Sword art online: New world

By iiday_EOlyne1

643 31 0

SAO NEW WORLD is getting reedit right now! There will be some parts that are being redone for a better way fo... More

Chapter - 1 A New beginning.
Chapter - 2 Floor 55.
Chapter - 3 Knights of the blood Oath.
Chapter - 4 The Gleam Eyes.
Chapter - 5 What's your name?
Chapter - 6 Laughing Coffin.
Chapter - 8 Plan attack for floor 74.
Chapter - 9 Fight on floor 74.
Chapter - 10 The end of the road.
Chapter - 11 I'm home?
Chapter - 12 I'm sorry.
Chapter - 13 ALfheim Online.
Chapter - 14 Her Secret skills.
Chapter - 15 Emiko and Kiara.
Chapter - 16 Where it all started.
Chapter - 17 The rare skill.
Chapter - 18 Her trauma past.
Chapter - 19 The Truth.
Chapter - 20 Kirito's new job?
Chapter - 21 Gun Gale online
Chapter - 22 First shot gun.
Chapter - 23 Girl's day out.
Chapter - 24 The golden sword.
Chapter - 25 Goodbye Yuuki.
Chapter - 26 Rath.
Chapter - 27 The teleporter.
Chapter - 28 The testers for the underworld.

Chapter - 7 A plan.

15 1 0
By iiday_EOlyne1

Without a plan we lose, but with a plan we might succeed. Kiara:


After that attack, me and Asuna were burned out, i mean literally rushing from our nap to save Kiara and Emiko, Emiko came to the knights of the bloods oaths for help and they got a hold of us for back up.

What didn't make sense was why didn't Kiara call after using herself as bait is what we heard from Emiko.

I flop on the bed and stare up at the ceiling, i just wanna call it a night and sleep after fighting that player off it was tough as nails not gonna lie but something about him seemed often familiar.

His name.

"Come on you lazy butt, time to get up and help me put things away." Asuna stands by the doorway arms crossed her light smile across her lips as she tilts her head a bit to the side.

"I'm coming." I yawned and pull myself up and walk out to the living room helping her put stuff away from our way back she wanted to stop by and get some small things for her house. Our little house.

Asuna turns her head a bit over to me giving me that look. "What's the matter?" I blink a few times at as she shakes her head and continues to place down the new items. "I can't believe Kiara almost died, to those freak heads." The way she worded left her in chills.

I mean they were freaks, trying to kill red players do that they don't care. They don't care about anything besides killing off whoever they come across of.

Asuna pushes herself back up throwing her hands on her hips and smiles around our little cabin. "There it's perfect!" She claps her hands together and smiles around her eyes find mine.

We got a house well a cabin, about a few months ago and we live in the middle of the forest with a huge lake. It's quite quiet i can say the least and i enjoy it.

"Yeah, i know and i don't understand why they wanted her too." I say. To be honest she never gave us the reason why and that is still something i need to speak to her about. She sighs and looks at me.

"They wanted that rare power she has, i mean no one can get their hands on it now, so the only way they can is by killing her off." Asuna explains that makes sense now all of this.

The reason for them using Emiko against her, they way they planned all this so they can get that rare skill.

People are going nuts about this game, they already made it like home, people are killing NPC more and more, and killing real players.

But we can't stay here forever our real bodies in real life can't handle us being here forever, we could even die in the real world. 

Our bodies are probably hooked up in the hospitals. Where we are barely even hanging on how much long can we keep going like this? A plan.

We need a plan.

"Asuna." She turns and looks over at me from her shoulder, i turn and see she is setting up flowers on the dining table but i walk closer to her and she eyes me weirdly.

"What's wrong Kirito?" I grab her hand and pull her to the side of the kitchen, and the look in her eyes says she is concerned for me but there is nothing to worry about.

"What is it Kirito?" She studies me as i turn around and place both hands on either side of her face, cupping them in the process.

"Look, i know we wanna live here forever and trust me i wish we could but we need to get back to the real world soon." She sighs as she slowly drops her head to the floor.

I get she doesn't want too, we made a life here together and i don't wanna shatter it but i would rather live my life with her in the real world not this kind of world where we could die any minute.

But she took me by surprise when she lifts her head back up and smiles up at me her eyes shine so much with the light reflecting off of them they shimmer and glow and i force a smile too.

She reaches out and grabs mine hands that are still cupping her face. "Yeah i know we do, so what's the plan of getting out of here?" I lean my head forward to rest against hers and explain my plan to her.


