Christmas advent calendar ||...

By strawberrymochi2468

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|| COVER MADE BY ME || This is an advent calendar leading up to Christmas! (mostly just to cure my boredom :P... More

• Introduction •
Dec. 1 - Settling In
Dec. 2 - Shopping
Dec. 3 - Decorating
Dec. 4 - Getting a Christmas Tree
Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 1
Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 2
Dec. 7 - Winter Festival
Dec. 8 - Blizzard
Dec. 9 - Snow day
Dec. 10 - A/N
Dec 11 + 12 - Skating References
Dec. 11 - Ice Skating
Dec. 12 - Ice Skating pt. 2 (again???)
Dec. 13 - Visiting
Dec. 14 - Hot Chocolate around the Fire
Dec. 15 - Visiting Alan
Dec. 16 - Secret Santa
Dec. 17 - Shopping (Red & TSC)
Dec. 18 - Shopping (Yellow & Blue)
Dec. 19 - A/N
Dec. 20 - Shopping (Green & Purple)
Dec. 21 - Exchange
Dec. 22 - Cookies
Dec. 23 - Gingerbread House Competition
Dec. 24 - Movie Night
Dec. 25 - Christmas
• 𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎 •

Dec. 6 - Pillow Fort

152 6 10
By strawberrymochi2468

Blue sat on the couch, sipping a cup of warm tea.

Mango and Purple had gone grocery shopping and of course- had left him and the rest of the CG unattended at their house. It was honestly a pretty relaxing day in Blue's opinion. The soft pitter patter of the rain on the window, the quietness of the house, reading the perfect book. All was calm. All was silent–

Green fell from the attic room, barreling to the ground, somersaulting. His eyes darted around and he scrambled over to the living room, hiding behind a shadow. Green carefully peered from behind the wall, and Red dove from the attic too, holding a pillow in each hand.

Blue looked at Green, making eye contact.

"Green, what're you doing?!" Blue asked him. Red, hearing what he said, sprinted to the room Green was at, and slammed the pillows into Green's face.

"Ughh, if only I was just a little bit faster.." Green said, rubbing his head.

Blue went over to them. "So? What were you guys doing?"

Red set down the two pillows, looking up at Blue, grinning.

"We were having fun!! We have to entertain ourselves someway." Red shrugged nonchalantly as TSC and Yellow came into the room, talking.

"Hey guys!" TSC waved at them. "Uh, what's with all the pillows?"

Yellow nudged him in the shoulder. "They're making a pillow fort, obviously," he joked.

Red looked between the two, then his eyes brightened. "Actually, yeah! You're right!! We should make a pillow fort!"

Yellow looked at him, his eyes soft. "Red, don't worry, I'm only joking."

"No but Yellow, you're right! We should definitely make a pillow fort!!"

Blue joined in, putting his cup down on the counter. "Yeah it would pass the time. Purple and Mango aren't going to be back for another-" he glanced at the clock, "another hour!"

"Okay, okay. It sounds fun anyway." Yellow sat down on the couch, grinning, as Blue refilled his cup of tea.

"I'm going to go get the pillows!!" Green called, already climbing up the ladder to the attic. Red and TSC dashed to the attic as well, seizing the pillows from everybody's beds and carrying it downstairs.

Blue walked over to the storage closet by Purple's room, and opened it up, revealing extra blankets and pillows.

"Jack pot," Blue whispered under his breath, hauling the blankets onto his shoulder and carrying the pillows in his arms. Red, TSC, and Green had already made a pile of blankets and pillows in the middle of the living room, and Blue released the items on top of it, stacking it higher up to the ceiling.

TSC wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Phew! I think that's all," He glanced around at his friends, "That was a lot harder than I thought."

A moment later, Yellow came over, "Actually- wait a second." He left, then a few minutes later, came back with a few amazon boxes. "What's that for?" Green asked him. "It's for the supports! The chairs are too short, so we can just put some books in these boxes and stand it up!" He patted the boxes, but Green's expression was skeptical.

"Look, Green. When life gives ya lemons, ya have to make orange juice," Yellow quoted.

Green rolled his eyes.

"Okay, back to work!" TSC clapped his hands together and everybody started getting organized, with Yellow and Blue working on the cardboard supports and Red and Green getting the couch set up.

A few minutes went by and Green and Red finished. "You think that's good enough?" Green asked Red. "Yeah, but we could tilt it a little more to the right.."

"Hey, I thought I was supposed to be the perfectionist here!" Green lightly shoved Red, and he toppled over onto the couch.

Blue and Yellow came over.

"Yellow and I are already done with the supports, you guys need any help?" asked Blue, eyeing the couch. "That could be tilted a bit more to the right, y'know.."

"That's what I was saying!" Red got up and pushed it into the right position. TSC came over, passing around everybody's favorite drinks.

"Thanks TSC!" exclaimed Red, sipping on his hot chocolate.

