Homesick | Charles Leclerc

By tonysnarky

375K 8.4K 783

❝Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home.❞ In whi... More

Bonus: Archie Leclerc
Bonus: Aurelie Leclerc


1.2K 41 1
By tonysnarky


The sun dipped low over the Abu Dhabi skyline, casting a warm glow on the bustling city as the Formula 1 paddock prepared for the grand finale of the 2024 season.

Charles Leclerc and Alexandra Heroux, engaged for three eventful years, stepped into the world-famous Yas Marina Circuit amidst a swirl of anticipation and media frenzy.

The air was charged with excitement as the media heralded the final race as a culmination of the best competition in recent history.

2021 was won by Max and Redbull, who also won 2022.

Suddenly, in 2023, Alexandra shot to the top of the points, and won the WDC with an incredible lead of 177 points over everyone else.

The 2024 season had so far seen a duel between Alexandra, and Charles, and had kept the racing world on the edge of their seats throughout the past year.

Adding to the spectacle was the knowledge that these fierce competitors were on the brink of becoming more than just rivals - they were soon to be married.

As the couple navigated through the paddock, the flashes of cameras and the clamor of journalists created a whirlwind of activity.

The media dubbed it the "Battle of the Leclerc's," a fitting moniker for the soon to be married couple.

Despite the fierce competition on the track, the love story unfolding off it captured the collective imagination. Charles and Alexandra, who had chosen to focus on their racing careers and delay their wedding, became the center of attention.

The countdown to their impending nuptials only added another layer of intrigue to an already thrilling season.

Many fans had assumed that the couple had a deal, which meant they'd get married once one of them won a WDC. However, after Alexandra's win last year, they were proven wrong.

Throughout the year, as the battle for the championship raged on, the couple had managed to keep the intensity of the races separate from their private lives.

Behind closed doors in their Monaco home, the stress of competition melted away, replaced by a sanctuary of love and shared dreams.

Now, as they prepared for the final race, the media speculated on whether this momentous occasion would see them stepping onto the podium as champions and soon-to-be newlyweds.

The anticipation hung thick in the air, blending the excitement of the race with the promise of a celebration that would echo through the annals of Formula 1 history.

Over the past three years, to the outside world, Charles and Alexandra's lives had woven into a rich tapestry of love, success, and growth.

Theo, now a spirited seven-year-old, had taken the karting world by storm, showcasing an inherited talent that mirrored the racing prowess of his father, aunt and uncles.

James, Eleanor, and Theo had joined Alexandra and Charles in Monaco, the family ties growing stronger against the breathtaking Mediterranean backdrop.

The once turbulent relationships were now anchored in a shared commitment to family, and Eleanor had become an integral part of the Monaco scene - her activism as a nurse for the Heroux Foundation had shown incredible promise, and she'd since joined the UN as an ambassador.

As Theo's karting adventures flourished, his accomplishments were celebrated not just as an individual achievement but as a testament to the united family they had all become.

Throughout his karting career, Alexandra and Charles attended almost every race, only missing those that clashed with their own race weekends.

The argument was still ongoing over who Theo supported - Red Bull or Ferrari - although after Alexandra's WDC win, she was certain she'd become the favourite.

Alexandra's life had taken a poignant turn in these years. Rebuilding her relationship with her father, Jacob, proved to be a slow and delicate process. The scars of the past ran deep, but the healing had begun.

However, the void left by her tumultuous upbringing had been gracefully filled by her newfound family in Christian and Geri. Their warm embrace and unwavering support offered a sense of paternal love that she had long yearned for.

Sebastian had decided to bid farewell to the fast-paced world of Formula 1, transitioning to a new role as Team Principal at Audi, which was set to join the grid in 2026.

Lewis, on the other hand, had chosen this race as his farewell from the driver's seat, embarking on a new chapter as Team Principal for Mercedes.