I wish i could just walk right into that office and punch the living hell out of that old motherfucker. I pace back and forth biting on my fingernail and i can't seem to relax. Really did he think i had time to call for help?!

I mean all i did was trying to save my friend from being killed! And he had the guts to say i should have call for backup and not use myself as bait?! "Calm down Kimiko." Emiko says from across me as i keep pacing.

"I can't, he just pisses me off." I throw my hands up and lower them back down next to my sides

"Listen, i get that you wanna go up there and punch the living shit out of him but we need to sit here and wait for Kirito and Asuna to get here." Emiko folds her arms in front of her and leans back against the wall.

How can she be so calm right now, after all that has happen she should be freaked out, uncomfortable, scared. Yet here she is relax like a cat bathing in the sun with her eyes closed and her arms crossed.

I sighed and walk over to her and sat down next to her and lean my back up against the wall. I also do shut my eyes and fold my arms across from me. "What do you think they wanna talk to us about?" She asked from beside me.

"I don't know maybe another boss room to fight." I yawn.

"You sound tired." I nodded still keeping my eyes shut. "Because i am."

"Meh, well come on wake up." She shakes me now, i force my eyes open and stare at her as she still shakes me like a leaf. "Hey cut it out!" I push her away and she has the nerves to chuckle.

She stops and looks over my shoulder and i give her a confuse look and turn my head to see what she was looking at, Kirito and Asuna half jog over to us and stop midway to catch their breath.

"Hey, sorry for the short notice." Kirito pulls himself back up and gives me a small wave, "It's okay, what's up?" I pull myself up from the ground and dust my butt off in the process. "We have a plan." Kirito says.

"And that plan is?" I turn around and face the two.

Kirito leans up against the wall and crosses his arms behind his head and stares up at the sky. "We talked to Heathcliff about our plan and we are on for it.

I raise a brow at them and control my rage from them not telling me what it is, but i lose it. "What is this plan?!" I say out of frustration.

Kirito chuckles lightly and lifts both his brows at me and goes on about his plan that me and Emiko have been already waiting for.

"We are going to floor 75 in three days, we are trying to get everyone in this game to join us."

Me and Emiko look back at each other giving the same face expression. "Why so many players?" Emiko asked breaking eye contact with me and eyeing Kirito who is still leaning up against the wall looking cool as ever.


"Well because it's a huge boss, Heathcliff says it's a powerful one so we need as many players as we can get." Once i heard Asuna bring up it's name i wanted to cuss my brains off but..

I can't we need to stay focus on clearing the floors now.

"Okay so what do we do now?" I say wanting something to do then wait three days and do no such thing, my idea was we all could get some healing potions and some more gears.

"Well, we need to buy as many healing potion's we can, and-" Emiko cuts her off for a moment and says.

"Wait when is this attack gonna happen?"

"In three days." Kirito informs her. 

"So how will this help us get out of this world."

"Well Heathcliff says, that if we beat that boss the rest of the floors should be easy so we can go to the next and keep going." Asuna explains, this sounds fishy how does this man know if it is gonna be easy?

"Oh, that's good. But how does he know so much about the floors?" Asuna shakes her head. "Not sure, but i don't care as long as we can clear this game and go home that's all that matters."

I don't blame her i don't care either, but this still sounds fishy.

"As long as we can beat this game that's all that does matter Asuna is right." Kirito says reaching for her hand and interlocking their fingers together.

"Yeah easy for you to say, no one is brave enough to even go in there anymore." I started. "Everyone in this game already made this game like home." I finish what i wanted to say and it's true everyone believes this is home.

I wanted to as well two years ago.

"Hmm." Kirito hums nodding his head in agreement.

"She has a point, no one has reached floor 74 or floor 75 yet because they wanted to quit and deal with the fact this is home to them." I nod to everything he is saying because it's true.

"Yeah but why? Are they all giving up?" Emiko speaks lightly beside me. I nod, giving her the truth, knowing it is the truth.

I get people don't wanna try anymore because death is waiting for them on the other side but we can't give up now, we have to keep trying and that's when i get an idea. "I have a idea."

They all eye me now and i push away from Emiko and stand in the middle.

"If we can get everyone's attention we can try and tell them what could happen if we don't try and win this game." I stated. If they know that if we are all in hospitals and the fact that are bodies might not be able to last long they might just try.

"If we can some how find a way to get my face up there and around this whole game i can warn everyone." Kirito stares at me knowing my idea sounds great but something else is swimming between those night sky eyes.