Yellow inclined his head. "Yeah, thanks." he too sipped on his coffee.

TSC surveyed the work they had gotten done, and started to splay the blanket out between the cardboard boxes and the couch.

"Green, could you pass me those books over there? I need to use them as weights for the blanket." TSC explained, holding his hand out. Green passed him a few heavy books, and TSC held onto the corner of the blanket, laying it flat onto the cardboard box as he dropped the books on top. He repeated this with the other supports, using different blankets and pillows once in a while.

Yellow approached one of the boxes, and draped two smaller blankets over it. He stepped back. "Look, now it's a doorway!" Blue gave him a mini applause and Yellow bowed. "Thank you, thank you."

Green walked over to the extra boxes, and started constructing a different part of the fortress as Red turned up some music on Yellow's computer, hooking it up onto the mini speaker that Green had brought.

"Yes!! This song is awesome (just imagine your favorite song playing :D)!! Thanks Red!" Green hummed along as he worked with the pillows, adjusting it to enhance the look of the blankets.

Soon enough, they finished setting up the exterior of the fort, and Yellow was able to find some leftover string lights for the inside. Heading through the makeshift doorway of the fort, he attached the lights to the blankets. Red came in as well, looking around in awe as Yellow finished.

"Woah, this looks great, Yellow!" Red exclaimed, clapping. Blue entered through the door, followed by TSC and Green, who were hauling an armful of fluffy pillows.

TSC spilled it onto the ground and Green started to arrange the pillows in the corners of the fort, covering the dark spots.

"Perfect!" declared Green, moving back to admire the whole entire thing. "This place looks amazing! It looks twice as big as it does on the outside."

Blue grinned, replying "Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. Although– now that we're done with it, what're we supposed to do now?"

Green shrugged. "I dunno maybe we could–"


A pale blue pillow soared over from one side of the fort to the other, coming from Red, whose hands were still outstretched from throwing the pillow.

Green, turning around one second too late, got smacked in the head by the pillow. He grabbed another pillow, glaring. "I'm gonna get you for that!"

He lunged at Red, grabbing two pillows and aiming it at Red.

Red's eyes widened, whispering, "Oh, Alan" before dodging to the left. Unfortunately, right behind him was TSC.

"WATCH OUT!!" Yellow screamed at TSC, but he barely heard it as the pillow barreled, causing him to topple over cartoon-style.

TSC stood up, his eyes darkening. "You. Will. Pay."

His eyes landed on Red for less than a second, but Red knew what he had to do.

Red grabbed the nearest pillow, hurling it at TSC who caught it without even looking. TSC pointed it at Green, then feigned throwing it to the left, only for him to end up chucking it at to the right, just where Green was running to.

Green got up, shaking his finger. "Why look at you, smartie-pants," Green smirked, obviously teasing, "That would've been smart, if only you hadn't used up your last brain cell to do it."

"Says the person who has the biggest head out there."

"At least I have a brain, unlike you, you Flamin' hot Cheeto puff." [for the record, I know that flaming hot Cheeto puffs are red but I only realized that after I added the section but the conversation wouldn't be spicy without it]

"Ay, did you just call me hot?" TSC smirked- the opposite of a frowning Green.

"This isn't over yet!" Green seized the pillow next to him, attempting to throw it at TSC. Fortunately, TSC had created a pillow barrier for himself, and was hoarding the pillows that were flying over him.

Blue, Yellow, and Red just watched, sipping their drinks like it was just another entertainment show. Suddenly, a pillow landed on Blue's lap. 

He looked at Yellow.

Yellow looked at Red.

Blue grinned, then decided to make his own area between Green and TSC, starting to throw pillows at both of them.

TSC and Green noticed what Blue was doing and started aiming at him too.

"HELP!!" Blue cried out to Yellow and Red. They rushed over to him, collecting the pillows nearest to their mini fort. Yellow saw a large pillow out to the distance, but it was far away.

"Guys, I'm gonna get that pillow over there. Once I get it, we can make a barrier!" He raced over, dodging as much cross-fire as he could. He was nearly there when Green's pillow knocked into him, making him fall over like a bowling pin.

"NOOOO, YELLOW!!!" Blue shrieked, rushing over to Yellow. Blue crouched down next to him, trying to hear his last words.

"Blue..just remember... .   ."

"Yellow, YELLOW! What do you want me to do-"

The cold air rushed inside as the front door creaked open and Mango and Purple came in, clutching bags of groceries. Mango walked over to the counter and set a paper down on the counter, labeled "winter festival".

They surveyed the room; a fort held up by a couch and cardboard boxes sat in the back. Pillows littering the floor. TSC and Green protected by barriers. Blue crouched next to Yellow, both their eyes wide. Red stopping a pillow mid-swing.

Purple stared at them, confuzzled.

"..Are we interrupting something?"

    ° ° °

1580 words <33

(started Monday dec. 4 || finished Tuesday dec. 5)

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