The racing legends were gracefully passing the baton to the next generation, bringing a poignant and nostalgic air to the paddock.

The relationships within the extended racing family had mended, as Alexandra and Lewis found their way back to the camaraderie they had once shared.

The trio of Alexandra, Lewis, and James now resembled a mischievous set of siblings, often turning their Monaco home into a lively hub of banter and laughter.

Charles, accustomed to finding unexpected company after a day at the track, would often join the trio, completing the familial scene.

While Alexandra's Hollywood commitments occasionally called her back to the movie sets, Charles and she had navigated the complexities of their dual careers with a shared resilience. "Champion" had earned her a coveted star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, marking a milestone in her acting career.

Their journey, marked by love, triumphs, and shared aspirations, was an enduring testament to the strength of their union.

The press conference room buzzed with anticipation as the seasoned racers faced questions about the impending showdown between Charles and Alexandra for the World Championship title. The air was charged with excitement, and the banter between the drivers added a playful tone to the proceedings.

Interviewers probed Lewis and Max for their predictions, seeking insights into who they believed would emerge victorious in this thrilling battle. The seasoned competitors exchanged knowing glances, attempting to diplomatically sidestep the question.

However, the mischievous grins on their faces betrayed the camaraderie that ran deep within the tight-knit racing community.

Lexi and Charles, sitting side by side, couldn't resist playfully goading their fellow racers into revealing their preferences.

"Oh come on Maxie, you know the answer." With a twinkle in her eye, Lexi turned towards Max, awaiting his response. "If you don't tell us, I'm telling Helmut you were the one that put laxatives in-"

"Okay, okay-" The Dutchman, not one to back down from a challenge, flashed a grin and declared, "Lexi will win, for sure. Sorry, Charles, maybe next year." The room erupted into a mix of laughter and murmurs, amplifying the playful atmosphere.

Lewis, known for his measured responses, leaned into the banter, stating, "I have to go with Charles on this one." The unexpected response sparked a fresh round of whispers among the gathered media, who were now buzzing with curiosity and speculation. "I think he's driven incredibly this season."

Lexi, always quick on her feet, seized the moment with a playful retort. "Well, even if Charles wins, the trophy will still be staying in my house for another year anyway. So, it makes no difference to me," she quipped, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. The comment elicited chuckles from the audience, highlighting the good-natured rivalry between the engaged racing duo.

"How have you ensured that your relationship has stayed so strong over the past few years? Specifically this year, considering how close the race to WDC has been."

Charles leaned into the microphone, his easygoing smile reflecting the genuine connection he shared with Lexi. The reporters' questions delved into the heart of their relationship, seeking to uncover the secret behind the strength of their bond despite the fierce on-track rivalry.

"We leave our baggage at the door," Charles responded, his tone carrying a sense of simplicity and authenticity. "When we're together, we're not 'Il Predesitano' and 'La Regina Di Cuori,'. We're simply Charles and Lexi." Laughter rippled through the room as Charles continued, humorously highlighting their ordinary, everyday selves. "The Charles who can't cook and the Ally who can't sing but still screeches her favorite songs every day."

Lewis, familiar with the dynamics between the engaged couple, chimed in with his perspective. "Honestly, they have the healthiest relationship I've ever seen," he remarked, echoing the sentiments of many who observed the pair navigate the unique challenges of a relationship within the high-pressure world of Formula 1.

Max, known for his straightforward approach, nodded in agreement. The friendship and mutual respect among the drivers were palpable, transcending the competitive nature of the sport.

Alexandra, ever articulate, added her perspective to the discussion. "I think it works because, no matter what, we support each other. If I DNF, I'll still be proud of Charles for his incredible drive, just like he'll still have sympathy for my failure. We understand each other's needs and skills, and we're proud of each other first and always."

The room, initially buzzing with anticipation for the championship showdown, now resonated with a sense of admiration for the genuine bond shared by Charles and Lexi.