"There is no way, even so how would we know if they will help us?" He says, and of course he always has a point. I sighed deeply and look above us, will they listen? Will they help us?

I don't wanna scare them but they need to know the truth. "Well how else can we warn everyone?" I give Kirito a look, a look that says what is your idea then? 

I don't have all the answers and i gave them my best idea but right now it's someone else's turn to share theirs. But i look back down and see that they are look looking at me.

Look at someone else not just me.

"Well, You're the smart one here Kimiko." Kirito grins and moves forward to stand right next to me.

Oh this motherfucker.

"Ugh! Why does everyone think i have all the ideas!"

I say out loud this is not fair. Because this is not fair leaving all this on me? What if something happens and I'm held responsible for their deaths or accidents?

"Listen, i appreciate the nice comments but i can't be held for that, I'm sorry."

I don't wanna make a plan and have it all be on me, what if someone or a lot of people die because of my failure plans?

"Hey, no sweat but we at least need something just for a back up plan." Kirito says.

I stare at everyone who is still eyeing me. "Okay fine, but it's a small plan." I shift uncomfortably away from him and walk back to Emiko. 

"We should meet with the commander and tell him this plan too." I look back up to Asuna who is the one that spoke and i nod in agreement even though i wanna kill that man. "Yeah we should." Kirito says to Asuna.

I don't like that idea but do I really have a say in that matter? No, I guess not.

"You okay with that Kimiko?" Do I really have a choice to say no I am not?

"Yeah sure, whatever."

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽:

We headed inside to the commander's office and waited for him to return we wanted to tell him our plan well basically, my plan. So we can try and find a way to get out of this game make it to the floors quickly.

We hear a door open and he steps inside.

"Oh." He jumps a bit from our surprise being here without letting him know.

I hope he had a heart attack damn it.

"I wasn't expecting company?" Of course you weren't you creep.

"What do I own such a party?" Asuna stands and walks over to him.

"Commander Heathcliff." 


She took a deep breath and begins our plan.

"We have a plan on trying to figure out how we can face all the floors in one go, we're trying to figure out how we can get everybody's attention that is in this game, and see if we can group up." He looks at her for a moment then he speaks.

"The whole game? everyone?" Kirito, Asuna and Emiko nodded i just keep glaring at the old fat ass.

"Well that is ridiculous. How are we going to get everybody here and have everybody listen?"

That's the hard part. How?

"Well Kimiko had an idea but-" I cut her off before she could go on with that because hold up!

"Hey woah!" I shot up and stare at them.

"I did not, i just said we need to find a way to get their attention nothing else!" Why did she do me like that and for what reason?! 

"Right sorry." She smiles nervously and looks back at him.

"Hmm, I could try and sent out a group and have them tell everyone but it could take days, weeks, Months, perhaps even a year or two."

A year and two?!

No way!

No way am I waiting a few more years to get the hell out of here!


I fold my arms in front of me and stare up at everyone and even him.

"No way are we waiting for a few years just for this hell to end, we do it my way then." Everyone is looking at me like i just told them i was gonna kill them all now, i mean this plan could kill everyone.

I mean that's what this suicide mission is now.

"And what way would that be Miss, Kimiko." Heathcliff said but he sounds different, off, tired.

"We find as many players as we can and form a huge party and attack the big bosses no backing down." I slam my foot down and look at them.

"We waited for what?! Two years to enjoy this life so far?" I shake my head, life? No this is hell and prison. 

"This isn't a life, this is hell and we need to stop acting like this is our new god damn world and let's go back to our real lives and our real world!!" I'm sick of waiting i wanna go back, knowing i don't wanna but i can't live here for the rest of my life knowing i can die no matter what.

"I am in." Emiko says walking up to me she stands by my side and i stare at her a bit. Emiko...

"Me too." Asuna stands next to me on my right guys... Don't do this...

"Count me in." Kirito added.

Klein leads his group over to us and the only one that didn't follow us is Heathcliff. "Yeah us too!"

I eye him down knowing we are gonna do this with or without him, he can do whatever he wants but we want out.

We want our freedom back.

"Very well." He lowers his head and takes small steps towards me. He stops and stands before me as i force myself to look up at him.

"We will do it your way, Kimiko." He offers me that soft smile and reaches his hand out.

I look at his hand and back up at him.

I shake it.

"We will meet back up here tomorrow, and move on from there." He explains and i offer that sweet little smile he must hate because when i did it he backs away. "Sure."

"You won!" Emiko shakes me from behind. "No it was just the death stare, but who knows."

