid her on the bed, he wonders how many times he's put her there after every time she's cried. All he could do was make sure that she's comfortable, sleeping is the only time when she looks peaceful.

Yi-hyun locked the door behind him as he would now be making his way back.

"How's she doing?" Dae-seong questioned him as he appeared walking beside him.

"Exhausted. Staying in this building's been hard for her. Where's Sae-bom?" Yi-hyun asked and he replied.

"She went up to get a tent for the girl so she could stay on the roof. So far We've got the gym manager, the brother, the girl and to be honest in the situation we're in it's much too many and it doesn't feel good to suspect that they're not the only ones in this building." Dae-seong sighed.

"Agreed. So let's run another test with everyone else and quickly deal with it before it gets out of hand." Yi-hyun nodded and Dae-seong groaned as he felt close to his wits end just imaging such a horrible situation.

"It always is with these people." He sighed as he scratched his head.

Testing went smoothly and no one who was present showed signs of being infected, but Yi-hyun couldn't help but look at Andrew in a new light, since the beginning he's presence has been one that's been shrouded in too many unknown variables and could they really take what he said about himself at face value anymore.

He wasn't planning on brushing this aside and neither was he going to tell the others...yet. Right now he doesn't look like someone who's killed, but that can change at any moment, it's unfortunate but as much as he'd like to focus his attention on him others and the notorious shenanigans male it difficult, but for now he will keep an eye out.

They went over and gave the brother, Soo-min and Kim-seung something to eat and drink. Yi-hyun offered to unchain Soo-min but he freaked out instead.

"Don't come near me. When someone gets closer, my thirst gets worse. I'm okay. I'll just eat like this." He said not wanting to hurt them in any way.

"Were you guys okay yesterday?" Yi-hyun asked. "I heard the pastor on the 12th floor came here. Didn't you have a long talk with him?"

"But...I didn't want to attack him." Soo-min said. "Did you?" He asked Kim-seung.

"No, now that you mention I didn't feel like it either. It's kinda like...I didn't need to." He replied.

"What?" Dae-seong muttered, both men feeling that something was very off.

"Looks like the disease is choosy about people. Even mosquitoes bite only one person out of many people." Jung-kook said, trying to reason out the cause.

"Jung-kook, you said that the infected did not attack the pastor?" Yi-hyun asked.

"He's very religious. He has spiritual powers." He nodded and held the cross around his neck.

"Oh god." Dae-seong muttered.

"What?" Jung-kook asked.

"The pastor, he's an infected." He replied.

"No, but...I saw him holding the cross and the stopped." Jung-kook argued, wanting to believe wholeheartedly in what he saw

"Think about it Jung-kook, putting the--spiritual powers aside. Another reason could also be, why would the infected bite someone when they've already been infected their purpose is to spread the disease and once they've been infected they stop drinking their blood, so it makes sense that they did not feel thirst for each other." Yi-hyun explained.

"We need to get to that couple's apartment, now." Dae-seong spoke in urgency.


The two men met up with Sae-bom on the way they arrived at room 1202 it took some time for the woman to open her door.

"Where's the pastor?" Yi-hyun questioned.

"He's not here. He went outside." She replied and closed the door only for Yi-hyun to pry it open and forced his way in.

"If he really isn't in there then we should find out where he went." Sae-bom spoke to Dae-seong and he nodded.

The went down the staircase as that was the closest exit and they went down to the lower floor only the hear frantic screaming and without a beat they ran with Sae-bom running lead.

The commotion came from Joo-hyung's place.

Sae-bom went rushing in and tackled the pastor and fought him, only to get thrown off and she was shocked because he was much stronger than expected.

"What are you waiting for, get out!" Dae-seong yelled at the adulterous lawyer and the mistress who just stood there blankly and his yelling snapped them out of it and they ran out while he helped Sae-bom fight of the infected pastor.

It was hard getting this guy to go down, but when they did they made sure to bind him and cover his face.

"Hey are you guys okay?!" Yi-hyun asked as he walked in.

"We're good, we got him." Sae-bom replied as they both gasped for air.

"You guys go, I'll keep an eye on him." Dae-seong ushered.

"Are you sure?" Sae-bom asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Even though he's like this we can't leave him out of our eyes or he might hurt himself. So go assure everyone and then when he's calm we'll take him to the golf area." He said.

As they left Dae-seong remained silent and kept watch, but something was bugging him. He could've sworn he heard Joo-hyung screaming but he doesn't see him anywhere.

To satisfy his curiosity he walked around, he heard a creaking of the door as it opened and he hid instinctively behind the counter of the kitchen. He saw Joo-hyung creep out and his face lit up with a sadistic glee as he slowly reached for the blanket that covered the pastors head.

"What are you doing?"


Joo-hyung flinched away from the pastor who hissed and grumbled in alert from the sudden noise which scared the older man.

"I-I was just--"

"Don't even bother I saw the whole thing, get the fuck out." He glared.

"This is my apartment you can't just--"

"I said get the fuck out or else you go flying through that window." Dae-seong didn't know what this guy was planning but whatever it was he wasn't gonna let him harm someone else.

So he yanked the guy by his collar and threw him out of the apartment which startled everybody.

"Sorry, I found a rat." Dae-seong spat with venom as he glared menacingly towards the older man who picked himself up from the floor.


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