Beyond the fierce competition on the track, their relationship stood as a testament to unwavering support, mutual understanding, and the enduring strength of love amidst the adrenaline-fueled world of Formula 1.

The reporters filed out of the room, leaving Max, Lewis, Charles and Lexi alone, their smiles fading into a more contemplative exchange.

The polished facade they presented during the interview hinted at a deeper complexity that lingered beneath the surface.

The past year had proven challenging, and the strains on their relationship were evident to those closest to them.

A few significant arguments had marked recent months, and the echoes of those disagreements lingered, leaving an indelible mark on their dynamic.

One particularly intense clash had resulted in Alexandra temporarily seeking refuge with Max before eventually returning to Charles.

The toll on Charles was apparent, his relentless pursuit of success in Jules' honor consuming him, eroding the vitality from his spirit.

The most significant blow, however, had come in a conversation about their future family. Charles was ready for children, eager to step into fatherhood, while Lexi was not.

She wasn't prepared to pause her career and was hesitant about passing on her family's bloodline-a stance Charles found difficult to comprehend, especially given her deep affection for her nephew, Theo.

Rather than confronting their disagreement head-on, they allowed it to fester, creating a rift that had reached its peak in a heated argument at the beginning of the season.

Their fundamental disagreement, however, found a compromise during a vulnerable, drunken night two months ago. After this season, they decided on surrogacy.

Lexi's lingering reluctance stemmed from her trauma, a hurdle she struggled to overcome. Though she had taken steps like freezing her eggs midway through the season, the wounds ran deep. Despite recent efforts to mend their relationship, the cracks in the foundation persisted, reminders of the challenges they faced in reconciling their desires and aspirations.

Lewis's concern lingered, evident in his eyes, but the couple managed to deflect the true depth of their recent struggles. As Max and Lewis gracefully excused themselves, leaving the couple in a moment of privacy, Lexi turned to Charles, a perceptive look in her eyes.

"So, how are you feeling about the weekend?" Lexi asked, her voice a soothing balm.

Charles took a moment, contemplating his response. "Terrified," he confessed with a vulnerable honesty.

Lexi, always the comforting presence, gently reassured him. "Amor, you've got this. You've been incredible all season."

As Charles mumbled something under his breath, Lexi sensed there was more to be shared. "What's wrong?" she inquired, encouraging him to open up.

He hesitated briefly before making a heartfelt request. "Ally, I need you to promise me something. Give me a fair fight. No going easy on me just because you know how much I want to win. You know how desperate I am to win this...for him. If I'm going to win, I want it to be because I deserved it."

Lexi, with a reassuring smile, reached for his hand. "Charles, you have my word. It's a fair competition, may the best driver win."

Acknowledging her commitment, Charles suggested they seal the pact with a handshake. Their laughter echoed in the room, a harmonious blend of competition, unwavering support, and genuine affection.

As they shared a gentle, loving kiss, the promise of a fair fight hung in the air, setting the tone for the intense race ahead.


Three hours later, the atmosphere in the Red Bull garage buzzed with anticipation. Alexandra stood beside her car, her gaze fixed on the bold number "1" adorning it in place of her usual "13". James joined her, a playful question on his lips.

"Taking a mental picture?" he asked, trying to infuse lightness into the moment.

She laughed, but the sound lacked its usual warmth. "I want to win, but I can't shake the thought of how crushed Charles would be if he loses."

Understanding her inner conflict, James sighed. They had witnessed the toll it took on Charles last year, his confidence shaken by Alexandra's dominant performance.

Imposter syndrome, mixed with guilt and delayed grief over his father and Jules' deaths had taken a sudden hold, pushing him to the brink of a nervous breakdown, forcing Fred Vassuer to intervene.

As James consoled his sister, assuring her that Charles would always have another chance, she found herself torn between her desire for victory and Charles' well-being. The weight of the decision pressed upon her as she stared at her car.