Asuna and Kirito smile to each other and Klein places a hand onto my shoulder and says.

"Hey, that was a pretty good damn ass speech, and uhm I'm sorry for trying to hit on you the first time i saw you." I shake my head and smile at him.

"Nah you're good, a lot of guys try to flirt with me i just have to show them I'm stronger than them."

I said.

"Oh right like the time you brought your blade to my throat haha, how could i forget." He chuckles nervously and backs up a bit. 

If we reach floor 74 without a problem we can move to floor 75, and hopefully floor 76, ands 77 in a day.

"Hey!" Someone snaps their finger in front of my face and i look up at them, i was too busy thinking about how much rest we would need to be able to keep attacking bosses after bosses.

"Huh what?" I blink at Emiko who is standing in front of me her glasses slide down her little nose a bit and her gray eyes follow my dark blue ones.

"You okay?" I nodded and pat her little head.


𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽:

Me and Emiko headed back to my place and i wanted to train a bit with my swords, knowing i wanna be ready for this fight, and the next one, and the next one.

I swing my blades out and swing them around, i even have some new skills up my sleeves i gotta learn them anyways.

One swing to the left, high jump swing attack.

Twin blade sword art skill.

Flop swing attack?

Interesting name for a skill.

One blow, swing?

Okay what else is there?

I swipe down on my screen in front of me as i read through the skills i have.

Swing upper cut attack? I wanna try that one it sounds pretty cool.

I click it to read it away,  First attack to the chest, legs, and upper body cut swing out, *Must have rare item skill*

I mean i already have it so. I swipe down to read more i turn around and get ready to use it and see how it goes, before i give it a go i was interrupted by someone walking in the field.

"What you doing?" I turn around and see Emiko behind me.

"Learning new skills." I tell her truthfully.

"Oh cool can i see some of them?" I turn to her and nod my head. "Don't judge me I'm still learning them." She laughs and moves to the side. "I'm not a judge person." You better not be.

I swipe the screen off and move back a bit.

I swing my blades to my side and get in my stances, i kick my right foot back and swing my blades out seeing this gust of wind was forming around me.

I hold back the blast and release it and i see a huge wind that almost looks like a slicing blast form behind me. As i swing it off my blades and watch it slicing hard into the trees in front of me cutting them all down without a second to blink.

My jaw drops a bit, knowing i just learned a new skill i stare down at my blades and huff a bit from surprised.


"That.. was.. AMAZING!"

She jumps out of her seat and comes running up to me.

"How did you control the wind like that?!" I have no idea i didn't even know i could even slice the air like that? I just keep shaking my head at her and she can tell i was taken by surprise.

"Well, that was pretty cool!" She laughs and looks back at the fallen trees.

"Man they were such pretty tree's too." I laugh at that, how funny she thinks these are the only trees that are left in the game.

"Nah, don't worry there are more tree's Emiko." I swing my blades back behind my back and click them in place.

I rest my hands on my upper hips and stare up at the sky.

"Do you think we can do it?" I turn to her and i see that look in her eyes, she is not sure neither am i.

"I don't know Emiko i wish i could tell you the truth but i don't know." She smiles and looks down at the ground.

"I have a question, well more like a request." She holds both her hands in front of her and turns to me.

"Sure what's up?" She takes a deep breath and looks up at me again.

"If i ever die or if i don't make it out of here alive, can you take my ashes and place them into the ocean?"

I stare at her for a moment.

"That's crazy Emiko you and i are gonna make it out of here alive." I shake my head in disapproval she is crazy if she thinks I'm gonna let her die so fast like that.

"What if i don't Kimiko then what?" This is crazy. "I'm not having this talk with you, you're gonna make it i will make sure of it."

She shake her head her smile is gone.

"Just if i ever do die, please do that for me, i just love the ocean so much when i die i wanna go there and walk on the water and watch the waves splashing against my legs." I stare at my feet now, does she not wanna live? Does she not wanna make it out of here alive?

"Okay, i promise." I smile over to her.

And her big smile comes back again.

She wraps her arms around me and this time i didn't let go. "Thank you!"

"I love you so much Kimiko." She whisper into the crook of my neck i can feel her lips still smiling against my skin.

"I love you too."

Having a friend like her is worth living on with, without her i wouldn't be here.

AHHHH I love them both so much!

She is like a friend i have in real life man holy.

Did everyone enjoy this chapter let me know by liking it so we can keep going!

𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿: 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗿 𝟳𝟰.

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