"What's more important, winning or Charles' sanity?" she pondered. "It's a simple answer James. Everyone is thinking it. He needs this win."

James, sensing her internal struggle, sought to reassure her. "And if you let him win, he'll never forgive you, and it'll destroy him. Promise me you won't give him an easy win."

Her half-hearted agreement drew a furrowed brow from James, prompting him to delve deeper. "What is it?"

"I feel guilty, James. As much as I want him to win...I want this too. Two titles...I'm a selfish, awful person for even saying it, but I can't let him win. He'll have to fight me for it."

James corrected her perspective,  reminding her that such determination was what made her who she was.

"No, Ally. You aren't selfish. You want to win. You want to win so bad, it's boiling your blood and screaming in your skull. That's not you being a bad person. That's you being a driver in the most competitive sport in the world. It's how every driver feels at some point in their career. You've had the taste of victory, Ally - who in their right mind would want to let that go?"

In a quiet moment of camaraderie, Alexandra enveloped James in a warm hug, a silent acknowledgment of the unwavering support he provided.

A playful glint sparkled in her eyes as she teasingly remarked "When did you get so wise?"

"That's what happens when you become a parent, I guess."  James replied.

The atmosphere shifted subtly as a shadow of discomfort crossed Alexandra's features, a poignant reminder of the delicate nature of discussions around children – a subject that resonated deeply with both her and Charles.

Swift to recognize the subtle change in tone, James, apologetic for any unintended hurt, sought to make amends.

Yet, Alexandra, ever resilient and open, chose to confront the issue directly. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing? The surrogacy?" she asked, her voice carrying the weight of uncertainty and vulnerability.

James, understanding the intricacies of her decision, responded with a blend of compassion and conviction. "Absolutely, Ally," he affirmed. "Don't let anyone else's opinions bother you, do you hear me? You and Charles are going to have a beautiful child, and you'll both love them more than you think possible. I promise you, the second you look into your babies eyes, it won't matter to you that you weren't the one to bring them to this world."

As the conversation deepened, Alexandra, yearning for reassurance regarding her potential as a mother, posed a poignant question to James. "Do you think I'd be a good mother? Do you think I can do this? Honestly, you think I'm going to end up like Mum and Dad?" The query lingered in the air, carrying the weight of both her fears and aspirations.

With a sincerity that resonated in his words, James offered his perspective. "Ally, you'll be incredible," he asserted, his gaze reflecting the unwavering belief he held in her abilities. "Your strength, resilience, and love – they're the qualities of an extraordinary mother." He paused. "And've both had a tough time this year, I get it. But Ally, the way you look at each other, the way you fight for each other. You'll both be incredible. Look at Theo - he adores you both. I promise you, you're both making the right choice." The reassurance sought by Alexandra found resonance in James's encouraging words, fostering a moment of shared understanding between the siblings.

With a heartfelt sincerity, Lexi expressed gratitude to her brother for the unwavering support he'd consistently provided throughout their shared journey. "Thank you, James, for always being there for me," she uttered, the words carrying the weight of years filled with both joy and struggle.

"I love you," she added, the sentiment genuine and profound.

In response, James reciprocated the sentiment, echoing the words, "I love you," with a warmth that transcended the ordinary bonds of siblinghood.

A tender gesture followed as he affectionately ruffled her hair, a familiar interaction that spoke volumes about their deep connection.

As James checked his watch, a reminder of the impending qualifying session, he gently prepared Lexi for the imminent challenges. "It's almost time for qualifying," he noted, the practicality of the racing world intermingling with the emotional undercurrent of the moment.

Alexandra, drawing in a deep breath, embraced the realization that the forthcoming weekend held the potential to reshape the trajectory of her life in ways she had yet to fathom. The anticipation lingered in the air, charged with a mix of excitement and trepidation, as the pivotal events of the race weekend awaited their unfolding.

"Go get 'em champ."

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